Equestria's Peril

by KJay

Chapter 4: Countdown

"Let the conventional meeting of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, come to order." Scootaloo announced.

"But Applebloom isn't here yet."

"She's taken long enough, were just gonna have to start without her." Scootaloo shrugged. As if on cue, Applebloom came bursting through the clubhouse entrance.

"Sorry Ah'm late, I had to finish up mah chores." Applebloom was shaking with excitement. "Y'all are never gonna believe this, but theres a new kind of animal in Ponyville! Ah met one of'em this mornin'." Scootaloo listened with interest, while Sweetie Belle seemed passive.

"Oh yeah, Rarity told me about them. I don't really see the big deal. The way she described them, they just sound like apes who can stand upright...and talk."

"What are they called Applebloom?"

"Hewmens." Appleblom's pronunciation was a bit off.

"That gives me an idea!" Scootaloo hopped down to join her friends. "Maybe these hewmens can help us get our marks." Applebloom tapped her hoof on her chin.

"Ah don't know Scoots, ahm not even sure if they've earned their marks. Believe it er not, but they always wear clothes everywhere they go. Ah havn't gotten a chance ta see what their special talent is."

"Isn't that terribly uncomfortable?" Sweetie Belle asked, reluctantly intrigued.

"Ah never cared much fer it."

"We gotta at least ask'em!" Scootaloo was getting antsy, she wasn't going to pass over any opportunity to earn her mark.

"Alright, we'll see how they can help, but not today. We've got other crusading business to attend to." Sweetie Belle then took the stand. "So who volunteers to tell Rarity I lost the 20 rolls of fabric we borrowed?"


5 Days until the attack

Kelly slowly opened his eyes, but refused to get up. His legs were stiff from having to curl them up in order to compensate for the pony-sized bed, he was up pretty late answering Twilight's questions, and Spike snored...like a sailor. The night hadn't been all bad. Kelly enjoyed astonishing his pony friend with the wonders of technology, hence the questions she was asking. He discussed everyday machines such as television, and radio. He avoided video games for an obvious reason.

It wasn't long after, he got onto cars, planes, and other motor subjects. Kelly was no mechanic, the best he could do was go into was how the motors operated, and what the use of each machine was. It was almost one in the morning when she put her quill away for the night.

"Kelly, are you awake?" Kelly pulled the covers over his head and grumbled as if he was 7 again having to get up for school. "C'mon, you promised to help me out with running the library remember?"

"Five more minutes." He said in a nasally tone.

"Sorry mister, rise and shine." She yanked the covers from him with of wisp of her magic. Kelly shielded his eyes from the sudden light, and sat up. His hair was sticking in every direction. "Nice bedhead", she giggled. Kelly smiled and pushed his hair back down.

"Alright," Kelly stretched. "Whats my first task master?" Twilight nodded toward the stairs.

"For now, you could help me sort the books I've scattered about the past few days." After a quick shower and breakfast, Kelly got started on his duties. He spotted Spike.

"Dude, you seriously need to invest in a mouthpiece, or chinstrap, or something." Spike raised a brow, unknowing of his sleeping habits.

"How's your head by the way?" Spike asked. Kelly rubbed the back of his skull.

"Only hurts when I touch it, no brain damage so thats a good thing." He gave a thumbs up. "Hey Twilight, after I'm done here, I think I'll go see Rarity about those clothes."

"While your at it, could you drop this off at Sugarcube Corner?" She levitated a recipe book to him. "Pinkie sent me a letter really early this morning asking for it."

"Can do." He organized the last novels, patted Owlowiscious, and made his way to Pinkie's place.


"Whaddya mean you haven't earned your cutie mark?! Look at how big you are!" Scootaloo was amazed to see somepony so mature in age, and still be a blank flank. Her and Applebloom had joined Daniel on his way to Rarity's.

"I'm sorry girls, but its not that I haven't earned one; humans don't get cutie marks...ever." 'Unless they decide to get an ass tattoo.' He finished silently.

"Well then how'r ya 'spposed ta know when ya've found yer place in life?" Daniel shrugged as they passed over a bridge.

"You just...do school for freakin' years, until you're finally done and then you have to worry about finding the right job, if you did well enough in school of course."

"Its kinda like that here, but not so hectic."

"Well, since yer goin' ta Rarity's, can we tag along a while longer? We gotta tell Sweetie Belle that this was a big ol' goose chase anyhow." Daniel nodded, and they made their way into town. Some of the ponies waved to Daniel, while others just gave him an uncertain glance. The two fillies and the human walked up to Carousel Boutique as Daniel heard a familiar voice calling to him.

"Daniel, whats up?" Kelly was approaching holding a red book. He smiled at Scootaloo and Applebloom. "Who's your friends?"

"Kelly, this is Applebloom, Applejack's little sis. And this is her friend, uh..."

"Scootaloo." She answered for him.

"Awww you guys are so adorable." Kelly leaned down and ruffled their manes. Applebloom blushed but Scootaloo squirmed away.

"I ain't cute, I'm tough just like Rainbow Dash." She stood as tall as she could, and put a hoof over her chest. Kelly stood again.

"You guys goin' to see Rarity?" Daniel nodded.

