Kingdom of Harmony

by Stegi

Return of Sunset Shimmer

Return of Sunset Shimmer

She saw everyone with tears in their eyes and of course Rainbow Dash was trying to hide them. Dash had always been the tough one. Even herself from this world couldn’t hide her watery eyes. It was time, one of the hardest things she ever had to do, time to say good bye to her dear friends and her counterpart. It was only a few weeks ago that they discovered the Sunset Shimmer from this world. They were very much alike yet very different.

She was more like her past self, before she went the wrong way, before she became an evil she-demon and was in need of rescue. Indeed it was pony Twilight and the girls who are now Sunsets friends, who transformed her into the Sunset Shimmer everybody seemed to like and love. It was the forgiveness of her friends she remembered. She smiled to herself.

“Watcha smilen about” asked Apple Jack.

“I just remembered why I will be going to miss you guys.” Sunset said. She kept smiling. She took a last look into their faces.

The area around Canterlot High seemed abandoned. It didn’t really surprise anybody since it was Sunday. In fact there was very little going on and the new built Horse Statue, the symbol of Canterlot High School, seemed more magnificent than ever before. Standing right in front of the Statue was the group of young girls. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Apple Jack, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer (from this world), Sunset Shimmer and Twillight Sparkle. Twilights Backpack seemed to move and then opened. It was Spike her little purple dog. He was not just a dog but he was a talking dog. Ever since the friendship games where Spike passed through a portal to Equestria, he could talk.

Together, arms around each other, the girls are having their final group hug. You could feel the love and friendship for each other in the air. But after a few seconds the sadness of losing a friend overshadowed the close feeling of friendship and love. Pinkie Pie started crying a bit louder than everybody else. The girl in Pink loved her friends, loved to make friends, and put a laugh or a smile on everyone she talked too. The excitement of her party loving soul got party pooped.

Sunset had become the leader of this group. So much was clear and she hoped that Twilight would take over that role once she was gone. Her counterpart from this world was still in the integration process and it would take her a long long time to take over that role. While Rainbow Dash was the team captain of every sports team in Canterlot High and an excellent leader, her loyalty towards her friends would make it hard to lead this group. Her Rainbow colored hair struggled against the wind.

“We are going to miss you too, Sunset” her scratchy sounding voice replied.

“Here, take this” Rarity added. She gave Sunset a bag.

“What is this for?” Sunset asked.

“Just a little surprise for you when you are back in Equestria” Pinkie Pie smiled and her voice did not sound so sad anymore.

“Thank You girls, thank you for everything” Sunset said. She pulled Twilight to the side.

“You will take care of them, yes ?” Sunset asked Twilight.

“Mhm”. Twilight nodded.

“Oh, before I forget. Here take my Journal. That way you can keep in contact with your ponyself.” She held the book up to her. Twilight pushed with one finger against her glasses and reached for the journal.
“Sigh”. It was with a heavy heart she took something so precious. Considering the last message from Princess Twilight, she was a bit scared as well. That last message, only one word. Help.

Princess Twilight needed help, but what for and why hadn’t she answered when Sunset wrote her back? Though the message seemed urgent, the girls debated if they all would pitch in and go to Equestria. But nobody from this world ever crossed the portal to Equestria. Sunset Shimmer thought it was too dangerous for the girls to enter the portal. She had become very protective of them over the past few moons. Being a Pony and having done the trip more than just once, she decided to go alone.

Sunset walked towards the Portal. The portal located on the base of the Canterlot High Statue didn’t reveal itself just by looking at it. You had to touch the base on the side facing the school to see that there is more to it than just the stone itself.

“Good bye Sunset” a whisper soft voice said. She could barely hear it.

“Good bye Fluttershy” Sunset replied. “Good bye girls, take care of each other”.

She grabbed the bag she got from Rarity and turned to the portal. She knew the longer she stayed the harder it would be for her to leave. Not long ago, she had wanted to return to Equestria. She missed being a pony and having her magic. She remembered Princess Twilight telling her “Whenever you are ready to come back to Equestria I will be there for you Sunset”. But the friendship she achieved here at Canterlot High took away her homesickness.

