It Came from the Mysterious Beyond

by Jongoji245

Chapter 8 (Old Timeline): Remembering

After the roaring died down, the kids admired their older peers.

"Oooh." Whispered Petrie

"Never seen Red Claw like that I have." Commented Ruby

"Its like it was so... So..." Cera thought as she tried to find a word to describe it.

"Awesome?" Answered Rainbow Dash

"Yes," Ducky jumped a few inches into the air, "that was awesome, yes yes yes!"

The Calvary looked down at Dapplewood.

"It wouldn't be possible without Dapplewood." Said Fluttershy

"Yeah, DW came to us first thing he came out!" Squeaked Pinkie Pie as she rubbed the boy's bald skull.

"Whelp, guess we can go on home." Said Applejack as the group looked to a lone Thud.

"Well buddy... The choice is still your's." Pinkie "bounced," if you can describe a car sized animal jumping, to Thud, "You can come with us or stay here. Either way, we can always visit."

"No." Sunset said flat out.

"Why not, Darling?" asked Rarity

"Yeah, we can walk in here whenever we want!" Said Rainbow Dash

"That's a problem, everything can come through. Look around you, this place is too dangerous." Said Sunset

"So what," - Chelsey shrugged her shoulders - "we can take em just like we all did to the Dazzlings." Said Chelsey before getting a snarl from Sonata.

"Yeah, but what if there were going to be three, then five, or ten dinosaurs making their way to our world" - Sunset pointed at the tracks Red Claw left - "What if this Red Claw came through the portal."

"So, what are you saying?" Rainbow Dash asked

"We're going to have to have to close the portal." Sunset finished before turning to Dapplewood.

Dapplewood made a bunch of frantic hand signals in a desperate attempt to reason.

"Dapplewood," - Cosgrove walked to his brother - "she's right. The next time this happens we may come out worse" - Cosgrove stretched his bloodied leg - "than this."

The herd, Thud included, walked into the portal until only Sunset, Dapplewood, and Cosgrove were left with the gang of seven.

"We can give you a moment to say goodbye." Said Sunset.

Dapplewood turned to his friends.

"We're sorry you have to leave, Dapplewood." Said Littlefoot

"Yeah, Dapplewood," The Threehorn nudged him "you were very brave." Said Cera

"And so are your friends, yep yep yep." Said Ducky.

Her Spiketail brother nodded in agreement.

"You showed those bullies back home whose boss!" Complemented Petrie, moving his hands in a boxing motion.

Chomper walked forward and looked up at Cosgrove and Sunset.

"Are you sure you can make Thud your friend?" The young theropod tapped his claws "I tried that already it didn't turn out well..."

Sunset and Cosgrove looked to each other before the former gave a smirk. Cosgrove lowered his head to Chomper's height.

"We've handled worst." Cosgrove answered.

Dapplewood turned to find Ruby standing in front of him.

"Just know that wherever you are you will always have..."

Upon finishing the song, the gang of seven give Dapplewood a group hug. The Domehead teared up before breaking the embrace. He gave one last look at his friends before leaving the realm of the dinosaurs.

When Dapplewood returned to the human world, he noticed Thud, Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Cosgrove, Applejack, and Aria with bruises and cuts.
Aria noticed the young boy staring at the large welt in her midsection.

"Hey, Cosgrove you're brother's looking at me funny." Said Aria in her usual tone.

Cosplay turned around and patted his brother, "Don't worry, bro, we'll do okay."

"So, anyone hungry?" Asked Rarity as her stomach rumbled.

"Oh, oh! Can we get tacos?!" Sonata asked

"No, Sonata!" Said Aria

"Why not go to a steak house?" Said a voice

They turned over to the raptor who for the first time spoke.

"I've been eye balling it since we were walking over to here." - Thud bowed to Aria, extending his green hand - "If you would accompany me."

Aria's violet face flushed a red hue. She looked at the others. Some still had shocked expressions, others remained silent, but Pinkie Pie and Sonata giggled. The violet siren slowly took the raptor's hand before Rarity squeaked in excitement.

"Oh shut up..." They both said as they began their walk out the alley.

The Main Six, the Maximals, and Dapplewood began their walk. Sunset stayed behind, her eyes looking at the anomaly.

"You coming, Sugarcube?" Asked Applejack

"Yeah!" - Sunset turned around - "Just give me a moment."

With magic ebbing it's way to this world, Sunset pondered if this was just a taste of things to come. What joys and dangers would arise from rifts like these? On another hand, one such rift reminded her just how close she is to home. Sunset looked up at the night sky and with a deep breath,

Remembering, remembering
is a kind of a funny thing
It makes me think of time gone by
Friends are made by saying "Hi"
Thoughts I'll always hold dear
Remembering makes re-appear
But even when the thoughts are sad
I'll always have remembering

My remembering

Later that evening, Sunset entered her apartment, walked quietly to her room, and took her messaging book from her backpack.

She began to write, “Dear Princess Twilight…”