//------------------------------// // Argument Stoppage, Apologies, Accusations, Resentment, and Bad Futures // Story: Rainbow Rocks (partial) Rewrite // by MalekPony //------------------------------// Some time after the Dazzlings started up the song "Welcome to the Show", Sunset Shimmer looks up above to see the negative energy the Rainbooms are giving the Dazzlings thanks to their arguing. Realizing that the negative energy was what the Dazzlings were wanting, she had to do something about it, and fast! "Stop! You have to stop!" Sunset Shimmer yelled, which caused the Rainbooms (who no longer emitted a green mist that had surrounded them while feeding the Dazzlings their negative energy) to stop their arguing by this point. "This is what they've been after all along! They're feeding off of the magic inside you!" she next exclaims. "How can they be using our magic? It's the magic of friendship," Applejack confusingly asks. Sunset then explains to the Rainbooms, "I'm sorry to say this to you, but I do need to point out that you are not being good friends to each other right now. Why? It's because of the fact that ever since the very moment you had started this band, you've been letting little things get to your head. I never said anything because I didn't feel like it was my place. Not when I'm so new to this whole "friendship" thing. I still have a lot to learn. But I do know that if you don't work out even the smallest problems right at the start, the magic of friendship can be turned into something else. Oh, and one more thing I need to confess; as ironic as it sounds, I had been the one who temporarily broke up your friendships years ago. I was such a cruel and dishonest jerk back then, but my selfishness has now become a thing of the past. Today, I am now a friendlier girl than I was earlier." Her speech makes the Rainbooms feel sad about both their bad behaviors toward one another AND the irony that she had just explained. With a hint of realization, Twilight Sparkle says "I can't believe all this tension was happening right under my nose and I didn't realize it. I'm supposed to be the one with all the answers. And all I've done since I got here is let you down." "I don't think anyone is supposed to have all the answers. But you can count on your friends to help you find them." Sunset Shimmer reassures. The Rainbooms smiled at this statement. Thank goodness Sunset Shimmer stopped their foolish bickering, otherwise their friendships would've been broken beyond repair and they would've completely lost their magic of friendship to the Dazzlings. "Sunset, we're sorry for what we did," Rainbow Dash admitted sadly. "Our behaviors toward each other today were just awful," Rarity shamefully said. "We'd all been too thick headed to realize our folly of bein' enemies to each other," Applejack added. "We shouldn't have made the grave mistake of arguing with each other like that," Fluttershy confessed. "We should've been happy and smiling instead of getting angry with each other like we did. What we need to say to you is...." Pinkie Pie lamented. "We're sorry!" all five of the Rainbooms announced to Sunset and Twilight. The Rainbooms then embraced each other, indicating that they had made up. "Now that's better and I forgive you," Sunset said to the Rainbooms. "What do you think, Twilight? Do you forgive them as well?", Sunset asks Twilight. Twilight thinks about it for a little while, but she got angry all of a sudden as she turns her gaze to the Rainbooms. This is not the reaction the Rainbooms expected. Twilight then snapped and said, “You’re sorry? You’re sorry? ALL of you should be sorry for what you did, especially you, Rainbow Dash!” “Geez, Twilight! Calm down! I’m sure that I’ve learned my lesson by now,” Rainbow said. “NO! YOU HAVE FAILED TO LEARN YOUR LESSON AFTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO THE RAINBOOMS!!” Twilight bitterly said. “Element of Loyalty? No! You are more like the Element of Betrayal! How could you call yourself the “Element of Loyalty” when all you did was hog the spotlight and abandon your friends? Well, I think that you do NOT deserve to bear your element AT ALL! Sorry, but I’m telling it like it is, you sorry excuse of a friend!” “Twilight, stop it! This isn’t like you at all!! Don’t you see? You’re doing exactly what the Dazzlings wanted by taking your anger out on the Rainbooms, so I suggest you calm down and be happy that they made up and put their disagreements aside,” Sunset dictated. “Oh yeah? Well, do you know what I think? I THINK THAT THE SO-CALLED “RAINBOOMS” HAVE NOT LEARNED A SINGLE DARN THING AT ALL THIS WHOLE TIME DURING OUR BATTLE OF THE BANDS, AND THAT’S BECAUSE ALL THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IS FIGHTING AND ARGUING WITH EACH OTHER!!”, Twilight resented. