//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: A Dazzling Sunset // by Fuzzyfurvert //------------------------------// A Dazzling Sunset Chapter 2 “Thanks again for the ride, Sunset.” “Yeah, thanks!” “Rainbow, yer feet go on the floor.” “Says the girl raised in a barn.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Sunset grinned when she heard the quiet ‘eep!’ of thanks from Fluttershy underneath the sounds of rough housing coming from the back row of her car. Rarity huffed in the passenger seat next to her and buckled her belt. “Yes, thank you, Sunset. It’s very gracious of you to give us all a ride home after band practice.” Rarity groaned as her seat bucked from a blow from behind. “Really, girls? Calm down! Our instruments are in the back!” Sunset cranked her car and backed out as the other girls grumbled and buckled themselves in. “It’s nothing really. I got this dinky little hatchback, I might as well put it to use.” Pinkie Pie giggled and leaned up from the middle set in the back to pat Sunset on the shoulder. “I think it’s awesome, Sunset! You’re not even human and you got a license before any of us ‘cuz Rainbow Dash couldn’t parallel park!” “I still say the test was rigged.” Dash crossed her arms in front of herself and looked out the window. “I’ll pass it eventually.” “Well, Sunset is older than the rest o’ us.” Applejack sat back as best she could in the cramped back seat and draped one arm along the backrest behind Pinkie Pie. “It’s little surprise she got her license, when you think about it.” Sunset shrugged as she pulled the car out of the busy Canterlot High parking lot. “I still find how humans age to be...a little weird. No offense. But back in Equestria, by now, I’d probably be a High Magus or something, married with a second or third foal on the way. All things considered, I appreciate the chance at avoiding those kinds of responsibilities a little longer.” Rarity giggled and fanned herself with her hand in mock swoon. “Married and children - er, foals! Sunset Shimmer, are you to imply that there is some special pony you left behind in your world? That’s so adorable! Just imagining two ponies cuddling and starting a family sounds just like a child’s story!” Everyone in the car went silent while Sunset stared straight ahead at the road. She sighed and shook her head slowly. “Yeah, that does sound like a child’s story, doesn’t it? But...no, no special somepony for me. I was too interested in increasing my magical power that I wasn’t very social. Sunset the nerd without friends...that’s me.” “No time for friends or romance? That’s so sad.” Fluttershy spoke up from the extra seat in the very back with the other girls’ instruments laid across her legs. “Everyone deserves a little friendship in their lives...if you don’t mind me saying so.” “No romance for me.” Sunset shrugged as nonchalantly as she could and sunk a little in her seat. Certainly not the kind of romance I was interested in. The ride settled into general conversation about school and the girls’ activities and work after that. Rainbow was dropped off first at home, then Pinkie climbed out a few minutes later for her shift at Sugarcube Corner Bakery. Applejack helped Fluttershy out of the back a few blocks away at the animal shelter for the yellow girl’s own shift work and then left from there to meet her family at the open air market a few streets over. Rarity lived the furthest out, but it was on the way to the horse park, so Sunset didn’t mind the roundabout route she was having to take to get her friends to their homes and jobs. She had almost forgotten the questions about her non-existent love life when they were pulling into the large neighborhood where the fashionista's family lived when Rarity turned a little in her seat and raised an eyebrow. “So...’no romance’ you said. What about Flash?” Sunset groaned. “I told you, I was just using him as a means to get more popular.” Rarity nodded. “Yes, but there wasn’t any romance? Flash was clearly head over heels for you.” She shrugged. “I just find it strange. From what you and Princess Twilight have told us about your world, there seems to be no lack of other ponies befriending each other and those friendships turning into something more. I mean, you must have noticed how she kept blushing and clamming up whenever Vice Principal Luna’s princess counterpart was mentioned? Something is definitely going on there!” “Yeah, I noticed that too!” Sunset chuckled. “Princess Luna was gone the whole time I studied under Celestia. But seeing her human counterpart here, I can imagine she’s quite beautiful. All dark and sultry...I can understand why Twilight would blush.” Rarity blinked, sitting up a bit straighter. “‘Dark and sultry?’ Um...Sunset, I don’t mean to pry—and you don’t have to give me answer, darling—but are you…” Rarity’s voice faded and she wiggled her fingers vaguely in the air. “What?” “What I mean to ask...is, um...do you prefer girls? To boys, I mean.” Rarity flushed. “I wouldn’t think any different of you! If you do...do you?” Sunset blushed, swallowing hard as they came to a stop in front of Rarity’s house. Rarity continued to flush and fluster as she hurriedly unbuckled and reached into the back for her keytar. She opened the door when Sunset reached out and grabbed her arm. “Rarity, don’t worry about asking me, ok? It’s not...something I like advertising, ok? This world treats that kind of thing differently than mine and it’s kind of a sore spot for me. Please don’t tell the other girls.” Rarity stared at her for a moment and then leaned over and pulled Sunset into a tight hug. “Oh darling, I’ll keep it secret. Don’t worry. And you’ll find that special lady someday. Society is coming around to that slowly but surely.” Rarity let Sunset go and smiled at her as she got out of the blue hatchback. “When you’re ready, just let your friends know, Sunset. We’ll be there for you. See you monday!” “Yeah. Thanks, Rarity.” Sunset Shimmer sighed, watching her friend walk up the drive toward the house. She glanced at the clock on the dashboard and smiled. Time to go to the horse park. *** Adagio Dazzle looked at the hair dryer in her hand with disbelief. “Are you kidding me? I was almost done, fer cryin’ out loud!” She growled and yanked the cord out of the power socket and tossed the dryer into the waste bin before she looked back into the foggy bathroom mirror. Her hair was mostly dry, finally, and floated behind her back in a bushy mess of golden curls. Only one small section still clung damply to the back of her neck. She grumbled under her breath, reaching out, and took a towel from the rack. Once that was done, she needed to pull back and clamp the unruly locks down with her custom spiked scrunchy. It was something she’d had to do every day since her banishment by that old fart, Starswirl. As a frill in her natural form, her hair had been easier to control, but as a human it just seemed to get everywhere she didn’t want it. She glanced down at the hair band, biting her lip as she regarded it. C’mon Adagio, you can do it. It’s second nature, like breathing. She licked her lips and took a shallow breath before she started to hum, her voice soft. C’mon...I know I’m low on power, but this is basic. Move, you damn hairband! Her hum grew louder and started to fluctuate, her voice calling forth the magic of her siren blood. Adagio concentrated on the hairband, imagining it already placed and holding back her hair. I said move! The warble in her single harmony grew ragged as she started to run out of breath and it finally died when she coughed. The hairband still rested on the bathroom counter, unmoved by the siren’s focus. Adagio coughed into her hand a few times until she caught her breath again. “Stupid Rainbooms. Stupid me for trying again. Now that the gems are gone… what am I going to do?” Her reflection didn’t give Adagio any answers, so she grabbed the scrunchy and slipped it on, pulling her hair back. She sighed tiredly and grabbed the towel again and wrapped it around herself before she stepped out into the dark hallway of the small trailer that had been their home and lair for a few weeks now. Her room was just a couple of steps away, across the hall. She made it halfway when she heard an angry Aria Blaze growl when she rounded the corner from the main room. The purple girl sneered at her. “‘Bout time! I’ve had to piss for an hour, Adagio!” “You know it takes me a while to dry my hair now, Aria.” Adagio shook her head and turned the knob on her bedroom door. “So sorry you’re inconvenienced by my hygiene needs.” Aria rolled her eyes. “Pfft, whatever. Why are you washing your hair in the middle of the day on a friday, anyway?” “Didn’t you have to pee?” Adagio sneered and yanked the door to her room open. “The bathroom is all yours.” “I bet Adagio has a hot date!” Sonata poked her head around the corner and