"I'm gonna see if she finished with those clothes yet."

"You went and saw her yesterday?"

"Yep, right after we..." He paused remembering the young ponies close by. "...Y'know." Kelly and Daniel's activity in the forest was secret to all except the Princess' and the elements. They figured it was best to keep it that way.

"Well I was on my way to Sugarcube Corner, but I guess I can pick up my clothes too." Daniel knocked and the response from inside sounded somewhat irritated.

"Come in." The four entered to see a distraught Rarity pacing around; her hair slightly frizzled.

"Everything okay?" Kelly asked. Rarity's eyes softened.

"Forgive me, I've just been so busy, and things haven't been much easier since Sweetie Belle misplaced most of my materials."

"Is Sweetie Belle here?" Scootaloo spoke up. Rarity grumbled.

"Sweetie Belle, your friends are here, oh and do come meet those gentlemen I told you about." Hooves clopped down the stairs, as a smaller white unicorn with purple and pink swirly hair trotted over to the humans. She'd gotten some kind of idea what they looked like based on her sister, but as she got closer, her eyes got wider. They towered over her like a colossus.

"Hi there." Kelly greeted.

"Hi." Sweetie Belle squeaked with excitement. If she were a dog, her tail would be wagging. "Wow, you guys are cool looking." Kelly and Daniel smiled at each other. Sweetie Belle looked at her friends. "Hey, girls. So, did you ask'em?" Scootaloo, and Applebloom frowned and looked at each other.

"Sorry Sweetie Belle, turns out hewmens don't have cutie marks at all." Appleblooms ears dropped. So did Sweetie Belle's, but she seemed to like these two anyway.

"Yeah, sorry." Daniel shrugged.

"Aw, its okay. Hey! You guys wanna play?" Sweetie Belle hopped.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle, they're probably really busy at the moment." Rarity interrupted, still trying to find some spare fabric.

"Not me. We got most of the work at the farm done yesterday, so Applejack gave me the day off." Daniel giggled at Sweetie Belle's reaction.

"Well, I would but I have to take this book to Pinkie Pie. Oh, and Rarity, if you tell me what you're missing I can stop by the market and pick it up for you."

"Would you? Oh, thank you thank you thank you!" Kelly waved it off.

"Its the least I could do since you made me a whole new change of clothes."

"Here, let me give you some bits. Just get ten rolls of fabric. That should be enough for now concerning yours and Daniel's attire, as well as the remaining dresses."

"I can take these three off your hands. I've got nothing else to do." Daniel gestured to the crusaders. Rarity sighed with relief.

"You two are angels! Thank you so much, and as for your clothes, they should be done by the end of the day." Kelly said his goodbyes and headed back onto the dirt street. Daniel and the crusaders headed around back, when suddenly Scootaloo pushed against Daniel's shin and shouted.

"TAG! Your it!" All three of them took off giggling, and Daniel gave chase, laughing as well.


"Oooh, the first time a human shows up in Equestria, and the Princess has them arrested." Lyra scowled, and took another sip of her milkshake. "Are you sure you didn't see them at all yesterday?" Bon Bon, Lyra's roommate gave her a sympathetic look.

"Sorry Lyra, I wasn't in town for very long. Besides, the Princess must have had a good reason to take them in. Who knows, they could've been dangerous." Lyra slammed her hooves on the table in frustration.

"But you saw them, they were friendly! They even let me hug them." Lyra sighed, remembering their touch.

"I know your upset Lyra, but hey, at least you can say you were right all alo-" Bon Bon paused, squinting past Lyra. Lyra turned to see what her friend was staring at. She immediately jumped down knocking her milkshake from the shaded table, and ran full speed toward Kelly. Kelly caught her out of the corner of his eye, and recognized right away who it was. He yelped and brought up his arm to protect himself while holding the book in the other. He lowered it after hearing the overzealous pony skid to a stop in front of him, her face frozen in a gleeful smile.

"H-hey Lyr-"

"OH I'M SO HAPPY SHE DIDN'T BANISH YOU GUYS!" Lyra was almost tearing up as she gave Kelly yet another unexpected hug. "Wait..." She let go. "Wheres Daniel?"

"He told me he was gonna hang out with Applebloom and her friends, but hes doing just fine if thats what you mean." Kelly noticed Bon Bon slowly walking up to join Lyra. Lyra did a lightning quick 180.

"Bon Bon, you know Kelly right?" Bon Bon nodded, but kept eyeing Kelly suspiciously. "Kelly, this is my best friend Bon Bon." Kelly held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you." Bon Bon hesitated, but shook.


"Oh, man, this is so cool! We can be awesome friends, and you could tell us stories about where you're from, and it'll just be the best thing ever!" Kelly was beginning to like Lyra, she was like one of those friends who enjoyed every moment of being around one another. Kelly was the same way.

"That sounds like a good time Lyra, but I've actually got to run this book to Sugarcube Corner. I'm helping out Twilight while I'm here." Lyra's ears drooped, and her heart sank.

"Y-you mean you're not gonna stay?" Kelly felt apprehensive about his words.

