//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Forgiven // Story: The story of Anvil 2 : Truth // by proudtobeabrony667 //------------------------------// Chapter 3 Forgiven We decided to help Anvil get over his irrational hatred of the dazzling and to do that had to start from the beginning of the scenario that had played out previously. Forgiving the Dazzlings started out like a play. Three of us dressed up as the Dazzlings and pretended to Drag Anvil into a fight.(To be honest I think AJ couldn't get the curls out of her hair for months afterward) We've never been so scared in all our lives, But we just knew that it was the best way to help Anvil. But even I couldn't go without some safety precautions, so to be safe we had Vinyl there among those dressed up. Anvil sat on the couch forcing himself to stay calm. We kept our distance as expected of the real deal But we couldn't get the attitude right so we told him to say what he had on his mind at the time, we didn't expect the next part. "Okay but be warned I have few things to say to them and it's going to sound harsh." "We're ready and we know you aren't saying it to us" "Okay here goes... You god damn mother Fucking Whores I don't actually give a flying fuck what you did to me in fact I think it's an improvement but the fact that you threatened Vinyl and caused her to lose a part of herself is what pisses me off so if you want my forgiveness save it because you don't need it the person who's forgiveness you need is Vinyl's If you try to get my forgiveness I'll fucking kill you and use your skulls for juggling practice and then use your corpses as a set of punching bags..... Whew glad that's off my chest" "Okay Anvil can we come in now" "Huh when did you leave" "Half way through that spiel. Now that's off your chest do you forgive those girls?" "I won't forgive them till they apologize to Vinyl." "Okay that's a start..." After that we practiced music had some laughs and did some research for a report in Anvil's library. During that Research period Vinyl found an old photo in one of the albums. The photo looked like it had been thrown into the fire for a small amount of time the Photo was of Vilkas and some girl who was not named. "Anvil, who's this girl?" Vinyl asked "What girl? "This girl in this picture?" "Let me see... Oh that was a friend of mine when I was seven she moved away shortly after that picture her name was Lila Arcana" "Arcana?..... I think I read that somewhere [rummage] Ah here it is. The Arcanas' are a family of ancient wizards who have been fighting the family of the Wolfs-Banes for over 7000 years." Said Rainbow Dash after reading the history of The Wolfs-Banes for her report "Wait! Now I remember where I heard that name ..... it was when I was tearing out the heart of the man who killed my parents ... but he also told me that he did it for a reason the Arcanas' told him that we kidnapped his daughter after she recovered from an Eye transplant in our newly owned hospital come to think of it the girls name was.... Vin...yl. The girls name was Vinyl Scratch And I made a promise to that man that I would kill the man who took her and also find his daughter her mother committed suicide two days later after I told her about her husbands death." "You killed---Mph" "Please don't she doesn't need to know about her parents not actually being her parents" "I already do, Anvil." "Damn I thought I'd never have to tell you" "You didn't I realized it when I learned about genetics and found that I had nothing in common with them, I didn't know that my real father killed yours or that you killed him though... I don't blame you though the fact that they resorted to that was horrid." "I'm so sorry if you hate me that's......Wait what?" "I don't blame you" "You had been gone for four years... I learned about you in the news papers when I was four. It was also the same year that Lila showed up. She never left me for a second, the day I met her I saw her watching me from the bushes as I was practicing sword play with a stick. I started practicing moments before and when I noticed I asked her to join me. from then on we practiced until we were better than any sword master on the planet but then she left and I turned eight days later." "Anvil you saved me more times than one and I love you but you can't blame yourself for my parents deaths every time you look at me that makes me feel sad" After that Vinyl and Anvil grew closer than ever having all their secrets out in the open and nothing between them but something seemed to bother Anvil and we couldn't figure it out at least until later that night when the news was on. the news was showing the new mayor and his only daughter we thought it was weird that He would bring his daughter to a news broadcast but when that question was asked for us The Mayor responded with "she begged me to come. And I can't deny my little girl" "Mayor Sombra does your daughter have her eye on anyone?" asked the interviewer "I Think I'll let her answer that for herself. Well do you Lila?" When the mayor said that Anvil crushed the Cup he was holding in an instant that name was almost as rare as his but why would she come back? "Well Mr. interviewer there is one boy..." "Well want to give a shout out to him?" Turning to the screen she said "I'm Back Vilkas and i'm coming for you" with a wink