Camp Orion

by Meemie7

Chapter 12: One-on-One Discord

Snowheart: Discord…

Discord: Yes?

Snowheart: Can you please… sit normally?

Discord: Whatever do you mean?

Snowheart: You’re sitting on the ceiling.

Discord: Well, what if I feel most comfortable on the ceiling?

Snowheart: Just get down.

Discord: You’re no fun.

Snowheart: Yeah. Fun. Speaking of “fun”…

Discord: Just as I said, being the Master of Chaos is fun for me. Isn’t it expected for us to do what we enjoy?

Snowheart: Well, yes, but… You were doing so well before. I want to know what caused the sudden binge in chaotic spell-casting.

Discord: I got bored. Plain and simple.

Snowheart: But, your actions distressed those around you.

Discord: No one got hurt.

Snowheart: What if someone did?

Discord: Are you here to guilt-trip me or what?

Snowheart: I want to help you.

Discord: You have an odd way of helping others.

Snowheart: Hf. What I mean is… you had your chaotic tendencies under control before. No one was being harmed and everything was kept within moderation. Do you agree?

Discord: I suppose…

Snowheart: What changed?

Discord:… I just got bored is all.

Snowheart: You’re lying.

Discord: You don’t know me. You wouldn’t know if I’m lying or not.

Snowheart: Hf. Regardless, do you see what we need to work on?

Discord: …how to have fun without using Chaos-based magic.

Snowheart: Well, not necessarily. We need to keep it in moderation. Just because you’re here doesn’t mean you have to stop using chaos-based magic for good. You don’t even have to put a limit on it. What we need to fix is how that chaos-based magic affects others.

Discord: Seems like that is up to interpretation.

Snowheart: Well, what’s your interpretation of it? What do you think is going too far?

Discord: …when others are negatively affected?

Snowheart: I think that’s a good start.