"Oh, no, its not...I mean, well yeah, but..." He took a deep breath. "Its just that...our families don't know where we are...and I'm sure they're really worried about us, y'know." Lyra still felt down, but she understood why he might think about returning to wherever it was he was from. "Hey, it'll be alright." Kelly took a knee, and placed his hand under Lyra's chin. She snapped her head up and looked at him with woe in her eyes. "I promise before me and Daniel leave, that we'll spend some time together. We can do whatever you want. How's that sound?" She smiled letting a few tears flow, this time with joy. She went in for a third hug, and Kelly gladly returned it.

"Excuse me." Bon Bon spoke, and Kelly stood up again. "But, if its not too personal, could you tell us why you and your friend were arrested a couple nights ago?" Lyra glared over her shoulder.

"Bon Bon!" Kelly held up his free hand.

"Its okay, I can tell you." He gave the short version explaining the outdated book, and the Princess' mislead judgement towards him and Daniel.

"So who's Daniel staying with?" Lyra asked.

"He's with Applejack, helping her around the farm." Bon Bon was content with his explanation.

"Well, I'm glad to say that you seem like a kind individual to me." Kelly smiled.

"Glad to hear that another pony isn't iffy about us. Were kinda low on trust around here y'know."

"Give them time, it'll pass." Kelly gave his thanks and waved goodbye. Finally, his destination came into view. He had caught a glimpse of the bakery before, but upon direct observation, it was almost calling his name and telling him to dig in to the foundation. Hansel and Gretel came to mind. He walked in to find Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash sitting alone at one of the dining tables.

"Sup guys?" Dash and Pinkie waved back, but were gossiping, and giggling while giving periodic glances at Kelly. "Um, I brought that recipe book you wanted Pinkie."

"Awesome, just put it in the kitchen please." They continued to huddle and grin mischievously. Kelly set the book down, came back into the dining area, and crossed his arms.

"Okay, what are you two up to." They gave him a look that said, 'whatever do you mean?'

"Should we tell him?" Dash asked Pinkie. Pinkie nodded.

"Maybe he can help us pull this off." Kelly chuckled.

"What, you guys gonna rob a bank or something?" Pinkie shook her head.

"We're gonna pull off the most super duper prank Ponyville has ever seen!" Kelly's face lit up. Although he didn't do them very often, a good prank always gave him butterflies.

"Ooh! Ooh, can I get in on this?" Dash raised a brow.

"Really? Between you and Daniel, I kinda took you for the more mature one."

"Eh, I know how to have fun." Kelly smiled devilishly. Both ponies agreed and filled him in on the details. "So who are we gonna get?"

"We haven't decided that yet." Kelly rubbed his hands together maniacally.

"I know the perfect victim."


"Come out come out wherever you are..." Daniel was stalking around looking for the fillies. After almost a straight hour of tag, he was thankful they could play something less exhausting. "Where the hell could they be?" He asked himself. There weren't that many places to hide, and it was still daytime. "I bet they're hiding in town."

"Hey Daniel!" Daniel turned to see his friend jogging towards him from the entrance of town, crossing a small bridge that arced over a creek.

"Kelly? What are you doin' out here?" Kelly caught up to his friend.

"I came to find you. I'm all done with that delivery, and I got those rolls of fabric for Rarity, so I wanted to show you something before I went back to Twilight's house."

"I don't know if I can, I'm looking for Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Were playing hide and seek." Daniel wiped his forehead. "I'm tellin' you dude, those fillies are dynamos."

"This won't take but a second. It has to do with catching our food." Daniel looked around.

"Okay, but real quick." Kelly beckoned Daniel to follow as he made his way back toward the bridge. Once they crossed, Kelly waved Daniel over to the edge of the creek.

"Look, the water here is just deep enough for fish to come through. I bet if we can make some spears like the one you made, we can catch some, tak'em to our spit, and have a glorious feast." Kelly extended his belly and patted it a few times.

"Don't you think its a little too close to town?"

"We'll just have to come here when no ones around." Daniel noticed Kelly was looking around while he said it. He leaned down a little further to examine the rushing water. Then, it dawned on him. Kelly told him he promised Fluttershy that they wouldn't hunt smaller defenseless animals, and now he was suggesting fish? He was just about to turn around and question his friend, when a sudden clap of thunder boomed just a few feet away, making him scream a swear and almost fall into the creek. He put his back to the water to locate the deafening sound, but instead was met with a laughing Pinkie Pie hiding behind a rock, followed by a blueberry pie to the face. He stumbled back, as the crusaders aided in his tumble down the slope and into the cold water. Kelly ran over to the edge in tears from laughter, but he pulled himself together long enough to dump a sack full of chicken feathers on his soaked pal.

He threw the sack down to him afterwards and ran towards the group of ponies who all took part in the gag, each one of them falling over and holding their guts. Kelly had never laughed so hard in his life. They all began to grow quiet as Daniel brought a feathered hand back over the edge, and slowly brought himself up onto the grass. Pie crust dripped from his hair, and feathers plastered his body, a few of them dropping off as if he were molting. They soon stared at him in silence. His face told them that 'pissed off' was an understatement. He eyed each and every one of them...slowly. His gaze stopped on Kelly. Silence.

