New Life

by LivingIsBoring

1: The Argument

Chapter 1: The Argument

By rainbowscoots1


Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were at school, sat down at their favourite table eating their lunch. Scootaloo looked at her best friends. "So what we gonna do for crusading today?" She asked

Sweetie Belle blushed and looked away. Applebloom on the other hand replied. "I don't think I wanna do crusading today Scoots. How about we just hang out at the clubhouse."

Scoots shrugged. "Sure thing AB."

"Blank Flanks!" A new voice said

Scootaloo groaned while Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom tensed and Sweetie Belle's ears flattened against her head. "What do you want Diamond?!" Scootaloo snapped

The voice was from one of two bullies who bully the CMC for not having their cutie marks yet. The bullies were: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The one who spoke was Diamond Tiara. "Why do you hanging out with them you chicken??" Diamond said, mocking Scootaloo's wings.

Scootaloo grunted. "Because they are my BEST FRIENDS! I will NEVER leave them!"

Silver Spoon joined in the torment. "Why are you friends with some blank flanks??"

Scootaloo face hoofed. "I'm a blank flank too."

Silver Spoon rolled her eyes. "I know. Just, why do you hang out with a filly with an accent that barely anyone understands and a filly who sometimes cries over stupid things?"

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle lowered their heads in shame and walked back into the classroom, only have eaten half of their lunches and not feeling in the mood to eat anymore after what they had just heard.

Scootaloo was angry. "Okay! I'm sick and tired of you two picking on them all the time! Just because Apple Bloom speaks different from all of us DOESN'T make her an outcast, she is unique and its how HER family speaks so get over it, as it WON'T change just for you two! As for Sweetie Belle, she BARELY gets upset and DOESN'T cry over everything like she used to. You pick on us just because we are different but guess what? You two are BOTH different to us, for different reasons, yeah, but you don't see US bullying YOU for it, do you?! Just leave us alone!" Scootaloo panted from her outburst, gathered her things and went back inside to see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and to make sure that they were okay.

At the end of the School

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were walking back to 'Sweet Apples Acres' to get to their Clubhouse. Scootaloo was still really angry at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for what they had said. They had no right to say that but they did anyway. Scootaloo knew that what had been said to the two of them, had hurt them. She also knew that they had hit a nerve in each of them because they NEVER went back into class without her, or not without eating all of their lunch either.

Once the 3 of them reach the clubhouse, Apple Bloom climbed the steps to the clubhouse door and opened it. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo followed suit of Apple Bloom, with the latter closing the door behind her. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom then sat on their haunches and hung their heads, like they did at lunch, and didn't say a word at all.

Scootaloo, on the other hand, wasn't sat down, she was pacing around the clubhouse. She stopped and looked at her friends for a moment before she sighed and spoke up. "Girls, I'm sorry about today. It was my fault. You know how I am, I just get so tired and annoyed at Diamond and Silver Spoon when they start on you two, that I have to say something. However, what they said today was uncalled for and was wrong. I didn't want them to hurt you. I just wish that they would stop and leave us alone or something! Just away from us!"

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo. "Scoots, are you okay?" Sweetie Belle asked

Scootaloo blinked and then sighed and shook her head. "No girls, I'm not okay."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sighed and their ears lowered again. They knew why she wasn't okay, and Scootaloo knew why too. It wasn't what happened at lunch, it was what happened AFTER Scootaloo came back into the classroom. The part that affected Scootaloo more than anything today.


Scootaloo walked back into the classroom and put her things on her desk like she usually did. She then turned around and expected to see Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom at their desks, but they were nowhere to be found. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

Getting up from her chair, Scootaloo walked out of the classroom and into the little fillies room. Once she was inside, she heard sobbing, but it was quiet and she also saw a toilet door that was open slightly. Cautiously, Scootaloo walked up to the door and opened it and what she saw made her heart sink and her eyes fill with tears.

On the floor, were 2 crying fillies, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. They were hugging and crying and whispering "Sorry." to each other. Scootaloo walked up to them slowly, wrapped her hooves around her best friends, and held them close to her while tears fell out of her own eyes as well.

After about 10 minutes of them hugging one another, all 3 of them broke away and wiped their eyes and got up. They walked out of the toilet and hugged again briefly. Once they let go, they all held hooves and walked out of the bathroom and back into the classroom.

End of flashback

Scootaloo was hugging the 2 of them again, they were hugging back. They released and Scootaloo sat in between them and Sweetie Belle laid her head on Scootaloo's shoulder. Scootaloo smiled and rested her head on top of Sweetie Belle's while Apple Bloom laid her head in Scootaloo's chest and Scootaloo had a wing around Apple Bloom.

They stayed like that until a voice was heard. "Apple Bloom! Time to come back to the house! Dinner is almost ready!" The voice was Apple Bloom's older sister, Applejack.

The 3 fillies stood up and Apple Bloom replied. "Comin' sis!"

The 3 of them hugged again and then Apple Bloom exited the clubhouse, went down the steps and ran to where her older sister was waiting.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other and smiled. "Wanna go home now Scoots?" Sweetie Belle asked

Scootaloo nodded. "Yeah. Can I stay with you tonight?"

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Rainbow Dash is on weather duty again?"

Scootaloo giggled. "Yeah she is."

The two of the exited the clubhouse shut the door, walked down the steps and walked back to Rarity's where they both went upstairs and fell asleep.