//------------------------------// // Chapter 16 The election part 5 // Story: Assassin's Creed III:Friendship is magic season one // by Brony117 //------------------------------// Chapter 16: The election part 5 It has been a week since the incident to both to the school and the tavern, as well Connor, and Scootaloo receiving their injuries. The bully and the bar fight has made both places to close down until further notice, making the parents, Cheerilee, and the drinkers upset. As for Connor and Scootaloo, both had to recover from their wounds at home, thankfully it wasn't serious as they needed bed rest. As they rested, both welcomed their newest family member, Lobo, their recently adopted Wolf pup. It made Connor and Scootaloo feel more relaxed and happy to have him by their side. Derpy, and Dinky immediately loved the pup, and welcomed it with open arms. Carrot Top, however, didn't like having Lobo running around and causing trouble in the house. One time, he chewed the couch, leaving bits of it everywhere. He then used the restroom inside the house without anypony noticing him, and he ate most of Carrot Tops' carrot garden that is used to sell to other ponies. Feeling frustrated, Carrot Top demanded that Lobo either be trained or he lives outside. Knowing that he doesn't want to lose the trust he's earned from the pup, Connor decided to take him to Fluttershy to be trained for Lobos', Carrot Tops', and for his sake as well. It took some time, but Lobo managed to learn some tricks and manners, but his training was still incomplete, so it was a start since he's still a puppy. Speaking of training, Connor kept his promise to Scootlaoo about training her. He kept it easy since he also promised that they would start off in the basics, such as jogging, push-ups, sit-ups, and lifting weights, which was replaced with bags of Carrot Tops' carrot's inside. After they trained, both traded they're side of the story of how their day went, and how they received they're injuries. When Scootaloo told her story, Connor was proud of the action she took to defend the victim's of the attack, but was very upset when the royal guard who told her about the doctor lying that her wings will be able to fly. But he decided to ignore it and spend the day with her and the others. For now... Another week later, Carrot Tops' house, Morning. Connor, and the others were sitting around the kitchen table enjoying Carrot Tops' homemade carrot pancakes, with Lobo eating some dog food that was provided by Fluttershy. As they ate their breakfast, Scootaloo heard a whimper. She looked next to her and saw Lobo looking towards her food, slightly drooling. She then notice his food bowl was empty, and back looked back to the pup. Feeling generous, she took a piece of her pancake and give it to him. Lobo saw this and happily took the piece of food and ate it. Carrot Top, who was reading the newspaper, notice this and said. "Scootaloo! Don't feed the wolf!" "Oh lighten up Carrot Top! His food bowl was empty, plus he's still hungry." Feeling a bit embarrassed, Carrot Top let it slide. "Oh fine, at least wash your hooves, we don't want you to get sick. Most of us don't know where his mouth has been, or what it was doing." "*Sigh* Fine..." Replied Scootaloo as she left the table to wash her hooves. "Scootaloo is correct," Said Connor. "You should 'lighten up', Lobo has been given some training, he's still a puppy, and far from being mature after all." "Alright, alright!" Said Carrot Top. "I get it, let's not go there again. I don't want to be the bad pony here again, and I had a very good reason to act like that when he was causing trouble at the time!" "We'll see." Connor replied as he continued to eat his breakfast as Carrot Top read the newspaper again. Moments later as Scootaloo returned from washing her hooves, everypony eat in silence. Until Carrot Top spoke again. "Oh my, that's terrible." "What happened Carrot Top?" Said Derpy. "Did store run out of muffins again?" "Uh, no Derpy, they did not run out muffins again." "*Phew*" "What's terrible, is that a doctor from ponyville hospital had an accident few nights ago!" "What does it say aunt Carrot Top?" Said Dinky. "It says that after a normal day at the hospital, the doctor was leaving the building to head home. As he was just about to leave his office, the doctor slipped on the wet floor, headed towards the stairs, and fell down the steps, and roughly landed on the ground in pain from the third floor! Witnesses say they heard a loud noise, and found the doctor unconscious covered in bruises and multiple broken bones. Reporters spoke to the doctor, as he was recovering, saying what happened that night. The doctor replied with a few words: 'I didn't see were I was going.' The other doctors in the hospital say he'll make a full recovery, but will be out of the job for three months!" "Ouch! That's some fall the doc had." Said Scootaloo. "That's horrible! I hope the doctor to feels better soon." Said Derpy. "Yeah! I'm sure he will, he's a doctor! He knows what to do since he's hurt." Said Dinky. "Yes, it's quite a shame he received those injuries. I do hope the next time he will 'correct' the mistake he has made." Said Connor. As everypony around the table was thinking about the poor doctor, Connor took a sip of his coffee and secretly smiled. Knowing that the doctor 'will' correct his mistake for what he has done. After moment of silence and finishing their breakfast, there was a knock at the door. *Knock knock* "Odd, I wonder who that could be at this time of hour?" Said Carrot Top. "I'll answer the door." Said