//------------------------------// // Chapter 4; Unkown // Story: The Trotting Dead // by SongBirdtheAlicorn //------------------------------// SongBird and Doctor Whooves galloped through the dark oak trees of the EverFree Forest, being slapped by branches and twigs hanging low. They panted and became tired, but continued to rush through the tall grass, the skin under their bellys rubbed raw by the straps of their saddlebags. Songbird soon slowed down to a trot, sweat trickling down the side of her face, leaving a dark streak of lavender in her fur. She breathed, "Doc...Slow down, were....miles away by now..." She coughed. The Doctor slowed down to a trot himself, then stopped, panting softly. "S-Sorry...." The Doctor turned to her. His cheeks were colored a mauve that emerged from his fur, of face flushed as he regained his breathe. "It's alright, but...we should stop...just for a breather.." She spoke softly, plopping herself onto a fallen log on the side of the hoof trail path they had left by the pressure of their galloping. The Doctor sat himself next to her, taking a bottle of water from his bag with his teeth, held it between his hooves and twisted the cap off, holding the bottle in place as he dipped his head back taking a gulp of the liquid, as he then took it between his hooves once more and twisted the cap back on. SongBird did not have the desire to take a sip of her own water, for she felt sick to her stomach, remembering the terrible things she had seen in Ponyville. The setting sun turned the sky a murky orange and pink, as the smoke and sound of gunfire and screams could be heard all the way into the deep and misty forest. The smoke was thick, but faded as the sun set far beyond the mountain tops of the fields beyond, and the sounds died out. The smoke cleared, and the fighting had seemed to stop. SongBird was resting on her bag, she had fallen into a deep slumber, her muscles weak and fatigued. The Doctor stayed awake, watching over her with the butcher knife in the grasp of his mouth. He felt weak himself, he could feel his legs buckling underneath himself. He stiffed a yawn, until a loud BOOM was heard, so loud it shook the ground. The Doctor was shocked out of his drowsiness, SongBird awaken from her slumber. Black, murky smoke arose from beyond, coming from the hometown that was once a peaceful town, turned to dust, ashes and became filled with the odor of rotting flesh. Fire and light was seen, and the pod ships of Celestia's army were visible, bombing the quaint little town! The Doctor stared in utter shock, his childhood memories becoming a white blur. "I-i....It's gone....Ponyville, i-it's gone..!" He cried out, as SongBird regained her senses from the drowsiness, and stared with The Doctor. SongBird trembled, frightened by the fact the place she loved and cared for, where she was raised, where she had spent her entire life until now, was resulted to dust from the past. She fell onto the ground, sitting up strait, her eyes fixed on Ponyville as the fire raged. Her pupils were like dots, the color drained from her face. "No....E-Everypony, cant...they cant be gone!!" She sobbed, her wings unfolding to shield her face. The Doctor sat next to her, wrapping a hoof around her and pulled her close. "SongBird, please....don't cry....just think, t-their in a better place...their happy....their free of the pain and suffering of the virus..." He tried to sooth her. SongBird started to calm down, burying her face in her wings, as she leaned against his shoulder. She sniffled, and looked up at him, smiling gently. "Y-yeah...your right...." Suddenly, the sound of hooves clattering on the ground was audible, and a voice spoke behind them, "For he is wrong, the end we all fear, though it may not seem like it, for you, the end is near..."