The story of Anvil 2 : Truth

by proudtobeabrony667

Chapter 4: Night Terrors

Chapter 4

Night terrors

After that girl on the news said that Anvil froze and looked as if he'd seen the face of the devil himself, If he was scared that could only mean this girl was terrifying to him and if that was the case we should be running or at least be prepared for a fight. But it didn't seem it was the 'be prepared for a fight' kind of scared instead it seemed like 'Psycho ex-girlfriend' kind of scared as well as 'I'm going to fucking kill you' kind of scared. A few moments passed and then Anvil got up and headed over to his room claws extended piercing the wall as he walked. two seconds after we heard his door close we heard a eardrum shattering scream come out of that room causing Vinyl to rush up the stairs and calm him down.

When the noise stopped Chester came in and told us about Lila... and her sick obsession with Anvil.

"Chester what the hell was that?" I asked when he walked into the room

"That was the sound of pure terror.... He told me about Lila some years back and how he described her at the time was psychotic, stalker bitch with an obsession issue. She was weird and crazy whenever she was around him and when she left it was not long after he told her that he thought she was getting to close to him and his family."

"She was that bad?"

"No she was worse, she invited him to her house once and it became clear how obsessed she was when he saw the shrine to him she made... Not only that but the amount of pictures of him sleeping was unnatural so he told her father and soon after that she started to see him less and less but now that she's back I'm sure she'll come here and try to take Anvil away from the young miss."

Two days later Anvil and Vinyl went back to school and during first class a new student was introduced in class. Rarity was sick that day so there was a spot open in the protective square that we made for Anvil and Vinyl.... Unfortunately that spot happened to be on the opposite side of Anvil that Vinyl was currently sitting.

"Good morning class we have a new student joining us today come introduce yourself...." said the teacher

"I don't know how I should introduce myself...." Lila said acting shy

"Quit lying Lila Arcana!!!!" Anvil screamed, causing everyone to stare, while Vinyl tried to keep him from lashing at her

"Who are you? if I might ask"

"I'm Anvil but I think you know my by a different name right Lilark!!!

"Villy? Is that you???" she said covering her mouth with tears in her eyes

She started to run towards Anvil and almost instantaneously he put up his hand and said "Stop don't you come any closer than that!!"

"But why I thought we were so close?"

"Exactly...YOU thought, I didn't........[Sigh] Why did you come back Lila?"

"For you silly why else would I come back?" she said with a grin that caused a noticable shiver to go down Anvil's spine

"For the same reason as your father."

The teacher stepped in and told Lila to take a seat in the spot beside Anvil, and as she motioned towards it Vinyl instinctively grabbed Anvils hand making sure that his emotions stayed in control luckily she didn't notice but None of us believed that she would let the whole 'same reason as your father' comment go so easily. After class had ended Anvil took off and as expected Lila took off after him. We followed them to just outside of the school building and as we listened in on their conversation we noticed that Anvil's claws were exposed even through the bandages. She seemed to notice and did nothing she wasn't even scared two of us had to hold Vinyl back knowing she sensed the distress that Anvil was in, but the conversation was starting...

"God damn it Lila I honestly hoped you were gone for good and to be even more honest I wished you wouldn't come back but it seems like you don't always get what you wish for huh?"

"Why would you say such a thing we are meant to be aren't we?"

"No... No we're not! Your entire existence was meant to get close to my family so your father could end it or did he not tell you that he sent a man to kill me and my family."

"No he told me I just refuse to believe it.... Where are your parents and that kind butler of yours?" Lila asked not knowing of their true fate

"Dead.... They died 4 days after you moved away murdered by the man who your father sent... Now for the love of god Leave me alone I don't want anything to do with you or your family..... Besides I have someone else now"

"You what?!?"

At that moment Vinyl broke free and ran straight to Anvil's side taking his hand putting both of them at ease. Lila seemed horrified and somewhat pleased but she continued to have the Horrified look about her.

"How could you I thought you were going to marry me!?!"

