Doctor Whooves And Lyra

by Actor The Unicorn

The Meeting

It was just a normal day in Ponyville. Lyra was just playing her lyra in the park when she herd this faint sound about 500 feet from where she was playing. She finished the song she was playing, so she parked up her instrument and walked over or better yet trotted over to the blue box that made such a noise. She knocked on the door however no one answered. She knocked again, but nothing happened.

"Hello" Lyra said nerves However there was no answer.

She opened the door and walked in to see it was bigger on the inside.

"Wow" she was shocked to see it was bigger.

She walked around inside the mysteries box to find a stallion with a brown coat and a slightly darker mane color. He was going around a box trying to find something.

"Now where did I put that damn thing" The stallion said annoyed

Lyra just tilted her head and finally had some thing come out her mouth.

"Hello. What are you doing" She said with confused

The stallion ears perked up. He didn't remembered he was traveling with someone at the time. He turned around to just see a mint colored unicorn with a blue and whit mane in his face"

"Ahhhh" The stallion yield. Then he realized there was no one there that could have said anything unless the unicorn talked.

"What are you" He asked like it could respond.

"Ummmmmm. I'm Lyra and I'm a unicorn" She said confused. I think he may have hit his head on something. She thought to her self.

"You can talk" He said shocked. "But...but your a pony" He was even more shocked before

"Well... I'm a unicorn. And you Sir are the Earth Pony around here" She said uneasily.

"No that's impossible I'm not a pony" The stallion looked down and saw his hooves. "Ahhhh" He screamed. That lasted about a few seconds till he came back to his regular nature (What every that was) "I guess I really am a pony" He looked up to meet the face of the unicorn.

"Oh sorry I'm the Doctor"