The Other Button

by One of the Crowd

It wasn't your fault

Chapter 40: It wasn't your fault


"You said there was a path here!" I yelled at Cold who was frantically looking around for something.

"There was, I swear!" He said back as he looked under a bush in desperation. We didn't have time for him to be getting us more lost especially in this forest.

"We can't sit in one spot. Let's get going, and try to find our way out," I said as I began to walk in some random direction. We didn't exactly have anything to point towards civilization so I picked a path that was just as good as anything. After a minute was when I realized that Cold and Dinky were still searching for the path. "I said we shouldn't stay in one spot,"

"I know the path is nearby. If we go off well lose it," Cold reasoned with me. Well reasoned is putting it politely as he semi spat it out at me before continuing his search. Dinky was searching frantically around as if that thing was right behind us so I decided that calming her down might be a little more important than yelling at Cold.

"Dinky? Please calm down," I said as I put a hoof over her shoulder. She turned to face me and that was when I saw that her face was covered in tears and was frozen in pure terror. "It's alright. I wont let that thing hurt you again,"

"I...I want to go home!" She cried as she buried her face in my chest. Why did that thing have to bring her into all of this? Why couldn't it just ruin my life and be done with it? I just patted Dinky's back while she sobbed when Cold came up and grabbed her.

"Will you stop crying! It's annoying,"

"Fuck off, Cold. She's been through enough today," I said as I swatted his hoof away from Dinky. He glared at me before dropping down into that pouncing position like before. "Do you really think fighting me now is a good idea? Unless I'm wrong, I'm the only person that has gotten away from this thing before,;

"You what?" Dinky questioned. I just sighed before I started telling them everything. I began with my brother and me going to that fucking church. I told them about how when I saw that thing here with Combo and the real Lucky. I told them everything about this thing that I knew which sadly wasn't that much.

"Where is this book then? Can't you just read out a spell or something from it or-"

"It's written in a language I don't understand. Fire thinks in some ancient dragon language though," I interrupted Cold before he could list off another useless suggestion.

"How did your brother read it then?" Dinky asked. I opened my mouth to say something, but I realized that I didn't actually know. While he was in college he got the chance to explore the world for one of his classes which could explain it. Though I don't recall those trips involving dragons or anything magical really.

"I...I don't know. Maybe I'll ask him when I get the chance," I said as I let go of Dinky and started walking towards an opening in the trees/

"How are you going to-"

"CHANCE!" Arrow called out from behind us. Turning around I saw him quickly run up and pick me up in his hooves. "I told you not to come out here. What were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry, Arrow. I knew that the monster was out here and I figured I could-"

"YOU KNEW! Chance, you should of told me so I could call in the guard,"

"I didn't want to be labeled crazy and forget about my-"

"Brother?" A familiar voice sounded beside us. Looking up I saw the very familiar warm eyes of my brother Ryan looking down at me. "I said I'd protect you from any monsters, remember?"

I squirmed in Arrow's grip for a moment before he finally set me down allowing me to move about. The instant my hooves touched the ground I started walking over to Ryan. Once I was close enough I hugged his leg as tightly as my little body could. I started to feel tears rolling down my face, but I didn't care I had my brother here and I could finally say what needed to be said.

"I'm so sorry, Ryan. I abandoned you, and now you're-" Ryan put a finger to my lips while going 'ssssshhhhhh'.

"It's alright, Chance. You couldn't control what was going on, and you probably would of ended up like me if you even tried to help,"

"It's still my fault! I knew it was a bad idea, and I still went along with it and...and-" I broke down into more tears as Ryan scooped me up in his arms.

"It was my fault, Chance. You kept telling me it was a bad idea, but I just wanted to mess with you. I'm sorry about putting you through all of this." He started to pull me into a tighter hug before continuing, "I know you still have that book, Chance. You need to get rid of it no matter what. You can't hold onto me forever or you'll fall too."

My eyes widened as he said that. I remembered that dream I had with me trying so desperately to pull him back up which only caused me to slide closer to the cliff's edge. The harder I tried to save him the more I condemned myself. I looked up at my brother with a solemn expression on my face before speaking,

"I don't care. I wont abandon you again," He just looked at me with a sad expression crossing his face. I know that's the one answer he didn't want to hear, but I can't let him go like this.

"I'd try to get you to listen to reason, but you never really were one for that," He said as he slowly set me back down onto the ground where two terrified foals were staring up at him from.

"I nearly forgot. Dinky, Cold this is Ryan, my brother." I said making hoof motions to each of them as I said their names. This was a pretty nice moment, but one problem still annoyed me. "Do you know anyway out of here, Ryan?"

"Master has an enchantment that keeps most creatures going in circles when they enter the cave. Lucky for you I know how to break it," Ryan said as he waved his hand to reveal a path through the trees. "We don't have long before he notices this so I recommend you get out of here,"

"What about you?" I asked a little scared for the answer.

"He can't kill me since he needs me. I'll slow him down," He said while turning around to face where that cave was.

"No! I don't want you to go again!" I cried as Ryan got down on one knee and ruffled my hair.

"You're a shorty," He said giving a small laugh. "Keep Chance safe for me, alright." After that Ryan ran back into the forest towards the sound of something roaring in the distance. I tried to follow him, but Arrow was holding me back with one of his hooves.

"We have to go, Chance. We're going to get the guards, and we're going to save your brother. I promise," Arrow said while I continued to struggle against his hoof. I couldn't leave my brother again, not again. "I'll see to it that princess Twilight helps you save your brother."

I didn't stop struggling against Arrow until I literally couldn't struggle anymore. Arrow just put me on his back while I cried into his neck over losing my brother the moment I got him back.

While we followed the trail back a bush began to rustle, and a wold made of wood jumped out at us. It was made of many broken branches and had piercing green eyes. After a moment two more came out behind us leaving us surrounded.

"I thought I was done with you guys," Arrow said as he placed me on the ground next to the horrified foals. I wanted to get up and help him, but Dinky was hugging me to tightly out of fear. Why can't I ever help anyone?