//------------------------------// // Reunited // Story: The Luck Dragon and the Moon // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// Back at Applejack's, Nick had just taken a seat, when Applebloom started up again. "Is it true that you can play music with your wings? Is it true you're not carnivorous? Can you fly?" "Whoa there, sugar cube. Let him eat. We're having Apple Fondue.", smiled Applejack. "It's ok, at least do one at a time.", grinned Nick, taking a spoonful of Fondue. "Firstly, yes I can play with my wings." He spread out his wings to show the strings. "And amazingly, I can still fly. And no, I am an omnivore, but the only meat I'll eat is fish." "Fish? Like those little scaly things that swim? Eww...", replied Applebloom. Nick laughed. "Aww, do you not like it? Hmm..this is good.", he said, devouring the Fondue. "Have some more, Nick.", smiled Granny, spooning him more. Twilight stormed in. "What the hay are you doing?! Did anypony else see him?", she exclaimed. "Firstly, I'm beefing up Nick here, he's skinnier than a fiddle string for pony's sake! And secondly, I had him camouflaged.", she said firmly. "And you! Why did you let her do it?!", she glared at Nick. "I...umm..." "Don't you dare speak to my Braveheart like that!" The princesses stood outside of the house. Luna was glaring at Twilight, while Celestia giggled. "I'm sorry, Luna. But..." "Luna?" Nick had gotten up from the table and walked to the doorway. "My Dear Braveheart...you've grown, but you're still good looking.", blushed Luna, looking at Nick with tears in her eyes. "And you're still as beautiful as the day I met you.", smiled Nick. The others had arrived just as Nick was putting his wing around Luna. Rarity got out a handkerchief and started crying, "So romantic!" "Nick, remember that promise you made, many years ago?", Luna sighed, putting her head under his chin. "The one where I said I wouldn't eat your cookies? Yeah, I snitched a couple.", Nick grinned mischievously. Luna laughed. "No My Dear, the one where you said you would marry me. I still have the ring." And on her horn was a gold ring with a giant sapphire in the center. "Do you still feel that way about me?" "Luna, My Dear, you know I do.", he smiled passionately. They then kissed a kiss so romantic, Rarity fainted.