Connor as he left the table. As walked towards the door, Connor opened it and saw who it was. A Royal Guard! Seeing who was in front of him, Connor froze as he was reminded how capable these guards were and they were shoot at him and Scootaloo that day. Not wanting to make trouble, especially with Scootaloo, Dinky, Derpy, and Carrot Top nearby. Connor spoke to the guard, nicely of course. "Uh, g-good morning guard. What can I do for you?" "Are you Mr. Keyway sir?" "Y-Yes." "I'm here as Marey Mares' messenger to escort you to her location as soon as possible." "Marey Mare? I haven't heard from her in quite some time. I suppose I could drop by for a visit, give me a moment to prepare." The guard nodded and left to give Connor some time. Closing the door, Carrot Top spoke from the kitchen. "Who was that at the door?" "A Royal Guard believe it or not." "A GUARD!?" Shouted Carrot Top as she ran towards Connor and looked at him in the eyes angrily. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" "N-Nothing! The guard only came to escort me to where Marey Mares' is at right now." "Marey Mare? You mean the mare you met two weeks ago?" "Yes, that's the one." "What for?" "I do not know, but I will find out when I meet her. I just need to go prepare myself, I might be gone for a while." "Do you need my help on this one? It could be a trap!" Said Scootaloo as she ran from the kitchen towards the two adults. "I doubt it'll be a trap," Replied Connor as he brought out a bag from the closet. "even though I saved her from that fight back at the tavern." "Well...it still could be! You may never know!" Knowing what she was trying to do, Connor smiled and gave her his answer. "Well then, if you think its a trap. You need Carrot Tops' permission to aid me." The young Pegasus looked at Carrot Tops and gave her a happy look. Noticing her motives, Carrot Top allowed it. "*Sigh* Alight, you can go. But remember to be back by dinner time!" "Yes ma'am! Come on Connor! Our adventure awaits!" "Heh, just remember who's in charge here." ... Moments later after being escorted by the guard, the two pegasi found themselves the last place they thought would visit again. Sugarcube corner. "This is the place? This is where Marey Mare is at this moment?" Said Connor. "Yes Mr. Kenway." Replied the guard. "I see..." "Huh, never thought we be here again." Said Scootaloo. "Same as here." "Is there a problem Mr. Kenway?" Said the guard. "Uh, n-no. There is no problem, it's just...the last time we were here, things went out of control." "Really? You don't look like much of a party guy." "That's because I don't celebrate much." "Is that right? "Positive." "Right, anyway this is the place. And with that my work here is done." "I understand, thank you guard. With that said, the guard saluted and left the two pegasi by themselves. "Well then, here are again." Said Connor as he looked at the building. "Yeah, brings back memories doesn't it?" Said Scootaloo. "Both good and bad." "Come on, it wasn't that bad!" "I blew fire from Pinkie Pie's prank." "Oh...well it was a good prank!" "...Lets head inside." "Right behind you." Without another word, both walked inside sugarcube corner. As they entered, the place was not as busy as the last time as it was. The dinning room was slightly booming with customers as they ate their meals or waiting in line to order. As Connor and Scootaloo looked around, a familiar voice was heard. "Mr. Kenway! Mr. Kenway over here!" Both looked across the room and saw Marey Mare sitting in a booth table, waving her hoof to them. Quickly, Connor and Scootaloo walked towards the table and sat down. "Good morning Mr. Kenway," Said Marey Mare. "glad to see my messenger has found you be here." "Yes, your messenger. How did you manage to find me?" "It wasn't hard actually, I asked to see if anypony knows a white Pegasus living here and they did. After all, how many White coated ponies do you know are living here right?" "Is there a reason why you couldn't find me yourself instead of the guard?" "I'm still a bit hanged over to be honest, so I send the guard to do the work for me." "How is that possible?" "I'm the current mayor's opponent, so it's allowed to ask for a bit of help. Which is why you are here." "Help? You need my help? And why is that?" Before Marey Mare replied, she noticed an orange filly next to Connor. "Excuse me little filly, I didn't see you there. This discussion is for adults only." "Hey! I'm part of this whether you like it or not! Plus, I know this is a trap! You best be ready, because I know deadly techniques that can put you down!" Both adults went silent for a moment until Connor spoke. "Scootaloo, we only did the basics of the training, and it was physical, not combat." "Shhh! Don't say that, she doesn't know! And ruin this moment for me, I got her scared!" "You do know I'm here and i can hear you right?" Said Marey Mare. "And no I'm not scared, but nice try." Hearing these word cause Scootaloo to blush. "Ack! Now look what you did! My threat failed!" Connor rolled his eyes and said. "Scootaloo, here's a quick lesson you'll learn when you complete further in the training. When talking to the enemy, you must listen closely to understand if they are tricking you, setting you into a trap, or if they really mean what they say." "Uh..." "Basically, trust your instincts. Or in other words, your gut as they say." "Ooooh..." "Um...Mr. Kenway?" Said Marey Mare. "Have you forgotten that I'm here?" Realizing what she said, Connor apologize. "Oh, yes! My apologies, I was distracted." "Actually, it's not that much of a secret." Said Marey