Rainbow Rocks (partial) Rewrite

by MalekPony

Realizations, Confessions, Reconciliations, and Preparations for the Final Battle

Twilight, who still shows resentment toward her friends right now, faces off with Adagio in a three vs. one battle alone.

"Adagio! I don't care if you had the intention to tear the whole school apart with a competition that should never have been there to begin with, but I will still take you down even though my friends' actions almost caused you to win!", said Twilight as she prepared for battle.

"Well, for all your blabbering, you were right about one thing; the way your friends were treating each other did indeed nearly cause us, the Dazzlings, to win! Anyways, we'll see how long you can survive without your friends," Adagio retorted.

"Alright, I can survive without my-", Twilight started to say before she stopped herself.

"My friends. Oh no! What have I done?", Twilight said with a realization, tears now starting to form in her eyes. "My friends, I really do care about you! All the time I could've spent with all of you was wasted, getting angry and wishing we were never friends in the first place," Twilight sighed sadly, closing her eyes with tears running down her cheeks.

"No! I can't waste my whole life away crying! I've got to get my friends back!", Twilight said with determination.

Shortly thereafter, here come her friends (and Spike the Talking Dog)

Pinkie Pie, upon the very sight of Twilight, exclaimed, "Hi, Twilight! Long time no see, eh?"

"Uh, listen. I owe some big apologies to you guys. I'm sorry for yelling at you, and I'm especially sorry for disowning you as my friends. I now realize that I do care about you and you do care about me. One thing I'd like to ask of you is this question: do you forgive me?", Twilight apologized, after finally letting go of her grudge.

"Yes, Twilight! We all forgive you!", Pinkie Pie replied.

"Thanks, girls!", exclaimed Twilight.

"You're welcome," said her friends.

"By the way, you didn't have to apologize. We should be sorry too because we were being hypocrites to our elements. Remember when I had my huge ego during the Battle of the Bands? I was supposed to be the Element of Loyalty, but the only person I've been loyal to was myself. I was self-centered. I guess Scootaloo won't want anything to do with me anymore after what I did." Rainbow Dash admitted.

"Not to mention the fact that when I was supposed to be the Element of Generosity, I wound up being a rather selfish fool. You were right; I wasn't being generous when my petty vanity and costume obsession caused me to abandon the very reason why we formed this band in the first place, and that reason is for us to sound good and to make music even though I did say that I was making a creative contribution to the band. Also, it looks like I may have irreparably damaged the bond I've had with my own sister after this ordeal." Rarity confessed.

"Well, I am the Element of Honesty, but my stubborn pride had caused to me to wind up with the intent to start the arguments that we were having and that's what nearly ended our friendships right there. I took my anger out on the wrong girls, and we almost got our friendships torn apart all just because I couldn't control my temper. I think my family's gonna hate me now because of this." added Applejack.

"Let me add in the fact that I was supposed to be the Element of Kindness, but we were mean to each other," Fluttershy said.

"..and finally, I'm the Element of Laughter. We were supposed to smile, be happy and have some fun, but all we did was ruin our friendships by getting angry and arguing with each other the way we did. Some friends we are. We now realize our follies and we are sorry for what we did. I guess we don't deserve your forgiveness after all, huh?", concluded Pinkie Pie.

"Well, to be honest, I did hold a grudge against you when we were trapped under our stage, but that grudge has finally gone away now that I realize that friends forgive each other so I'll do my part and forgive you just like you forgive me!", Twilight announced.

"YAY!", cheered Twilight's friends after their reconciliation.

Shortly after, Sunset Shimmer walks by and says, "Is everything okay?"

"It is now! I had just reconciled and made up with my friends!", Twilight responds.

"Well, that's good to hear.", Sunset affirmed.

"We're so glad to be friends again," said Twilight.

"Don't forget that you still have the Dazzlings to defeat," Sunset reminded Twilight and her friends.

"Oh yeah, that's right! We forgot about that because we were celebrating our reconciliations," Twilight replied.

"Sunset's right! Come on, y'all! Time to prove we've still got the Magic of Friendship inside us!", Applejack declared.

Twilight followed up with, "...and there's only one way to do it!"

"We're getting the band back together?", asked Pinkie.

"We're getting our band back together.", confirmed Rainbow Dash, who had finally learned her lesson in humility and teamwork.

"Whee!", Pinkie shouted in excitement.

"Oooh. Which version of the counterspell are we going to play?", Rarity pondered.

"I don't think it matters what song we play, as long as we play it together as friends, rather than the enemies we were being.", Twilight responded.

"I know just the song, and Fluttershy's written a great one.", Rainbow said (to make up for her mistake of rejecting Fluttershy's songs for her own).

"We're about to save the world here. Personally, I think we should do it in style. Rarity?", Applejack added (finally letting go of her stubborn pride).

"I thought you'd never ask!", shouts Rarity excitedly, while bringing out a rack of costumes for the Rainbooms to wear.

Twilight replied with, "Well, how about that? And I thought Rarity was being a bad friend."

"Nope! She told us that she did make a 'creative contribution' to our band with her costumes. Isn't that right, Rarity?" Applejack corrected.

"That's right! I guess I did not make a single mistake in the end after all.", agreed Rarity.

"Now, enough time for standing around. Let's do this!", shouted Sunset.