//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: My story // Story: Winds of Fate // by Storm Rival //------------------------------// I mainly write fiction, so this is a step out of my usual practice. Every story has a beginning and an ending, and I suppose to start at the beginning, I must start with my own story. I used to be good friends with Rainbow Dash in junior speedster flight camp, or rather I would've been had it not been for my 'eggheadedness' back in those days. I was in fact a lot like Fluttershy, the odd one out, always teased. I was a complete book worm and that trait was usually kept in the highest regards as a unicorn trait back then, but I just couldn't get my head out of the tales of unfortunate ponies, and other popular books at the time like Daring Do. I remember the sonic Rainboom as though it were yesterday; the skies were shining like none other and, all of us were doing the cloud ring course. Fluttershy was having a hard time getting off the clouds and had actually tripped up sliding down one of them. The three flight school bullies were quick to criticize and mock her with her name of 'clutzershy'. That day I'd been at my tipping point, however, I knew if I had gone down there and confronted them, I too would be their punching bag; 'Egghead' 'nerd' ha, those didn't bother me, what did however was. 'Where're your glasses blind guy.' I'd only ever worn them once and since that comment, never again. I have trouble seeing long distances, which is why I prefer just to sit down on a cloud and read. I so wanted to do something that day,however, Rainbow Dash, the most rambunctious of the group, had to speak her mind: "Hey, Leave her alone!" That comment from me alone would've gotten me a hoof sandwich from those guys. "Whatcha' gonna do about it 'Rainbow Crash?'" One of the bullies said. If it were me, having the horrible day I was having, and I'd heard another hurtful word, They would've regretted it, and I would've been kicked out of flight school because of it. "Keep makin' fun of her and find out!" "Since you're such a big shot let's find out." "What'd you have in mind?" she said seriously. About an hour or so later, a race was prepared. Rings placed in such a precise manor to where one mishap would send one of those I'd called 'classmates' either spiraling out of control or slamming into another cloud that had been for holding up our cloud home. I wasn't that much a fan of racing though, so, I kept out of it, staying in my corner of the sky. Only a minute passed as soon as I'd decided, 'I've read too many books' and I took a look over at Rainbow Dash and the bullies' race. Then, it happened. The sonic rainboom had blown away the books in my corner of the sky and had also blown away my cloud. At that point, I was flying and astounded to have witnessed such a feat. I later went home and found out that I was writing non stop about the day in my journal. My mom came by when she finally noticed "Honey," she said to me "Yes ma?" I said "You've got your cutie mark. It was possibly one of the most mundane of all the pegasai. An open book. I'd kept quiet that I'd gotten my cutie mark for about a week, I was too ashamed for it not being something more athletic or various. I was eventually teased again for being a such a nerd soon as the news got out. Flight school just sucked after that. Rainbow Dash had at some point moved to ponyville and Fluttershy from the day of the Rainboom wasn't heard of again, until just recently, as she was one of Princess Twilight's friends. My oldest sister, Joycing Winds, moved out quite sometime before the rainboom, and she still dismisses it as a mare's tale even though its been done at a royal wedding. My middle sister was only a year away from missing it, and Let's say for now, she had been doing questionable things here in Equestria. My mom said that she'd heard a boom but was astounded that it had been, that, boom. My dad was off doing who knows what with work at the weather factory. He was way too far inside to hear anything outside. As for me, I silently praise Rainbow Dash on her accomplishment, and thank her for my cutie mark. I, soon after completing flight school, moved to Ponyville with my sister and her husband, Building Rockets. He worked with Filthy Rich's real-estate company and built many homes to which Rich would sell to ponies at borderline high prices. He soon tired though, of a thirteen hour day not including letters and other things like that. He soon after began buying model rockets to fire off and let the other fillies enjoy. To that extent, My nephew, Will, Willed Rocket, had so much pleasure of. This whole 'happy ending' though, ended so suddenly. I was in the same room as my nephew when, he started spazing out. He'd fired magical blasts all across the house. Those blasts doing random to very destructive things. My sister and Brother immediately took him to the Ponyville clinic. The doctors could only weep as they knew what the prognosis was. Magic Degeneration. I looked it up in a medical journal and found that there weren't any survivors as of yet, and I was shocked knowing that would be my nephews fate, suffering until a final end. I looked deeper into the journal to find that there was a small speculation section, and it had something on this topic. It'd said: "this disease is completely random in who it affects. while we don't know much at all about this disease, we can only speculate on what the cure is. After a magic scan, we found that unicorn bodies were attempting to transform the magic into something else, another form of energy. The bodies near the backbone were also attempting to grow wings, as the horn recedes in the process of this, it would be impossible for an alicorn to be a probable outcome. Rather than alicorn ascension, though, (footnote 1) (which is myth at best,) the logical conclusion would be that the body is stuck between the choice of either an earth pony or a Pegasus." I was astounded by the lack of research, however, a very rare disease is just a wonder in Equestria. I'd thought now, once more, about my nephew. Perhaps if he'd make it further along than any other pony before, he would be able to choose weather he wanted to trot the earth without magic, or fly through the air sending clouds everywhere and possibly helping Rainbow Dash with weather duty. Things with family were a lot more civil than what I'd previously mentioned. Those who were visiting my nephew were my aunt dad mom, my own two sisters, and brother. I was still just a school pony when this had happened, so, many details are missing. Though, I do know that the prognosis was that my nephew, Will, was at some point going to kick the bucket; With, that I'd spent every day over at my sister's and brother's helping Will out and doing things for him, heck I'd even cleaned my sister's house in Ponyville top to bottom once. I have pretty much been like Spike since getting out of school, helping out with little to no reward feeling cheery all the time, because Celestia only knows if I hadn't been.