Help. Over and over Sunset thought about what the Princess wrote to her. One word. No reply. She was worried. She set one foot in front of the other. Her hand touched the portal and waves of liquid energy came from her hand. Last time she went through the portal to steal Princess Twilight’s Crown she ended up being in the Crystal Empire. She knew that this Portal would now bring her to Ponyville, to the castle of Princess Twilight. But she had no idea what she would find when she arrived there.

One step and half her body was already in the portal. Sunset was surrounded by liquid energy waves and a light buzzing noise. She turned her head around to take a last glimpse of her friends and her counterpart. They waved and smiled at her with tears in their eyes. It was a heartbreaking good bye for Sunset. Her eyes turned serious and she took another step. Her friends could feel her determination to come to Princess Twilight's aid. Then Sunset Shimmer vanished in the Portal. The seven remaining girls and one sad puppy dog saw their friend disappear. “Sigh” suddenly their heads hung heavy and low from their shoulders.

Sunset's eyes were going crazy, her head was spinning. She was dizzy when she landed on her hooves exiting the portal. It was dark and she couldn’t see a thing. Using the magical power of her unicorn self, a bright glow shimmered from her horn and slowly exposed her surroundings.

On occasion, Sunset missed her ability to use her Unicorn powers. But her head got heavy and her eyes were staring sadly at the ground. The emptiness of missing her friends now fully settled in her. Sunsets eyes teared up, again. “Get it together Sunset, Twilight needs your help” again she was talking to herself.

Forms and structures took shape in the light her horn produced. She saw books a table and a weird structure which seemed to be the portal. It looked as if it was powered by Princess Celestia’s Book where she received the entries of Sunsets Journal. But how could Twilight send the message when the Book was still in its place? That thought quickly dispersed when she realized that it was still dark and nobody seemed to be around. Seeing so many shelfs filled with books made it clear to her that she must be in the castles library.

“Hello anybody there?” Sunset shouted. No answer, indeed it felt quieter than before. A cold, uncomfortable feeling came over her. She took her hooves and made for the door. But she forgot something. The bag that was given to her by Rarity before she left the human world. Sunset's magic picked up the bag and carefully placed it on her back. She slipped through the door into a long hallway. It was still dark around her and only her horn was shining enough light so she could see where she was going. “Hello is any pony here?”

“Heeellooooooooo” her voice got louder. Patience was always something Sunset didn’t have very much of. Especially back in the days as Princess Celestia's student. Her patience had improved. But it was situations like this, when she didn’t know what was going on, that made her uneasy.

At last, Sunset saw light shining through two big purple windows, framing the sides of a rather large door. The soft light was enough to see more of the hallway that stretched ahead. She debated with herself, explore the castle or take this exit and look for the pony princess outside. Given that nobody answered her in the castle she went for the latter. Sunset opened the big castle door. Beautiful in a yellow gold color combination with two purple hearts. The door looked more like an impressive gate up close.

A white light fell upon her and she looked toward the sky. “It is night” she mumbled. Of course, she was looking at the moon, every pony is asleep. No wonder nobody was answering her. But what should she do now? She could go back inside and search for Twilight in the castle? After all, she didn’t really have a place to stay in Equestria.

A dark shadow moving quickly through the night. It came closer and closer. Sunset couldn’t make sense of the shape, it was moving weird and somewhat bouncy. And it was coming alarmingly closer. Expecting trouble, she moved her body into a fighting stance, lowered her head and powered up her horn for a confrontation. The closer the shadow came the louder it became.

“La la la la la la la la” “Sunset Shimmer” a high pitched squeaky loud voice yelled. The voice sounded familiar. That couldn’t be right, she just got here. Nobody knew she was coming and how could somebody see so well in the night to realize it was her standing here? The moon was shining but not brightly enough. “Sunset Shimmer” the voice got louder. Just before Sunset could see who it was, it disappeared into nothing. No sight or sound of it anymore. “Must be my imagination” she mumbled to herself.

