The Lost Siren

by Dreagknight-LostWriter

Glitter in the Dark

After our little moment, Mirage and I talked a bit more, leaving personal matters out of it. I asked Mirage exactly why she was staying for four days. She corrected me, saying it was five, but she didn't want to count today. Soon after, Mirage and I did what we normally do when she comes over. Watch a movie, buy pizza, and mainly goofed off on the internet. Of course I’ve saved Sonata a few slices before we ate it all up. Even though we stayed up most of the night, I knew I had to turn in for school tomorrow. As always, when Mirage stayed over, we slept in the living room on the couches, watching T.V till we fell asleep. Some time in the middle of the night, we were awoken to a hushed, but loud whispers coming from my room.

“Blitz,” Mirage hissed, muffling a yawn. “What is that noise? Is someone talking?”

Rubbing my eyes, I pulled myself upward. “I don't know?” I closed my eyes and listen closely as the room went quiet. Just above a whisper, I could make out Sonata’s voice. “I think… I think that is Sonata talking?” As I listen more closely, I could hear muffled crying coming from the room. From the look on Mirage’s face, she could hear it too.

“Is she alright? It sounds like crying," Mirage said, getting up from the couch. “Maybe we should go check on her?”

As Mirage started for the room, I got up and grab her by her wrist. “Wait, Mirage, there something you should know. Something I didn't mention about Sonata earlier.”

“Huh?” Mirage looked at me puzzled, her eyes now scanning me.

“Well, recently Sonata has become more depressed. She has been getting little sleep, and crying most of the nights. I know for sure it’s about her sisters who she had lost contact with, but I think there’s more to it.”

“Have you talked to her about this?”

“Umm,” I turned my head, diverting my eyes as I gave out my answer. “No, not really. I don't know what to say, what to do, or how to make her feel better. I thought about talking to her, but I don't know how to help.”

“Maybe I could talk to her.” Mirage says, walking back to the couch. “I mean, I kn-” Mirage was cut off by the sound of the bedroom door opening.

By pure instinct, me and Mirage lept onto our couches and immediately pretended to be asleep. A couple of seconds passed as the eerie quietness was drone out, the only sound were the low volume T.V that we left on. Then we heard the sound of soft footsteps, slowly walking down the hall.

“H-hello, is anyone awake?” Sonata called out, her voice just audible for us to hear.

I cracked open one of my eyes, looking at Mirage who looked backed at me. Once both of our eyes met, neither one of us knew what to do. Should we get up? Pretend to sleep? Maybe have a talk? We didn't know. I looked over to Sonata, who was leaning against the corner of the hallway, one hand on the wall.

“Blitz?” Sonata hissed. “Are you up?” Sonata asked once more, taking a single step into the living room.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Mirage mouthing something. Turning to look at her, I can see her mouthing the word ‘Get up’, followed by a shake of one of her hands.

I wanted to get up. To console Sonata, but how? I truly didn't know what to say, could I just stand there and be quiet. No. She might want someone to talk to. Would this end up making her cry again? Could I make her feel better?

In the end, I stayed on the couch, pretending to be asleep as Sonata turned around and went back into the room. A soft clicking from the door closing behind her.

The moment the coast was cleared, Mirage raised her head and looked at me. “Why didn't you get up?” Mirage hissed, perplexed.

“I didn’t know what to do or say!" I hissed back, trying to keep my voice from sounding too loud. “What can I say to her? I don't know how to make her feel any better.”

Mirage eyes felled, her mouth twisting, a look on her face I knew well. She was thinking. When Mirage starts thinking, her mind becomes that of a rubik's cube. Twisting and turning, a new mind game for her. The one thing most annoying about Mirage was that she can get into your head. She gets into your mind and make you start thinking stuff that may have never crossed your mind. Sometimes she does it for kicks, other times for her own insecurity, but most of all, it's how she understands others.

“Blitz,” Mirage says slowly, looking at me. “Do you care about her?”

“Huh?” I looked at her owlishly, blinking a few times from the random question.

“Do you care about her?” Mirage repeated, her eyes piercing through.

“Well, yeah. I sorta do," I answered, pushing back the awkward feeling from this conversation.

Mirage looked at me more closely. Even in the late night, I knew she could see through me, her mind already at work.

“Mirage, I-” Mirage cut me off, putting a hand on my shoulder and a finger to my lips.

“Shh. Do you hear that? I think she is talking to someone.” Mirage says, looking back towards my bedroom way.

I listen closely, just barely able to hear the conversation coming from my room. Slowly, Mirage let’s go of my shoulder. She then turned around and started creeping towards my room, her curiosity getting the best at her.

“What are you doing?” I hissed, grabbing her by her wrist.