snickered. “I can smell her perfume from the kitchen!” Sonata giggled. “Anyone we know?” “Don’t be stupid, Sonata.” Aria kicked the bathroom door open and smirked. “We don’t know any rugmunchers, except for Gio, here.” “Oh yeah.” She glared at them and the door knob started to groan in protest in her grip. Sonata’s smile fell and she slowly leaned back the way she’d come from. Aria stepped into the bathroom and closed the door but the presswood didn’t do much to muffle her laughter. Adagio slammed her own flimsy door shut and leaned back against it. “Bitches…” Adagio muttered softly under her breath. She scrunched her eyes closed and sniffed as she hugged herself. She stood there like that for a few minutes. She heard the toilet flush and Aria tromping back off to the front of the trailer where the smell of whatever it was Sonata was cooking was coming from. I wonder how long trying to live like normal humans is going to last this time? Or how long I can stand those two...well, Aria really. Sonata is just dense. Adagio sighed and dropped the towel onto the cot that was jokingly referred to as her bed. She got dressed slowly in silence. The sounds of the other sirens’ conversation slipping in through the cheap walls was her only companion as she tied her shoes and stuffed her hair inside her hoodie. She checked her light make-up again before she opened the door to face another verbal beating. All she had to do was make it outside. The main room slash kitchen slash dining area of the trailer had a few chairs and a table that had seen better days and weren’t doing well under Aria’s propped up feet. The purple girl sneered at Adagio, eyes narrowing as she looked the lead siren up and down. “Where are you going?” “Yeah,” Sonata turned from the stove top where she had a pot of something steaming, “dinner’s almost ready.” “I’m not hungry.” Adagio kept her face neutral as she headed for the door. Strictly speaking, she wasn’t lying, but breakfast had been several hours ago. “You’re going to have to stop walking into the easy ones, Gio. I totes could have made a joke about what you’d like to eat, what with you being such a huge dyke.” Aria shook her head. “But a set up like that is beneath me. I don’t know why we ever let you be the leader. Should been the Blazelings all along.” “Or, Aria and Dusketts! I’d love a group name like that.” Sonata grinned and stirred the contents of the pot before she sipped out of the spoon she was using. “Hmmm...needs more pepper.” “I’m the leader because you two are too stupid to plan your way out of a wet paper sack!” Adagio paused halfway through the main room and narrowed her brows. “Who picked us up after we came to this human world? Who kept us alive when the humans got too dangerous to keep in groups? Who, time after time, has saved your fat ass from your own mistakes, Aria?” “They weren’t mistakes! I would have us living like queens, Adagio! Now look at us!” Aria stood up and gestured at the trailer around them. “It was your fault we were banished from Equestria in the first place!” “How’s that?” Adagio put her hands on her hips and faced Aria full on. “Oh yeah, it was your fault. You never could keep in your pants, Adagio, not even back then! Starswirl the tightwad banished us ‘cuz you looked twice at his jailbait companion! I saw you making eyes at that filly while we fighting that ol’ glue factory reject off.” “What?” Adagio stared at Aria in shock. “I did not! I would think it was more the chaos we caused in that pony village that made him banish us. Or maybe it was your stupid idea to go around telling the ponies we were going to overthrow the princesses! That might have had something to do with it! My...preferences...had nothing to do with it, Aria.” “Whatever, you know what you did. You brought this on us and the sooner you get what you deserve, the sooner I’ll be able to enslave these filthy monkeys!” Aria stepped forward and clenched her fist. “Once the brats at that stupid school know you’re a damn lesbo on top of trying to manipulate them for power, they’ll tear you apart!” Adagio glared at Aria, her own fists clenching and shaking. It was the last time she was going to be blamed for their banishment. She screeched and willed the table Aria had been sitting at to fly up and hit the girl in the back with a sweep of her hand. There was a tense second where neither of them moved. Aria’s eyes widened, but when the table failed to sail towards her, she