//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: One-on-One Luna // Story: Camp Orion // by Meemie7 //------------------------------// Snowheart: I read your journal. And, no, I haven’t neglected Equestrian History. Luna: That is good to know. Snowheart: But, I wanted you to write why you turned into Nightmare Moon from your perspective. Luna: Is that not my perspective? Snowheart: It sounds more like something from a history book. Luna: Perhaps history is just that accurate. Snowheart: What I mean is, I wanted you to write how you felt before you turned, after you were reformed, and how you feel now reflecting back on it. Luna: Neglected, just as I said. Snowheart: Is that everything? Luna:…no. Snowheart: Then, what else were you feeling? Luna: I remember feeling…lonely, I suppose? Snowheart: Yes? Keep going. Luna: Lonely… frustrated… depressed…like my nights were not as good as I thought they were. Snowheart: Why did you feel your nights weren’t as good? Luna: Because no one seemed to care about it. Creating the night for what it is… that is my entire life. It’s who I am. And when no pony seems to care about the thing I have dedicated my life to… Snowheart: I understand. But, how did you feel about it after coming back? Luna: I… I feel terrible for what I did. I should never have let my emotions go that far. All they ever did was bring me pain. Snowheart: Did you think about what you could have done differently back then? Luna: Yes, of course. I should of had better control over myself and my emotions. I should have kept myself in check. That is why... Snowheart:…you created the Tantibus. Luna:… Snowheart: Do you see what the problem is here? You say that you’re trying to control your emotions, but look at where that’s gotten you. The Tantibus did more damage to yourself and others than Nightmare Moon. Repentance isn’t the obstacle, guilt is and I don’t think you quite understand that yet. Luna: But, I know that I can do better. Snowheart: Luna… no pony was meant to be an island. There are friends there for you that are more than willing to help you and trust me when I say that you need their help. Why won’t you ask them? Luna: They should not have to undertake my burdens. Snowheart: But, they want to. That’s why Princess Celestia is covering for you, why she built this, and why you are here. We all care about you. You never asked us to do this, but we are doing it anyway because we want to see you happy. Luna:… can we stop? Snowheart: Luna… I know this isn’t easy, but what’s necessary is rarely easy. Luna: Please, I just need to think. Snowheart: Hf. Alright. We’ll come back to this later.