“I’m trying to find out what is actually wrong with her.” Mirage says, pulling my hand off her wrist. “You said you want to help her, so this is the best way to figure out how.”

Without another word, Mirage grabs my hand and pulls me along, not letting me give out any sort of comeback. Not that I had any to start with. Walking up to the door, me and Mirage knelt down and place our ear on it, trying to hear what Sonata was saying.

“...if you do hear this message, please call me. I miss the both of you. I’m sorry… for not being any use and always causing trouble.” We heard Sonata let out a choke sob. “Please, please talk to me soon.”

I pulled back for the door, my heart feeling full of molten lead. She was still trying to reach out to them and I knew about it. I knew that her sisters knew and that they are still worried about her, yet she believes they didn’t even cared. Should I tell her the truth?

I felt Mirage place a hand on my shoulder. “I may not know what’s fully going on, but I can see on your face that you know more than you’re letting on. I can see also that you really do care about her, so, go talk to her.”

I just stared at her, catching on to what she really was saying. “W-wait a minute, it's not-”

Mirage stood up, placing a finger in both her ears. “La la la. No matter what you say, I’m not hearing it.” She turns to me, giving me a smile. “I’m going to head back to sleep. When you're done, you can tell me about it tomorrow.” She says, walking off. “Oh, and try not to take too long, you still need to get some sleep yourself.”

I just stared dumbly at my sister, watching her walked off. Jeez sis, way to lay it down. Not like the idea hadn't crossed my mind, but, eh. Rubbing my hair fiercely, again, I pushed the thought out of my mind.

Now with my head cleared, I stood up and knocked on the door gently. “Sonata, it’s me, Blitz. Are you okay in there?”

I heard shuffling on the other side, followed by a dropping of an object that I could only assume was her phone. A second later, the door creak open. Sonata stuck her head out, looking at me with puffy red eyes before stepping back, allowing the door to fully open.

“Did-did I wake you? I’m sorry if I did,” She said, her head lowered and her phone clutched in both her hands.

“Don't worry about it.” I said gently, stepping into the room. “I heard you calling my name, then I heard sounds coming from here and got worried.” Even though this was a mixture of truth and lies, what I said was mostly true.

“Oh,” Sonata murmured, visibly clutching at her phone tighter.

“Are you okay? What's wrong?” I asked, even though I knew the answers to my own question.

“Nothing. I'm okay, really.” She said, wiping her eyes clear of tears.

"No, you're not," I said steadily, taking her hand. “I can see the tears still coming from your eyes.”

“This, this is, uh,” Sonata stuttered, her voice wavering.

Crap, don't cry.

Quickly, I grab Sonata and pull her into a hug, surprising her. She let out a small, tiny yelp as her body stiffen.

“Sonata,” I said in a whisper. “I know that you're still hurting, and that you're crying about your sisters, and trying to reach them. I known that for a while, but don't beat yourself up over this.”

“I-it is my fault.” She said, her voice ragged. “I deserve this, everything. Why am I having so much guilt now. I never cared before, so why now.” Sonata says as she started to sob into my shoulder. She wasn't crying yet, but her voice gave way to her emotions. “I just wanted the one thing in my life that I still have. I have nothing and no one now.” She mumble into my shoulder.

She never felt guilty about the things she’s done before? Did that rainbow beam gave her a change of heart? Or could it be that everything she has done came back to hit her. Whatever the reason is, I should help her through this bit.

Breaking free from the hug, I looked Sonata in the eyes. “Listen, I’m not going to say you should stop trying to reach them, but…”

What excuse would be good enough? I need something that would give her hope, yet still allowing me to keep my promise. I thought, looking into Sonata eyes which was begging me to tell her something good.

Once again, I came up short for an answer. Shaking my head, I tried to revise my earlier statement. “Sonata, maybe this is the best for you. Maybe once you cleared your own emotion and thoughts, you can go find your sisters and try to reconnect with them. Maybe the lost of your amulet was a good thin-”

I immediately bit my tongue on those words as Sonata eyes grew cold. Her face started to redden with anger but quickly fell to sadness as her head drop. Sonata legs gave way as she fell to her knees, letting go of her phone. Quickly, I drop to my knees as while to see if she was still mentally okay. When I lifted her head, I was heartfelt to what I saw. Her eyes were closed as tears stream down her face.

Rubbing her back, I helped her up and sat her down on the bed. Sitting down next to her, I put one arm around her neck in consolance. “Hey, do you want to talk about how you are feeling? It might help you feel better if you got it off your chest.”

Sonata wiped her eyes cleared as she took a deep breath. Calming herself down, she looked at me, her eyes darker than they was seconds ago. The next words she said sent chills down my body.

“What do you do when you want to stop living, but you're too afraid to die?”