Button's Date With Silver Spoon

by TheOneAJ

Chapter 8; Crush

“Sure you don’t want to call in sick?” Mom offered for the seventh time that morning.
I stirred my cereal. "No, it's not like I can avoid it forever. The sooner the better.”
Mom smiled and shook her head. “What am I going to do with you, Button?”
“Love me for all time?” I suggested. I tried to stand up, but Charlie kept his head pressed on my lap. “Hey now, boy, I know you don’t like me in distress, but you gotta let me go.”
Mom gave a nervous chuckle.
“Come on,” I pushed him off and headed for the door. “I’ll see you later, mom.”
“Okay, bye.” She waved as I made it down to my bike, the lump in my throat soaring and my hands trembling.
I could still remember my conversation with Sweetie Belle from the night before.
‘She didn’t try anything funny at all?’
I had replied, ‘No, I think she really likes me.’
‘So, what, do you like her?’
I had hesitated in my response, so I asked, ‘Would it be bad if I did?’
I had spent three hours waiting for a response, half of which I played on my Joyboy, only to fall asleep, then to wake up with no response from anyone.
I was just about to put my phone away and hop on to my bike, when it rang. I looked at the screen to see my chat with Sweetie Belle, where she had just sent, ‘meet you by the bike racks?’
My fingers flew across the keyboard, ‘Be there in a bit.’

The first thing I saw when I pulled into the school parking lot was Sweetie Belle, all by herself, leaning against the bike rack, fingers interlocked as her thumbs danced with each other.
“Hey, Sweetie,” I called out to her.
She turned towards me and gave me a wave and a fake smile. “Um, morning Button.”
As I came to a stop, I stared at her and asked, “What’s up?”
She didn’t answer.
“Everything alright?”
“So,” she asked suddenly, “the date went well?”
“Well, yeah, I mean, I was skeptical at first, but, I think she’s really into me. Sorry again I didn’t tell any of you guys about the changes of plans. Well, I did, but the text didn’t get through.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” She turned a little from me and began to shake. “We, um, well, we sort of went on a double date as we waited. And, well… Rumble and Apple Bloom had fun—”
“Okay,” I cut off, “what’s wrong?”
She jumped. “What, I mean…” she sighed. “Sorry I, I guess I shouldn’t hide it. See—”
“There you are!” I stiffened as I heard Scootaloo stomping towards us. “The witch do anything to you?” she bumped her fist into her hand. “Just say the word and I will make her day a living hell!”
“Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle cried as she held onto her girlfriend's arm. “We’ve been over this.”
Scootaloo frowned, but allowed Sweetie Belle’s touch to calm her down.
Right behind her, Apple Bloom appeared, panting heavily from keeping up with Scootaloo. She said, “So, um—”
A moment later, Rumble appeared behind them as well, clearly out of breath from keeping up, but not as much as I would have thought. “How did the… date go?”
“Yeah,” Scootaloo grinned maniacally, “what you got for us? We didn’t hear from you. Did she do something?”
“I, um…” I rubbed my head, “okay, first, can you tell me what this is all about? What did you guys do last night?” I figured it was a good idea to find out why Sweetie Belle was in distrust and Scootaloo seemed to be on more pissed than normal before I told them anything.
Scootaloo huffed. “Fine,” she swung an arm around Sweetie Belle, “though… can we find a place to sit? Was kind of a, long night.”
Sweetie Belle leaned in Scootaloo. “I know,” she looked down, a little guilty.
“Sure,” I nodded and we made our way to some benches away from the crowds.
Apparently, while they waited for me last night, they decied to treat their time toughter more as a double date rather than a stake out. At first, thing had been going well, till Tray and Diamond Tiara along with some of their friends ran into them. The next thing they knew, Tray was going on about my date, saying he knew they were waiting for me.
“How’d they know that?” I asked.
Scootaloo groaned. “Beats me.” Her fist began to clench as Sweetie Belle held her. “Anyways, we got into a little heated debate, I…”
“They tried to get a rise out of us by calling Scoots and Sweetie gay.” Apple Bloom concluded.

