//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 (Old Timeline): Into the Mysterious Beyond // Story: It Came from the Mysterious Beyond // by Jongoji245 //------------------------------// What has been the usual school ambience at Canterlot High continued on until... That very word echoed across the halls, turning every student's attention to the room the Rainbooms would practice. Inside, said band along with the Maximals and Dazzlings gathered. Applejack's hand was over Pinkie Pie's mouth as she spoke very fast about their recent discovery. “Woah, woah, Thud is a Velociraptor?" - Rainbow Dash rubbed her head to process the new information - "Like the ones from Jurassic Park?” asked Rainbow Dash “That," - Cosgrove raised a hand - "or a Deinonychus, a Dromaeosaurus, a Utahraptor, or even a Rahonavis for all I know.” "Dapplewood?" Diver asked. Chelsey nodded - ”Dappledwood." “That… is.... Awesome!!!” Rainbow Dash stretched her arms with glee. “All right, let us do a head count here:” - Applejack placed her fingers on her hand - “We got a unicorn, a pack of sirens, and now a dinosaur?” “Makes sense" - Sunset looked at Aria - "the dinosaur is in love with one of them.” As the other classmates began looking at her as well, Aria began to blush. “Oh, I knew it," - Sonata hugged her sister - "You’re in love with the new kid!” “Shut up, Sonata!" - Aria pushed Sonata aside - "What are we, Changelings?” “Oh don’t feel embarrassed, darling." Rarity added - "You and Thud have so much in common. You are tough, sassy, and have…" Rarity began pulsing her fist, raising a few eyebrows. “This does give us another clue where to find Dapplewood.” Said Sunset as she approached the raptor. “Thud, do you remember the first place you came in?” The raptor looked blankly at the horizon before walking out the door. The group followed Thud to the alley where he first came to this world and where Dapplewood ran back to. They found a strange anomaly, floating material of what appears to be glass circled around a bright light. “Chelsey," - Cosgrove stepped toward the portal - "You and the others stand guard-” “Woah, woah!" - Applejack gripped Cosgrove's forearm a pulled - "Hold your horses, slugger, you don’t even know this place.” Cosgrove looked to Thud, “He does.” “I’ll come with you.” Said Sunset “I got your back too, buddy!” Said Rainbow Dash “So do Ah.” Said Applejack They looked at the remaining five girls and four Maximals, before Aria walked up. “Only to take a break from Taco Brain.” said the Siren, receiving a growl back from her blue sister. Sunset stepped in front of the group. “But, I’m going to warn you first” - Sunset was interrupted when Rainbow Dash rushed into the portal - “The journey in and out, is very painful.” Sunset turned around and entered the portal. Thud, Applejack, Aria, and Cosgrove followed respectively. They all screamed, as if on a roller coaster, as they spiraled their way to the new world. "Really? I can't be something that flies?" Cosgrove slowly opened his eyes to the sight of grass and the sound of a soft whine. He looked around and found Applejack, now a Chasmosaurus reasoning with Rainbow Dash, now a Gallimimus (which shared a beak color akin to her hair). A pair of red-orange digigrade feet walked up to him. Cosgrove looked up and saw Sunset Shimmer who is now, fitting enough, a Tsintaosaurus. He slowly rose to his feet and found that he towered over her a little. That is until he craned his head and found that his long neck carried his little head high; the body was still a head smaller in height. The four dinosaurs turned over to the sound of a bellow. It appeared to have come from Aria, now a Baryonyx as she followed Thud, once again a Utahraptor. Sunset began walking towards the two Sharpteeth. "Uhm, Sunset..." Sunset turned to find Cosgrove just standing there. With a chuckle, the former Unicorn walked over to him. "Move your left legs forward, then your right legs." Cosgrove lifted his back left leg first, then his left arm placed them a further distance from where he was standing. He repeated the same method with his right legs. To maintain balance, Cosgrove made his neck almost in line with his body. Sunset and Cosgrove began to follow as the latter craned his great neck back. “Yo Applejack, Rainbow Dash" - He catches their attention - "You wanna be left behind?” Applejack and Rainbow Dash turned their attention to them as they began their walk. “Still could be worse sugarcube.” “Shut up!” ... Around the same time Dapplewood and his posse of dinosaur's made their way through the secret caverns, carrying a few stuffed leaves. While the larger members of the group climbed up the tall ledge leading through the outside, Chomper struggled to climb up. Littlefoot helped Chomper up the ledge as they walked to the land outside the Great Wall. Having walked through the dark caves, the Domehead winced at the much brighter outdoors. "In the Mysterious Beyond again we are." Said Ruby. Cera looked around, "Well, where are those two yolk breathers?" Suddenly, out of the bushes came the two Struthiomimus brothers. While satisfied with their deal is met, they noticed Dapplewood has come along with