//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: A Trixie Situation // by Autum Breeze //------------------------------// Chapter 4 ___________________________________________________________ “Is everybody alright?” Applejack asked as the group came together after the second round of the Friendship Games had finished, Trixie hurrying over to Sunset and hugging onto her tightly. Seeing her almost crushed by that plant her scared her in ways she couldn’t even explain. “Better than alright,” Rainbow Dash said, landing, her Pony Up still in effect. “We won!” The other girls all cheered. Sunset pulled off her helmet, her expression strained. “Yeah, we won. But somebody could’ve been seriously hurt!” She put a hand on Trixie and the little girl blushed as she realized Sunset was thinking about her as well as the others. Sunset threw her arms in the air. “The magic is going haywire and I’ve no clue how ta fix it!” Trixie backed up a little, seeing Sunset was getting very tense. She remembered this from back when the girl hadn’t been kind, back before Twilight first came to Canterlot High. “Um... excuse me,” a voice said, causing them all to turn as the Twilight from their world was standing nearby, holding some kind of circular purple pendant. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to learn about the strange energy coming from your school. I didn’t know it was magic or... how it works.” Rainbow grinned, walking towards the girl. “That’s okay. Neither do we.” As she said this Trixie noticed the pendant around Twilight’s neck glowing with a purple light and got a very bad feeling. “Oh no!” Twilight cried as the pendant levitated and pulled her a bit closer towards Rainbow Dash. “No, no-no-no! Not again!” As she spoke the pendant opened, revealing a glowing purple sphere within. Trixie’s eyes widened in horror as a blue energy started flowing from Rainbow Dash, her grunting in distress, and into the pendant. She and Sunset rushed forward, grabbing Rainbow as she dropped to her knees, looking drained. Trixie could hear Twilight talking, followed by an angry sounding Sunset, but she was focused on Rainbow Dash. Seeing her energy being drained was really scary. Suddenly she heard a small sound, like a sparking, and looked up to see a hole opening in the sky, revealing a starry night sky through the hole. Seeing a circle of the night sky among the day time was eerie to say the least. “It also causes these corresponding rifts to appear.” Trixie turned to look at Twilight, before she realized what was going on. That hole in the sky was an opening between their world and Equestria. The only reason that would’ve happened is if Twilight’s pendant possessed magic that allowed one to pass between the worlds... like the portal that was now gone! At once her rage flared, and she stood next to Sunset, who seemed equally as mad. “I don’t know how that works either!” Twilight said, her eyes on the open pendant. “Is there anything you do know?!” Sunset demanded, taking a step forward, her anger causing Trixie’s to falter as she looked up and saw an expression Sunset hadn’t worn since her days as the cruel girl she’d been before Princess Twilight arrived... only it seemed justified somehow. “Like, how to get our magic back or fix the portal to Equestria?!” “Equestria?” Twilight asked quietly. “Because of you, the portal is closed and we have no way of contacting the one being who knows enough about magic that we can fix Trixie!” Sunset continued, her eyes boaring into the other girl, before pointing at her head, her teeth clenched. “You’re supposed to be so smart, but did you ever think you shouldn’t be messing with things you don’t understand?” Sunset forced the pendant closed and the hole in the sky closed up, leaving the sky as empty and blue as before, as if no opening between the worlds had ever opened there. “But I wanna understand—” Trixie could see tears welling in Twilight’s eyes. “But you don’t!” Sunset cut the lavender girl off, pushing the pendant down. “Because of what you’ve done, Trixie is stuck as a child. And worst of all, you put the lives of my friends in danger!” The tears were almost falling now as Trixie stepped back from Sunset, both happy and scared the girl was defending her and the others so strongly. “I’m sorry,” Twilight said, taking a step back. “I didn’t mean to.” With that she ran off, sobbing, Trixie hesitating for a moment when her dog called after her as she ran to follow. Sunset stood, fuming, but when Rainbow Dash put a hand on her shoulder, her expression blanked for a moment, before she face-palmed. Trixie took a tentative step forward