Daniel slowly smirked, and pointed a finger at him. "You...you are fucking dead." He mouthed the swear, minding the young ones. Kelly smiled and got to his feet cautiously backing away.

"You just need to calm down there." Daniel took a single step towards him, his shoe squishing from the water in them. He then took off in a full sprint, and Kelly turned and ran, laughing his ass off. The ponies giggled while the two tried to juke each other, as they ran in circles. Daniel eventually got a hold of him, and put Kelly in a headlock. He scooped a handful of pie from his noggin, and smeared it on his friend's face. Kelly sputtered and laughed at the same time. He wriggled free, and sweeped Daniel. Kelly then jumped on top of him, and put him in a leg lock.

"You better have washed that nasty rat hair this morning!" He spat out pie and continued giggling. Daniel was laughing as well, and tapped out. The two lied on the ground catching their breath and occasionally chuckling when they looked at each other. "You guys are the best." Kelly sat up and pointed to his pony friends. Daniel sat up after him.

"Okay, you conspired against me, now you have to help me get him back." Daniel nodded at his friend. Dash and Pinkie laughed.

"Fair enough."

"Yeah, you're next." Scootaloo teased. Kelly stood up.

"Well, Twilights probably wondering where I'm at, so I'd better get going." Daniel was still shaking feathers off of himself.

"Wait." Pinkie called. "Do you guys wanna come with us on a picnic tomorrow? Its supposed to be really nice out." Kelly smiled widely, happy to have new friends like these. Daniel was starting to feel the same.

"I'd love to."

"Same here."

"Awesome!" Pinkie cheered. Kelly waved goodbye

"Okay, we'll see you later, dude. Thanks for helping out." Dash called.

"Hope we can hang out again soon." Sweetie Belle yelled as Kelly dissapeared from sight. All five of them trotted up to Daniel, who was busy ringing his shirt out.

"Were gonna have ta hose ya down when we back ta the farm." Applebloom mused.



"Okay chickens, time for your afternoon feed-OH MY!" Fluttershy rushed over to her bare poultry. "What happened to your feathers?!"


Kelly stopped by Rarity's to pick up his clothes, and she thanked him again for his errand. Daniel stopped by shortly after and recieved his new duds. He would need them now. Kelly spent a majority of the rest of the day reading books on Equestrian history, the way Equestria works that are controversial to his world.

"Wait...you guys have to clean up winter yourselfs?!" Twilight nodded.

"Why, don't you?" Kelly just shook his head, dumbfounded.

"The seasons just...change on their own." Twlight made a quick note of that. When she was out of earshot. Kelly said to himself. "And I thought shoveling the driveway was a bitch..."

Applejack couldn't help but fall over laughing as Daniel walked up; hair dry with crust in it, and clothes still damp with a few remaining feathers.

"What in the hay happened ta ya?"

"Kelly happened."

Kelly told Daniel everything he had learned from Twilight's library when they hunted that evening. Daniel was moderately interested, but seemed more worried about catching food.


4 Days until the attack

Today wasn't much different from yesterday. Daniel helped out by watering the crops, and pruning any trees that needed it. Kelly helped Twilight move a new heavy shipment of books into her already massive collection. Both kept themselves busy until lunchtime. Twilight laid out the checkered picnic blanket, and naturally Pinkie brought most of the dessert. Rarity was dressed elegantly with an impressive sun hat. Applejack brought multiple apple treats, sending Daniel into a drooling fit. Even Spike was there, sneaking desserts.

They sat and talked about the sunny weather, about how the humans were enjoying Ponyville, and Twilight even shared some of the things she learned from asking Kelly questions. Everything was...peaceful.

"Its so nice to take a break from the dresses. All I have left to do is yours Applejack."

"Thank ya kindly Rarity." The cowpony tipped her hat. Twenty minutes went by, and the boys found themeselves looking around observing the scenery. Kelly began to get lost in it all. His new friend's voices began to fade to the back of his mind as he slowly eyed the landscape from the small hill. The green hills that stretched into majestic mountains, the rural town that was just a ten minute walk away, seeming to sit tranquil in the light of the sun; each ray illuminating the straw rooftops, and creating a feeling of divine peace in the small community.

He brought his gaze to Canterlot, watching the town hang over the mountain side, but still maintain it's posture, proving it's determination to thrive among this land as a single powerful society. The water seemed to fall in slowmotion, leaving the city with a final farewell; something Kelly and Daniel would have to do. The thought...saddened him. His heart began to beat faster, and his eyes darted back from the gleaming city, to the homely town, not wanting to miss a moment of either. He took a deep breath...and remembered.

Daniel took in everything, the warm feeling he got from this place was almost overwhelming. He looked down, and squinted as his mind began to fill the gaps, like completing a massive puzzle. The...moment...when Kelly had told him...about...the show...'THE SHOW!' Daniel almost blurted out loud. His head snapped up, and he looked at his friend. Kelly had a sense of unimaginable happiness in his smile as he seemed to see something that Daniel couldn't. 'I bet he remembers too.' Daniel thought. Daniel looked at the main six who were each starting to glance over at Kelly, not realizing a single tear was running down his cheek.

