Camp Orion

by Meemie7

Chapter 18: Luna

“So, Princess… tell me. Have any of the royal guards ever caught your attention?” Discord raised his eyebrows at me to punctuate the question. Shadows are cast across his face from the candle standing in the center of the table in the front room. On both sides were cups of tea that, thankfully, we were finally able to make ourselves using our magic. A few days ago, Snowheart finally convinced Celestia to take down the barrier.

“Not really. I cannot say I’ve had a very romantic interest in the past. A thousand years on the moon can do that to you.” I retort. I bring the glowing cup of tea to my lips and take a sip. “Alright, my turn. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?”

“Oh, please. Hadn’t that question been used to death already?” I shrug my shoulders. “Fine. Rocky Road. Fluttershy introduced me to it a few weeks ago.”

“Speaking of Fluttershy, how’s your painting going?” I set the teacup down on the table.

“Hey, it’s my turn to ask a question.” I grin and lift my hoof to motion him to go on. “If you could wear any kind of animal on your feet as slippers, what would you wear?”

“What kind of a question is that?”

“It’s not that weird. I’ve done it before.” I put my hoof to my chin, picturing two furry rabbits on Discord’s feet. I do not know whether to feel humored or horrified.

“I suppose seals…” I finally mutter, throwing out the first animal that came to mind. “Now, how is your painting going?”

“It’s done.”

“Really? How? We’ve only been here for a few days!”

“Well, I don’t really… sleep that often. I get a few hours here and there, just enough to keep me going.” I just stare at him in wonder. How could someone function on so little sleep?

“Why don’t you sleep?”

“Does that count as another question? Because it’s my turn now.”


“It doesn’t concern you, Princess. You may be the ruler of dreams for ponies, but you do not have to concern yourself with me.” Discord replies as he takes a sip of his own tea.

“Have you forgotten where we are… what we’re here for?” Discord stops drinking and puts down his cup. I plead with my gaze for him to open up. If either of us wants to get better, we cannot keep secrets.

“I’ve just been getting nightmares. That’s all.”

“What about?”

“Usually stuff from my past, before I was trapped in a statue all those years ago.”

“And you don’t want to dream about that because…you’re…afraid?” Discord nods. I get up from the couch and walk over to the draconiquis, his gaze cast down to the floor. I place a hoof on his lion paw.

“I can help you… if you let me.” He locks eyes with mine, the corners of his yellow eyeballs showing a slight shine to them.

“Alright, Princess of the night. What do you want to do?"

“Let me into your dream. I can help you get through it.” Discord is silent for a long time. He does not look at me. He only stares at a non-existent spot on the ground. Perhaps he is staring past the ground, into a realm that only appears itself to him. He finally turns to me with sparkling eyes.

“I guess it’ll be a bit easier having someone there with me.” He whispers in a soft, hushed tone, one that I’ve never heard before in the midst of his raspy, snake-like voice.

I motion for him to lie down on the couch that we have been tied down to for the past few days where our thoughts were squeezed out of us by the blue-haired interrogator. Reluctantly, he shifts down and the back of his neck rests on the arm of the couch. He is quite big for the couch, but he still fits. I sit in the high-backed chair that Snowheart typically sits in.

“Are you ready?” Discord chuckles, his white goatee falling off to the side.

“I’ve never been less tired in my entire life.”

“I’ll help with that.” I concentrate the power in my horn on Discord. I don’t know how much magic the field inhibits, but we will never know until we try. A glowing white cord flows from my horn over to Discord. He shrinks back at the sight of it as if it will hurt him. “Are you sure you can do this?” He blinks and relaxes his shoulders a bit.

“Let’s just get it over with.” I nod and the white glow touches his forehead. In that instant, his eyes droop shut and his breathing slows from its fast pace to an even rhythm. I let my back rest against the chair and my vision goes to black.