“Nope, I’m real” she heard the voice loud and clear right next to her. The sudden appearance shocked and scared her for a split second, until she saw the big eyed, glass-wearing pony face staring at her. She could tell the pony was pink but why was this pony wearing such ridiculously silly glasses? Her voice sounded sooooo familiar. The other pony took her glasses off.

“Pinkie Pie?!?” Sunset asked, totally confused.

“Yeah, duh! Who else did you expect in the middle of the night running through the dark looking for you” the pony replied in rather fast spoken words.

“Wait, let me get this straight you are pony Pinkie Pie right?” she still looked confused.

“Maaaybeee. Or maybe I’m a fish or oh oh wait a Dragon or a Dog!” while the pink pony answered she imitated everything. Her muzzle formed kissing lips like a fish, then she roared, like a fire breathing dragon before she flattened her nose to the ground and imitated the sniffing of a dog.

“Of course it’s me silly” she added. Her pink grinning face was almost in Sunset Shimmers face.

“But how? How did you know I was here or I was coming to Equestria?” Sunsets expression told everybody how confused she was. Knowing the human Pinkie Pie made it actually easy to talk to the pink pony, it felt so familiar but yet it still was very confusing.

“Well at first Princess Celestia told me you were on the way but earlier when my Pinkie sense was tingling I knew you had arrived, so I clapped my hoovies and came over here to welcome you home” suddenly there was balloons and confetti flying through the air and the sound of a party whistle echoed through the night. Sunset was smiling; it was her first smile since she took her good bye from her dear friends at Canterlot High.

“Thank you, but you don’t know me. I mean I know you, the you from the other world but what made you come to greet me? The last time you saw me was at the Palace in the Cristal Empire when I stole Twillights Crown” Sunset said.

“Who says I don't have a connection with my Pinkie-self from the other side?” Pinkie grinned and stared at the very confused yellow pony.

“Pinkie you are confusing and mysterious in all the realms I have met you. Where is Princess Twilight and why does she need my help?” Sunset's primary concern returned in a rush.

“We don’t know where Twilight is” Pinkie Pies grinning suddenly turned into a sad expression. “We haven’t heard from her in days” she added.

“But she sent the message to my journal” This was all very confusing for Sunset. More questions than answers.

“I’m not sure how she sent the message but Princess Celestia knew it somehow cause she told us you were coming.” The pink pony did not offer a solution to the riddle. “We have been looking for Twilight all over Equestria. The Royal Guard, The Wonderbolts half of Ponyville were searching. No sign of her or Spike” a bitter cold feeling overcame both ponies.

A moving shadow quickly covered the area and it got pitch dark. Sunset quickly felt threatened, again. “Pinkie Pie get behind me” she yelled. Her hooves formed her body into an attack position, she expected the worst. Maybe this shadow is responsible for Princess Twilights disappearance. Her horn started to glow much brighter as she was about to strike down whatever came from above. A shape started forming.

It looked like a Pegasus but it was dark... very dark. She stared at the flying pony, ready to engage when she saw that this pony was wielding magic of her own. A white light came from above her head and it looked like she had a horn as well as wings. Sunset's first reaction was to establish a force field around her and Pinkie Pie, a magical defense spell she learned way back as Celestia's student.

“Watch out Pinkie Pie” Sunset said in determined voice.

“Where, Why, What, Who for, where is it what is it” the pinkie pony queried. Her head swiveled in every direction in just a split second of time. Sunset pointed to the moving shadow with the glowing light.
“Ooooh” Pinkie's eyes got wide. “You got me there for a second silly. That's Princess Luna” she added.

It felt like a big weight was taken of Sunset’s shoulders. The dark pony landed with all four hooves on the ground. Sunset Shimmer released her defensive magic shield surrounding her and Pinkie Pie. Under the light of the moon, Sunset could see that this Pegasus pony was actually an Alicorn. It had been a long time since she had seen such a beautiful and rare pony. Her thoughts ramped up on past memories.