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down, Twilight! I cannot believe that you would say such horrible things like that! However, you were right about one thing; our behaviors today were just despicable, especially when I got carried away with my costume obsession. I guess we were not being good friends to each other after all, were we?”, Rarity told Twilight. “NO, YOU WERE NOT! In fact, I need to have a VERY serious discussion with you, Rarity (or should I say “Miss Vanity”)! I thought that you were supposed to focus on our music and how the band was performing, but NO! You had to just go and let your vanity, selfishness and obsession with the costumes get the better of you! Do you want to know why? It's because you had spent so much time focusing on costumes that you forgot the very reason why you formed the band in the first place, which was for us to sound good with our music! You need to realize that you've gone off the deep end with your costume obsession because the Rainbooms are a musical band and most certainly NOT a fashion show!! SOME ELEMENT OF GENEROSITY YOU ARE, MISS VANITY!!!!”, Twilight raged. Applejack then cautioned Twilight, “Whoa nelly! Hold your horses there, Twilight! I know I did yell at Rarity for actin’ like a disgrace to the band with her costume obsession, but please don’t take your anger out on me.” Unfortunately, Twilight's rants continued on as she angrily hissed, “YES! I WILL TAKE MY ANGER OUT ON YOU, APPLEJACK!! Now, I know you may be an honest pony, but look in the mirror: you are as stubborn as a mule! Do you want to know why? Technically, it's because you were the one trying to start an argument! As a result, I will have to pin the blame on you, Rarity AND Rainbow Dash for your actions that caused the Rainbooms to fall apart the way they did!” "Okay, okay! I get it; I got mad at the wrong girls. Turns out that I'd been a bad friend all along," Applejack admitted. “Twilight, please! Stop your anger and calm down!”, Fluttershy ordered, “We now know that what we did is wrong.” “NO! I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! I’m still feeling resentment toward the Rainbooms for their behavior. In fact, I’m holding a grudge toward Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack!”, Twilight bellowed. However, she then calmed herself down for a bit to say, “I know you wanted the Rainbooms to play our songs, but you shouldn’t get mad all because of that “egotistical maniac” who rejected it,” Twilight roared Rainbow then retorted, “What did you just say? Did you just call me an “egotistical maniac”?” Twilight then responded in anger “YES, I DID! Well, guess what? If it wasn’t for your egotistical showboating, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!!!!” Pinkie Pie then tried to intervene by saying “Twilight, will you stop your angry rant? I want the Rainbooms to have fun!” “Well, Pinkie? Do you know what I have to say about that? What I am going to say is that you and the Rainbooms will NOT be having any fun at all because I’m resenting ALL OF YOU for what you have done!! In fact, how can you call yourselves good friends, when YOU REALLY ARE THE WORST FRIENDS I HAVE EVER MET IN MY WHOLE LIFE? Now if you’ll excuse me, I am holding a grudge against all of you and you can forget about getting the Rainbooms back together for the Battle of the Bands! In fact, if I were any of you, I wouldn’t even come near me at all! You all have a lot to think about right now because as of this very moment, OUR FRIENDSHIPS ARE OFFICIALLY OVER! GOODBYE AND GOOD RIDDANCE, UN-FRIENDS!! I HOPE I NEVER SEE ANY OF YOU EVER AGAIN!!!! AS A MATTER OF FACT, I WISH I HAD NEVER MADE ANY FRIENDS AT ALL!!!!!!!!” Twilight Sparkle yelled to her now-former friends, before turning to Sunset, announcing "Sunset, I'm sorry but my friendships with the Rainbooms are OVER! I never want to see them ever again!" Twilight then storms off in a huff as she screams in frustration and runs away from the Rainbooms to go sit in a corner of the ampitheater room. Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbooms, or should I say ex-Rainbooms, gasped at this. Sunset then said, “Whoa! That was quite the display of anger we saw from Twilight, and I must say that one part of me is very disappointed in you for letting your petty desires blind you from what was truly important. Why would you do it? I thought you were going to learn your lessons. However, I am also sorry that you had to hear Twilight yell at you like that.” “Gee, Sunset. After the way Twilight yelled at us, our ears are hurting right now. We’re sorry for making the grevious error of arguing with each other, and for making her mad because of the way we treated each other today,” Rarity apologized. “Sunset, let me tell you the story about why we were behavin' like rotten apples durin' the battle of the bands. The