Mare. "Seriously? You too? Come on can I least sound cool for once!?" Said Scootaloo. "Ah, it's ok. Maybe next time!" Said Pinkie Pie. "Perhaps let your auntie Pinkie Pie show you a thing or two on how to be cool!" "WOAH!" Shouted all three ponies in surprise. "Pinkie Pie?! What are you doing here?!" Shouted Scootaloo. "I work here silly! So anyway, like I said, if you need help, just ask your auntie Pinkie Pie!" "Uh...were not related in any way." "Don't ruin this moment for me trying to be cool too kid." "Sorry!" "Anyway, what can I get you three?" Three ponies around the table looked at each other in with a confused look, but smiled, and replied to Pinkie Pie. "Two cups of coffee, an orange juice, and three stacks of pancakes for the three of us if you please?" Said Marey Mare. "Yeah, and hold the carrots!" Said Scootaloo. "With a side of cupcakes." Said Connor. "Sure thing! I'll be back before you know it!" Said Pinkie Pie as she finished taking their orders and walked towards the kitchen. An hour later... "Ah...that hit the spot this time." Said Scootaloo as she laid back on the booth chair. "Agreed," Said Connor. " and for once there's no carrots in the pancakes." "Yeah." "Yes, that was the best thing I have ever eaten." Said Marey Mare. "If I was mayor, I would make this restaurant the best place to visit, and number 1 in ponyville." "YOU WILL!?" The three ponies turned to see a stallion and a mare looking at them with a happy expression on their faces. " I beg your pardon?" Said Marey Mare. "You said that if you were mayor, you would make our restaurant number 1!" Said the stallion. "That's right!" Said the mare. "The current mayor promised us she would make this place popular along time ago, but she has forgotten us." "Current mayor? You mean Novelty Quill?" Said Marey Mare. "That's right!" Said the stallion. "the mayor came here one day and loved the food so much she made a promise." "What was the promise?" Said Marey Mare. "She promised us she will promote this restaurant, and it will attract more customers than we usually have!" Said the mare. Marey looked around to see not that many customers in the place, she faced at the two ponies and said. "Looks like she must have forgotten about that promise, there aren't that many customers." "Well...she's a busy mare, I'm sure she must've gotten her head wrapped around in politics by accident. Right?" Said the stallion. "Yes...busy..." Said the mare. "Perhaps," said Marey Mare. "but don't you worry my fellow ponies. I will make this promise! When I'm elected as mayor, I will promote this restaurant to the best around ponyville! And that's a promise!" Hearing these words, the stallion walked up to Marey Mare, and shook her hoof. "Thank you, thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to the both us! You have our support!" "Not a problem my dear good citizen! I gave you my word didn't I Mr. And Mrs.?" "Cake, Carrot Cake. And this is my wife, Cup Cake." "Well then Mr and Mrs. Cake, I thank you for the support." "Of course! And the meal is on the house, its the least we can do to show some support." "Very generous of you my dear good sir, I won't forget this and our promise. Mr. Kenway, it's time for us to work!" ... "Could you remind us why we are in the middle of a busy street?" Said Connor as he, Scootaloo, and Marey Mare stood in crowded street as other ponies were going to the places they needed to be. "It's simple Mr. Kenway," Said Marey Mare. "we are going to give these flyers to the public so they can vote for me in the election!" "You sure that's going to work?" Said Scootaloo. "I'm sure it will, it worked for me in high school." Marey then gave the two Pegasi the flyers and said. "Here, like I said earlier give these out and keep going until you run out. Simple as that!" Connor and Scootaloo looked at each other and looked back at Marey. "Very well, we'll do it." Said Connor. "Excellent! Now go out there and get me some supporters!" With that said, Marey Mare left. Leaving the two pegasi in the middle of the street, with a confused expression. Scootaloo looked at Connor and said. "Are we really going to do this for her?" "I don't think we have a choice," said Connor. "If we're going to get through this we might as well get it over with." "Yeah, I'm with you on that." As Connor and Scootaloo finished their conversation, they began to pass the flyers to the people. As time passed, nopony took a flyer, not one a single one. Seeing it wasted their time, both took a break and discussed what happened. "Well, that didn't worked out as we hoped." Said Scootaloo. "I think we both knew it wouldn't work as Marey originally planned." "Yes, that's true." Replied Connor. "I don't think she'll be happy when we tell her what happened." "Yeah..." "Apples! Come get yer apples! Only three bits! Apples over here!" Hearing that familiar voice, and the smell of apples made Connor hungry. It had been a few hours since he had breakfast, perhaps a snack would satisfy him. He looked and Scootaloo and said. "Let's grab a snack, it has been a long day." "Sure, I was getting hungry anyway." With that said, both pegasi moved from their spot and went towards the apple stand where a familiar face was there. "Apples! Come get some apples! Only three bits!" "I'll take two please." The owner of the apple stand turned around and saw her greatest friend and customer. "Well howdy there Connor, and Scootaloo! Nice to see ya around here." "It is also good you see you too as well Applejack." Said Connor. "Yeah, it's good to see you too! It Has been a while huh?" Said Scootaloo. "Eeyup! It sure has