//------------------------------// // Chapter twenty one. The party // Story: Shadow in the Dark // by Thestoryteller //------------------------------// Canterlot. The shining and golden city of Equestria. In said city, many ponies were out and about as the prepared for a very special and very important event. The grand galloping gala. Yes many were looking forward to this wondrous occasion. But one was not. In the castle of Canterlot multiple guards were pushing and grunting as they tried desperately to force open the doors to Nightwing's bedroom. "Give it up guys." Nightwing's voice came from behind the door. "I've boarded the door up with almost every piece of furniture in the entire castle. There's no way you guys are getting in." As the guards continued to push a click sound was heard followed by a trap door opening up above the guards. And then a giant tub fell out of the trap door and onto the guards. "Oh yeah, forgot to mention the traps." Nightwing chuckled as he took a sip of his hot chocolate. Inside his room five tables, three dressers, two coat racks, which were placed to support the door to remain shut, and seven chairs. Meanwhile as all the chaotic noise was coming from outside the room Nightwing was sitting in his comfy leather chair, drinking his favorite hot chocolate with three marshmallows. Taking a sip from his hot chocolate Nightwing examined the board in front of him full of notes, papers, red strings, and numbers. Red strings were attached to pins as all of the red strings led to a single note with the words 'summoning stone' on it. It had been five days since Stollertis had infiltrated Canterlot and took the summoning scroll from Nightwing's vault. Ever since then Nightwing had boarded himself inside his room jotting down notes and equations of all kind, trying to figure out why the order stole the scroll in the first place. The summoning scroll had only one purpose, to summon anything to a certain location. No matter where something is it can be teleported to the scroll instantly. But it required a sample of the thing to be summoned first. Nightwing thought that the order took the scroll so they would teleport Nightwing to the order. But he ruled out that possibility a long time ago. "Captain Nightwing, princess Luna has demanded that you come out of the room this instant!" A guard from the outside barked. "By all means call Celestia herself to bust down this door. It'll be fun to watch her fail." Nightwing chuckled, knowing full well that his five layered shield wouldn't be pierced by Celestia's magic. Now normally Luna did not care about Nightwing's study and barricading himself in his room. But tonight was the grand galloping gala, and because Nightwing was Luna's student it was mandatory that Nightwing comes to the gala with Luna. But Nightwing refused and wanted to continue his study, so Luna order guards to get him. "This is serious Captain Nightwing." Another guard barked. "Please come out peaceful, we don't want to make this any harder than it has to be." "Harder than it has to be?" Nightwing repeated the guards words. "Please, you guys haven't even made an inch forward what makes you think I'm gonna just open this door?" "Can you please open the door captain Nightwing?" Another guard asked in a polite manner. "No." Night replied blunt and quick. "Worth a try, hehe." The other guard chuckled sheepishly. A silence entered the air, Nightwing quickly assumed that the other guards were scowling at the polite guard for asking such a stupid question. "Listen captain Nightwing, if you don't open this door we will have no choice but to get Princess Luna." The first guard said. "Sure. What are you gonna do, head to Teach's room, wake her up, and say to her 'Hi there Princess Luna, sorry for waking you at this hour, but could you come and get your student please? Because us guards are too weak and powerless to bust down one measly little door.' Yeah that'll look good on your reputation." Nightwing scoffed, taking another sip from his hot chocolate. "...... Well when you say it like that, we'd sound like some spoiled foal." A guard said. "Exactly!" Nightwing exclaimed. "Now, act like the stallions you are and bust down this door." Nightwing said like a leader giving a speech to his people. "It'll make it more fun when I kick you all back into the dirt." Nightwing muttered. Luna's room was something kinda expected. Dark drapes covered the windows in her room, blocking out any sunlight that tried to get into the room. Her bed was chapped like a crescent moon, her furniture was moon-like blue, and her floor was covered by matching moon blue. Said princess of the night was sleeping soundly in her bed, her covers pulled over all of her body leaving her head and mane on the outside of the covers and rested peacefully on a soft and fluff pillow. Yes it was indeed a very peaceful rest, but it was short lived. *bang!