reasons why we were arguin' in the first place was because Rainbow Dash failed to control her ego, effectively turnin' what should've been a group effort into a one-person show. I also had issues with Rarity because I thought that her costume obsession was rather pointless. I tried to get Rarity to snap out of her costume obsession and focus on our music and how we were performin'. In fact, I even told her that the Rainbooms were supposed to be a musical band and NOT a fashion show. However, it may be my fault too because of my stubborn pride that has torn our friendships apart. Not to mention the fact that when I tried to cool down the Rainbooms’ anger and keep our friendships together, I actually had the intent to wind up startin' the arguments. Why had I done that? It was because I thought it was somethin' everyone wanted to hear. As a matter of fact, I was complainin' about somethin' no one else took issue with, and without sayin' "Does anyone else see the point of dressin' up fancy?" or "Did you ever realize you're not the only member of the band?". Let’s face it; it’s all our fault, especially Rainbow’s, Rarity's and mine. I guess Twilight was right to chew us out the way she did, huh?” Applejack told Sunset. Sunset Shimmer then told the group, “Well, I did forgive you for your arguing earlier. However, a part of me still thinks that Twilight was right to get mad at you about one thing: your arguing had ruined the Battle of the Bands for us. Regardless, I still think that you don't deserve to get your ears damaged by the yelling she gave you.” The door has opened (now unlocked) to reveal Vinyl Scratch and Spike the Talking Dog, who have angry looks on their faces. “Yay! The door’s open now, and I see Spike and Vinyl!”, shouts an excited Pinkie Pie Spike growled at the Rainbooms and said, "You should be ashamed! You should all be ashamed of yourselves for the way you treated each other!" Meanwhile, Vinyl gives the Rainbooms a thumbs-down expression. The Rainbooms gasped in shock. It was bad enough that Twilight gave them a tongue-lashing, but Spike the Talking Dog and Vinyl Scratch (not to mention their families) getting mad at the Rainbooms just makes it even worse. Spike then continued with, "This especially goes for you, Rainbow Dash! Your ego is the reason why the Rainbooms fell apart in the first place!" "That's right, Spike. It was my fault that the band broke up. I had allowed my ego to cloud my judgment as I was looking for some fame and adoration. In fact, I even called the Rainbooms "my band" instead of "ours" and, as Applejack put it, turned our band into a one-person show. However, I now realize that I had forgotten about the prospect of teamwork and I even alienated my friends in the process. I guess Scootaloo is not going to be happy about what I did. In fact, she wouldn't want to be my sister anymore! Not after what I did," Rainbow Dash lamented, as we go to a "Bad Future" sequence while we see what's going on in her head. The sequence begins with Rainbow Dash walking into her home, with rainbows serving as borders for the house. "Hey, squirt!" Rainbow Dash said as she opened the door to see Scootaloo. "Hi, Rainbow. What's on your mind?", asked the gamboge girl with a cerise hair color "You will not be happy when I tell you this, but I will tell you," Rainbow Dash said before clearing her throat so she can tell Scootaloo her story about how she formed the Rainbooms, and how her ego had caused the Rainbooms to argue with each other and fall apart the way they did. Scootaloo gasped at this story; how could her role model do such a thing like that? Needless to say, she wasn't happy about what the rainbow-haired girl had done. “Rainbow, how could you!?! I looked up to you! I idolized you! You were my role model! You were my friend! You were my sister!”, Scootaloo then said with tears in her eyes, with her expression changing to anger while continuing to say, “I thought you were supposed to set a good example for me, but noooo! You had to just go and betray your friends by hogging the spotlight with your selfish ego, especially with that awful song you made up to increase your ego tenfold! Well, guess what? You hurt me too! Why would you do this to me? I could never forgive you for what you've done! Listen, I regret ever choosing you as my role model! In fact, you don't even deserve to be my sister anymore! Not after what you did!” After her rant is finished, Scootaloo speeds off crying with tears in her eyes. That's the end of Rainbow's "Bad Future" sequence, as Rainbow said solemnly, "I let you down, Scootaloo. I really did." However, Applejack exclaimed to Rainbow, "Now wait just a darn minute!". Rainbow Dash then asked, "What's wrong, Applejack? It's my fault our band broke up, and I think I may have let down my sister because of it." "Rainbow, I just want