The Luck Dragon and the Moon

by DaiAtlas2016

Luck Dragons, Bushes, and Apples

At that moment, Celestia walked up. "Sister, what's wrong?", she asked.
"It's Nick, Twilight and her friends found him.", she answered, still crying.
"Is he hurt?", Celestia asked with a concerned look on her face.
"He's fine. It's just,...I want him back!", she exclaimed before completely breaking down into a gush of tears. Celestia put her hoof around Luna.
"I'm sure we'll find a way to get him back without alarming everypony.", Celestia said, comforting Luna.
"Alarming everypony?", Twilight asked with a confused look on her face.
"Most of Equestria fears all other dragons that aren't Spike. They think Spike is the only nice dragon in Equestria.", Celestia replied.
"But he's not! Nick is probably the sweetest dragon I ever met.", exclaimed Twilight.
"I know that, but until we figure out how to make Equestria comfortable with Nick, I'm afraid Nick remains in the Everfree Forest.", she said sadly. Luna cried even more at this.

Meanwhile, Applejack was walking home, a big bush following her.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?", Nick's voice asked from the bush.
"Well you can't starve yourself on biscuts, berries and leaves. You need a good home cooked meal. Granny won't mind.", she smiled.
When they reached Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack went inside first.
"Applejack's home!", shouted Applebloom, charging at Applejack and hugging her.
"Hey Granny, is it alright if I brought a guest to supper?", asked Applejack.
"I don't see why not!", she exclaimed happily, "Invite them in!"
"Nick, you can come in!", Applejack shouted out.
When Nick came in, Granny gasped. "Well bless my soul! Are you a Luck Dragon? Haven't seen one of those in a Long time!"
"Yes, mam. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Nick Braveheart the Luck Dragon, but you can call me Nick.", he smiled, bowing with his wings spread.
"Wow! Miss Cheerilie told us all about Luck Dragons! She said they were all gone.", Applebloom said excitedly, taking a closer look at Nick.
"Go on and have ya self a seat! Tonight, you eat like an Apple!", grinned Applejack.

Twilight finally got back to Ponyville, and went to pick up Spike from Rarity's before going home.
"Twilight! How'd it go?", Rarity asked.
"Well, I made Luna cry, if that tells ya anything.", she sighed, "How's Nick?"
"Fabulous! Did you know that Luck Dragons can fly so fast, they can set off 3 Sonic Rainbooms in a row?! And carry things 3 times their size!!!!", she answered excitedly, "Oh, and Applejack took him to get something better to eat. Under all that fur, he's skinnier than a needle!"
"She whaaaatttt!", exclaimed Twilight.