//------------------------------// // Luna's Interrogation // Story: The Luck Dragon and the Moon // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// The next day, Twilight was getting ready to leave for Canterlot, while her friends saw her off. "What exactly are you going to do, darling?", asked Rarity. "I'm going to have a talk with Princess Luna.", Twilight replied. "Ya do know it's rude to go sticking your nose in the princess's business.", said Applejack raising a brow. "I know, but I'm just curious. As to why Luna never mentioned anything.", replied Twilight, "It's like she doesn't want anyone to know about Nick." "Well didn't you hear Nick, his kind were being hunted illegally. She's obviously trying to protect him. She loves him that much, darling.", retorted Rarity. "Bye guys, I'm going to visit Nick!", said Fluttershy, flying away. "All right girls I better get going. Bye!", sighed Twilight. Back in the forest, Nick was napping, then he heard his name being called. "Nicckkkk!", shouted Pinkie, along with Dashie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack. Nick yawned and clambered on down from his tall rock in front of the girls. "Oh, it's you! I was afraid would forget about me!", he smiled, getting out the tea and biscuits. "How could we forget about a cool guy like you!", exclaimed Rainbow Dash, who punched him in the side, resulting in her screaming out in pain. "Yeah, I wouldn't recommend that, under all this fur, I'm rock solid.", he laughed, "Where's Twilight?" "She's gone to talk to Princess Luna.", answered Applejack. "I hope she hasn't gone to ask about me. She's a little sensitive about me, thinking if anypony knew about me, I would be in danger.", said Nick. "Oh, she is. We tried to stop her. We're sorry.", said Fluttershy. "It's not your fault. I just hope that Luna hasn't forgotten about me.", he sighed. Meanwhile, Luna stood on a balcony overlooking Canterlot. "Oh my precious Braveheart, how I crave the sight of you by my side. The warmth of your fur. And I dream of your music that you play so sweetly.", she sighed. "Princess Luna, I need to speak with you.", said Twilight walking in. Luna snapped back to reality. "What is it you need?", she asked. "It's about Nick.", Twilight replied, "We met him in the Everfree Forest." "What is this, Nick, you speak of?", Luna asked. "Nick Braveheart the Luck Dragon. I know you knew him once. Please, you can tell me.", Twilight went on. Luna sighed. "Alright then. Nick and me were really good friends when we were kids. One day, he asked if I would be his special somepony, I couldn't say no. And that's the way we stayed. Until his kind started to get hunted. That was during my exile. Celestia did all she could by outlawing it and sent Nick into hiding. Now, he's the last of his kind." "Well you don't have to worry, he's well hidden.", smiled Twilight. "There's more to it than that.", Luna said with tears in her eyes.