* Luna's eyes shut tightly as she moaned and rolled onto her side, facing away from the sound. A soft, and almost unheard, clip-clop was heard as the sound got closer. The sound stopped near Luna's bed and a hoof shook the princess back in forth. Luna grunted as she tried to move away from the hoof, but no such luck as she could not escape the hoof. Sighing in defeat Luna awoke and sat up from her bed. Rubbing her eyes a yawn escaped Luna's mouth, her limbs stiff Luna pushed he forelegs outward to stretch her muscles. Once done Luna looked towards the pony who had awoken her. "Speak." She said simply as she stared at the pony, but due to her being suddenly awoken her eyes were slowly adjusting to the light. So she couldn't make out who the pony was, but she could see the pony's figure and could tell that the pony was a stallion and was not a unicorn. The pony bowed before the princess and the rose. "Forgive me for waking you so early, but you student, Nightwing, has barricaded himself inside his room and the guards aren't having any luck in bringing him out." The pony explained. "So, with your permission of course, would it be alright if I assist the guards in their mission to capture Nightwing?" The pony asked. Exhausted and not in the mood for clear thinking, Luna said, "Sure thing...do what you will." Luna answered. "Thank you, your highness." The pony bowed again. "You won't be disappointed." "Mmhhm." Luna mumbled as she tucked herself back under her covers and rested her head on the pillow and began to doze off back to sleep. Very carefully, the pony tip-toed out of the room and slowly closed the door behind him. On the outside of Nightwing's doorway multiple guards were panting and gasping for air as many had collapsed onto the floor from exhaustion. Some fell because of the thick smoke that one of Nightwing's traps released into the air, making it hard to breathe, a couple of heavy objects that fell from the ceiling, and some fell into some trap doors. The point is all of the guards were down and could not get up. "I'm pretty sure the score is thirty to zero, my favor." Nightwing said from inside his room. "You guys give up, or do you wanna keep trying?" *bang!* "Ow." A guard from the outside groaned. "Make that thirty-one." Nightwing chuckled. He'd be lying if he wasn't enjoying himself, to him the Royal guards were a lit like ants. Strong, fast, and very useful, but like all ants they need a good leader to make them efficient. And that just wasn't the case. "Come on guys." A guard grunted as he tried to stand on all fours. "We...must...keep...trying." "That won't be nessisery." A voice came from behind the guards. All of the guards turned their heads to the source of the voice to see that it belonged to the pony who had entered Luna's room. "Who...are you?" A guard asked. "I'm the calvary, no get behind me." The pony said. Nightwing smiled with glee. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying this. And now there was a new pony who was going to desperately try and hilariously fail. *KABOOOOOOOM!* A loud explosive shockwave shook the entire room, as black smoke, small pieces of rumble and splinters were scattered all over the room. Nightwing's once indestructible barricade was no more, it had been replaced by a large hole where his doorway once stood. Nightwing coughed as he tried to stand up, a loud and brain racking ringing bounced back in forth in his ears. And to top it off his vision was somewhat blurry. He looked up to the hole in his doorway, despite his bad vision he was able to make out a pony figure standing in the hole. It was hard to see and specific details but he was able to tell that he was an earth pony with orange fur and a brown mane, along with a yellow shirt. Despite the sudden assault, lack in hearing, and in sight, Nightwing knew that immediately that the pony was Cheese sandwich. "Hiya Nightwing, did ya miss me?" Cheese