familiar faces "Its those kids again Ozzy!" "You little whelp!" - Ozzy shoved the Domehead to the ground - "You gave away our plans!" After grabbing the leaves, Littlefoot stood between the two. "You leave my friend alone!" "He didn't know you like we do," - Ducky shook her head - "nope, nope nope." "Don't you kids know that nice guys finish last? - Ozzy pulled out an egg - "Only the insipid ones get what they want." Licking his bill, he crunched down on it. His eyes shot wide open before he screamed in pain. Strut fared little better with his tree sweets. With a considerable effort, the Egg Stealer "chewed" down on his rather non succulent meal. "Maybe they aren't ripe yet, Oz." "No, they aren't," - Ozzy spat out what appeared to crushed pebbles - "Because they are not food!" The grey Struthiomimus threw the stone to the ground before turning to find Cera shooting a raspberry before running behind the hill. The kids ran as fast as their legs, or wings in Petrie's case, can carry them. But the Egg Stealers, their ancestors evolved to be built like horses, easily caught up to them, cornering them to a wall. "We've had it with you sap suckers," - Ozzy lurched over to the group of eight kids - "We'll get rid of you once and for all." Ozzy paid no attention as an even larger shadow loomed over them. Strut pokes his brother, "Uhm, Ozzy..." The egg stealer turned around and found the group of larger dinosaur's, including the carnivorous ones. Cosgrove craned his neck to the Struthiomimus brothers as he gave a very slow growl. In a last desperate act, Ozzy grabbed Chomper by the throat. "Don't move, or the little Sharptooth gets it!" Ozzy placed a claw at Chomper's throat. "Hey! Leave him alone you big bully!" Cera rammed the Egg Stealer's leg, turning him around. Cosgrove shifted his head over to Aria, giving her a little wink. Ozzy grabbed the young Threehorn by the snout, "Why you little-" "You know, my Sharptooth friends are... " - Cosgrove drew his neck back as Aria began to growl -"Quite hungry." Ozzy took notice too late as the Siren clamps her jaws onto his tail and pulled him up, dropping Chomper to the floor. As the Baryonyx held him high, Thud jumped and snapped at him time and again. Sunset walked around Aria with a smug look on her beak. "But we're feeling generous." Said Sunset before giving a nod. Aria growled then arched back and flung Ozzy far away into a forest. Strut began shaking at the larger herd when Applejack turned her nose horn at him. "Uhm... Ozzy!" Strut began running to where Ozzy was flung - "Wait for me!!" The small threat ended, Applejack stepped began walking to the young dinosaurs. "Ya’ll right little ones?" "Little?" - Cera stepped in front of the similar colored dinosaur - "We were doing just fine." Littlefoot elbowed Cera. "Have any of you seen a dinosaur by the name Dapplewood?" Asked Rainbow Dash The gang of seven slowly turned their heads at Dapplewood. The Domehead approached the larger group of dinosaurs. It took him a good hard look before he recognized their color schemes, aside from the two Sharpteeth. He embraced his brother's leg. "We missed you much." Said Cosgrove Sunset lowered herself on all fours "Thank you for watching him." "Your thanks we appreciate." Said Ruby. The gang began to look back as Thud approached them. "Is that, Thud?" Whispered Ducky "Eeyup, how you know him?" asked Applejack "He is one of the Fast Biters that work with Red Claw." Chomper answered "And now he's not that far behind." Said Cera The larger dinosaurs looked at each other. "Thud is with us." Said Sunset "Yeah, say that to the Sharptooth." Said Cera, only to receive a growl from Aria. "Are you Far Walkers?" Asked Littlefoot "You may say we've gone pretty far, kid." Said Rainbow Dash, rubbing the Longneck's head. "We're here to bring Dapplewood to our world." Cosgrove lifted his younger brother onto his back. Littlefoot cocked his head, "Your world?" "We'll explain later," - Sunset rose up on her hind legs as a roar is heard - "right now its not safe here." The mixed age herd began to retrace their steps. The gang of seven, Littlefoot in particular, were in the middle of a conversation. "So you journeyed all this way to the Valley?" - Sunset eyeballed the young Longneck - "You kids must have been very brave." "Yeah!" Cera raised her horn, showing her usual pride "We found the valley together." "But with them I was not." Ruby added. "And I wasn't hatched yet." Chomper continued. Littlefoot increased his pace. "So if you say that you guys came from another world..." Piano music began to play in the background "Does that mean you live beyond the Mysterious Beyond?" At the end of the song, the herd arrived at the portal. The gang of seven looked at the rift in splendor, even Cera could not believe her eyes. Applejack turned her head to the younger dinosaur. "Believe us now, sugarcube?" Cera slouched her shoulders, "Dad's gonna kill me..." Petrie hovered around the portal, "It shine like bright circle, only smaller." "Yes, that's where you fell in, Dapplewood" - Cosgrove craned his neck to Thud -"And where Thud came in." "And now we can go-" Rainbow Dash then came beak to snout with a blue Utahraptor