"Uh, Kelly? Are you okay?" Twilight asked, standing up to walk over to him. Kelly didn't hear her, he was living in his own world for that moment as he truly comprehended where he was. A hoof on his shoulder made him turn his head, but his eyes were still clouded by astonishment, and unbelievable joy. Fluttershy was becoming worried. And Applejack stood to assist Twilight. However, there would be no need as Kelly met Twilight's eyes. and wiped away the tear. He looked at her as if he were seeing her for the first time, and soon did the same to the others. He looked at Daniel last, and his friend just stared back wide eyed. He gave Kelly a single nod, and Kelly knew he could remember as well.

He looked at Twilight again who was still anxious with worry.

"I...I'm okay, its just...this place." Kelly looked at the gorgeous landscape again. "Its just...beautiful..." Twilight mimicked him and looked around. He was right, if you took time to really look at Equestria, it was indeed breathtaking. Twilight looked at him with a final hint of concern. "I'm fine...it just...got the better of me." Kelly could feel his cheeks burning from his display of emotion.

"Oh, thank goodness." Fluttershy smiled. The rest of the picnic went on normally. Dash performed a few new tricks and everyone cheered her on. It wasn't long after that they packed up, and headed home.


"You remember don't you?" It didn't need to be asked, but Kelly asked anyway. Daniel stopped before he bit down, and eyed Kelly questioningly. "Don't play dumb, you remember the show." Kelly stared intentivley, and Daniel sighed setting down his morsal.

"Yeah...yeah, I remember. I remember you telling me about it, I remember us watching it just we before we...became a part of it, and everything in between." Kelly showed his teeth as he grinned.

"Isn't it great?!" He stood up. "I can't believe were actually here! This. Is. Equestria!" His shouting scared off the birds in the trees around them.

"SHHH! You're gonna attract a predator or something." But Kelly continued to hop around, as he pumped his fist in the air, and laughed uncontrollably.

"This is just...wow." He was now at a loss for words.

"You know we can't tell them about this." Daniel bacame solemnly serious. Kelly stopped his merry rant.

"Well duh, do you have any idea how hard that would be to explain?" Daniel agreed and picked up his cooked meat again. "I still can't believe this." Kelly was still smiling ear to ear.

"Kelly..." Daniel's friend looked up. "You know...we can't stay here. As soon as Celestia finds a way for us to go home, that we have to leave...right?" Kelly's mood shifted to the polar opposite of the previous one. He wasn't sure whether to feel sad, or angered ny this.

"Yeah...I guess." He took a half-hearted bite.


3 Days until the attack

"How goes the research?" Celestia's royal scholars stood before her.

"Forgive us your highness, we have cycled through the archives endlessly, but have found no direct connection to your description of the human's appearance." Celestia's crown hung low along with her head. "But..." She brought her attention back. "We have found something that comes the closest to any possibility of this kind of situation." He hovered a brown book to the Princess. "Mind you Princess, this finding is but a hunch; nothing more." Celestia read the cover.

Shard of the Traitune

On the front was an illustration of a faded blue crystal, with what seemed to be a running crack down the middle. She shuffled throught the writings as her scholar explained. "This book tells of a shard that was created long ago by an alien race who harnessed the power of both science and magic to create this crystal. Were not sure what their motives were, but apparently when a significant energy source is channeled through it, it can be used to jump between realities, or even summon others from their worlds. At least, thats what is says in the book."

"Do we have any idea where it might be?" Celestia closed the book. The scholars each shook their heads. "And this is the only lead you could find?" The scholars each nodded in succession. Celestia sighed. "Tell the others to begin research on this shard. Its very plausible that this object is the reason Daniel, and Kelly are here."

"Your highness, are you sure? This talk of jumping to other universes seems a little...farfetched." Celestia lowered her tone. "Like you said, its our only hint to any kind of solution at the moment."

"Very well, we will begin looking over this shard." They bowed, and walked towards the door.

"One more thing." The scholars came to a halt. "Why is there a crack in the shard?" The head scholar turned.

"In the book it reads 'only with both pieces of the crystsal, can the success of a desired spell be realized.' In other words, there are two pieces to the shard, and the use of one piece without the other ends up with...mixed results." Celestia hovered the book back to her subject.

"Understood, and thank you for your discovery." The group bowed again, and left. Celestia studied the letters her pupil had sent her. "At least theres no need for urgency. The humans seem to be behaving themselves quite well. Twilight regards them both highly." Celestia took a minute to think. "I believe their patience deserves a reward."


"Hey, Twilight, where have you been? You were gone when I woke up." Twilight had a newspaper over her head.

"Just had to take care of a quick errand, until I found this." Twilight started laughing when she handed him the paper. Kelly read the front page.

"'New sasquatch creatures living amongst ponies?!'" Kelly scowled. "'These bipedal aliens showed up in Ponyville just days ago, but have been given permission to be a part of Equestrian society. While how they arrived is yet to be uncovered, these hairless monkey-men appear to be friendly. But, how long until one of them itches a primal scratch, and goes on a rampage?'.............are they being serious?!" Twilight chuckled.

"Looks like you guys are all over Equestria now." Kelly chucked the slander over his shoulder.