asked. Nightwing looked up at Cheese to see he had some kind of long, cannon looking contraption strapped to his back. Some smoke was coming out of the end of the cannon looking thing. Cheese had said something, but the ringing in Nightwing's ears was so loud it overlapped whatever Cheese had said. "What!?" Nightwing yelled. "I said, did ya miss me?" Cheese repeated his question. "What?!" Nightwing yelled again, louder than the last time. "I said, did. You. Miss. Me." Cheese asked again in a slower manner. "WHAT?!" Nightwing yelled. Again. "Ugh, for the love of... DID! YOU! MISS! ME!" Cheese shouted back. "Can you kiss me?!" Nightwing said startled. "NO!" "NO, I SAID DID YOU MISS ME!!!?" Cheese shouted louder than before. "DID I MISS YOU?!" Nightwing yelled the question. "YES!" Cheese answered. "NO I DIDN'T!" Nightwing shouted a bit less louder. "WELL THAT'S TO BAD, BECAUSE I'M BACK!" Cheese yelled a bit less louder. "Why are you hear?!" Nightwing shouted. "Because a little birdie, who made it very clear that her name was Michelle, told me that you don't want to attend the grand galloping gala." Cheese answered, even though Nightwing knew that Cheese wasn't lying he still didn't believe his story. "Anyhoo, I asked you're teacher if I could personally bring you to the gala, and as luck would have it she said yes." 'Of course she did.' Nightwing thought. Nightwing's eyes began to wander to Cheese's weapon. He was able to determine that the weapon was a cannon of some sort. But how was Cheese able to fire the thing, it looked like it was 3.22 meters long and nearly 1/3 as big as Cheese himself. But then his eyes landed on the two red words spray painted on the weapon. "Cheese?" Nightwing asked calmly. "Yes Nightwing." Cheese responded. "What is that?" Nightwing asked as he pointed to the weapon. "Oh this?" Cheese asked as he pulled the cannon from his back and held it pointing up. "This here is my party cannon mark 2.0, it fires faster than before, has a larger range than before, and does tons of damage." Cheese smiled proudly as he showed off his cannon like a little kid who just won a trophy. "Cheese, I could not care any less about what that thing is." Nightwing said in a hostile tone. "What I want to know is that." Nightwing repeated his question but this time made sure he was pointing at the words on the cannon. Cheese raised an eyebrow as he craned his head so he could see what Nightwing was pointing to. "You mean the name?" Cheese asked turning to face Nightwing. "Yes! Why in the name of Teach would you name something that?!" Nightwing shouted. "What's wrong with the name?" Cheese asked curiously. "What's wrong with it?!" Nightwing repeated Cheese's question but yelled it. "Everything is wrong with that name!" "Aww come on Nightwing." Cheese smiled. "No name suits a mark 2.0 party cannon like Da Penetrator!" A while later Nightwing was dragged to a-no that's putting it lightly. Nightwing was dragged by five day earth pony guards while being held in a suspension bubble by three day guard unicorns and had eight Pegasi day guards hover around the bubble armed with tranquilizer darts cocked in crossbows aiming at nearly point blank range at Nightwing's chest. Oh, and Cheese was skipping happily ahead of the guards, his mark 2.0 cannon disappeared. The guards had dragged Nightwing to the royal dressing room where many ponies and some other races were designing clothes for the royals. A male griffon with a brown feathered body, white feathers covered his head and half of his neck, the griffon had dark and almost golden, yellow eyes. The griffon wore a white shirt underneath a black button sleeveless shirt. "Welcome, welcome." The griffon said happily as he shook Cheese's hoof. "What may I do for you dear friend Cheese sandwich." "I need a fancy looking tux for my friend Nightwing." Cheese said, pointing to the trapped Nightwing. But then a thought suddenly occurred to Cheese. "Actually..." Cheese paused as he began to work his brain. Needless to say, Nightwing was pretty terrified of whatever Cheese was planning. "We should invite all of our friends Nightwing!" Cheese said joyfully as he bounced into the air. "It's a splendid idea, but we must send invitations to everyone at once." Cheese said dramatically as he shoved his hoof into his mane and rummaged around in it. When his hoof stopped he pulled a notebook with a pencil in the springs. Cheese flipped through