and took Sunset’s hand, looking up at her with concern. Sunset glanced down at her and sighed, looking tired. That could’ve gone a lot better, Trixie thought, turning in the direction Twilight had run off to. I hope they can fix things, soon. ___________________________________________________________ Trixie watched as Sunset and Twilight were enveloped in the light of Sunset’s magic, her heart pounding, Rainbow Dash standing right next to her. When Twilight had transformed into... whatever she had turned into, she’d started attacking everywhere, causing more holes to open to show Equestria. She’d even made eye-contact with a pony on the other side of one of them, right before the very ground beneath her had broken away. For a split-second, she’d been terrified as she saw it opened in Equestria’s sky, meaning she was going to fall through it. Thankfully, Rainbow grabbed her, shouting, “I got ya, Trixie!” before pulling her up and moving to help one of the other CHS students who was about to fall in. Then, when Sunset transformed into what Trixie could only call an angel and fired white beams of magic at the openings, closing them, one had passed over Trixie and she’d felt something odd. She didn’t feel different, per say, but she felt as if something bad within her had been removed, washed away by the magic passing through her. Now, Trixie held her hands together, waiting to see what would happen. Would Twilight be returned to normal, or were she and Sunset both gone? That thought terrified her to no end. While it would mean she would have no one to care for her, the idea of Sunset being gone made her heart ache for reasons to couldn’t understand, bringing tears to her eyes as she watched the white light. When the light faded a few moments later, both Twilight and Sunset were standing in the middle of where it had been, both looking ragged, but normal. Trixie’s heart swelled and the tears started anew, though she wore a smile this time. Before she could react further, though, Spike beat her to it, running forward and tackling Twilight, her glasses in his mouth. “Sunset!” the named girl turned as Trixie rushed forward and clung onto her, sobbing both with joy and sadness. “I-I thought I’d never see you again!” Sunset bent down and wrapped Trixie in her arms and simply held her. “Hey, everything’s okay,” she said, rubbing the back of Trixie’s head gently. “It’s all okay.” Trixie didn’t understand why she’d been so scared, but she didn’t care now. Sunset’s words and warmth made her feel better, and she smiled into the embrace. “Principal Celestia,” a firm voice Trixie didn’t want to hear said, causing her and Sunset, along with everyone else, to turn, seeing Principal Cinch walking up to Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. “This can’t end well,” Spike said from in Twilight’s arms behind them. “On behalf of Crystal Prep,” Cinch said, her expression firm as she stared down Celestia, “I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games!” Trixie’s eyes narrowed. Seriously? Sunset just saved the world from being destroyed and all that woman cares about is the stupid games? “Clearly, CHS has had unfair advantage for quite some time,” Cinch continued, folding her arms. “And it’s certainly obvious that your students have been using magic for their own benefit.” To Trixie’s surprise, Principal Celestia gave a smile, a knowing smile Trixie saw her wear whenever someone was trying to pull the wool over her eyes. “I’d like to think saving the world benefits us all,” Celestia replied, her smile becoming a coy smirk. “At least they didn’t manipulate Twilight into unleashing the stolen magic, turning into a power-crazed magical creature that tried to rip the world apart just to win a game,” the girl Trixie remembered as Sugar Coat said at a speed that would rival Pinkie Pie. There was silence for a moment as everyone stared at her. “Wow,” Pinkie said, before smiling, “that’s a lot to take in when you say it all at once.” “That’s ridiculous!” Cinch said, narrowing her eyes at the girl. “Nope,” Spike said from Twilight’s arms. “That’s pretty much what happened.” Cinch blinked, clearly not having realized Spike could talk... though Trixie still needed to ask how that happened. “Actually, we’re all to blame,” the girl who’s name Trixie couldn’t remember, but could remember the girl for her rapid mood shifts, which the girl then demonstrated by her face souring as she said, “Mostly it was her!” Cinch gritted her teeth, then whirled around to glare at Celestia. “Obviously, my students have been infected with your magic!” “Or they actually have a sense of right and