
by Subsolar Drift


The sun's rays cascaded down through the branches and leaves above Twilight, spreading warmth across her coat. She took a deep breath of the country air. Strains of happy conversations and laughter floated by on the wind.

It was nice to have a change of scenery, Twilight decided. She loved her home, but it could get a little stuffy being locked away there twenty-four seven.

The tell-tale flap of wings drew her attention from her musings as Owloysius alighted beside her on the picnic blanket. He hooted happily, nuzzling Twilight briefly before taking off once again. Twilight couldn't help but smile as she returned her attention to her book.

It wasn't long before the sound of an approaching conversation between familiar voices pulled Twilight from her reading. She looked up to see Rarity and Fluttershy chatting happily as they made their way up the hill. On their backs Opal and Angel glared daggers at one another, their rides blissfully ignorant.

Rarity in the middle of some anecdote, turned from Fluttershy and caught sight of Twilight. After a moment of shock, the corners of her mouth turned up. Beaming, she drew Fluttershy's attention to Twilight who waved back. Rarity and Fluttershy sped up to a trot, ignorant of the displeasure of their passengers.

"Twilight!" Rarity exclaimed, as she reached their usual picnic site and pulled the mare into her embrace. "It's so good to see you! I was beginning to wonder if you'd given up on our pet playdates entirely."  

Twilight smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to come lately, I've just been feeling under the weather."

"For so long?" Rarity gasped, giving Twilight an apprehensive glance. "That must be quite the illness, darling."

"We're just glad your feeling better," Fluttershy said, giving Twilight a reassuring squeeze.

Rarity and Fluttershy settled down on the blanket beside Twilight as Opal and Angel departed their transportation. Rarity didn't waste a moment of her friend's company, immediately filling Twilight in on all the latest happenings in town, Fluttershy occasionally chiming in.

Rarity's recollection of a particularly rude customer was cut short by the arrival of Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and most importantly, the food. The earth ponies set down their baskets and exchanged greetings as Winona bounded off after Angel and Gummy, still seated on Pinkie's head, blinked. Applejack and Pinkie gave Twilight hugs as well, both reiterating their happiness at her presence.

"It just wasn't the same without you here, Twilight," Applejack said, finally releasing her from a bone-crushing hug.

"Jackie's right!" Pinkie said, adding, "It'd be like a pet playdate picnic without the food." She opened one of the baskets and whistled. "Perfect! Just like having all of us together at once."

Twilight nodded blankly, distracted by the aroma of sugar, cinnamon, and apples that reached her.

"Go on, Sugarcube," Applejack laughed, nodding towards her watering mouth. "I can see you eyeing up the food. Help yourself."

"Don't mind if I do," Twilight replied, her horn lighting to pull a danish from the basket. Taking just a second to appreciate the smell, she dug in. When the fluffy pastry practically melted in her mouth with just the perfect bit of sweetness, Twilight couldn't help but let out a groan of satisfaction. An instant later the bite was swallowed  and another soon took its place.

"Careful, egghead!" Dash laughed as she arrived, swooping down and coming to a halt beside Twilight. "You might forget to taste it." Dash grabbed a cinnamon roll for herself as laughs ran through the group.

It wasn't long before Twilight had finished the danish and a few other delectables. With good food in her stomach and good friends around her, Twilight couldn't keep the smile off her face if she tried.

The friends chatted as the day went on. After they all caught up and the food had been devoured, leaving nothing but a half eaten bagel and a dusting of crumbs, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity relaxed in the shade under the tree. They gossiped and watched as Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow played a game of horseshoes.

"Are you kidding me, Dash?" Applejack's groan broke the peace of the afternoon.

"Come on, AJ. Please?" Dash implored, stomping a hoof. "I'm asking for your permission, like you wanted."

"For Pete's sake Rainbow, I said no. I don't want you crashin' around my farm like a bull in a china shop!" The two mares glared at each other, the half-finished game of horseshoes forgotten.

Pinkie fidgeted by the stake, eyes flicking back and forth between the bickering friends.

"I have to practice somewhere! Or do you just expect me to give up on my dream?" Rainbow asked, leaning forward into Applejack's face and puffing up her chest.

"Do you expect me to let my farm get destroyed?" the farmpony shot back, not backing down from Dash's aggression.

"Dashie, Jackie, please. We're all friends here." Pinkie pleaded, squeezing herself between the two. She smiled, and continued, "We just need to calm down and—"

"Just shut up, Pinkie," Dash snapped trying to brush aside the Earth pony. "This is between me and AJ."

"But—" She tried to speak, but was cut off again.

"This is serious business, Pinkie." Applejack said dismissively. "Leave it to us."

"Please, I can help!" she entreated, her voice wavering.

"I doubt it, Pinkie," Dash snorted, still glaring at Applejack. "You heard AJ, This isn't a party. This is business."

Pinkie stepped back and swallowed hard. Her jaw trembled as she stared at the ground. She could feel the tears welling up and her legs beginning to tremble. "O-okay," she stammered. "I remembered I h-have to go anyway." She turned away as the tears began to stream down her cheeks reaching a gallop before anypony else could do anything.

Twilight was shaking, her jaw set. She sat frozen between an equally stunned Rarity and Fluttershy as her brain processed the scene she had just witnessed. As at last it sunk in, her horn flared.

Rainbow Dash shook her head in confusion, staring after the departed mare. She turned to Applejack to ask something, but met a seething Twilight instead.

"What is wrong with you two?" she spat, practically frothing as her eyes boring into them. "All she was trying to do was help, and you insult her like that? She's more than just parties and pranks. You two call yourself her friends and yet you don't even see it. She can be and was very serious, and you tell her to shut up?"

