The Luck Dragon and the Moon

by DaiAtlas2016

Luna's Happiest Day

After a couple of months of preparation, it was finally time for Nick and Luna's wedding. It took a while to get everypony calmed down after they saw Nick, but eventually when they got to know him they calmed down. Twilight's brother, Shining Armor even volunteered to be Nick's bestpony.
"My Papa's a nice guy, and I think he looks cute and cuddly with his white fur.", giggled Cadance, helping Luna get ready, and having just told Twilight that Nick was her adoptive father.
"Yes, I love him dearly. I'm happy. There's no other word to describe it.", Luna smiled happily.
"I'm so happy for you sister, but I think you're jumping the gun, you and Nick already have names for your foals. What were they again?", said Celestia.
"We only have 3! Nick Braveheart the Luck Dragon II, Stella, and Bella.", Luna retorted.
"There darling, you're ready!", smiled Rarity, "You better get going, don't want to keep Nick waiting." Luna was now dressed in a light blue wedding dress, had her mane tied up in a ponytail, and a blue wedding veil over her face.

Meanwhile, Shining Armor and his friends were helping Nick with final preparations.
"Nick, I don't know how you did it, but you're getting ready to marry one of the sister princesses, how'd you do it?", grinned Shining as he straightened Nick's bow tie and suit.
"There were no tricks to it. I guess it was when I got the nerve to ask her to be my special somepony, she took a liking to me.", the Luck Dragon smiled.

Finally, everypony was ready. Nick stood at the altar, along with Celestia and Shining. Then Luna walked down the aisle, followed by the Cutie Mark Crusaders tossing flowers. When he turned to look at Luna, his eyes remained on her till she came up.
"You look fabulous!", he said.
"Oh stop it...", she blushed, nuzzling him. His wings popped open automatically. Celestia smiled. After the vows, they kissed. Nick could barely pull himself away she had such a tight grip. A huge applause came from the crowd. Funny thing was, Rarity wasn't the one crying, it was Applejack.
"I'm so proud of you!", she sniffed. Nick gave her a big hug before he walked out of the castle with Luna. As they walked through the crowd, Luna whispered to him,
"Nick, I need to talk to you about something tonight."
"Yes?", he said with a listening look. Luna smiled as she said one word,
"This'll be exciting. Me, raising kids. I did it once, I could do it again!", he grinned.