smirked. Adagio took a step back and a moment later she hit the ground. Aria Blaze stood over her, the hand she’d just used to punch Adagio down frozen in place. Aria narrowed her eyes. “Next time you want to fight, come with some magic, Adagio, or I’m going to do more than hit you.” “Dinner is done!” “Shut up, Sonata.” Aria turned away and walked back toward the kitchen area. “We’re only going to need two plates tonight.” “Uh, what about Adagio?” Sonata turned and looked out into the main room and frowned at the open door. “Oh, she already left. Poo...I wanted her to try my new recipe.” *** The little blue car was there, just as had been a week ago. Adagio ran her hand along edge of the hood as she passed by. Why am I back here? Do I have some sort of twisted need to hurt myself like this? Sunset had essentially promised violence, last she had come to the horse park. Adagio couldn’t get the memory of it out of her head. Listening to Sunset as she poured her lonely heart out to a horse. Those short moments when she thought Sunset could be like her. An outcast, a former pony with her own grievances against Equestria and someone that might share in the misery that had been her life in the human world. Don’t the humans have a saying about that? ‘Misery loves company?’ Adagio sighed and walked slowly into the park. There were less people around this time but she already knew where she was going. Her body felt like it was on autopilot as the lonely little separated barn came into view at the far end of the path. It was still fairly early into the afternoon, but the barn’s interior lights were on. What if she’s out riding? What do I even hope to gain by being here? She wasn’t sure of that. Sunset Shimmer was firmly her enemy. She and her friends in the Rainbooms had summoned powerful Equestrian magic and defeated her and the other sirens at the Battle of the Bands. The gems they used to store their magic and the emotions that fueled it had been destroyed. She wasn’t sure her magic would ever return. Her voice had, but the magic was still out of reach. Adagio slowed as she approached the barn and tried to be as quiet as she could be. She stuffed her hands in her hoodie pockets and crept up to the barn door and leaned against the side so she could hear anything that was going on inside. The pasture grasses that made up most of the park swished in the light breeze and for a long moment, it was the only thing she heard besides her own breathing. She was just about to steal a peek inside when she heard a horse nicker, the shuffle of cloth and the squeak of shoes on concrete. At least she doesn’t seem to be crying this time. That was awkward. Adagio leaned forward slightly and peeked around the edge of the barn door. A dozen or so paces away, Sunset Shimmer, wearing the green apron she had last time, was setting several combs and brushes on a low bench next to a stall that held what looked like the same horse. After she organized the combs, Sunset selected one and held up her hand. “Easy now, Clyde. Time to get you brushed down and then we can see if I can get you to go faster around the corral without throwing me.” Adagio rested her shoulder against the wall and stood there as Sunset talked. She still wasn’t sure what she was doing, but just listening for now felt right. Sunset smiled as the horse puffed his breath at her before dipping his head into a feed bag that hung in the stall. She wondered what Clyde might look like as a pony. Probably the typically stocky and broad chested stallion that seemed to live everywhere in Equestria. Sunset was probably one of those sleek unicorns with the long legs and those cute little spiral horns. “I wonder how things have changed in Equestria, Clyde? Princess Twilight told me about a lot of the recent changes there but there must be so much more.” Sunset smiled and ran the comb through the horse’s thick mane. “Nightmare Moon is actually real, can you believe it? My mom used to tell those scary bedtime stories about her when I was a little foal.” Who the heck is Princess Twilight? Is there more than one Equestrian princess now? Now that Adagio thought about it, if a princess had been directly involved at the Battle, it would explain the overwhelming wave of magic that had hit her and shattered her gem. Damn alicorns are breeding now. “She even mentioned something about Discord being freed and changelings invading Canterlot. Maybe I’m lucky I ran away when