"Pfft, typical journalists." Spike was taking inventory of quills, and parchments when he held his stomach, and his cheeks puffed out. "Whoa, Spike, are you gonna be sick?" His maw opened releasing a puff of green flame, and a very audible belch. The flames swirled into a miniscule vortex, and a parchment poofed into existence. Twilight read it over once, then turned to Kelly.

"Kelly, listen to this!

'My faithful student, for the cooperation and patience of the humans, as well as your letters praising them for their value to the community, and behavior. I, Princess Celestia, would like to cordially invite them along with your friends to this years Gala. I am also happy to announce that in the meantime, we have found a lead that may be the solution to returning the humans home. I will send the next letter once we have uncovered more. On behalf of Canterlot Castle, we cannot wait to see all of you and your new friends at the Gala.

Sincerely, Princess Celestia'

"Isn't that great? Seems you guys have done enough to earn her trust, and attend one of the best celebratios of the year." Kelly was honored to attend the Gala with his new friends, but he wasn't sure how he felt about going home just yet.


After helping AJ with the morning errands, Daniel spent his free time playing with Applebloom. The little filly loved hanging out with him, and he enjoyed her playful company too. During the late noon, Kelly arrived at the orchards to tell his friend about Celestia's letter. Twilight stopped by Rarity's to ask if she could make some suits for the boys.

"Oh...well...I suppose I can take one more day to prepare for the Gala..." Kelly and Daniel made time to hang out with Lyra, just as Kelly had promised. She had brought herself to act more like a friend to them rather than a crazed fangirl. Later that night, Twilight was asking Kelly about human biology, and how it differed from ponies. She felt a bit sheepish about tackling a certain topic, but she also felt she'd known him long enough, and was good enough friends with him to bold this subject.

"So...Kelly..." He was fiddling with his phone, but put it away at the mention of his name. "Um...uh...in terms of....um...reproduction..." She was starting to blush, and Kelly raised a brow and grinned. "How...would you put into...um...context...how that...works for...humans." Kelly could've reassured her, and given her a straight answer. But this was a one time opportunity to really pull her leg. He put his hands in front of him and leaned back.

"Whoa, Twilight. Look, were good friends, and...you're cute n' all but..." Now her entire face was crimson. "I don't really know how that would work out." She dropped her quill and parchment.

"WHAT, NO! T-THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT! I MEANT HOW DO YOU HUMANS DO IT?!" She was pacing frantically, her muzzle still flushed. Kelly was laughing to himself. "AND TO THINK THAT I WOULD...WITH YOU?!" Now Kelly was feeling a bit put down.





"TWILIGHT!" She stopped and eyed him, realizing what she was saying. "I was joking." He wasn't laughing anymore, and just gave her a sarcastic stare. You'd think it wasn't possible, but she blushed even more. Embarassment flooded her as she realized she had pretty much harshly rejected him...if he were serious that is.

"Oh...right...a...joke..." She forced a smile and cleared her throat. "I uh, think thats good for tonight." She put away her supplies, and yawned. "Well, goodnight." She trotted up the stairs as Kelly gave a single wave.

"Am I really that unattractive in pony standards?"


2 Days until the attack

"Hey, Daniel, could y'all gimme a hoof with this here apple wagon?"

"Sure thing AJ." He grabbed the other end of the handle by the front of the wagon and lifted it.

"After yer done here, y'all should go see if Big Mac needs help with that plow again. We really need ta get that thing replaced." Daniel was about to respond when a bouncing pink equin appeared over the horizen, catching his attention. Daniel and Applejack set down the cart and waited as Pinkie bounced towards them with a basket tied to her head and her pet alligator Gummy floating, with the aid of some balloons alongside her.

"Hi, guys!" She stopped in front of them and leaned down for them to take an envelope from the basket. "Its an invitation to a special party in the park!"

"Whats the occasion?" Daniel asked beggining to open his letter.

"I can't tell you that silly. Its a surprise."

"There are an awful lot uh invitations in there, Pinkie."

"I know, isn't it great? The whole town's gonna be there!" She hopped and a stream of confetti shot up behind her with no logical way of getting there. "Well, I gotta hand out these other letters, the party's at six tonight. Bye bye." She bounced away as Daniel and Applejack waved her off.


"What did you think of Zecora?" Daniel shrugged, he'd only seen Zecora once in the show, and they had run into her earlier today in town.

"She seems cool. Kinda paranoid of us."

"Well where shes from, danger's kind of an everyday thing. Even the Everfree is safer...in a sense." A moment of silence was drawn. "You excited?" Kelly asked Daniel as they walked down the empty marketplace. Pinkie had insisted that the boys be the last to show up.

"Kinda, I'm actually more excited about that huge get together at the castle tomorrow. Did you see Rarity's work on our suits?!"

"She is good at what she does. My suit fits me better than the one I have at home." The boys laughed, and crossed a bridge bringing them to the entrance of the park.

"Theres...no one here." The boys walked a little further while looking around. The sun was starting to set, and daylight would soon leave the park.

"Hello?" At that moment, dozens upon dozens of colorful heads showed from the the bushes, benches, and trees, all shouting.

"SURPRISE!" The boys jumped, but smiled as their new friends came up to greet them. The main six welcomed them to join the festivities, while a white unicorn with purple sunglasses set a record on her turntable.

