//------------------------------// // Night's Beginning // Story: Darkness Arisen // by XxLunasMoonxX //------------------------------// Moonlight yawned and stretched. She got up-- or, at least, tried to… there was another pony with her! She started, then remembered what had happened before she slept. Oh Celestia, it’s even worse because Princess Luna was the other pony!... What did Luna see in Moonlight’s dream, if she checked? Well, that would spoil the T-rating…. Anyways, Moonlight wiggled out slowly so as not to disturb Luna, but failed. Luna woke up as well. “Oh, hello, miss Moonlight,” Luna said. “How was your nap?” Moonlight was at a loss for words-- she’d just been cuddling with the princess of the night and Luna didn’t care? “U-umm… go--good, I guess….” she managed to choke out. “That’s good,” Luna said. She smiled and got up. Moonlight was a bit perturbed that the princess was so nonchalant about this. She tried to get up, but her leg prevented her from doing this. She looked over at the princess. "Does magic work?" "I have no idea. I will try." Luna attempted a teleport spell, but it failed. Moonlight tried many spells, but movement-based ones did not work. She did, however, manage to summon a book. She sat down and read.