the notebooks pages until he came across Nightwing's name. "Let's see, um... Flash sentry...Lightning strike...Soarin...Thorn...Fluttershy...Fancy pants...Silver platter...Pinkie pie...Ranger...Applejack...Rainbow dash...Rarity...Spike...Twilight...and Me." Cheese said as he read off the names on the list. "So that means we'll need... Fifteen...ummm... Eight stallion suits for us, one suit for a buck deer, and one suit for a baby dragon and...um...six mare dresses for the girls...oh wait scratch that Rarity will probably make some dresses herself along with Spikes. So...we need eight custom stallion suits along with a matching custom suit for a buck deer." Cheese said. The griffon's jaw came loose as his brain desperately tried to figure out all of that math. Placing his left claw over part of his face the griffon chuckled. "You're still the loose screwball I used to know back in my village. *sigh* But I guess if it wasn't for you I would've never be a royal tailor in Canterlot now would I?" "I dunno." Cheese shrugged. "Maybe you would've become a royal tailor even without my help." "Perhaps." The griffon chuckled once more. "Very well I will try my best but I will need measurements from these friends of your's along with the design of these custom suits." "Consider it done." Cheese smiled. In Fancy pants mansion Fancy was eating his brunch in the dinning room. The table was made of a very expensive and rich mahogany, eight chairs were pulled up on the sides and two chairs sat at both ends of the table. At one of the tables ends was Fancy pants himself eating some eggs and hay bacon on a plate. Sitting in the left chair next to him was a unicorn mare known to many as Fleur de lis, a mare with a cotton candy pink mane, white as snow fur, and dark pink eyes. She was eating the same thing Fancy was eating both in a polite manner. To the right of Fancy pants was Silver platter, but he did not sit next to Fancy. Instead he was standing next to Fancy waiting for the two to finish so he could take the dishes away. Fancy turned to Silver and said, "Silver, why don't you sit and eat. You don't need to stand there all day you know." Fancy said. "Fancy's right." Fluer agreed. "You shouldn't put to much stress on yourself, it's not good on the eyes." Silver wanted to sit down and eat the delicious looking food. But against his better nature he shook his head. "No thanks Fancy Sir, I'm not that hungry really." Silver lied. Fancy's brow folded in disapproval as he looked at Silver. "You don't have to call me sir you know? You can just call me Fancy nothing more. And you should at least sit down, even if you're not hungry you should sit down, give you're body some ease." Fancy tried his best to convince Silver. Silver was trying very hard to resist the temptation to sit, his legs hurt like crazy but he refused to accept the offer to sit. But he couldn't just turn down Fancy's offer, he needed a distraction, a diversion, a bird flying face first into a window because it thought there was no window, anything! *knock* *knock* *knock* "Oh, seems someone's at the door. I'll go get that." Silver said hastily as he rushed to the front door, thankful for the sudden diversion. Silver approached the door to see two envelopes on the hoof mat in front of the door. Both envelopes were caught in a yellow aura as the two were levitated in front of Silver so he could read it. 'This letter is for Silver platter. Please be sure only that only Silver platter is reading this alone. From, Cheese sandwich.' Silver was a little skeptical about the letter but he brought it to Fancy for him to read. "I say, it seems very odd for Cheese to send such a strange letter with an odd set of instructions. But regardless we should see what our friend has in store for us shall we?" Fancy asked as he cut open the envelope, inside was a folded piece paper which Fancy pulled out. Unfolding it both Fancy and Silver read out-loud what the letter said. "Fancy and Silver, don't move." Fancy and Silver read out-loud. After they did the paper began to glow bright white. "I say!" Fancy shouted before both Fancy and Silver vanished. In the Everfree kingdom Thorn was sanding guard outside the high council's doorway. A doe guard with a backpack trotted up to Thorn. The Doe handed him an envelope addressed to him from Nightwing. Thorn opened the envelope up and pulled a folded piece of paper out of the