Harmless pulled on her leg interrupting her thoughts. “Mh mh” the sound came from the pink pony crouching on the floor? Oh oops! She wasn’t crouching, she was bowing. Quickly Sunset followed her gesture.

“Princess Luna” Pinkie Pie said. Now Sunset could see the midnight blue pony Princess in all her glory including her cutie mark the crescent moon. She knew, thanks to Twilight, that Luna was Celestia’s sister. But what was she doing here?

“Please my dear ponies, don’t be so formal” Luna implied to the two. “I’m here to speak with Sunset Shimmer. She may be the key to finding Princess Twilight”
“Oh, oh that’s great cause I found herrrrrrr!” Pinkie was bouncing excited until she laid a leg on Sunset. Her unique smile was so bright, it could have lit up the night.

“Where are your wings Sunset Shimmer?” Luna asked rather seriously.

“My what?” Sunset was shaking her head. ”I’m sorry Princess but I m a Unicorn, not a Pegasi” she added.

“No Sunset Shimmer you should be an Alicorn” the dark pony sounded even more serious.

“I don’t understand” Sunset Shimmer was even more confused than before.

“In the other realm, did you not transform into a human form of an Alicorn to fight the misguided Twillight Sparkle? It was at the friendship games if I remember correctly.” Luna said.

“Yeah. I transformed into something alright. I just don’t have a clue into what. All I know is that the magic of friendship transformed me. How do you know all that?” the Unicorn replied.

“I’m the Princess of the Night. I raise the moon and guide ponies through their dreams. I see the dreams of all ponies in Equestria and beyond. I saw yours Sunset Shimmer. You did tap into the magic of friendship but it wasn’t the reason for your transformation.” The Princess of the Night explained.

“It wasn’t???” Simultaneously Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer asked with wide open eyes. Pinkie’s shrill voice made the other ponies aware that she was still there. The wind picked up and it got colder a lot colder.

“We have to take shelter. Winter is coming” Luna said.

“Usually in winter time the Pegasus ponies are responsible for bringing snow and cold weather to Ponyville. But this time it’s different” Pinkies eyes got bigger the longer she spoke.

“Shall we get back into the Castle?” Sunset asked.

“No. Since we do not know how Twilight Sparkle disappeared we do not consider the castle safe.” The Princess said with a rather deep and serious voice.

“But I have no place to stay here in Equestria” the yellow unicorn sounded troubled.

“Oh oh oh. You can stay at my place. We can have a slumber partieeeeee” Pinkie offered with a big grin while bouncing around her.

“No Pinkie Pie. I shall take Sunset Shimmer with me to Canterlot. We still have much to discuss and I already made arrangements.” the Alicorn replied. Pinkies face got sad for a few seconds.

“Thank You Princess Luna” Sunset Shimmer said. She had all kinds of feelings right now. Sadness, happiness, excitement, confusion and it all came together. Though she hasn't been in Canterlot for a long time Sunset was actually looking forward to it. The need to apologize to Princess Celestia was one reason for it. She wanted to make things right. Another shadow in the sky was spotted by all three ponies. It was Princess Luna's Royal Guard pulling a carriage. They came closer to the ground.

“Thank you again Pinkie Pie. I sure wasn’t expecting you but welcoming me home has made me very happy. I will come and visit you as soon as my business in Canterlot has concluded” Sunset actually seemed to smile.

“Pinkie promise?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Cross my Heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye” while the unicorn was speaking the words her leg and hooves moved. She crossed her heart with her hoof and touched her eye.

“Wow. I didn’t expect that” the pink pony stared as if her eye were about to pop out.

Sunset knew all about the Pinkie promise from the human Pinkie Pie. The carriage and four strong dark looking Pegasus ponies have arrived, waiting for her and Princess Luna. Sunset smiled once more towards Pinkie Pie before she got onto the carriage with Princess Luna. She placed her bag, took a seat and shook her head with a grin. Sunset was thinking about how similar the Pinkie Pies were and how they are always able to put a smile on everybody’s or everypony’s face. The carriage lifted up into the sky and started the journey to Canterlot.