been! Anyway, want some apples?" "Yes, two please." Replied Connor as he paid Applejack 6 bits. Accepting the money from Connor, Applejack gave two apples to the two Pegasus. "There ya go! Enjoy!" Taking the apples, Connor and Scootaloo immediately ate the snack. "Aaah, delicious. Perhaps better than the apple pie I've had when I first went to your stand." "Mmmmmm...amazing! It's has great flavor that any other apple I've ever eaten!" "Glad ya like it! Those apples were planted, and grown in apple family soil for as long as I can remember." "Really? Sounds like quite a story." "It is." "Mr Kenway! Mr Kenway where are you?" "Ugh...I have forgotten about her." Said Connor as he faced hoof in embarrassment as Marey Mares' voice was heard as he knew she was looking for him. "Who she? Somepony you know?" "Barely, me and two other ponies saved her from a drunken rampage in a tavern." "Any reason why?" "She tired to gain voters in the upcoming election." "Ugh, politics. Ah tell ya, they are nothin but trouble!" "How so?" "A couple of colts in fancy suits came to my farm and tried to give my family a huge load of bits so they can take our land and do what ever the hay the want! That's why I hate politics!" "I'm sorry, Applejack." "Ah, don't worry. We shook em out of our home, hopefully that's the last time they do that again." "Ah Mr Kenway, there you are!" Shouted Marey Mare as she finally found him. "*sigh* Hello there Marey Mare, had any luck on gaining voters?" "No, not yet. But I will eventually! Just got to stay positive!" "Sounds...difficult." "It is." *Grumble* Marey blushed as she and the others heard her stomach growl. "Hehehe, it seems I have an appetite again." "Would you care for an apple?" Suggested Applejack. "An apple you say? Well, I suppose I could just have one." "That'll be three bits!" Marey opened her bag, gave Applejack three bits, and was handed an apple. "*Munch* Mmmm...my, my, this is delicious!" "Thank you kindly ma'am!" Replied Applejack as she tipped her hat upwards. Marey Mare took another bite of the apple. "Oh this is just too good! Tell me, what's your secret recipe on making these apples so tasty!" "There's no secret ma'am, they were just planted just right." "Mmm...I see. Has anypony besides us had any of these apples?" "Afraid not, not since the 'accident'. People just don't know how good these apples are, they just see it as another plain fruit." "Oh dear." "Eeyup, but don't worry. Me and the family are hangin in there, just gotta do our best to keep going." Marey took a moment to think and thought of an idea. "I think we can help each other out miss?" "Applejack, and what do you mean 'help each other out'?" "It's simple really, you give me some support on the election and I promise you and your family that you will gain more customers than you usually have." Hearing these words made Applejack curious. "Is that right? No tricks or nothin?" "Nope, just exactly what I said." "Well, we do need the help we can get. I'm sure my family might agree to you're terms, but you better keep your promise." "Oh don't you worry my dear, I've already made a promise. I do tend to keep it, and ours as well." "Alright then, lets shake on it." "Excellent! Then we are at an agreement!" Marey extended her arm towards Applejack to shake hooves, but then saw the earth pony spit on her hoof and extended her arm toward her direction. Marey jerked her arm back in disgusted. "What's wrong?" Said Applejack. " Aren't we going to shake on it?" "Uh..." Not wanting to break her new made promise, Marey forced herself to shake Applejacks' hoof, Making the promise official. Even though she felt disgusted. "Alright, our promise has been made." Said Marey. "Eeyup! Just remember, we made that promise to help each other out." "Don't worry, I will." "Good to hear. Oh! We might want to move now." "Huh? Why is that?" Connor interrupted the conversation. "Because we have a rainbow colored streak coming towards our direction!" Without another word, Connor grabbed Scootaloo and jumped away from the street. Applejack did the same as she grabbed her stand and moved away from the upcoming situation. As for Marey, she stood there with a confused look. "Huh? Why's everypony running away? Was it the hoof shake we made?" "Looooook ouuuuuuuuut!!!!!!!" "Wha-" *Crash* "Oof!" "Gah!" Slowly standing up from the crash, Marey shook her head and looked at the pony who crashed into her. "You clumsy fool! Watch where you're going! I hope you are lucky that I didn't get a causation from that!" "Hehehe, sorry. I was too fast to slow down, they don't call me-" "Rainbow Dash, still hurtin yer self I see." "Oh, hey Applejack. What can I say, I'm training myself to be faster! And to be part of the wonderbolts!" "*Sigh* You and yer obsession of those stunt flyers, are going to get you into trouble." "Hey, I gotta do what ever it takes to be a wonderbolt! They do dangerous things, so that means I do the same thing!" Hearing these words made Applejack, face hoof. "Ever thought of wearing any protection to prevent injuring yourself and others?" Said Connor. "Hey Connor, Sup Scoots!" "Hey Rainbow Dash!" "Anyway, I have thought that. But it would affect my speed, so nah. I'm good." "I see." *Ahem* Have we forgotten about who got hurt earlier!" "Oh yeah, uh sorry!