Nation of Clowns

by MaskedPony

The Princess of Clowns

It's a peaceful day in the town of Ponyville. Ponies getting ready for the upcoming winter, Ponies were working, and even preperation for the running of the leaves was going on. While everypony was working, some were enjoying the weather. Surprisingly, several ponies were going all nuts and crazy over something that recently opened in their town. It was something that was making alot of ponies excited.

At the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom Palace, Twilight was seen in her living room laying down, looking. She was going through book, to book earlier. Although she is into books, she was starting to get bored, very VERY bored. While she was laying down, she was staring at the ceiling, During the time. It was by now she realized her friends were right; she needs to get out more.

While she was laying down, Spike came in. When he saw Twilight laying down in complete boredom, he couldn't help but laugh. Seeing Twilight bored was something he doesn't see everyday. Usually he sees her with a book in the library and not coming out. However, he decided that it was time to get Twilight out. "Come on Twilight, why don't you go out and walk around town." Spike encouraged.

"Come on Spike, I get bored easily walking around town."

"Twilight, being indoors being bored isn't good. Besides, ponies are outside having fun. Even....maybe you might go to that new place that just up."

Getting up, Twilight looked at Spike with question. "New....Place?"

Spike then showed Twilight a flyer. Getting up, Twilight read the content on the flyer. As she read, she noticed it was talking about a new circus that opened up in Ponyville for all of Equestria to see. Judging by the looks of it, it seeming was an all clown circus. Furthermore, it mentioned that the audience can participate. This made Twilight eyes shine. The last time she's been to the circus was when she was a filly and Cadence took her. She loved it, even the clowns. Even now, she always wanted to go to a circus again. Getting up, she began walking with Spike. "Do I have an duties on my schedule today Spike?" Twilight asked.

"No Twi, no Princess duties, no Audiences, nothing..... You are going to see the circus, aren't you?"

"Well duh, I haven't been to one in years."

Upon reaching the door, Twilight walked outside and then proceeded to go to town. Spike, however stayed behind since he is going to help Rarity with a pet project she has. While walking through town, Twilight saw a huge circus tent on the outside of the town. Staring at the tent bought back memories, to her, it feels like she is a filly again.

At that moment, Twilight reached the tent. Approching, she saw that the tent was closed. However, a note on it said the show starts at 1:30, Which Twilight noted it was only 1pm. "Guess I came early." Twilight said to herself, only to be started by a voice.

"Someone here?" A Voice said as the tent open revealing a clown mare. Surprisingly, she noticed Twilight had wings. Thinking quick, she bowed respectfully. "Princess Twilight Sparkle? W-welcome to the circus, I guess you here to see it?" The mare asked in surprised.

"Yes, I heard it recently appeared. i guess this is the cirucs."

"Sure is. Oh, my name is Magic the magician by the way. Since.....your a member of royalty, we can let you in early."

As Magic went in, Twilight followed and she saw the inside was alot bigger. While she walked with Magic, Twilight noticed there were ALOT of clowns in the tent. More over, everyone in the tent was a clown. It was like an all clown circus. As they walked, Twilight looked at Magic. "So....this is an... all clown circus?" Twilight asked curiously

"Precisely Twilight. Our Ringmaster, Sasha, created the clown circus."

Twilight couldn't help but smile. Of all the things she heard of, a all clown circus was one of the silliest things ever. To her, it felt like a goofy circus, but, a very interesting one. Among all, the clowns in the circus were seemingly having fun, while some where ponies. Suspicously, this kinda question, however, she didn't want to bother, because she wants to avoid causing a problem. Right then, they entered what seemingingly to be a dressing room. Magic walked next to the mirror and looked at Twilight. "So.....Have you ever clowned around before Twilight?" Magic asked with a grin on her face.

"Uhhhh, no why?"

Magic let out a small giggle. "Because as of today, your new life of clowning around starts."

Right when Twilight was going to speak, Magics horn glowed and a clown nose appeared on Twilights nose. Just at that moment, Twilight felt weird. It felt like, something was happening to her. "W-what is going on?" Twilight asked nervously.

Magic then smiled. "Trick you never seen before. The Ringmaster created, but you will know it, soon."

Unexpectedly Twilights mane began restyling itself on its own. Surprisingly enough, it changed color to a Cotton Candy Blue with Red and Pink Stripes. Twilight looked in the mirror and gasped. "Oh no. Oh nononononono. Undo this." Twilight pleed.

"Sorry.....there is no way to undo this. My apologize."

