//------------------------------// // A Fourtunate Occurence // Story: The Courageous and Awesome Trixie Lulamoon // by SuperChaosKG //------------------------------// Okay, a job. A job. Where can the Great and Powerful Trixie find a job? Trixie thought to herself. She had been walking through Ponyville for the past 15 minutes looking for a place that was hiring. Luckily for Trixie, she must have been a better painter then she thought, because nopony paid her any mind as she went about her business as "Starshine Brightlight". Unluckily for said mare, she also couldn't find a job anywhere. This is crazy! Luna, the only place hiring is that sweet shop, and Trixie doesn't think she can stand working with that pink pony for too long... As Trixie looked at the town in dismay, she wondered if this a sign. Perhaps the Great and Powerful Trixie shouldn't even be in Ponyville. It would certainly be the end of her if she was found out. Luckily, this green coat, and white mane with blue stripe is awesome. Trixie even changed her cutie mark to a transmutation circle! Trixie slowed and then stopped. ... WHO THE HAY WOULD HIRE A PONY WITH A TRANSMUTATION CIRCLE?! THAT'S USED IN ARCANE MAGIC, WHICH USUALLY BLOWS. THINGS. UP! THIS WAS STUPID! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TRIXIE CAN DO THAT WOULD EARN HER BITS!! GAAAAH!! Trixie proceeded to bang her head on the nearest building. Trixie looked up and saw the sign on the building. Equestria Employment Center Here for all your employment needs! ... Well that's certainly convient! Let's see... what can Trixie do that is not performing Trixie asked herself as she slowly came to the realization... that that was nothing. Trixie facehoofed in frusteration. Wait. If Trixie told the future for herself, then maybe she can do it to other ponies! Yes! She'll become a fortune teller! She'll be an Equestrian Gypsy! Trixie imagined what it would be like. That would be so cool! It's decided! The Great and Powerful Trixie will tell fortunes! "There you are! We've been looking all over for you!" Suddenly Percy and Selena came up in their dog-sized forms. "Who do you think you are, leaving us with that pink pony!" cried Percy angrily. "Umm..." Trixie looked at the ponies staring at them. "Starshine Brightlight?" Trixie asked with a nervous grin. "... Fine, call yourself that!" said Percy angrily "Never mind that! Have to get a job! See you two later!" "Starshine" said as she trotted into the building. "Wait, no! *sigh :(" said Selena as the two Ursas sat and thought. "Sooooo... want to play Mario Kart 7" asked Percy. "Heck Yeah!" said Selena. "How did you say :( , anyway?" "Like that." "..." _____________________________________________________________________________ The Center was completey empty except for the receptionist. He was a black stallion with a yellow mane. He had a what appeared to be a newspaper flipped to the jobs section as a cutie mark. "Umm hello?" asked "Starshine" as she walked to the desk. "Ummm, Would like a job please." She said, careful not to say any pronouns that would give her away. "Name?" asked the stallion in a grumpy mood. "Umm, Starshine Brightlight?" "HAHAHA!!," said the Stallion "You're kidding, right? That's a TERRIBLE disguise and you know it! Thought you could get past old Mickey Nitpick with that paint but you should try harder!" Trixie, shocked by how quickly he figured her out, was grateful to the universe that they were the only ponies there. "OH PLEASE!! DON'T TELL ANTPONY!! SHE"LL BE RUN OUTTA TOWN AGAIN!! SHE'LL BE ON THE STREETS!! AGAIN!! TRIXIE WILL DO ANYTHING!!" "Anything?" asked Mickey. "Anything that won't bump this fic to a mature rating." Trixie said flatly. "Okay, then. Wait, what did you say your name was?" "Ummm... Patricia Lulamoon?" said Trixie nervously. "And the shortening is... Tell me. Is a nickname of yours...'The Great and Powerful Trixie'?" asked Mickey. "Ummm... Yes?" It was like Mickey's entire demeanor did a 180. "Well then. We better get... Started ." Mickey said with ice in his voice. "Trixie doesn't know why... but she has a bad feeling about this." muttered Trixie as she trotted after Mickey into the next room.