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Ugh, now look at me! My hair is all ruined thanks to you!" "Look I said I was sorry. Plus its just a pony tail, its easy to fix!" "And look at my tie! It's all torn into pieces! Oh you have done alot of damage!" "You can get a new one!" "Grrrrr! Why I-" "Enough!" Shouted Connor. What happened was an accident, there's nothing we can do to correct it." "But Mr. Kenway-" "I know somepony who can help you in your situation, Scootaloo and I were heading there as we were done with the work you have given us." "Oh, I see." "I do believe you owe Rainbow Dash an apology." Feeling bad for her attitude towards Rainbow Dash, Marey apologized. "Um, forgive me miss Dash. That was very unprofessional of me earlier." "Meh, don't worry about it. I get it all the time." "You know, your speed could help me in the upcoming election. What do you say? Care to help me out?" "Help you say? What's in it for me?" "What do you want?" "I don't know, a chance to meet the wonderbolts? Heh." "Hmmm...i don't know about meeting the wonderbolts. But I do have a ticket to the wonderbolts show." Hearing these words caught Rainbow Dash's attention, and flew towards Marey's face. "You do!? Can I have it!? Please!? I'll do anything!" "Agree to help me in my campaign and the ticket is yours." "Deal!" With that said, Marey and Rainbow shook hooves and the ticket was given to the blue Pegasus. "Yes! Wonderbolts here I come!" Rainbow looked at the ticket and saw something even better. "*Gasp* T-This is a 'VIP' ticket! Where in Equestria did you find such a thing!? Their difficult to and expensive to get!" "They are? I was given the ticket by an old friend of mine when we met weeks ago, he said he didn't want the ticket for he was a busy colt at the time." "Well, his loss! This ticket is so expensive that it's a front row seat, and you can meet the wonderbolts in person!" "Really? I had no idea, well its yours now." "And you definitely got yourself a new worker to help you in your, uh, thing!" "Glad to have you on board miss Dash, and I would hurry if I were you. The show begins in a few hours." "Don't worry, I'm the fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" Without another word said, Rainbow Dash flew away from the area fast as her wings could take her! Leaving the others in awe from her speed. "Wow, she is the fastest in all of Equestria!" Said Scootaloo. "Ya know its just a title she just made for her self." Said Applejack. "Huh, I thought it was a real title." Said Marey. "Well it ain't." "Well, since that's out of the way." Said Connor. "Shall we head out?" "Yes, lets go meet this pony you spoke of." Said Marey. Connor turned to Applejack and said. "We'll see you soon Applejack, and thank you for the apples." "Thank ya kindly Connor, hope to see ya again!" ... After minutes of walking, Connor and the others made it to the building he mention earlier. "This is the place." "Hmm...it looks a bit...decorated. Don't you think?" Said Marey. "Looks more like girly to me." Said Scootaloo. "I'll knock." Connor walked towards the door and kocked. *Knock* *Knock* "Coming!" *Creek* "Welcome to the carousel boutique, my name is Rarity. How can i- waaaaaaaah!!!" Connor and Scootaloo, rolled their eyes as they both knew she would react this way. Knowing Marey's condition, she will have to endure Rarity's drama and sense of fashion. "Wha-What has happened to you!?" Said Rarity. "Oh this?" Said Marey. I had an 'accident' earlier, and I was told to meet you to help me in my condition." "You were told? May I ask who ever told you to come meet me?" "That would be us, miss Rarity." Rarity turned to see who called her name and saw two familiar Pegasus's. "Why Mr Kenway, and little Scootaloo! It good to see you two again!" "A pleasure to see you too as well miss Rarity." Said Connor. "Yeah me too! And I'm not little!" Said Scootaloo. "*Giggle* Of course. Anyway, how can I help you three?" "Well, Marey here needs your 'assistance'." "Say no more, for I, Rarity, shall bring out your inner beauty!" Both Connor and Scootaloo snickered at Marey for she doesn't know what's in store for her. But before Rarity could begin, Connor spoke."Rarity, before you begin, I ask one favor." "A favor you say? What would that be?" "Well..." Without another word, Connor opened his bag and brought out a familiar torn blood stained piece of clothing. "*Gasp* M-MY MASTER PIECE!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY MASTER PIECE!?" Not wanting to feel Rarity's wrath, Connor carefully explained what happened, and what caused the robes to be torn. "Hmmm....I see. Well, at least you saved the damsel in distress." "Hey!" Shouted Marey. "Nevertheless, it shows how much you care for others. Keep that up, and you'll have mares falling in your hooves!" "I-I'm not look for a relationship, not yet al least."Said Connor as he slightly blushed. "Anyway, can you repair the robes?" "I'll see what I can do, hand it over." Said Rarity as Connor gave her the robes. "Hmmm...lets see here...hoodie is torn by hoof and is missing, front is slashed by knife and still stained with blood that's even though its been washed. I'm afraid I can't repair the robes Mr Kenway." "I see." Said Connor as he slightly lowered his head. "But I can replace them, I do hope that's alright with you." Hearing this gabbed Connors attention. "Replace it? That's sound great, but I don't want you to create another. After all I'm sure it takes time to create another." "Oh nonsense Mr Kenway, come with me. I want to show you something, the others can come too." Wondering what Rarity was taking about, Connor, Scootaloo, and Marey followed the white unicorn. As they followed, they stopped in front of a closet door. "What you three are about to see, is my best designs. But why do you care? Well, take a look." As Rarity opened the door, the three ponies jaws dropped. There were dozens and dozens