wrong, unlike you,” Trixie said, folding her arms and glaring up at the woman she no longer found intimidating. Everyone blinked for a moment, taking in the fact that a five-year-old girl had just told off Cinch and been right. However, Cinch shook off Trixie’s words and returned to glare at Celestia. “You think a little girl can tell me off and I’ll listen. You may have infected my students, but I plan on taking this all up with the school board!” Celestia's smile just became more knowing, somehow. “Good. I’m sure they’d be very interested in hearing all about the magical students with wings,” her smirk returned as she finished. “Oh, and the portals to different dimensions,” Luna said, her eyes squinting as she clearly tried not to laugh. “And don’t forget to tell them about the talking dog,” Cadance said, managing to keep her expression from mirroring the other two’s, though since she worked with Cinch, Trixie reasoned that was wise, though she did chuckle a little. “Because that would never ruin your reputation,” Spike grinned, while Sunset and Trixie smirked at Cinch in unison, their arms folded over their chests. Cinch looked around, noticing all the CHS students were either smirking or giving her firm looks, and all the Crystal Prep students were doing so as well. For a moment, she looked like she was going to explode, but then her expression became neutral and she walked off. ___________________________________________________________ “Still no word from Princess Twilight?” Fluttershy asked Sunset, who was leaning against the stone the portal was connected to, Trixie standing next to her. “Not yet,” the bacon-haired girl replied, “but I think I might have figured out how magic works in this world. We Pony Up when we’re showing the truest part of ourselves.” She looked down at Trixie, held her book to her chest with one arm, whilst rubbing Trixie’s head with her free hand. “I was so busy waiting for someone else to give me the answers, that I gave up looking for them myself. I’m sure there will be more magical problems that will pop up in this world,” she winked at Trixie, “but, like Applejack said, Princess Twilight has her own problems to worry about in Equestria. We can’t always expect her to be around to help us.” “But... maybe I can be?” they all turned to see Twilight and Principal Celestia standing there. Celestia smiled. “It seems we have a new Wondercolt at Canterlot High.” Trixie ducked behind Sunset. Whilst she knew Twilight wasn’t a bad person, her younger mind still couldn’t forget how terrifying she’d been when she transformed. Sunset, noticing this, leaned down and coaxed her out, though she remained close. “I’m sure I can count on you girls to make her feel at home,” Celestia nodded. “You sure can,” Sunset said, putting an arm around Twilight, pulling Trixie close too as they other girls joined them in a hug. As Principal Celestia walked away to leave them be, they all hugged, before Applejack pulled away, an eyebrow raised. “Ya know, Twi, Ah’m wonderin’, where’re ya gonna be staying? Ah doubt that Principal Cinch is gonna let you stay ina dorm at Crystal Prep anymore.” Said girl sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. “Well, I called my parents a little while ago and they're ,more than happy for me to come back... but it’ll take a day or two for them to get my room ready again. Not sure where I’ll stay til then, but...” “You could stay with Sunset.” They all blinked, before turning to the little girl, who was smiling up Twilight, all her previous concerns forgotten, though Sunset could chalk that up to how a lot of kids handle things. Trixie's words, however, made Sunset blinked. “Uh, what?” Trixie looked to Sunset with the most innocent smile. Sunset stared at her for a few moments, before smiling and nodding, before looking to Twilight. “Well, I don’t see why not. I don’t have any other rooms, but you could stay on the couch for the night, if that’s okay with you, I mean. And it is only a ten minute walk down from school.” Twilight looked away. “Oh, I don’t know. I wouldn’t want to be any trouble...” Sunset shook her head. “It’s no trouble at all. Besides,” she glanced at Trixie, giving her a playful frown, “I don’t think we’d hear the end of it from this one.” Trixie giggled, whistling innocently, yet in that way that always said you weren’t innocent at all. Sunset rolled her eyes, before lowering Trixie down. “Let’s go speak with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna about it right away.” Twilight nodded, before Sunset bid their friends goodbye as they headed inside to discuss Twilight’s living arrangements.