Darkness Arisen

by XxLunasMoonxX

First Meeting

Moonlight Wish sprang up onto her haunches, the memories from long ago forcing themselves back into her thoughts. Her dream last night reminded her of her ‘accident’ as a filly. Her magic burst free and killed her entire family. Her eyes welled up with tears as she remembered the incident from so long ago, and she wiped them away. She also remembered the blue alicorn from her dream- she didn’t remember that in her memory… she sighed and flipped over, and, with a start, she recognized the mare from her dream.
¨Are you well?” she asked, and Moonlight blinked.
¨You… you were in my dream…¨
¨Well… yes, I was. I am Luna, the princess of the night.¨
¨P-princess Luna?!¨ Moonlight Wish struggled to turn over to bow to her, but Luna put a hoof on her flank.
¨Yes, but there is no need for that. You are hurt.¨
¨I- I am?¨ she flipped her head over her back, and, seeing her leg, she said, ¨I- I guess I am….¨
¨Now, what is your name?¨
¨I’m Moonlight Wish.¨
Luna smiled. ¨A fine name. Now, do you know where we are or how we got here?¨
Moonlight shook her head. ¨No idea. It looks kinda like a castle of some sort… maybe one of the old castles from underground?”
Luna looked at Moonlight. ¨How did you know about the castles?¨
Moonlight blushed. ¨I...ummm… I study… a lot….¨
¨Hmm. Much like Twilight Sparkle does….” Luna sighed, nodding. The two waited in silence before Moonlight spoke up again.
¨Won’t you being missing cause problems? I mean, you do raise and lower the moon….¨
¨Well, I certainly will be looked for, and either my sister or Twilight can do the moon for now. What about you? Won’t you going missing cause worry as well?¨
¨Not… really. I don’t have any friends or anything.¨
¨Well, you have one now,¨ Luna said, smiling. Moonlight smiled back before she set her head down. Luna got closer and wrapped around Moonlight, who blushed a bit before she realized how warm and comfortable Luna was. Moonlight yawned and stretched, falling into a deep sleep.