//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Darkness Arisen // by XxLunasMoonxX //------------------------------// Moonlight Wish awoke to the sound of wind nearby. She slowly got up, holding her hoof to her head. Where am I? This isn’t Ponyville, she thought, holding her scarf close to her face. She stood on her hooves and looked around. ¨What is this place? Is this-- is this a factory?¨ she wondered aloud. She sighed and started for the door. As she approached, she staggered a bit, not knowing why. Looking back at her hind legs, she discovered a deep gash along her left leg. She sighed and sat back down in a position to see it. She closed her eyes and thought for a moment, the familiar rush of magic moving through her as she recalled a spell to help her leg heal. She finished the spell and stood, then, limping, approached the door again. She reached it and slowly pulled it open. She stuck her head out, and, not seeing any danger, stepped out and looked around. She heard a noise to her left and whirled around, but it was too late-- something hit her head, knocking her out cold.