of replicas of Connors robes! The three of them wondered, how did one pony had the time to create this much clothing? After a moment of silence, Connor spoke. "How is it possible that you created this much of the robes based on the original?" "Well you see, after I created the replica and giving it to you. I stared to miss it, after all it is a master piece. So, I decided to make another, then another, and other, and, well you get the idea." "So what you are saying is after the day of Pinkie Pie's party, you created more replicas?" Rarity blushed in slight embarrassment. "Well, yes." "I see, then perhaps I could take one of these replicas to replace the ruined robes?" "Of course! But I'm afraid its going to cost you Mr Kenway, I do have a business to run." "I understand, how much for a robe?" "Let's see...how about...a hundred bits?" "That sounds fair." Connor opened his bag, pulled out the money and give it to Rarity. "Thank you Mr Kenway," said Rarity as she took the money. "pleasure doing business with you. Make sure to keep the new robes clean and safe this the shall we?" "No promises on that miss Rarity." "Ah well, more business for me then. Go ahead and pick one out, it really doesn't matter for they are all the same." With that said, Connor when into the closet, picked out a new robe, and wore it. As he came out the three ponies looked at him with awe. "Mr Kenway...you look amazing!" Said Marey. "So awesome...i can't wait to get one for my own!" Said Scootaloo. "It looks smashing! You wear it really well Mr Kenway." Connor blushed and rub the back of his head and said. "Heh, thank you ladies." "Well then," said Rarity. "now that Mr Kenway is taken care of. Miss Marey, Shall we begin?" "Uh, of course! Lets!" "Excellent! Mr. Kenway, would you and young Scootaloo wait while I work with miss Marey here." "Of course." Replied Connor. "Sure." Said Scootaloo. As they left the room, Rarity faced Marey and said. "Well now that they're gone, follow me my dear. Lets get you fixed up." "Uh, very well. Lead the way." Marey followed Rarity to another part the building, as they walked, they stopped in a area that looked like a salon. "Here we are, please have a seat my dear as I bring the necessary tools." Marey followed Rarity's instructions and waited, after a moment, Rarity returned. "I'm back! Let's get started on that hair of yours, a mare must always be presentable with her neatly groomed." Rarity turned the chair around and pressed a lever on the bottom of the chair and it leaned backwards onto a sink. "Wha-What are you doing?" Said Marey. "Relax my dear, I'm just going to clean your hair." "But you don't need to-" Marey was cut off when Rarity began working on her hair. Suddenly she felt relaxed, and comfortable as her hair was being scrubbed so gently she started to fall asleep. "Oooh...this feels...amazing..." "I'm glad you're enjoying my treatment, now keep still as I-Eh?" Rarity saw something in the sink, it looked...pink? "Uh...miss Marey?" "Yes?" "Not to be rude but, your hair...it's pink." "Eh? Waaaaah!!!" Marey jumped out of the seat, and looked at the mirror and saw her grey hair turned into pink! "Aaaaaaah!!! How did this happen?!" Rarity looked at the shampoo she used and saw nothing wrong with it. "I-I don't know! Perhaps I-" "I put on that dye perfectly!" "Huh?" "I mean, what did I do wrong? Did I miss a step? Did I not let it dry enough?" "Um, Marey?" "*Gasp* Rarity, I-I..." "Um...don't worry, I won't tell a soul about what happened. But, please explain to me why you have your hair and uh...tail dyed?" "*Sigh* Well you see in running for mayor, so I decided to look professional and more wise by dying my hair and tail, and well, it didn't work out until now." "I see, well don't you worry Marey. I can help you with that, and for looking a bit more professional." Marey smiled. "Thank you Rarity." "You're welcome, now lets get started." ... As they waited, which felt like hours, Connor and Scootaloo napped on the chairs since they knew it would take a while. But before they napped, both wondered what kind of 'torture' Rarity is working on Marey. Like, too much make up, being bathed in perfume, or worse. Everything was quite until. "I'm back!" Her hearing Rarity's voice caused the two Pegasus's to wake up. "Huh? Finished already?" Said Connor. "Where's Marey? She's not dead is she?" Said Scootaloo. Rarity rolled her eyes. "Ugh, why you would you say something like that?" "I have my reasons." "Well whatever you're reasons are, you thought wrong. I have made Marey into a completely new mare!" "So you facial reconstructed her face?" "NO! WHERE DID YOU THAT KIND IMAGINATION?!" "I blame books." The white unicorn faced hoofed. "*Sigh* Children these days..." "So what 'really' happened to Marey?" Connor interrupted. "Why don't you look for yourself? You can come in now!" With that said, Marey came out and reveled herself. The earth pony was completely changed compared to her old look. She wore a collar with a green blouse and her hair and tail were now waved. Connor and Scootaloo looked amazed. "You really out done yourself miss Rarity." "You sure you didn't reconstruct her face?" Marey blushed from the comments. "Oh you two, please don't embarrass any further." "What can I say? I'm that talented!" Said Rarity. "However, its missing something. I just can't put my hoof on it." "I believe I know." Said Marey as she looked into her bag and pulled out a small case. "This belonged to my grandfather, he was a mayor when was a little filly. I just wanted to be like him, smart, brave, makes the right decisions. But most importantly, a