Sweetie Belle took a moment to beam. “I said we were lesbians, not gay, that he should grow a brain to learn the difference, and declared my love to Scootaloo in front of all of those snobs.”
"You tell them, honney," Scootaloo beamed before Sweetie Belle went back to moping.
Rumble added in. “We started to leave, and I tried to send you a text about it, then...” he paused.
Scootaloo began to cry. “Then Diamond Tiara called me a retarded special ED orphan, and that my parents and Sweetie Belle only loved me out of pity!”
Rumble rubbed his head. “Took all our strength to pull Scootaloo away from them.”
Apple Bloom crossed her arms. “Didn’t wanna.”
Scootaloo let out a deep breath. “I’m… I’m okay,” she nodded as she held onto Sweetie Belle.
“So…” Rumble began looking at me, “how’d your date with Silver Spoon go? Did you two kiss?”
Apple Bloom narrowed her eyebrows. “Rumble!”
He held up his hands? “What? It could have happened.”
Sweetie Belle looked away, and it could have been just me, but I thought I saw her face reddened.
“Um, well,” I said nervously, not sure what to expect when I told them. “We, well, we went to the Bowling Alley to play some video games…”
“…then I thought it would be a good idea to kiss her goodnight, so I did.” I let out a breath once my story was done even though I hadn’t told the whole thing non-stop.
Rumble would at times say I did a good job here and there, Apple Bloom would shake her head whenever I told her about the parts where I was a jerk and Scootaloo would laugh and ask when I would get to any good parts. And while she didn’t say it, it was obvious she wanted to know if I did anything to prank or get even with Silver Spoon.
Sweetie Belle… Sweetie Belle just sat silently, head down, even when I got to the part about the kiss. She only buried her head into her shirt as the others exploded into a choir of questions and comments that I held off while I finished the story.
Now that I was done, they all—save Sweetie Belle—stared at me, not sure what to make of my story.
Finally, Scootaloo began to laugh. “That a boy, Button, set her up to make her feel bad, then break her heart when she least expects it, clever.”
We all looked at her horrified, Sweetie Belle still keeping her head down.
Apple Bloom shot Scootaloo a glare. “Ya´re unbelievable.”
Scootaloo began to fidget. “What? I can’t be the only not buying this act?”

“No,” I said, arms crossed, “but you’re the only one who wants to sink to their level.”

"Oh, like you haven’t thought of that at all? How do you know she and her friend’s aren't waiting to ambush you with paint at the doors?”

I found myself unable to protest as I remembered the first few minutes of the conversation. It was hard to be mad at Scootaloo for being angry.

When I first meet Scootaloo through Sweetie Belle, Sweetie told me after a rather nasty incident during school that when Scootaloo was younger and first got diagnosed with a similar form of autism much like my own, her already unstable and alcoholic parents lost it. They began to beat her more, putting it into her mind that she was some kind of mistake.
They got away with it for the longest time, until her parents went too far and broke both of Scootaloo’s arms one night in a drunken fury after some of their friends teased them about their ‘retarded’ daughter. While Scoots recovered, she still has trouble with her arms here and there. If she’s not careful, she could hurt herself, so the only sport she can play is soccer and track.
Social services finally stepped in shortly after, and the rest became history. Scootaloo ended up with the family she’s with now thanks to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.They kept her sane and from possibly becoming the same type of bully she now wanted to get even with.

I shook my head, then looked to Scootaloo and said, “Well, what if she is real? Maybe she does want to change and needs the right friends.”

“Like ya,” Apple Bloom pointed out. “Ah mean, she’s acted rotten, but that doesn't mean we shouldn´t give her a chance if she want’s ta be good.”

Scootaloo leaned back into the bench.
Sweetie Belle crossed her arms, and in a small voice, squeaked, “Um, maybe she’s not that bad?”
Scootaloo glared at her. “Oh, this is rich, Sweetie, now you’re defending Silver Spoon when she’s been nothing but a pain. Next you’ll be telling me you have a crush on her.” Scootaloo laughed, but began to nerve when Sweetie Belle looked down and didn’t answer.
“Oh, my,” Apple Bloom muttered.
My eyes widened at the realization.
“Oh god,” Scootaloo said, “You don’t—”
“So I think she's attractive!” Sweetie Belle confessed, then shrank into her seat.  “I mean... she dresses nice and all”
Scootaloo’s mouth began to open and close rapidly. “Bu-but… but it’s Silver Spoon!”
Sweetie Belle crossed her arms. “Oh? It’s not like I haven’t seen you check out Diamond Tiara’s rear from time to time!”
Scootaloo’s face reddened. “Ta… take that back!”
“Um, guys,” I interjected, “could we drop this? I know tensions are high, and I don’t mind if you had or have a crush on my girlfriend, I’d just rather not hear it.”
“Seems alright to me.” Rumble added in. “I still don’t— wait, what?”
“Girlfriend?” Apple Bloom said.
I blinked. “Um…”
“Aren’t you supposed to be asexual?” Scootaloo questioned.

