How to take your Human over the Border; a Cautionary Tale

by Ponyess

Decisions, Decisions: 2

”I saw the cutest girls, walking around aimlessly; just a bit from our room!” I exclaimed.

“Oh, you did; Pinkie Pie, now did you? Although I did see one; not too far from our room, too!” she admitted.

“Now, there is just the little snag. If she is following us home to Equestria; she would turn into a Pony and a foal as she is passing the border. Just as you did, when you got home from your adventure at Canterlot High!” I prompted.

“Yeah, that would be a problem; if you intend to take her with you. I just so happen to have a book that may help you, if you are that determined on taking her with you home!” she then concluded.


If the subject is exposed to the rubber encasing for too long, it will start to affect her body and personality in unpredictable ways. The longer she is exposed, the deeper and more pronounced these changes will become, as well as lasting longer. There is even the risk of these changes to become permanent. However, all changes need not be dangerous or even uncomfortable to the victim.

The rubber that the encasing is consisting out of is known to have strange and odd side-effects upon the subject exposed or encased within.

I read from the book Twilight had just passed me to read up on, before I made up my mind and decided upon taking the girl with me, if I could convince, or coerce her into following me home.

“That is a mouth full, right there; Pinkie!” Twilight responded, as I read the first section on the caution; as stated.

“Not all that bad; it could actually be fun to experience; at least once, Twilly!” I pointed out.

“In that case; you could as well throw a party for them, and ask them to invite a few friends to spice it up a bit, Pinkie!” she responded, half by half serious.

Do we have all the ingredients for these encasements? The elastic or flexible gel, that membrane, the rubber, the zipper, the valve and the balls?” I inquired.

“Flexible gel, check. Membrane gel, check. Clear rubber for the encasement, check. Zippers and valves, check. Balls, check. Yes, Pinkie; you do have all the required items!” she responded.

“Then I will have to throw them a party in order to celebrate!” I exclaimed; eagerly and ecstatically.

“I’ll order in a salad and tea from the room service, while you are out, inviting your friends, Pinkie!” she pointed out.

“Okelay, dokelay!” I responded, as I went through the list of items in the kitchen.

What would I need in order to make a reasonably decent party? Muffins and cider! Tea, and some other pastries would be great, too; just in case. Of course; I have all of these already, and in abundance, at that.

Once I had organized everything that could be done, beforehand; I had gone out in search of the two girls we had been talking of earlier.

“Bye, Twilly. I’ll see you in a few minutes; after I have invited the girls we were talking about!” I prompted, before I left the small hotel apartment.

Well; it sure is small, compared with the castle in which she is living; even if it feels large, compared with the room in which I live on the second floor at the Cakes.

“See you in a few minutes, then; Pinkie!” she responded.

I had opened the door, stepped out and closed it after myself; before I trotted down the hall to the elevator.

I had entered the street, after I left the hotel. From there; I trotted down the road, towards where I knew I had seen the two girls before. Of course; it came as no surprise to me as I found them, just a block from where we had seen them.

“Hiya, girls. I am just throwing a party, now I wonder if either of you would like to come. Feel free to take a few friends with you, if you like!” I exploded in a torrent of words.

“A party, I guess that could be fun. It isn’t as if we had anything better to do, planned for the day!” the first girl responded.

“Wait; a party for girls, where? I think I know a few friends who may like to come!” the other added.

“Where is the party?” the first girl inquired.

“Just ask for Diana Pie at the hotel; The silly Pony!” I pointed out, demonstratively holding out my right hand in the general direction.

“Oh, that place? If any of our friends are interested, I am sure going!” the second girl added.

“Okelay, dokelay! I’ll see you there, when you show up!” I pointed out, trotting along the street, before I doubled back after a few more twists and turns.

As I returned to the hotel, I just entered the lobby and approached the desk.

“What can I help you with, Ms. Pie?” the uniformed female behind the counter inquired politely, with a professional enthusiasm.

“I am throwing a small party at my room; if a few girls are asking for me, direct them to where I am staying?” I responded.