Rainbow opened her mouth to protest, but Twilight didn't let a word in edgewise. "You two need to shut up and think. If you keep being so selfish and stubborn you might find yourselves with no more friends to yell at."

Twilight let that sink in, staring down the two ponies. When neither responded, she nodded. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a friend to find."

Pinkamena Diane Pie stared down at her reflection. A straight-maned mess, with red eyes, dripping nose, and tears streaming down her face stared back at her. There was the pony who showed up when everything went wrong. The pony who had to make up her own friends. The pony who ruined everything.

Her body convulsed with another sob. "Why can't I just be happy?" she choked out.

Her reflection didn't respond.

Pinkie let out another choked sob, swinging a hoof through the water half-heartedly. She watched as the reflection was dispelled, waves spreading out across the pond.

Her ear twitched as the sound of hoofsteps reached her ears. Pinkie didn't turn around. As the hooffalls drew closer the ripples in the pond stilled, the reflections gradually coming back into focus, but with a new addition.

Twilight Sparkle stood near the top of the embankment, staring down towards the water with concern. Pinkie didn't move.

Twilight took a hesitant step forward, biting her lip. She paused before, slowly closing the gap between them, at last setting herself down beside her friend.

Pinkie swallowed, her eyes flicking to her left before settling back on the water. She closed her eyes and quivered, trying and failing to suppress her tears.

Pinkie froze mid-sob as Twilight's hooves wrapped around her, letting out a strangled half hiccup in surprise. Twilight didn't say anything and squeezed Pinkie tightly to her chest. A lump rose in Pinkie's throat, as a new wave of sobs overcame her. She sank into Twilight's embrace, tucking her head into the unicorn's neck, and let it all out.

Twilight closed her eyes and exhaled. She could feel her own tears welling, but she didn't let them fall. She needed to be strong for Pinkie, like Pinkie was for her.

She rubbed Pinkie's back until she had no more tears to shed. As she finally stilled, Pinkie pulled away, sniffing. She didn't speak, just gave Twilight a small smile.

"Want a cup of tea?" Twilight offered, returning the smile as she stood. Pinkie nodded and rose unsteadily to her hooves. She leaned against Twilight for support, her steps unsteady and uncertain.

Twilight stuck to the edge of town, managing to avoid unwanted attention and arriving at Twilight's home without incident.

Twilight ushered Pinkie inside, leading her into the kitchen. Pinkie took a seat at the kitchen table while Twilight set the kettle to boil. Silence hung in the air, only disturbed by the clinking of teacups on saucers and the soft murmur of the water in the kettle.

Twilight stood by the counter as the water boiled. She stared blankly down at the counter. She jumped when the kettle finally whistled.

Twilight carefully poured the tea, bringing the two cups and saucers over to the table. She settled down opposite Pinkie and took a slow sip of her tea. Pinkie murmured a thank you as she added some milk and sugar to hers. She blew softly, letting it cool a little before tasting it.

Pinke held the cup between her hooves. She stared down into the pale liquid as the warmth slowly seeped from the porcelain into her.

"I never thanked you," Twilight said.

Pinkie frowned, but she didn't look up. "For what?" she asked softly.

"For coming over and spending time with me," Twilight answered, glancing down at her own black tea. She sighed. "For not making me talk."

A few stray tea leaves swirled around in her cup. "For just... being there for me when I needed you." Twilight exhaled, taking another sip of her tea.

"It's nothing to thank me for," Pinkie muttered. "I should've realized something was up and done something sooner."

Pinkie picked up her cup and swirled the tea. She snorted. "Some Element of Laughter I am." Tears began to flow down her cheek. "I'm supposed to keep ponies laughing and positive, and look how well I did. You were down in the dumps forever and now Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at each other's throats. For Celestia's sake, I c-can't even keep myself happy!"

Pinkie's cup shook, a wave of tea teetering on the edge of the cup. Before it could spill, a lavender glow tipped it back even. Twilight rose as her magic set the tea down on the table. She moved to Pinkie's side gently lifting Pinkie's gaze to her own.

"Our elements don't define us." Twilight insisted. "They're not traits we have to live up to and maintain, They are not the end all be all of who we are."

Pinkie sniffled, but didn't look away.

"We are the bearers, not the elements themselves. You're worthy, period. Not only if you're happy all the time, not only if you can solve all your friend's problems. There is nothing you have to prove."

Pinkie's gaze fell, but Twilight barrelled on regardless.

"Laughter is about finding a way to make it through tough times without losing yourself. That's why it's the best medicine." Twilight sat down, trying to catch Pinkie's gaze again.

"It reminds us that things are going to get better, no matter how bad things may seem. No one helps us remember that more than you." Twilight's voice drifted off.

After a moment's pause and a deep breath she added, "You reminded me that things are going to okay. I forget that sometimes, and you're pretty much the only pony who's ever been able to step in and remind me."

Twilight swallowed the lump in her throat, forcing an apologetic smile to her face "And if either of us is a bad friend it's me," She insisted. "I've been so caught up with my problems I never realized you felt like this."

Pinkie shifted, placing a hoof on Twilight's. "Don't say that, Twilight. You're a great friend."

Twilight smiled, grasping Pinkie's hoof. "Let's just make each other a promise then." Pinkie swallowed and nodded.

"Whenever we start feeling like this, we're going to find each other. We'll do something together, it doesn't matter if it's talking, just spending time together, or anything else. We'll just be there for each other when one of us needs it."

Pinkie stared into Twilight's eyes doubt racing through her. Twilight stared back unflinchingly. The doubt slowly faded, and at last Pinkie nodded, wrapping her hooves around Twilight. Tears flowed from her eyes once more, though for the first time that day, they were tears of happiness.