“Shut up, Scoot!” Apple Bloom snapped. “Ain't ya doing enough?”
“I am! I mean…” wasn’t I? Didn’t I feel some something with Silver Spoon last night? I kissed her, yet, truth be told. “Look, I… I don’t know. Maybe I do like her, and maybe I’m demisexual after all and can only feel love for people I’m really close with.”
“Then why did you never have a crush on me?” Sweetie Belle shouted, almost out of place.
Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “I knew it!”
I jumped a little.
Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened. “No, I, that’s not what I…”

“Ugh!” Scootaloo snorted as she jerked away from Sweetie Belle and began to walk away.

I got up and blocked her path.

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes. “Really?”

My body began to shake, but I stood my ground. “Yes, really. You’ve been nothing but a bitch this whole time.”

They all gasped.

Scootaloo’s eye began to twitch. “Why you—”

“Go ahead,” I said, “do whatever. Unless I recall, I didn’t have to ask Silver Spoon out! I could have just let Diamond Tiara and the whole school mock you both, but I didn’t! And this is how you repay me?” I felt my adrenaline rise as I gave her the last straw. “I say I might like her, and you think I’m horrible for wanting to give her a chance, AND, you act mean towards your girlfriend just for wanting to give Silver Spoon the same chance I do?”
Scootaloo flinched, then looked to Sweetie Belle, the girl of her dreams, and the girl who we’ve both have done so much to make happy, a mess.

Frown on her face, Scootaloo sat back down besides her girlfriend. “I… I’m sorry, don’t be upset, Sweetie.”

“Yeah,” I assured Sweetie Belle as I sat down next to her as well. “I mean, I don’t want to upset you, and I’m sorry I never have a crush on you and that I now might like a girl you dislike.”

“That’s a lot when you say it all at once.” Rumble felt like he had to say.

Apple Bloom grinned and slapped her head.
“Don’t be,” Sweetie Belle plead to us, ignoring Rumble while she squeezed Scootaloo’s and my arm.  “I… I only love you, Scoots.” she turned to face her girlfriend and sighed. “I… Okay, I'm a lesbian,100%, but, I don’t know. When I heard from Button last night that he liked Silver Spoon, after saying he’s asexual,” she sighed again, “I guess it made me jealous I mean,” she looked to me, “you’re my friend, we've had fun, and then to hear you had a crush on a girl i might of had a crush on and not me… Then I remembered, I’m in love with Scootaloo, and, well, here we are.” She began to tear up. “I’m sorry, I’m a horrible person!”
Arm still held by Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo frowned, and sat back down with her. “No… I am, you’re right, Button. Here I am, damming someone for being a bitch and saying they will never change, when really, it was because of you that I’m a better person now.” She squeezed Sweetie Belle’s arm.
Sweetie Belle let go of my arm to hug Scootaloo, who returned the embrace.
Sweetie Belle sighed. “Right.” She let go of Scootaloo’s hand and looked at me. “So… um, about all that stuff I said Button, about being jealous and—”

I stopped her. “I’ve said worse things over the years, friend.”
She crossed her arms and smiled. “Sorry, didn’t realize I could be such a… a… well, I’m not good when jealous.”
“Duly noted.” I nodded, then the bell rang and students began filing into the school. “Besides, the last thing I need is a lack of any friends.” I picked up my backpack. “Shall we, together?”
Sweetie Belle grabbed my hand. “Of course.”
Apple Bloom nodded. “Ya bet.”
Rumble rubbed my shoulder. “Bros for life.”
Scootaloo pouted her lips, then slowly, eyes closed and chest pouted, said, “Alright, whatever happens, if Silver Spoon, for some reason, wants to be nice and your girlfriend, I’ll give it a chance like you guys did for me.” She then raised her finger. “Though, if she even thinks about hurting you!”
Sweetie Belle released my hand to place them both on Scootaloo’s shoulders. “I know, Scoots, I know. You can be so cute when you care.” She gave Scootaloo a peck on the cheek.
Scootaloo blushed. “You still owe me for saying you have crush on other people,” she said playfully to Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie Belle giggled and used one of her fingers to draw circles on Scootaloo’s sleeves. “So do you, but I have a few ideas for that.”
I turned away and shuttered as my imagination started to betray me.

“As much as I love hints of lesbian lovemaking,” Rumble pointed out, “I don’t think any of us wants to be late.”
“Sure thing.” Apple Bloom nodded as she held out her hand to Rumble. “Um, shall we?”
He nervously took her hand.  “You mean it?”
She beamed. “Come on, it’s what couples do, so we’d better.”
He grinned stupidly. “Well alright, angel cakes.”
I rolled my eyes as their fingers locked, and with that, we entered the shark tank.