to tell you that you do not have to take all the blame," Applejack replied before continuing, "It's also my fault because my stubborn pride has only fueled the tensions between us. Not to mention the fact that I was technically the one to start the arguments we were havin'. We, the Rainbooms, almost got our friendships shattered and it's all just because I failed to control my temper. Needless to say, I think I may have become a huge disgrace to my own family," she admitted, after which we begin a second "bad future" sequence, this time concerning Applejack and her family as we dig deeper into her thoughts. Walking toward her barn home, Applejack said, "Hey, sis, hey bro, and hey granny!" as Apple Bloom, Big Macintosh and Granny Smith come into view. However, she noticed that there were angry faces in lieu of the happy ones she expected. "What? Why do you look so angry at me?", Applejack, who is now nervous, asked her family. Big Macintosh, the first to respond, says "You should be ashamed of yourself, Applejack! I heard that you were the one to start an argument with the Rainbooms." Applejack pondered, "Wait a minute, how did you know?" Apple Bloom said, "Twilight told us about your actions and we all knew that what ya did was wrong." "Wait, what? It's not my fault I started the arguments, it was.." Applejack started to say in panic, but was cut off. Her grandmother said, "I don't wanna hear your excuses, Applejack! By startin' an argument with the Rainbooms, you have brought shame to your own family!" Big Macintosh agreed, saying "Your granny's right, Applejack! You have now officially been deemed the 'rotten apple' in your family! Why? It's because you're nothin' but a disgrace to us now!" "I agree! You're no sister of mine anymore!" Apple Bloom followed. Applejack gasped at this and apologized, "Wait! You can't disown me for this! I am sorry for what I did!" "Well, I'm afraid sorry ain't cuttin' it this time! As of this moment, you are no longer part of the Apple family. Good-bye and good riddance, you sorry excuse of a family member!", Granny said to her now-former granddaughter. After this, the now-disgraced farmgirl walks away from what used to be her barn. After we finish Applejack's "bad future" scene, Rarity came up next as she sadly began her confession, "I hate to break it to you but I am to blame as well. Oh, I was just evil. I was a selfish and thoughtless fool who got so carried away with my costume obsession that I forgot that it was the music I needed to focus on. Oh, Sweetie Belle must hate me now. Not to mention the fact that I am in danger of losing my reputation as a clothing designer once my clients and customers hear about the way we were behaving toward each other." With that, a third "bad future" sequence popping up as we delve into Rarity's mind. The sequence begins in her humble abode where her parents and sister reside. "Hello, Sweetie," Rarity happily said to her sister who is standing nearby. "Hey, sis! What's going on?", replied Sweetie Belle. "Well, I need to tell you something. It's concerning the Rainbooms," Rarity said. "Now let me warn you that what I am about to tell you is not going be pretty. However, you must listen to every word I say in the story. Is that clear?," cautioned Rarity. Sweetie Belle gives a nod of approval. With that, Rarity told her sister the whole story about how she got into quite a few arguments with the Rainbooms. She even went on to say that she was arguing with Applejack over her costume obsession, and how her costume obsession led to her friendships coming to an end. Nevertheless, Sweetie Belle seemed to be quite shocked about this once Rarity ends her story. "Well, Sweetie? What did you think? Pretty shocking, huh?" Sweetie Belle snapped out of her shocked state to say, “Yes, I was pretty shocked to hear what you told me and what I just heard from you made me quite sad. How could you? How could you end your friendships like that? Your friendships cannot end! Never! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, RARITY? YOU'VE JUST MESSED UP YOUR FRIENDSHIPS BETWEEN YOU AND THE RAINBOOMS!”, As she said this, she became increasingly sad with tears starting to form in her eyes. "Oh dear! I guess I must have been so obsessed with my desire for the Rainbooms to wear some costumes that I forgot to realize that my vanity had turned me away from the band's main goal of making music that sounds good. Some bandmate I am," Rarity explained, admitting that she had made a big mistake. "Why would you let your costume desire distract you from the thing that is the most important to a music band?" Sweetie Belle asked, with tears falling out of her eyes. "Well, you could say that I tend to be the kind of girl who wants to look fabulous whenever she performs in front of an audience. Don't you see? It's the diva in me