great leader. He gave them to me when I went to study politics, he said to take really good care of them, these have been in the family for generations. Now they belong to me, and its time for me to honor his wish and wear them like my ancestors have been." Without another word, opened the case to reveal a pair of gold trimmed glasses, and wore them. The three ponies looked in awe as they looked at a Marey in her new look. "That look...its perfect..." Said Rarity. "You look more professional with that appearance now." Said Connor. "I still think you were facially reconstructed." Said Scootaloo. Marry blushed from the comments she received. Except from Scootaloo. "Why, thank you. This look will make me some voters for sure! And I wouldn't look like this if it wasn't for Rarity." "Oh Marey, I appreciate that. You do look great, and for that, you have me vote for that campaign of yours." "Thank you Rarity, but instead just for voting me, how about you join me and the other people that are with me?" Hearing this shocked Rarity. "Me? In your campaign? But I don't know anything about politics?!" "You don't have to!" Replied Marey. "I'll take care of that part." "But what will I do?" "I will think about that, but I have a feeling that your knowledge of fashion will give me a boost. So don't worry at the moment, I'll let you and the others know what to do." "Well, this is unexpected. I don't know how I got myself into this, but I will to my best." "I know you will." ... After everything was done, the three ponies left Rarity's shop and discussed what's next. "Well, that went better than I thought." Said Marey. "I suppose so." Said Connor. "So what know?" Said Scootaloo. Before anypony could speak a familiar sound was heard. *Growl* "Hey! Get back here!" Connor turned around and was immediately tackled to the ground. He looked up and saw Lobo on top of him! "Lobo? What are you doing here?" "Ha! I got you now! Huh? Connor? Scootaloo? What are you two doing here?" "Carrot Top, what a pleasant surprise." Said Connor as he stood back up. "Yeah, we could Ask you the same thing." Said Scootaloo. "Well, I remembered that Lobo has an appointment with Fluttershy today. So with you and Scootaloo out, I thought I could take him instead. But things went out of control, so here we are." "I see, well then since your here, I'll take Lobo to Fluttershy." "Oh good, saves me the trouble. Anyway, hurry back, we're having spaghetti and hayballs tonight." Hearing this caused Connor and Scootaloo to droll, the last time they had spaghetti and hayballs, both couldn't stop eating it. Carrot Top had to put carrots in the spaghetti to get the two to stop. Hopefully they learned their lesson. "Of course, we'll be there." Replied Connor. "Yeah! We don't want to miss spaghetti night!" Said Scootaloo. "Alright, just don't be late." Said Carrot Top as she left back home. "Well, seems like we have somewhere else to go to now." Said Connor. "So it would seem." Said Marey. "Come on! Lets go get this done so we can get some spaghetti!" Scootaloo interrupted. "Hehehe, have patient Scootaloo, dinner won't be going anywhere." Said Connor. "Come one Lobo, lets go meet Fluttershy." *Growl* ... After a long walk, the three ponies, and the wolf pup, made it to Fluttershy's cottage. "Whoa...this is where Fluttershy lives and you adopted Lobo?" Said Scootaloo. "Yes," Connor replied. "but there's more behind this cottage than the front." "How so?" "You'll see." Connor walked towards the door, and knocked. *Knock* *Knock* "Angel, can you get the door?" *Thump* *Thump* *Creek* "Angel, good to see you again." Said Connor as the rabbit gave him a friendly smile. Angel fully opened the door and let the guests enter the house. "Angel, who is it?" "It's just me Fluttershy, along with some guest's." Fluttershy came into the room and saw Connor. "O-Oh! Connor, I didn't know you were coming." Replied Fluttershy with a slight blush across her cheeks. "N-Nether did I, but Lobo here was scheduled for an appointment." "An appointment? For what? Oh! Now I remember! Where is he?" *Growl* Lobo ran towards Fluttershy and happily wagged his tail. Seeing the wolf pup in front of her, she picked up the pup and showed him some affection. "There you are! Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? You are!" *Growl* "Oh its good to see you too! Come on, now we got some work do to. Um...you may want to come with me Connor, its not going to be easy without help." "Of course, I'll be happy to help." "Good." Fluttershy turned to Scootaloo and the unknown 'guest'. "As for you Scootaloo and um..." "Marey." "Yes, um...Marey. Both of you might want to go outside, and perhaps play with the rest of the animals. It's going to be loud and a bit messy." "Uh, sure. We can do that, we'll just get out of your way. Come on Marey." "Err, very well." Replied Marey as she and Scootaloo left the house to the backyard as both wondered why they didn't wanted to be inside. "Now that they're gone, lets get started." Said Fluttershy. "What shall we do to begin?" Said Connor. "Um...well, you just bring Lobo to this table and I'll be right back." With that said Fluttershy left the room as Connor placed Lobo on the table. After a moment of waiting. "Um, I'm back. So, are you ready?" "Yes, how hard could this be?" Replied Connor. "Well..." Fluttershy pulled out something from a bag she had brought. It was...a syringe?! Seeing this both Connor and Lobo immediately hugged each other as they looked at the syringe in fear. Fluttershy spoke. "I-I know this isn't what it looks like, but this is for Lobo! He needs to get his