"That was during the third year that I knew you... But after those things you did and the the things you did next year I don't think so"

Lila stopped there and shot a glare directly at Vinyl but Anvil got in the way and walked towards her this time. We could feel the anger and hatred from our hiding place but it must have been stronger from where Lila was standing, From what we could see she was terrified. Anvil got really close and leaned in towards her Lila must have thought he was going to kiss her cause she got ready for it but instead Anvil whispered in her ear saying something just loud enough to make out ....

"If you so much as look at her wrong again not only will your father die..... You'll be next and the feud between our families will finally come to an end." Anvil said with what seemed like two separate voices after that going inside to get ready for his next class with Vinyl close behind while Lila stood there mortified as well as what seemed from our perspective to be crying in fear.

Once back in class Lila sat near Anvil with tears in her eyes and while people were asking her if she was alright she secretly handed Anvil a note. Later Anvil decided to read it and as soon as he was done he dropped it and walked over to the cafeteria to get some lunch, I was behind him and I decided to read the note that he dropped.

It read:

Anvil you should know by now I don't get scared around you and you should know that I as the mayors daughter I can get anything I want in this world.... Including you, also that girl you were with I don't like her and I think you should break up with her if you want her to stay alive and well for the remainder of her life.

P.S how do you like my acting ;p <winking face with tongue out

It was then I realized that Anvil didn't actually go to the cafeteria to get lunch and I rushed there as fast as I could getting the others as I passed them, but when we got there he was still in line getting his food though I noticed a small heat wave around him that you might see coming from a fire I could tell he was pissed and I could also tell there was nothing I could do to stop him. When he got all of his food he walked past Lila and knelt down as if to tie his shoe and everyone could hear the conversation that followed.

"Lila?" he asked

Thinking he was proposing she right out said "Oh Villy Yes!!!!"

"I'm not proposing, quit being so ignorant, I'm tying my shoe and telling you that if you ever threaten my girlfriend, written or verbal, again they're going to need a shovel to scrape your rotting corpse off the pavement"

"Why a shovel?"she asked

"How else do you scrape things off the road?"

"Why do you say these things to me?"

"So you'll leave us alone!!"

"What's wrong with having a love triangle?" she said with a coy grin

"The fact that you are still stalking me from 10 years ago now for the love of god let your sick obsession for me go!!"

After that he got up and walked over to vinyls table and sat down beside her where she proceeded to blush not so much from him protecting her but rather him doing it in front of everyone. However it had not ended there, Lila had gotten up from her table and went to dump her lunch all over Vinyl but when she got there and was about to do it Vinyl punched the tray upwards spilling the food all over Lila. After that humiliation she slapped Vinyl across the face, the room fell silent and Anvil started to laugh profusely. Lila was confused probably thinking "why would he laugh at me hitting his girl?" but she found out why he was laughing quite quickly. Vinyl stood up and rolled up her sleeve and showed everyone in that room that she no longer would take any shit from anyone. She wound up her left arm and slapped Lila across the face causing her to spin on the spot four or five times before falling to the floor, after that Vinyl sat down and finished her lunch. For the remainder of the school day Lila neither said, wrote, or did anything to provoke the now most respected couple in the school.

However later that night it seemed that she wasn't done with Anvil, he told me the next morning of a dream that he had. He said that in the dream he was walking through the house and out of nowhere he was struck in the back of the head with enough force to knock him out for at least ten minutes, when he awoke he was tied to a chair and Vinyl was in a similar situation a mere ten feet from where he was positioned she was still out cold though so she could not hear him calling out to her. A few seconds had passed before their captor came into the room and poured a bucket of water onto Vinyl waking her up ,when the captor turned around it turned out to be Lila and she didn't say anything just smiled creepily before pulling out a large knife and plunging it into Vinyls chest causing her to scream loudly before dying. Lila turned and showed me that she had taken Vinyls heart out of her chest before putting it in a box and closing it. Next she held the box and said before he woke up "If I Can't get you to part from her I'll give you her heart and then you'll be mine"

I was staying at Rainbow Dashes place that night but I was still woken up by the sound of Anvil screaming in sheer terror from the nightmare. Vinyl was over at Pinkies but I could tell that the sound of that scream caused her to get in her car and break all kinds of laws to get home and calm him down. That's when all of us knew that Lila would not give up without a fight and it seemed she was prepared to fight dirty to get what she wanted.....