that cries out for attention. Unfortunately, this put me at odds with Applejack, who told me that I needed to focus on how good I was supposed to sound with my music instead of giving in to my petty vanity," the fashionista explained, "However, I now realize how wrong I was and I am sorry for what I have done. Please forgive me!", she then apologized and pleaded, with the added bonus of showing her sister a pair of puppy-dog eyes. Sweetie Belle immediately says with tears and resentment, "No! I don't forgive you!" "What? But I am sorr...," Rarity started to apologize again, but was cut off by her sister this time. "Save it, Rarity! I thought you were going to teach me right from wrong, but it appears that you've taught me nothing at all!! As a matter of fact, I hate you after the way you treated your friends!!!!", yelled Sweetie Belle, who is now angry with tears in her eyes. Rarity gasped at this and asked, "Well, Sweetie? Am I still your sister, even after what I did?" "NO! YOU'RE NOT MY SISTER ANYMORE! IN FACT, I HAVE NO SISTER! AS OF THIS MOMENT, MY RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU IS OVER!! GOOD-BYE, UN-SISTER!!!! I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!!!!", Sweetie Belle shouted coldly with tears still in her eyes as Rarity watched her now-former sister storming off in a huff to her room to vent out her frustrations and blow off steam. - Moments later, after Sweetie Belle has calmed down from her angry outburst, Rarity said, "Ummmm... Sweetie Belle?". Rarity was nervous, given the fact that Sweetie had refused to forgive her and coldly disowned her as her sister. However, "Hmph!" is all that she could say to her sister as she turns up her nose at Rarity, who had gasped after seeing that. "Oh, hello! Un-sister! What are you doing here! I still don't forgive you! Oh, and before you bring our parents into this, let me tell you that mom and dad are not going to like what you’ve done." spoke Sweetie Belle to Rarity, who is no longer her sister. "Oh no! You don't mean...," Rarity gasped in fear. "Yep! I sure am going to tell them about your actions, and they will pretty much be upset about it! So upset, in fact, that they'll be sure to disown you too just like I have done a few moments ago," Sweetie Belle replied before she went to tell her parents about her once-called sister's actions toward the Rainbooms. "Oh dear! I really am in big trouble now. Not to mention the fact that my family is gonna hate me after the way I have behaved." Rarity said to no one in particular. - The scene changes to Rarity's clothing shop, Carousel Boutique. Rarity then announced to the customers in the shop "Attention, shoppers! I have a story to tell all of you." She confessed to her customers the story of how she got into quite a few arguments with the Rainbooms, leaving everybody in the boutique quite shocked. Hoity Toity then said "You got into an argument with your friends, over a silly costume obsession in a musical band? How dare you! I thought you were better than that!" This caused Rarity to panic, saying, "No, sir. This isn't what it looks like!" "I don't want to hear any excuses coming out of your mouth! This is the last time I am ever coming to this shop and I won't be talking to you anymore!", Hoity Toity told Rarity scathingly. The other customers agreed and they deicded to turn up their noses at Rarity and leave the store in a huff. - The fashionista who had just lost her family (including her sister) AND her boutique, had also lost her inspiration and creative mojo. Her spirits had gone so low over recent events that she was now too sad to make a single outfit. After Rarity's "bad future" sequence had ended, Pinkie Pie then decided to speak up and say, "Well, I technically didn't do anything wrong. All I wanted to do was have fun! I really wanted everyone, especially the Rainbooms, to have fun and be happy! I really did! However, all I did see was my friends arguing with each other. Not only did the bickering take all the fun away from our band, but it also resulted in our friendships suffering a disastrous demise, which in turn caused our band to break up. Luckily, Sunset Shimmer stopped the arguing just as the Dazzlings were feeding on our hatred and made us realize that we had made a big mistake. Sure enough, we did forgive each other and make up. However, Twilight was not so forgiving; she yelled at us for the way we behaved toward each other and to make matters worse, she told us to forget about getting our band back together as she had even decided to break up her friendships with us! Well, it could be even worse; my parents and sisters are gonna be so disgusted about my actions that they would ground me for sure. In addition, they'd force me to do chores as they take away my electronics during my grounding time. To rub some extra salt