envelope. Thorn unfolded it and read the words on the paper. "Thorn, don't move." He read out-loud. The paper then glowed a bright white and Thorn vanished. In the city of Ponyville both Flash and Lightning were enjoying themselves at sugar cube corner, Flash was drinking a strawberry milkshake while Lightning was drinking a chocolate milkshake. As the two brothers were enjoying themselves Flash drank to much of his milkshake and got a brain freeze. He cringed as he placed both hooves against his forehead in pain. Lightning couldn't help but laugh at his brother's pain. Flash scolded his brother but two letters was given to the two by Derpy. Flash opened the letter, pulled out the folded piece of paper, read the words on the paper out-loud, then vanished. On the farm of Sweet Apple Acres, earth pony Ranger and a orange fur mare with green eyes and a light brown cowgirl hat that covered some of the mares blond mane. The mares name was Applejack. The two earth pony's were bucking away at some apple trees, apples fell from the trees and into the buckets below the tree. After a hard days work Derpy had flown by with two letters, one for Ranger and the other for Applejack. The two opened their letters and, you guessed it, Ranger's letter began to glow white and then, he vanished. Back in Canterlot, in the royal tailor room, Cheese had set up seven pieces of paper with strange words on them. Six of the seven papers began to glow brightly and then Flash, Lightning, Silver platter, Fancy pants, Thorn, and Ranger all appeared on separate papers. "Huh, I wonder why Soarin didn't teleport?" Cheese wondered. "What the heck just happened?!" Lightning asked loudly. "And why is Nightwing in a bubble?" Ranger asked, pointing at Nightwing. "Cheese, do you have anything to do with this?" Fancy asked. "You catch on fast dear Fancy." Cheese said as he spun his diabolic mastermind chair around to face the group. Cheese now wore a goatee and a eyepatch over his left eye, while stroking the head of a fat white fur cat that lied in his lap. "For it is I, who is the mastermind behind this whole scheme of mine. You see-" "Knock it off Cheese!" Flash yelled, punching him on the head and knocking his goatee and eyepatch off as well as knocking him down from his chair. "Stop playing games and answer this question, 'graaah'." Flash cringed as he place a hoof to his forehead. 'Uggh, my head is killing me all of a sudden.' Flash thought. "Ybfgnohvbnfu thrrrcyyj" A distorted voice came inside Flash's head. '... What. The. Buck!' Flash shouted in his head. "Ow." Cheese cringed as he rubbed the bump on his head. "Was that kind of violence really necessary Flash?" "I'd say it was plenty necessary." Ranger said. "Now answer the question." "Which one? The one about how you got here? Why Nightwing's trapped in Amaris bubble? Or why you guys are here?" Cheese asked. "Answer all of them Cheese." Silver platter demanded. "Okay, okay. No need to get violent." Cheese mumbled. "To answer the first question, I teleported you all here using a paper spell that teleports an object to another object using a program crystal. Nightwing's trapped in a bubble because he refused to come to the tailor, and as you all know I don't take no for an answer. And I brought you all here because we're all gonna get custom suits for the gala!" Cheese explained. Everyone in the group stared at Cheese with confusion spread all over their faces. "That's what this is all about?" Lightning asked. "Yep." Cheese smiled. "Cheese, I don't need to go to the gala. I have other things to do, and I'm pretty sure everyone else does too." Fancy said. "Did no one just hear me say 'I don't take no for an answer'?" Cheese asked, pulling out his weapon called 'Da Penetrator'. "On second thought, I think I could skip a few shifts or two." Flash said quickly as the massive and threaten looking weapon was pointing at him. "Same here, what about you guys?" Lightning asked a bit frightened. The whole group nodded in response. "Great!" Cheese said, putting away his weapon. "Then let's get ready folks. It's gonna be show time soon." A while later all of the group was dressed in their custom suits that Cheese had requested. Flash wore a simple black tuxedo with a dark red tie, Lightning wore a matching black tux as well as an orange tie, Silver platter wore a black tuxedo with a grey tie, Fancy wore a black tux with a blue tie, Thorn wore a custom