“Ah; just a small party for a few of your female friends, that should be in order. I will direct them, as you instructed me!” she responded; then leaving a note at the desk, with my instructions.

“Thank you, Ma’am!” I exclaimed and trotted along towards the elevator up to my room in order to finalize the preparations.

“I take it, the party will be up and running in no time flat; knowing you, Pinkie!” Twilight prompted.

“The girls are interested; and the girl behind the counter at the lobby did not raise any flags, as I asked if she could direct them to our room!” I pronounced.

“It is just a small party, for a few of your friends. How could they make a mess of you having a few female friends over?” she pointed out with a sly grin on her face.

“I guess that is what I emphasized, in the first place. If I had suspected a problem; I would have prompted for you to book our room on a different hotel, to begin with!” I responded.

“That does make sense; even for you, Pinkie!” she pointed out, still grinning.

“Now; let us go over the final preparations, shall we?” I exclaimed.

Of course there are balloons in the ceiling, confetti and streamers hanging around and on the floor. I had made the table with a festive towel and placed the plates on each place, with a spoon and glass to go with them.

There are currently tree larger plates with various pastries on them. I had also placed an assortment of beverages on a small table in the corner.

Punctually, there is a knock on the door. I promptly approach; opening the door; knowing who was there.

“Hiya, girls, and welcome in, enjoy the party!” I exclaimed in hushed tones; since the door still is open.

“Hiya, Diana. Thanks for inviting us to your party, and saving an otherwise wasted day!” the first girl exclaimed as I closed the door behind the two.

“There will be a few more coming over shortly, unless they change their minds!” the other girl explained as she followed me into the room and to the table.

“The more, the merrier!” Twilight chimed in from behind the table.

“Just so long as we don’t get too many, and alert the security; I don’t like to see my party busted!” I pointed out.

“You seems to have the party down, Diana. I am Ruby, by the way!” she prompted.

“Where are my manners? My name is Sapphire!” the second girl offered, in slight embarrassment as she caught herself as more rude than she enjoyed.

I quietly enjoyed the looks of the two girls, and the hit of embarrassment on their faces.

“Since you have already presented yourselves, girls; it is only proper that I do likewise. My name is Twilight!” she added.

“Nice to meet you, Twilight!” Ruby and Sapphire chorused.

“Likewise!” Twilight responded, smiling at the two girls.

“Have a seat, so we can start enjoying the party!” I prompted, claiming the seat closest to the outer door; just in case any of their friends would show up, which I was expecting.

“Thanks, Diana!” Ruby responded as she picked the seat to my right, while Sapphire chose the next seat.

“Oh, and on that note; I do have a few party surprises lined up for later, when we have enjoyed ourselves for a while!” I pointed out with a sly leer, winking meaningfully at Twilight’s direction.

“I love party surprises and party favours!” Sapphire exclaimed.

“I suspect my dear friend, Diana already knew of that; or at the very least suspected it. She has a sneaking tendency to be right, even when she should have been dead wrong!” Twilight suggested, winking back at me.

There was a knock on the door, so I excused myself for a moment. As I opened the door, there is indeed another friend.

“Welcome to the party! You are friends of Ruby and Sapphire, I take it. Is your name by any chance Opal?” I prompted and stepped out of the way and permitted her entrance.

“They didn’t tell you, did they?” Opal inquired.

“My name is Diana, by the way. Nopey, dopey; neighter of them spilled your beans, but you are not here for beans, are you?” I exclaimed, as I lead her in to the party, just as I had closed the door behind her.

“Beans? Heavens, no. I was hoping for a little partying and fun. I hope I got the right address!” she responded.

“Thought so, and this should be the right address. Let me demonstrate the first party surprise, while I am at it!” I proclaimed, and pulled a blue balloon right off of my skirt in full view of the entire group.

“Uh, but how did you do that?” Sapphire exclaimed as she saw me holding the balloon in my right hand.

“It’s a trick. You know the first rule of the Magician? never reveal a trick!” I explained in a teasing voice.

“Oh, wait. I think I do recall that part!” Opal exclaimed as she claimed a seat by the table and accepted a fresh muffin.

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