Promise me you'll come back?

by Dr Equinox

Well, its nice to finally meet you.

Back again. Same deal.

So there we were, all of us just sitting/ standing with our mouths open like a bunch of fish. Weird metaphor to use, I know. So, what to do exactly? Well, start off with introductions obviously!

"Uh, hi."

I even waved. I was SO fackered. Luckily, she seemed to be much more in control of the situation here than any of us. By that I mean, she didn't completely just flip her lid right then and there. Instead, she took a moment to calm herself and responded.

"Hello. Might I ask who you are, and what you are doing in my sister bedroom?"

Ah. Well, not too hard of a question to answer, but still pretty hard.

"Well, I'm gonna need time to explain that one. Unless, you'd like to start?" I directed that last part to Luna, since this was her sister after all.

She closed her shocked mouth, and did face palm. Then, with her hoof still on her face she said:

"Even I do not know how one would start this conversation."

"How about we start off with names?" said the larger sister. Helpful? Already one of my favorite people. Got like, fifteen of those now, I think.

"Well, my names Patrick. It's very nice to meet you."

"I am Celestia. It is a pleasure to meet you as well."

"Now that that's out of the way, I assume you want to know why I'm here."

"That would be very helpful."

"It is kind of complicated, but I think I can get the basis of it. In a basic sense, I need to talk with the world powers in the area about finding a suitable place for my species to land a starship on and start a country. Basically."

That took at least some of the tension off. Of course, it added a whole slew of problems to the situation. One being the fact that getting all of the leaders in one place might take a while.

"There are many issues with this plan of yours. The first would be that your effectively an Alien. That would mean either great distrust, or uncalled judgment amongst the powers of the world. Then there is the fact that you have only just met me, and your asking for something that I would normally only allow to happen if I were to know that being for a long period of time, or have great trust in them. I have found neither of those aspects in you."

Oh wow. That's great. Looks like that tension is back.

"I honestly don't blame you for being wary. In fact, I agree with you. I know this is an insane task to ask of a stranger, but you must hear my plea. My people will die if you don't. All of them."

She looked at me intently, as if thinking it over. Then, when she seemed to make a decision, she asked both of us to follow her. So we did, managing to not get spotted even once in the hallways. Where the hell are the guards? Actually, probably sleeping. It is that late after all. So, we made it to our destination, which seemed to be a large room made for ... I don't really know actually. There's a ton of stained glass windows though. And a couple of thrones I think. It looked like a giant meeting room or something now that I think about it. I guess they like their theatrics. Whatever. So, they both went up to ,I'm guessing their thrones, sat down, and looked at me while gesturing to get a seat of my own. So I got one and sat down. Then it was just us and the tension again. Celestia spoke.

"Now that were in a more appropriate environment, we can talk about this situation properly. What you've asked of us is a very large task. To not only get the leaders of the world to meet, but to also ask of them to give your species land to settle in is extremely improbable. However, I have been informed by you that this is your species last hope of survival, if I was told correctly."

"That is correct."

"Very well. You and your species have both of our sympathies, as I'm certain my sister would agree, and our support. The main issue at hoof is to relay this message to other leaders and to gin their support as well, which will be undoubtedly difficult. I may be able to have them all meet, but I highly doubt that they would all be so generous as to literally give away their land and resources that would come with it. If you can somehow manage to gain all of they're approval on the settling of your people then you would have a solid deal, but as I see it, that would require great generosity for many, if not all of them to spontaneously gain. I am not going to lie to you Patrick. I highly doubt that this plan of yours will work, but we can make at least part of it possible."

"Just making the meeting possible is enough right now. When it get to the actual arrangement, then you can leave it to us. Besides that, there's not much more to say on the matter. I must inform you though, there is a very small time limit in which this must be done."

"Alright. How long do we have."

"You have two weeks."

... Cue the silence.

"I am unsure if I have heard you correctly. Did you say that the time limit is two weeks?"

"Unfortunately, you have heard me correctly. If it takes any longer than that, my people will surely die."

"The task at hand was difficult enough as it was, but this new information makes it practically impossible. It would take at least a month to get all of the rulers to even agree on meeting, much less the time spent on getting here. I can only see a sliver of a chance in such a short time span."