buck tux with a green tie, Ranger wore a black tux with a bright red tie, Cheese wore a black tux with a yellow tie, and Nightwing, who was now unfrozen, wore a black tux with a dark blue tie. The group examined their separate suits. "Um...don't mind me asking but how are these custom exactly?" Flash asked, looking over his suit. "Yeah, these look exactly like regular tuxedos to me." Silver said. "Wrong!" Cheese shouted at the group. "These tuxedos are made to fit your body sizes, so in a way they are custom suits." Lightning strike rolled his eyes and looked towards Nightwing. "Hey Nightwing, why are you so quiet all of a sudden?" Nightwing opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. "Oops, forgot I muted you." Cheese giggled. A unicorn guard walked up to Nightwing and realeased the mute spell put on him. "Oh thank Teach." Nightwing said in relief. Nightwing looked towards Cheese and extended his hoof. "Ahem." "Oh no, I'm not an idiot Nightwing. I know that if I give you back you're crystal you'll just teleport back to your room and skip the gala. Well think again fool." Cheese stuck out his tongue. "Ugh." Nightwing groaned. Fast forwarding through the day, the whole group did their part in preparing the gala. Fancy and Silver helped with decorations, Flash and Ranger helped with cooking, Thorn and Lightning helped with cleaning the place top to bottom, and Cheese and Nightwing worked on the music. When the sun had set and the moon arose in the night sky the gates to Canterlot city had opened and guests for the gala began to pour in. A carriage that had the shape of a large Apple pulled up to the entrance. The door to the carriage opened up and a purple dragon with green eyes wearing a black tux with a red bow tie and black top hat stepped out of the carriage, allowing six mares to step out. "This is definitely one big party." A silhouette hidden in the shadows smiled as he observed the party. The silhouette pulled out an apple that was not red, green, or yellow. It was gold, pure gold. "I don't know how that pony got her hooves on this artifact, but I can't wait to see what chaos this brings." The Silhouette smiled. The gala was one of the most lively parties in the whole world. It used to be you needed an invitation to attend the gala, but now everyone was welcomed to enjoy the party. Why am I telling you this, because the CMC was at the gala currently. Well to be more specific half of them was currently. Scootaloo, Sweetie bell, Applebloom, and Dinkie all waited for their friends. The girls weren't wearing anything special, Scootaloo was wearing a simple yellow dress, Applebloom was wearing a simple cherry red dress, Sweetie bell was wearing a simple purple dress, and Dinkie was wearing a simple blue dress. "Where are those guys?" Scootaloo complained. "I hate standing around here doing nothing." "Calm down Scoots." Applebloom calmed the miniature speedster. "I'm sure the guys have a very good reason for being late." "Hmhf." Scootaloo crossed her forelegs. "They better." "Look, there they are right now." Dinkie pointed to the entrance. The girls craned their nests towards the door to see Pipsqueak, Rumble, Button mash, and First base rush through the door. "There see? What did I tell-" Applebloom was about to smirk at Scootaloo but she was no longer next to her. "Ya." The four colts panted furiously as they collapsed on the ground. The four had no money to afford a carriage so they had to walk here instead. "Just wear the hay have you four been?" An angry voice said to them. Knowing there suffering wasn't over the four looked up to see one very cross Scootaloo. "Well, what've you got to say for yourselves?" She demanded. "Sorry Scootaloo." Pip chuckled as he sat up. "But we had to make a stop and get me a new suit." Pip and the others all wore a black tux with no ties. But there was on major difference about Pip that Scootaloo noticed. "Pip? Is that you?" Scootaloo asked. "You noticed too huh? Yeah I kinda had a growth spurt this morning." Pip chuckled. Pip went through one heck of a growth spurt, he was no longer the tiny colt that everyone looked down on, he was now almost bigger than Scootaloo. "Wow...you must've gone through one hay of a growth spurt." "Yeah, I did." "Holy cow." Applebloom and Sweetie bell gasped when they saw Pip. "Pip what happened to you?" "Puberty, that's what." Rumbled muttered. "Enough dwelling on the