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Music blared as every pony present started to dance in their own spastic fashion. Kelly and Daniel bobbed their heads to the beat, but stopped to look at the banner that hung over their heads. They both read it out loud.

"Dear Kelly and Daniel, enjoy your 'Welcome to Ponyville slash weirdest looking creature in Equestria slash got to meet the Princess on the first day slash sorry this took so long to put together' party!" Followed by a smiley face. They both just stared in wonder.

"How the...?" Kelly muttered.

"She fit the whole damn thing on one banner." Daniel chuckled. Rainbow Dash nudged them both.

"C'mon you two, lets go!" The party went on for quite a while. The boys went around greeting everyone they ran into, and occasionally danced to a song or two.

"Is that...cider?" Daniel asked examining some the their beverages.

"Drunk ponies...that is hilarious." Kelly joked. As the party went on, the boys began to loosen up. Kelly took some time to talk with Fluttershy, while Daniel preferred AJ's company. Of course Lyra and Bon Bon were there, happy to see they were having a good time. Kelly was dancing around in a goofy fashion, until he bumped into a familiar pink pony with a grape on her flank. He instinctivley cupped his hands over his crotch. She laughed.

"Hey there frisky, welcome to Ponyville." She smiled at him, and resumed dancing. Kelly did the same. He wasn't sure if it was the thrill of the party, or the one sip of cider, but Kelly wanted to perform a song that only he and Daniel knew. He walked up to the DJ who called herself Vinyl Scratch, and made a request.

"Yeah, I suppose we could do that, besides, this party's for you and your friend after all." Kelly pulled out his phone and frowned...it had died. "The music is on that tiny thing?"

"Yeah, but it has no charge left." His arms drooped.

"Here, lemme see it." Kelly held the device up to her, and her horn illuminated. within seconds, his phone beeped at full battery.

"Thats awesome!" He thanked her for her help, and proceeded to plug it into the amplifiers. "C'mon Daniel, it'll be fun. Besides, don't you want to show these ponies how to rock out?"

"I don't know Kelly, I'm not much of a singer." Daniel was hesitant about Kelly's idea of fun.

"You are never gonna have another chance to show Applejack how awesome you are at something."

"Yeah I will, I'll sing tomorrow."

"Yeah right." Kelly dragged Daniel onto the stage in the center of the park, and handed him one of the two microphones. Everypony was gathered beneath them, unsure of what they were planning. Kelly glanced at Vinyl, and signaled to her. She nodded back, and pushed her muzzle against the touchscreen, selecting the song he had picked out. A quiet guitar played from the speakers, and was soon accompanied by a drum beat. The music became slowly louder as Kelly tapped his foot and brought the mic to his mouth. Daniel felt a sudden rush of confidence, and did the same. They sang along with the lead singer, but made sure their voices were more elevated.

If I had to
I would put myself right beside you
So let me ask
Would you like that?
Would you like that?

And I don't mind
If you say this love is the last time
So now I'll ask
Do you like that?
Do you like that?


Something's getting in the way.
Something's just about to break.
I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane.
So tell me how it should be.

The ponies had never heard alot of music like this, (excluding Rainbow Dash) but they still seemed to enjoy the energy that came from it, and the two party animals who were singing along with it.

Try to find out what makes you tick.
As I lie down
Sore and sick.
Do you like that?
Do you like that?

There's a fine line between love and hate.
And I don't mind.
Just let me say that
I like that
I like that

Something's getting in the way.
Something's just about to break.
I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane.
As I burn another page,
As I look the other way.
I still try to find my place in the diary of Jane.
So tell me how it should be.

Now everypony was getting into it, whooping and cheering for the boys, and dancing like crazy. After the boys sang the final chorus, they were met with wild cheers, and a 'WAY TO GO,' from Vinyl.

"Thanks to Breaking Benjamin for their awesome songs!" Daniel pumped his mic into the air. Nopony knew who or what that was, but they cheered anyway. Kelly and Daniel hopped down from the stage, and Kelly gave Vinyl a last thank you before retrieving his phone. The main six approached them.

"That was awesome you guys!" Dash yelled.

"A little rough for my tastes, but a grand performance nonetheless." Rarity smiled.

"I knew this party was a great idea!" Pinkie bounced with glee.

"Ah must say, wherever y'all are from, ya got a keen taste in music." Applejack bumped her hoof to Daniel's fist.

"You guys rock. Woohoo." Fluttershy said with quiet enthusiasm. Kelly gave her a wry smile, and she happily returned it.

"That was pretty fun to watch. I'm actually looking forward to writing to the Princess about this." Twilight concluded.

"Glad you guys thought so." Daniel said.

"C'mon, the party's not over yet!" Kelly ran back to the cheering crowd.


The night before the attack

"Lookin' spiffy Kelly." Daniel gestured towards his friend's tux.

"As do you sir." Kelly replied in a sophisticated manner. The charriot ride from Ponyville to Canterlot was by ground travel this time around. The boys sat at the front passenger alongside Spike while the girls were inside the charriot conversing. "Looking good Spike."

"Thanks, its nice to have someone to talk to during the ride. I'm also glad that even if the girls don't want to stick together like last year, then I still have you guys to hang out with."

