A Punk's Love: The Story of Straight Edge

by AC Punk

Chapter 8

Two Tickets, Too Many Friends

As School drew to a close, Straight was in town at the local Gym. Currently hitting a tire with a sledgehammer, he is unaware of a certain girl walking into the building. After hitting the tire for what feels like the fifteenth time, he drops the sledgehammer and turns around to come face to face with Jess.

"Jess?" he asks, somewhat confused.

"Hi David." she replies with a smile. Her hair is currently done up in a ponytail, the rest of her hair being kept back with a Ronda Rousey headband; she is wearing a pair of workout shorts and a Black sports bra, a drawstring back pack hung over one shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" Straight answer comes in the form of Jess pulling a set of Hand wraps out of her bag, along with a pair of MMA gloves.

"Same thing you're doing." she replies, beginning the process of wrapping her hands.

"When did you take up martial arts?" Straight asks.

"I picked it up after i left Chicago, decided to see why you were so enthralled in it." she replies.

Straight shrugs at her response and goes back to his workout. As it comes to an end, he returns home to find his parents watching television in the living room. Seeing them, he takes a seat on the couch.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad." he says upon entering he living room.

"His David." they reply in unison. David takes his seat and sees that his father is watching a Cubs game.

"Decided who you're taking with you to Tokyo?" Punk asks.

"How did you...?" straight begins to ask.

"We're your parents, remember." AJ says before heading to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"Oh, then no. I haven't decided." Straight replies. Hearing this, Punk sighs and pause the TV.

"Listen son, later on in life, you're going to have to make hard decisions; and they will have both positive and negative outcomes. The best thin to do is get used to it now so you wont have to later on in life." He explains.

Straight looks at him and smiles at hearing the fatherly advice and heads to his room upstairs, Which is Punks que to breakout the Soda drinking hat and exrtra large bowl of Popcorn. hitting the remote and changing it to a Blackhawks Game.

"Alright Chicago, LETS GET IT ON!!!" Punk exclaims before shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth, the other hand being occupied by a Blackhawks foam finger.

The Next Morning...

Something must have happened to Straight while he was dreaming, because Soul walked out of his house and bumped into him right as he was getting ready to go to school.

"Straight?" he asks, shocked to see his friend out so early in the morning.

"You think your mom would mind if you came with me to japan for the next three weeks?" Straight asks. Soul blinks at haring this, unable to reply.

"As Long as there will be adult supervision at all times, He can go!" a feminine voice exclaims from the open window.

"MOM, I'M SEVENTEEN!" Soul replies in annoyance.

"Your Still not old enough to vote, therefore you're not an adult in this house!" his mom replies.

Soul groans at hearing this, but changes attitude quickly at the sight of a Plane ticket.

"We leave tomorrow morning, early. Pack what you need as soon as you get home, and be sure to pack gym clothes." Straight explains.

"Why would i need gym clothes?" Soul asks.

"Be prepared for anything the world has to throw at you. I have two pairs of pants in my car at all times in case these get ruined." straight replies, gesturing to his denim jeans.

"Okay, TMI, but i get what you're saying." Soul replies," Any idea who else you're going to bring?"

"I'm thinking Warhawk; He needs to get away from the computer monitor for a while. Plus," Straight pulls out a copy of Xenoblade chronicles from his jacket," I got this as a bargaining chip."

"Where did you get that?" Soul asks in shock.

"The place in own with all the punk rock posters in the windows; they sell a bunch of video games, movies, anime, and manga. Got this for about $20."

Before Soul can ask for the address, Straight bolts to his car and leaves for school.

Warhawk's Locker...

Warhawk had just arrived at school and went to his locker to get his text books for the first class of the day. As he opens it, he finds an envelope with a black "X" sticker keeping it shut. Raising an eyebrow at this, he opens it and is even more confused when he finds a plane ticket inside with a letter.

"Dear Warhawk," he reads," Straight Edge here; just wanted to let you know that you are coming with me to Japan. I know you want to probably turn down the offer in favor of Assassins Creed Syndicate being released while I'm in Japan, but I got a special present that might make you change your mind. Pack your bags, because we leave for the airport tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. Pack the essentials and a pair of gym clothes, sweatpants will also suffice. P.S. Your gift will be given during lunch. Signed, Straight Edge."

"Well, I did always want to try a California roll from where it all started. Maybe I'll take him up on his offer if this 'gift' meets my expectations."


"That's for making Love you." Straight says after slapping an unconscious Warhawk, his friends looking at him like he is crazy.

"That's for making me hate you.*Slap* That's For Never taking us to the prom, Uh. *Slap* That's for all the hot Pegasister readers out there, hey call me. *Slap* WAKE UP!!!"