past." First base sat up. "Let's enjoy this party shall we?" The whole group nodded in response. The gala was bustling with commotion and ponies socializing. But everyone was so busy talking with one another they paid no attention to the pony hanging upside down with suction cups on the ceiling. A pair of binoculars was used by Cheese to spy on the whole party, he didn't mind everyone socializing and talking. But he did mind that no one was dancing, his mission set Cheese began his quest to hunt for the source of such evil. But then he saw it, or rather he heard it, lowering his binoculars Cheese glared at his most rivaled and hated enemy. Classic music. Using swift action, Cheese removed his suction cups and leaped towards the stage. Tucking himself in Cheese performed a perfect summersault onto the stage. Untucking at the right time Cheese slid against the pony who was in front of the microphone, knocking him off stage. The musicians ceased their music when they saw Cheese. Pulling out a CD, Cheese tossed it to a unicorn mare with white fur, a rave looking blue mane, and hip purple sunglasses. The mare caught the disk with her magic and looked at it. Smiling the mare placed the CD onto a tack which began to play it as the song began to go through the speakers. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VHGeLhi0VOg A beat began to go through the speakers as Cheese sang the song. "I love her, can’t leave her, forever I’ll always need her, she lie, but I believe her, lovesick, I got that fever." Cheese began to sing as it matched the musical background. "Love stupid, I know it, love stupid, I know it, I know, 'cause I’m a fool in love." "My baby shot me down again. Shot me down with the love and it go bang bang. That girl’s a killer from a gang. Shot me down with the love and it go bang bang." "And oh, I love her so, that’s why I gotta let her know that I’ll be here for her to always love her down. And maybe that’s the truth, the clock can tick and ain’t no use, I wanna wear my tux and see you in your gown." "Bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Love him down, down I shot my baby with a bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Love him down, down I shot my baby with a bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang." The chorus behind Cheese sang. The party had began to get very lively, which was Flash's cue to exit. He wasn't a whole fan of big parties, he just wanted to stay out of the way and relax. So Flash walked outside into the royal garden. Where he could just relax. "Yeah right." Shadow scoffed in Flash's head. 'What?' Flash asked curiously. "What's wrong now?" "Please, the only reason you like peaceful places is because of that Alicorns memory altering spell. If it wasn't for that you'd be in there partying you're flank off." Shadow said. 'Yeah, I know.' "And to top it off...did you just say 'I know'?" 'I did, my memories have been slowly returning ever since you started talking to me.' "Impossible. The element is healing your mind as well." 'What do you mean by, heal?' "The chaos element inside you see's you as a valuable host, and apparently it's deciding to heal you for some reason." "That 'reason' would be me." Dark side's voice entered Flash's mind. 'What do you want?' Flash growled. "What? I can't talk to my favorite host?" Dark side said innocently. 'I'm not in the mood to talk to you.' "Fine, but you might want to talk to her." "Huh?" Flash asked outloud. "Hi Flash." A new and very familiar voice came from behind him. Flash spun around to come face to face with Twilight, who wore a light blue dress, and light blue high heels. The two stared at each other in awkward silence for a while until Flash said, "Hey." "Hey." Twilight responded. More awkward silence. "How you doing?" Twilight asked. "Good, how about you?" "Good, good." Even more awkward silence. "Oh for love of any nonexistent God, just kiss each other and make up like two lovers in a lame cop show!" Dark side shouted. Flash was about to yell at Dark side, but then he realized that he was right. This awkward silence between him and Twilight was getting kinda old. "Hey Twi?" Flash asked. "Ya wanna get something to eat?" Twilight smiled before responding, "I'd love too." In the mists of the party Silver, Fancy, and Fluer were all watching the distance from afar. "I say Silver, they all seem to be rather enjoying themselves. Perhaps we