shots so he won't get sick!" Connor looked at Lobo and said. "W-Well boy, looks like we have something in common." *Whimper* ... As Scootaloo and Marey went outside, both saw the animals Fluttershy mentioned. Apparently, it was like a whole zoo in the backyard! So many animals can be seen! Such as birds, beavers, bears, chickens, you name it! "Woah...Fluttershy has almost any kind of animal here!" Said Scootaloo. "How can one pony take care this much animals in one house?" "Your guess is good as mine." Said Marey. "Is this a petting zoo? Or a adoption center?" "I don't know, Connor did adopt Lobo here." "Perhaps both?" "Beats me, lets take a look around. I'm sure whatever is going on inside, its bound to take a while." "Hmmm...alright then, lets have a look around." And so they did, Scootaloo and Marey looked around the cottage looking at the animals to pass the time. They saw them just wandering around having true freedom, and communicating with other animals. They all looked so happy that no other predators were hunting them down and, leaving them be. Both Scootaloo and Marey smiled at what they were seeing. It was so peaceful, and right. Seeing enough, both ponies rested at a nearby tree. "*Phew* What's sight to see huh?" Said Scootaloo. "Indeed." Said Marey. "Yeah, but ya know. Those chickens were giving me weird looks, they just...stared at me like I was one of them." "*Giggle* That's funny, yet strange." "I know." *Grrr* "Huh?" ... "There we are, how is he feeling?" Said Fluttershy as she asked Connor about Lobo. "He's alright, just a bit shaken." Said Connor. *Whimper* Feeling sad for what happened to Lobo, Connor reached toward the pup to rub his head to sooth him. As he placed his hood on his head, he felt another hoof on top of his. It was Fluttershy's. Both Pegasus looked up and saw into each others eyes. Both couldn't stop staring as they secretly thought of something in there minds. ("Her eyes...I never realized they were so...beautiful...yet...peaceful."/"His face I've never realized it was so...handsome...yet...strong.") "HEEEEEELLLLP!!!!!" The scream cause both pegasi to break eye contact and run outside to three bears surrounding Scootaloo and Marey! "SCOOTALOO!!!" Connor unsheathed his sword to attack the bears, but Fluttershy quickly flew in front of the bears and held her hooves in front of them to protect Scootaloo and Marey! "Fluttershy, what are you-" "Don't please! These bears are very territorial, its the reason there surrounded! And you attack them then they wont never trust me again!" *Grrr* "Mr., Mrs., and Jr. bear, calm down, just calm down." *Roaaaar* Fluttershy wasn't fazed by the roar. "Mr. bear! What did I just say!" *Grrr* "Jr bear, I see you closing in back away!" *Growl* The three bears slowly closed in. "Scootaloo, Marey, walk away slowly. The bears are focused on me now, go!" Without another word, both ponies walked away slowly and made it safely. Still struck with fear, Marey fell on the ground exhausted, while Scootaloo hugged Connor as she cried into his chest. Now that they are safe, Fluttershy fully focused on the bears. "That's it...keep your eyes on me..." *Grrr* *Roar* *Snarl* The bears closed in further. "FLUTTERSHY!!!" Shouted Connor. *Hiiss* *Sniff* *Sniff* *Groan* *Thump* All three bears slowly fell down to the ground and passed out. Behind from the bears came out skunks who's tails were giving out a foul stench. With the threat over, Fluttershy flew towards the skunks and thanked them. "Oh, thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. skunk, you saved me!" The skunks wiggled their tails in happiness. "Now run along now, don't want baby skunk to wake up now do we?" With that said, the two skunks walked away. Feeling sorry for what happened, Fluttershy flew towards Connor and apologized. "Connor...I...I'm sorry...I didn't realize I put Scootaloo and Marey in danger..." "N-No, its not your fault! It's just so happen know that both of them managed to be in the bears territory, you am I never knew that." "I know but-" "All that matters now is that they are safe, thanks to you." "Well..." "F-Fluttershy..." Scootaloo slowly waked towards Fluttershy and hugged her. "Thank you...you save me..." Fluttershy felt slightly uncomfortable, but it felt...right. She then slowly returned the hug, and embraced Scootaloo, as if she were her own. "*Ahem*" Fluttershy looked up and saw Marey. "Miss Fluttershy, I also want to thank you for saving my life...you have a great place here where you keep these animals safe and live with each other in peace. Well...almost. But what I'm trying to say is that I have a proposition for you, one that will help me, you, and these animals." "Huh?" Later that day... "Well...what a day today was huh?" Said Marey. "Indeed it was" Replied Connor as he carried both Scootaloo, and Lobo on his back. "Yeah...can we go home now? I think I had enough excitement for now. Said Scootaloo. Connor and Marey laughed. "I agree, I believe its time for us to part ways." Said Marey. "So do I," Said Connor. "we don't want Carrot Top to be upset of we were late for dinner." "Well then, you three go a head. I'll just head back to the hotel and get some rest, I have a busy night." Ponyville Hotel, Marey's room. After getting cleaned up from today's activities, Marey laid on her bed, wondering what is she going to with all these promises she kept? And there's only two weeks left in the campaign! She's going to need a miracle to pull this off. But for now she needed rest, it was a long day after all. She closed her eyes and slept. ... ... ... "*Gasp* That's it!" To be continued...