While the transformation is happening, Twilight heard what seemed to be faint circus music and laughter. Unexpectedly, Twilight began to giggle, and somehow was shocked with disbelieve hearing herself giggle without doing it willingly. Now, Twilight became afraid when a neckless with a star on it appeared around her neck. Struggling to get it off, the music and laughter started to get louder, even to the point it was becoming distracting with every change that was happening. Then, a pink and blue Rainbow streaked dress appeared on Twilight covering her mane and cutie mark. "S...Stop....please.....I-I beg you." Twilight cried.

After blue blue shoes formed on Twilights hoofs, she saw in the mirror that her face had pink blush on it, trying to wipe it off, she noticed it won't fade. Lastly, the biggest change happened, Twilights eyes. the light headedness continued as if her personality was changing. and just at that moment, Twilights eyes became bright pink, and her eye lashes expanded and curled, unkowingly, her cutie mark changed. After 30 seconds late, the music and laughter died down. At that moment she looked at Magic. "Ready to be the greatest alicorn clown, Princess Twilight Sprinkle?" Magic asked

Twilight Sparkle, who is now Twilight Sprinkle. "Of course silly, Princess Twilight Sprinkle, the Princess of Clowns is born ready. Hmm, maybe I should be called both Twilight Sprinkle, and Twinkle Sprinkle." Twilight giggled.

A Promise

Twilights day became the most funnest day ever. Before the preformance, she was clowning around, even talking to the founder, Sasha, and got along with her quite well. When ponies came in, she began preforming. While preforming, she made alot of ponies laugh. First she was riding on a pink circus ball, juggling, pieing some ponies, and even making jokes. Shockingly however, Twilights friends were not there. They were probably busy.

When the performance ended, Twilight was given her own room in the circus tent. Thinking clearly, she made a special door linking to a secret door in her palace. Afterwards, Sasha gave Twilight the pink circus ball, and wanting to be goofy, Twilight rode it home. As she approched her castle, Twilight open the doors and rolled the ball in, and into the relaxing room. Unknowingly, Spike was in there, and was shocked at what he saw. "T-Twilight is that you?" Spike asked only to hear a giggle, and saw a pony, who was indeed Twilight, but different come from behind the ball.

"Of course Silly willy. Who did you think it was, the candy mare?" Twilight repllied giggling.

Seeing this Spike jumped. Twilight wasn't herself. Spike tried to slap himself awake but it didn't work. Upon the fifth slap, he came to realization he wasn't dreaming. This was INDEED Twilight. Panicking, Spike was about to get a scroll, but Twilight stopped him. "Spike what do you think your doing?" Twilight asked?

"Contacting Celestia, you need help."

"Spike, I don't need help, this is the new me. The circus made me new."

Hearing this, Spike dropped the pen in shock. He couldn't believe it, Twilight was now a clown, and looked Brainwash. Twilight then saw a tear forming in his eye. Thinking fast, Twilight pulled him into a hug. "Spike, don't cry. turn that frown upside down. Be happy." Twilight said with a little giggle.

"B-but your no longer you, y-your different."

At that point, Twilight went to the couch and hugged Spike. Feeling sorry, Twilight Sprinkle looked at Spike. "Spike, even though I am a clown now, and I am ditching my egghead self to be a much more sillier and clownish pony and this is my new look, can you promise me something, an unbreakable promise?" Twilight asked, so she can avoid Sasha getting in trouble.

"W-what? I-I mean, your different...what makes me think I can trust you?"

"I will ask Rarity to bring you gems, even some sapphires. Not lying,"

"Okay....what is the promise?"

Twilight then began to tell Spike the promise. The promise was simple; Twilight gets to clownifiy the palace into a clownish theme, while Spike must promise to become a clown. However there is one thing Spike had to follow. Understanding that the circus is still new, Twilight made Spike vow not to tell Celestia about the circus magic until she is ready to know about it, to avoid Sasha getting in trouble. After a minute of thinking, Spike looked at Twilight. "Deal. But....promise that are friends know." Spike added


With that, Twilights horn glown and the whole palace began to change into a clowny version. Additionally Spike noticed that while it was changing, Twilight was smiling and giggling, which Spike smiled at happy how Twilight is. After about 50 seconds, the castle was all clownish in Twilights favorite color, Pink. Twilight then smiled at her own castle and looked at Spike. "Well Spike, you ready?"

"I-I Guess."

Giggling, Twilight horn glown and a clown nose appeared on Spike. "Then get ready for a much fun life of clownhood."