//------------------------------// // From Unicorn to Pegasus.... // Story: A Strike of Black Lightning // by RustyKat //------------------------------// Down underground, in a place under the Everfree, the dark changeling known as Black Lightning lurked. He had bandaged the wound after healing it the best he could with his magic, but he knew it would leave a scar. Letting an experimental clone out in the world..... who knows if she'll turn out to be the perfect demon I planned? ......or she'll meet that horrid Twilight with her 'words of guidance in friendship' garbage. He could only imagine the possibilities of NT-001 since she had left to pursue a pointless destiny. Once she found out what horrid creation she really was, she'd be crawling back on her furry belly. The thought brought an evil grin to Black Lightning's face. Let's see what you're capable of..... and show the world what you truly are.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next day came early with the faint golden rays streaming through the clouds. Starchase woke, not relizing that Rainbow Dash was beside her. She gazed upon the landscape below with an awed expression. Here she had an amazing view of the entire town, down to the littlest detail. Movement caught her unaware as the rainbow-mained Pegasus broke the silence. "A bit early, don't ya think?" "I.....I didn't know you were awake...." Starchase said akwardly. "Relax. Twi said to keep an eye on you. How ya feeling kid?" "Better than yesterday." She gave a small chuckle. "I'm starting to think I might not need all these bandages anymore." "Awesome kid. I'd race ya, but you don't have....." Rainbow Dash's eyes widened. What once was a little unicorn now stood a little pegasus, with slightly transparent feathers. "What's wrong Dash?" Asked Starchase. Rainbow Dash stammered her words. "I...I thought you were a unicorn...." "But I am a unicorn." Said Starchase with a confused expression. "What, did you honestly think I'd be mistaken for a....." She trailed off with wide eyes as she saw the wings on her back. "W....what happened to my horn!?"