I did. Otherwise, I’d bet you bits that Celestia would have me fighting that stuff.” Sunset ran the comb through the mane and pulled the tangle out while the horse more or less ignored her and focused on the oats in the bag. “I don’t envy Twilight’s ascension...not really. I mean, maybe a little. But I think I might be starting to feel more at home here.” “Speak for yourself.” Adagio whispered. She closed her eyes and shivered as she thought of years upon years of her banishment and the endless parade of indignities she’d put up with. Yet she wondered, if Sunset Shimmer could adjust and find some sort of peace, why couldn’t she? “I drove the girls home today after band practice. Rainbow even admitted I had some pretty good moves with the guitar. How’s that for development?” Sunset chuckled and picked up a spray bottle which she then used to mist the mane before she started to work with a different comb. “We even sort of talked about romance stuff.” Clyde snorted and looked up as Sunset yanked on him to work a particularly difficult tangle out. “Sorry! I’ll be gentle. But how quintessentially girly can you get? A bunch of girls talking about romance?” Ugghh. I swear, if she starts talking about boys I will set this barn on fire. Adagio rolled her eyes. I take it back. This is more awkward than when she was crying. Sunset giggled and put down the comb and admired her work. “Looking good. I could practically show you off in Canterlot. Now let's get the tail.” Adagio leaned forward more and watched Sunset work as the girl lapsed back into silence while she groomed the animal. Its tail was long and the color of straw with streaks of a paler blonde that faded to brown near the base. Watching the work was mesmerising in its own way and the quiet minutes passed unnoticed until a gentle breeze started up and caused Adagio to shiver. Slowly, she stepped into the barn and leaned back against the wall as Sunset finished up. “There.” Sunset wiped her hands on the front of her apron and then grabbed a bottle of water that has sat unused on the low bench with her grooming supplies. “So, about that conversation...well, after I dropped off everyone else, Rarity was the last stop. You remember her, right Clyde? Pale color, big curly hair and the sparkly eyes? Well, she asked again and brought up Flash. I didn’t really want to talk about it, but then we started talking about how Princess Twilight seems to have a crush on Princess Luna and well, one thing led to another.” Princess Luna? Adagio gaped at Sunset Shimmer’s back. How many of these princesses are there? “I opened my big dumb mouth and said something I shouldn’t have.” Sunset sighed and took a drink from her bottle before setting it down and leaning in to rest her forehead against his side. “Now Rarity knows I like fillies...er, girls. I just made these friends and now I have to worry about that too.” Adagio blinked, her mouth hanging open as she stood straight and her hands fell out of her pockets.. Wait…what?! She...she’s like… She couldn’t finish the thought, it was so alien to her mind. The horse, however, took that precise moment to notice her and snorted and stamped with one hoof. Sunset turned with what seemed glacial slowness and for a moment, Adagio wondered what she would say to the girl. The moment passed and faster than she could react Sunset completed her turn and in a swift motion kicked up and caught a pitch fork in her hand. The rusty looking prongs of the fork speared forward to stop mere inches from her face. Adagio flinched backward and banged into the barn wall as she raised her hands. “He-he-hey! No!” Adagio tried her best to smile non-threateningly as she could. “What are you doing here?” Sunset growled. “Don’t think that just because I’m not with my friends that you Dazzlings can take me without a fight!” “No! No, we’re not here to do anything like that!” Adagio coughed and her teeth started to chatter. “I-I-I’m alone! I swear!” Sunset continued to hold the pitch fork up to Adagio’s face and looked around as if she suspected the other sirens to jump out from the empty stalls around them. “Oookaaay...why are you here, Adagio?” “Uh...I don’t...know?” “What?” Sunset locked her eyes on the siren again and took a half step forward. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “I’m not lying! Please, I mean no harm, Sunset. I really don’t know why I’m here!” Adagio swallowed and licked her lips nervously. “I was...was walking around and I came here...because...I don’t know why. Things have been weird for me recently, ok?” The rusty tool lowered slightly and Sunset cocked her head to the side. “Alright. Let’s say I believe you, Adagio. What’s to stop me from kicking your ass sideways right now for what you and your friends did at Canterlot High?” “They aren’t my friends.” Adagio took a deep breath and let it out slowly while her heart continued to hammer in her chest. “Well, maybe Sonata in a vague way, but if I don’t see Aria again ever, I wouldn’t feel too bad about that.” The fork lowered to hover just off the ground, ready to move if it was needed. Sunset took her own steadying breath and then took a step back, but kept her eyes on Adagio. She looked the siren up and down in silence for a solid minute before she lifted the fork up and rested it against her shoulder. “Is that a bruise around your eye?” Adagio frowned and put a hand against the spot where she’d been hit. The sting had lasted her from the trailer to the parking lot so a bruise didn’t really surprise her. She pushed herself very slowly off the wall and tugged her hood closer to hide the bruise as best she could. “It doesn’t matter. Nothing someone like you would understand.” “I’m not your average goody-goody pony, remember?” Sunset crossed her arms over her stomach. “How long were you standing there behind me?” Adagio looked down at the straw covered floor and stuck her hands back in her pockets. “Long enough.” Her eyes snapped back up when she heard the creaking of the wooden handle of the pitchfork. She could see Sunset’s knuckles turning white with the strength of her grip. The redhead’s eye twitched and then she took a deep breath. “Adagio, I don’t want to broadcast that little fact to the town. I’d appreciate it if you kept that little bit to yourself. Consider it a truce. You keep that secret, I don’t introduce you to the business end of this farming implement.” Sunset nodded toward the pitch fork for emphasis. “I...I can agree to that.” Adagio smirked. “Kinda nostalgic, being threatened by one of those. All that’s missing is the torches and the angry mob.” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been in the world a long time, haven’t you?” “You could say that.” “Sooo...now what?” Adagio shrugged and looked back up at Sunset. “I don’t know. It’s not like I had a plan here. If you want me to leave, I understand, Sunset.” “Do you...want to leave?” “No?” Adagio shrugged again. “Like I said, things are weird for me these days.” Sunset pointed at the opposite wall. “I know a thing or two about...things being weird. If you want to stay, go stand where I can see you. I still have to get Clyde ready for the saddle before I can take him out.” Adagio nodded and took a wide circle around Sunset toward the other side of the barn. When she got there, she took a seat on a large plastic barrel and looked back up to see Sunset set the fork aside and grab another brush. Why am I staying? I should leave. That would be the smart thing. So what if she’s like me? Am I that desperate? She coughed again. “So...you like taking care of this guy?” Sunset nodded but her eyes were focused on the job at hand. “Can I watch you ride?” Adagio slapped her mouth closed as soon as the words left her. She hadn’t meant to ask that. She wanted to make small talk now that she was reasonable sure she wasn’t going to get lynched. “I mean...well, I don’t know what I mean. Ignore me.” Sunset nodded again and continued to brush the horse in quiet concentration. After a few minutes she set aside the brush and turned back to the supply cabinet on the wall across from the stalls. Adagio watched her move and when she opened the cabinet, Sunset bent to reach something. She revised her earlier assessment, Sunset was probably a long legged unicorn with a cute horn and a firm and full flank too. Sunset pulled out a blanket, a simple saddle, and riding tact that looked like the same equipment she had out the last time. “Is it hard to put that stuff on a horse?” Adagio flushed and looked away. “Gah, Adagio, just shut up. You’re embarrassing yourself...” “No, it’s a good question, really.” Sunset laid out the riding equipment on the bench. “It’s hard on younger horses that aren’t used to it, but Clyde is a pro, even if I’m not. Thankfully, he usually goes easy on me. I’ll go slow, so you can watch.” Adagio sunk deeper into her hood, her cheeks burning. “...whatever.”