in the wound, they might even tell me that I am no longer allowed to have any sleepovers with you girls. Worst of all, everyone is going to hate us for what we did and we might even get expelled from Canterlot High for sure," Pinkie Pie said. Fluttershy melancholily assumed, "No wonder our Magic of Friendship had failed; we were being cruel to each other because according to Sunset, we've been letting a few minor disagreements get to our heads. As a result, the petty issues had reduced us to bitter enemies and the Rainbooms broke up because of that. It seems like we had suffered a bad case of Aesop Amnesia because we'd forgotten the lessons that we had to learn on the day Twilight first came here. In fact, I am starting to question how we became friends in the first place. Oh and one more thing; how will my animals react once word gets out about the way we treated each other?" "I don't know, Fluttershy. Why would you think that?", Sunset replied. "It's just that I am worried that my animal friends might possibly turn on me once they find out what we did," Fluttershy feared. "Oooooh. That sounds like you're all having thoughts about a possible bad future. However, I don't think that's what your future will be," Sunset assured. All five girls of the Rainbooms said, "WHAT?" "You may have been arguing with each other earlier, but it doesn't mean that you will have a bad future set in stone. In fact, you can still get a good future out of this. Besides, if we stop the Dazzlings, then our futures will be even brighter and better than ever!", Sunset explained to them. "Thank goodness! For a second or two, I thought everybody was gonna hate us for the way we acted," Rainbow Dash said with a sigh of relief. Rarity then changes the subject so she can ask, "Spike, how did you know about our bad behaviors?" "Well, I heard your arguing in here and I also heard that Twilight yelled at you for the way you treated each other," Spike explained, and then added "Oh and by the way, I had to get someone who was not affected by the sirens' spell in order to get you out of this trap." “What about the battle of the bands?”, Rainbow Dash pondered. Twilight, retaining her hatred toward the Rainbooms, angrily replies, “Not a chance, Rainbow. I told you to forget about it because I'm still holding a grudge against you for what you did.” Rainbow Dash then solemnly admitted, “Well, I guess you’re right. Unfortunately, I'm afraid we'll have to shut down the Rainbooms for the time being, until we can get you to become our friend again.” Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie agree sadly. Things have really gone downhill for the Rainbooms recently; It's bad enough that the band's members were yelling at each other and giving the Dazzlings their negative energy, but Twilight calling them out on their behaviors and breaking up her friendships with the group just makes it worse. To rub even more salt in the wound, there was the possibility of the Rainbooms being hated and reviled by everyone they knew; they would be called names, thrown stuff at them and at times wouldn’t even be allowed to attend anything. If even that wasn’t bad enough, each of them would feel disgust and disgrace from their respective families for their actions. "Come on! We should still get out of here!", Pinkie Pie yelled. The (former) Rainbooms, Twilight and Sunset run out of the ampitheater storage room. Meanwhile, The Dazzlings sing up on the stage. They are still absorbing the negative energy that the Rainbooms emitted a while ago, and this was shortly before they gained their anthro forms: Ah-ha, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah. Ah-ha, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah. Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah Welcome to the show Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah We're here to let you know Our time is now Your time is running out "Hey girls, look! I see the Rainbooms, Sunset and Twilight running outside...", said Sonata, having interrupted their song. "...and judging by Twilight's face, I think she looks mad. I guess she must've gotten sour at the Rainbooms for the way they acted," Adagio continued. "Well, speak of the devil: here she is," Aria pointed out. "That's right! I'm the one who yelled at the Rainbooms for their bad behavior. I even broke up my friendships with them!" Twilight said. "So, you're still holding some resentment against the Rainbooms, eh?", Adagio asked. "Yes! I don't want to be friends with them anymore! Not after what they did!", yelled Twilight "Well, I guess the Rainbooms are likely to fall apart again without you and we can feed on more of their negative energy than we've imagined," Adagio said with an evil smirk on her face. "We'll see about that, Adagio!" Twilight retorted, with a competitive smile on her face.