"You bet little dude." Daniel fake punched Spike's shoulder. When they arrived, the humans were greeted with mixed glances from the the Canterlot ponies.

"They look even stranger than the Princess percieved them to be." Were one among other whispers the boys could hear. Their stop approached, and the boys including Spike, climbed down to open the doors for the girls. They stepped out and Daniel whistled.

"You guys look great." Kelly added along with Daniel's gesture. Each of them greeted the Princess at the top of the carpeted stairs that lie just before the main hall.

"Kelly, Daniel, wonderful to see you both." Kelly bowed, and Daniel hastily did the same.

"Wonderful to see you your highness." Kelly felt rediculous that he was talking like this, but ignored it. The girls said their hellos and the group wandered to the ballroom. It was quite a sight for the humans. There was live music, piano pieces accompanied by the divine sound of a cello, and the decor was impressive. The boys spent most of their night trying to find their way into a group of higher class ponies, and see if they could join in on their conversations. To their approach though, a group would awkwardly disperse, not wanting to interact with the strange creatures.

"Forgive them." Celestia suddenly appeared next to Daniel, almost making him spill his punch. "They're just...frightened by what they don't understand." Daniel nodded.

"Don't worry, humans would act the same way if an intelligent alien showed up on Earth out of nowhere." Daniel noticed Rarity was arguing with a white stallion with a blonde mane across the room.

"Well, if it isn't miss temper tantrum." Blueblood stuck his nose in the air and smiled at his own criticism.

"Oh, please." Rarity rolled her eyes. "The day anypony can stay level-headed around a disease like you, is the day I sprout wings and call myself an alicorn." Blueblood huffed.

"You disrespectful, uncouth, Ponyville rubbish-" Daniel crossed his arms and stepped in front of Blueblood.

"Is there a problem here?" he eyed the snobbish stallion harshly.

"And just who are you supposed to be?" Blueblood made a disgusted face at the human. Daniel scowled.

"Right now I think I'm the guy who's gonna have to take you outside to settle something if you don't stop harassing this lady here." He leaned in close to Blueblood, and popped his knuckles. The stallion shrank back, intimadated by the human's promise. He fumbled with his next words before sheepishly smiling and heading to the closest door.

"Thank you, Daniel. That was indeed valiant." Rarity hugged him.

"No problem, he seemed to be in due for an attitude adjustment."

"You've never heard of the wonderbolts?!" Rainbow was astounded. Of course Kelly knew who they were, but he had to play dumb for the sake of not mentioning the show. "C'mon, I'll show you." Dash led Kelly by the hand, as they stood outside of a velvet rope. On the other side were three ponies in blue jumpsuits. Their leader, Spitfire was busy greeting everypony that wanted to talk. Dash's ears drooped. "Their the most awesome fliers in Equestria. I came this close to having a real chat with them last year, but they were too busy." Kelly leaned down, and brushed her mane with his hand.

"I'm sorry Rainbow. If you wanna know what I think, I think if you keep practicing what skill you already have, and strive to be great, then its only a matter of time until they notice you. Who knows, maybe even one day you could become their leader." Dash looked up and smiled.

"Heh, thats probably aiming a little too high, donchya think?"

"No." Kelly answered with complete sincerity.

"You...really think I could?" He simply nodded with a warm smile.

"I believe you could, you have unreal talent." Dash put a hoof around him.

"Thanks Kelly, that really helps."

This was it, her attempt last year had failed, but this time it would be different. This time, she would get everypony there to smile.

"Okay, here we go..." She took a deep breath. "Say hello to my not-so-little friend!" Pinkie shouted as she pulled out her famous cannon. She grinned widely and lit the fuse. Some ponies looked on in wonder, some actually took cover, and most facehoofed recognizing the hyper mare. The cannon boomed, and splashes of sparkles, confetti, and streamers darted everywhere covering anyone nearby with party favors. Kelly shook streamers from his head, and laughed.

"YEAH! Party with Pinkie! WHOO!" Pinkie cheered with him, but the ballroom fell silent. Soon another cheer could be heard. "Yeah, rock on!" Daniel shouted.

"YEE HAW!" Applejack added. Soon the others joined in the rediculous fray. The humans, the elements, and Spike were the only ones taking part in the noise, but it was fun regardless. Celestia and her sister Luna stood in the doorway watching them, and laughing to themselves.


The next morning

"Look, the urns are lit. It is time." The shadow soldier, and his comrades looked into the cages of the beasts they had stolen from Tartarus just nights ago. One of the soldiers wiggled his shadowy finger at the bars, and a vicious snarling responded when a rabid wolf-like creature pressed its hideous muzzle against the cage.

"Stop teasing it! Do you want it to turn on you before we get to Ponyville?" The soldier responded.

"I figured the more enraged they are, the more devestating the attack."

"Were not looking to kill off the entire town. Ferindher made it perfectly clear he wants a state of emergency, not a bloodbath." The soldier nodded his understanding, and the band of dark warriors mounted their vile steeds.

"Celestia shall have her hooves full." One of them chuckled as they began their ride to the peaceful settlement.

Finally! Things are gonna start gettin' real! Hope you guys are enjoying thus far.