The Dark Can Change a Lot.

by Superblox

A New Friend

Chapter 3- A New Friend?

“Nngh…” Emerald grunted as he slowly came to… He slowly sat up, looking around at the strange area he was in. Why was he in a room that looked like he was inside a tree? And what was with all the masks and voodoo stuff? He then noticed that he was in a bed, which he knew was comfortable, despite his stone skin.

Emerald hummed, then carefully got up, looking around. Judging by the window, it was either still night, or he had been out for a whole day and half a night. He looked around the room more thoroughly, and spotted a mirror pinned to the wall. He approached it curiously, finding that he was still the same. Though, he noticed that his snout was cracked, as if it had been broken, and Emerald could faintly smell hot glue… Did his nose break, and did somepony fix it? He frowned. If a pony had found him, why had they taken him in as if he were a true pony, and fixed his nose? He would’ve expected to be in the middle of the room, put there to be examined and studied. Though, he didn’t complain about the kindness he had been showed by now.

Emerald looked around, then slowly walked around the tree house a bit. He began to notice more things he didn’t originally see. Such as the boiling pot of green liquid in the center of the room. As he looked around, Emerald couldn’t help but get the feeling that this was the home of a Zebra. They were known for their brews, and their more nature-based homes.

He was soon interrupted by a voice behind him. “Ah, so the pony of stone awakes, from a slumber that hopefully was not of high stakes.” Emerald turned around, slightly startled, but calmed himself as he stared at the Zebra who spoke to him. She had her mane in a Mohawk, her tail long and straight. She had gold hoop earrings, as well as many golden bracelets on both of her front legs. She had a sort of tribal sun as her cutie mark on her flank.

Emerald smiled a little. “Hello… I’m guessing you took me in..?”

Zecora nodded. “Of course stone one. I would never leave a pony, artificial or not, alone.”

Emerald coughed a little. “Er, you can call me Emerald… And I’m not exactly supposed to be stone… I was transformed by a dark entity… And it sucks.”

Zecora seemed a little intrigued. “Tell me Emerald, what darkness could this herald?” She asked with slight worry in her voice.

Emerald sighed. “Well..” With that, he slowly began to describe what happened. All that he could remember, anyway… After all, he was only a colt, and it had been hundreds of years since the event that changed his life forever happened.

Zecora nodded silently through his tale respectfully. “I understand your plight, caused by a being opposite of light. There is another I have met, she may still be here yet. Perhaps the two of you can work together, and both of you may change your fate for the better.”

Emerald smiled. “Really? There’s another like me? Where is she?!” He shouted with excitement.

“Calm down Emerald, you haven’t even settled! You should stay and rest, for you that would be best.” Zecora said, trying to keep Emerald from going out too soon. This made him frown. He did still feel a little bit tired…

“Alright, I see your point… I’ll try to wait. But I can’t guarantee that I’ll rest much until the morning. I’m only capable of moving at night, so…” Emerald said, trailing off.

“It is alright. For now, I must rest under the moonlight. If it is okay with you, I must bid you adieu.” With a smile, Zecora trotted off towards a dark green cot in the edge of her home, snuggling in and falling asleep. Emerald sighed, and looked around the place, wondering what he could do in the meantime...