"That's what I was afraid of. You see, my people have exactly three weeks and four days until my planet literally explodes. We are working on a way to actually get here right now, but it is up to a select few to figure out where we are going. This is the only option we have, and I'm not gong to lie to you. My people will do anything to survive. Even wage war on a planet that does not welcome them."

She tensed at that. They both did. Not exactly what they wanted to hear, I'm sure.

"Are you issuing a threat, sir Patrick?"

"I'm not your majesty. I'm just telling you the truth. The moment my people find a way to not be obliterated, to somehow extend their lifespan, they will take it. With or without consent. I know how this sounds, and I wish we were not this way, but it is in our nature to survive. No matter the cost. That is why it is imperative that we succeed in our plan. Because if we don't, this whole world might have to face a war against the whole of humanity. I can guarantee you that, even if you were to succeed in such a war, your planet population would be close to extinction. We are not a people to be underestimated your majesty, and we have let every enemy of ours know that. I hope that no being on this planet would ever have to feel our wrath. Especially the ones who could have helped prevent it. I know this sounds like a threat, but it's not. Its the truth and as much as it sucks to hear, its just what it is."

After that, it was pure silence. Nothing but our subtle breathing. Then, Mr.Mood killer decided that he needed this to get even more awkward. Right when we were thinking about it too. So, I looked down, saw who it was and answered it.

"This better be important."

"It is. I told him."

"What!? We had a deal doctor!"

"I know, but I couldn't wait any longer. Plus, I've been listening to your conversation and I think he can help."

"Help how exactly? The moment he finds out I knew of this place and didn't tell him will make him hate me even more."

"That's why I told him that I just found it, and that I sent you to scout ahead. That way he wont think that you've been there before."


God dammit Doc.

"You've been here before? When were you planning on telling me this?"

"Uh, well, its a bit complicated to talk about."

"Oh, was I not supposed to say that? Sorry. Got to go. Bye!"

"Well, that's great. I now despise him."

"Excuse me Patrick, but there is still an issue here. When have you been here before, and for what reasons?"

Whoa, awkward situation. Before I could make this mess any worse, Luna stepped in. I just noticed how quiet she was.

"Sister, we can explain everything, but not now. There are positive reasons behind his past visits, but we must deal with the matter at hoof. A civilization is mush more important that a single person. No offense towards you Patrick."

"None taken, and she's right. I can explain, but later. Right now I just need some solid info on whether or not this plan is going to be enacted."

She sighed and rubbed her hoof across her forehead. Then she looked down at the ground, deep in thought. After a moment of silence I thought she was going to say 'NO' , but when she looked back up I got hopeful.

"While it will be very troublesome and undoubtedly full of trial an error situations, I believe that this plan is possible. Now that that is settled, I must depart, for it is very late and I must get some sleep. I shall leave him to you sister. Goodnight."

After she left, I looked up towards Luna. She looked like she was thinking hard. I walked up to her, and gently hugged her. She hugged back.

"I didn't think that was going to end well at all."

"Neither had I, but I have underestimated her before."

"I've got to get going, got to explain all this to the Captain. Probably gonna get bitched at but whatever." I said while unhinging myself from the hug, and putting in the coordinates of the home base.

She looked at me with a sly smile that made me question what she was about to do, before practically lunging at me and locking our lips once again. So she was planning on that, was she? I wonder for how long. We stayed like that for a minute or so before breaking apart. I held her close, and laid my forehead against hers, closing my eyes. I wanted to stay like that for hours. I couldn't though, and my watch was very keen to remind me.

"You know I love you right?" I asked her, while still in the hug. I had to cover my watch so it wouldn't make the beeps.

"Mmm." she mumbled.

"Well, are you going to say something, or just mumbles?" I asked jokingly.

She lifted her head and looked into my now open eyes.

"I had said, Yes. You are aware that I return your affections?"

"Yeah, I do. I wish we would stay like this, but my people need me."

"Alright then. I shall see you tomorrow."


With those final words, I walked back a few steps an activate the watch, sending me through the portal once again. I liked it now, felt surreal. Almost calming. Now I just have to meet up with the captain and explain the situation. That ought to be a joy.

I think I just might punch Doc tomorrow. Maybe.