//------------------------------// // Fallen on Hard Times // Story: Daily Life In Canterlot High // by Banchoking //------------------------------// One could say many things about Flash Sentry, but no one could ever accuse him of having a boring life. Ever since a magical pony princess from another universe bumped into him, things had only gotten weirder with time. One of those things being the time when a trio of sirens had hypnotized the whole school as the first step in their plans for world domination. Unlike his ex-girlfriend, they hadn't stuck around once their secret was out, and he and most of the other students had wondered where they went. Turns out they didn't go far. As Flash pulled up to the red light, he saw three familiar faces at the corner. He rolled down his window and was about to call out to them but the moment the window started going down they had already began to walk over. The one with the curly orange hair, Adagio if he remembered, leaned forward and stuck her chest out, deliberately showing off her cleavage. "Hey big boy, how about a..." she began but the purple haired one interrupted. "Hold up, I recognize this guy. He goes to CHS. Mash or something." The blue one waved enthusiastically, "Hi Mash!" Flash decided to ask the obvious question, "So what are you three doing here? No one's heard from you since the Battle of the Bands." Adagio scowled, "Well, if you must know money's been a bit tight since we lost our powers. So if you're not interested we need to get back to work." He raised an eyebrow, "Interested in what?" The purple one scoffed, "Oh come on, you can't be that dumb. Three pretty girls on a street corner walk up to your car. What do you think's going on here?" Flash thought for a moment before his eyes widened. "Oh! I....I didn't think...." The blue one giggled, "Check out his face. He's blushing like crazy!" "How many times do I have to tell you to stop laughing at the potential customers." Adagio growled. As the three began to bicker, Flash took a moment to really look at them. They were a far cry from the divas that had arrived at CHS. Their hair was unkempt, despite obvious attempts to keep it well maintained, their once perfect outfits were wrinkled and dirty, and they had visibly lost weight. Finally, he looked up at the overcast sky, clearly getting ready to rain. He let out a sigh, "Hey, do you girls have a place to stay?" The three stopped arguing and turned their attention back to him. They looked at him suspiciously for a while. It was the purple one who broke the silence, "Who wants to know?" Flash rubbed the back of his head, hoping he wasn't making a big mistake here, "Well, we have a guest bedroom back at my place and we've always got plenty of food to go around. I'd have to ask my parents but I don't think they'd mind a few guests." The three shared a brief look. "We'll be right back," Adagio said. Flash waited as the three walked away and began talking. He couldn't tell what they were saying but the blue one seemed excited and the other two were arguing. So it was probably a two third's vote yes, but since Adagio was the leader she might just veto the whole thing. When they looked like they had came to an agreement, they started walking back to his car. Adagio crossed her arms, "We'll need to see the room first."