could all have some fun on the dance floor don't you think?" Fancy asked, looking at Silver. "Fancy is right Silver, you should enjoy yourself every now and then." Fluer nodded. "You two go have fun without me. I'll be just fine right here." Silver smiled. "Are you sure?" Fancy pushed his question. "I'm sure Fancy. You two go have some fun." "Well...alright." Fancy said as him and Fluer walked towards the dance floor. Fluer took a glance behind her to look at Silver. "I'm worried about him Fancy, he's pushing this too far." Fluer said with worry. "I know, but I do admire that he deeply respects our debt. But I wonder if he knows that we've already settled it?" Fancy said with matching worry. Silver sighed as he sat alone at a table. He wished that he could join Fancy in the dance but he knew it wasn't right. No matter how close he was to Fancy. "Somethings troubling you dear?" A soft and somewhat fancy voice asked. Silver took his eyes off the dance floor and towards the source of the voice to see that it belonged to a unicorn mare with white fur, light blue eyes, and a dark purple mane with a curl on the end of it. The unicorn wore a purple dress with matching purple high heels. She looked very familiar to Silver platter. It took him a while to figure out who the mare was but then he figured it out. "Are you miss Rarity?" Silver asked. "Why yes I am!" Rarity said shocked that he knew her name. "How do you know my name dearie?" "My name is Silver platter, Fancy pants talked about you one day." Silver answered. "You know Fancy pants?!" Rarity screamed standing on her hind legs and pushing her forelegs against the table. Causing Silver to flinch back a little."*ahem* Forgive me, but how do you know Fancy pants. Calming down Silver answered, "I'm his Butler and his...friend...just his friend." "Well," Rarity paused pulling a chair up to the table. "Care to tell me more mr. Silver platter?" Back in the Royal garden Fluttershy, who was wearing a green light dress and light green high heels, and Thorn were walking side by side one another outside. Fluttershy sighed softly as she breathed in the surroundings. "It's very beautiful isn't it?" She asked. "It is." Thorn nodded. "Come, I want to show you something." Thorn said extending a hoof to Fluttershy. And of course she took it, Thorn led Fluttershy through the garden until they came across a lone Birch tree with colored flowers of red, green, blue, white, pink, yellow, and orange in the trees leaves. "Oh, wow...its...its so beautiful." Fluttershy gasped as she gazed at the tree. "Yes, this is the never dying tree." Thorn explained. "Long ago the deer were at war with a great darkness, we sent for help to all the other races. But only the ponies answered our call. Even though we didn't fully agree with them we still accepted their help. In the end we defeated the darkness and in thanks the second Abber suserro gave the ponies the never dying tree." Fluttershy rested her head on Thorn's shoulder. "Do you think I'll be anything like the past Abber suserro's?" She asked. "No." Thorn said, which made Fluttershy frown. "You'll be one even greater than the past Abber suserro's." Thorn placed a gentle kiss on Fluttershy's head. As the two continued to gaze at the tree they paid no attention to anything else around. Including a lone cloud that hovered above them, where Discord watched the two lovers. As his heart was beginning to slowly break. In the kitchen, chefs and cookers were furiously cooking any food they could find to feed the hungry party guests. In good will Ranger and Applejack had volunteered to give some help to the kitchen. Meanwhile the silhouette continued to look down over the party. Looking to Silver and Rarity, Flash and Twilight, Ranger and Applejack, Fluttershy and Thorn, and Cheese sandwich who was still singing. Rolling the golden apple between his two hooves he began to wonder who would be the victim of his artifact. As he wondered he's eyes caught a little purple dragon who was walking next to a flying Rainbow dash who wore no dress. When he saw the dragon, a devilish and sinister smile grew on his face. 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas." The silhouette smiled. There was nothing Nightwing despised more than the gala. The party didn't have that big of a kind history. Long ago the rich ponies asked the more poor ponies to build a grand city in the side of the mountain. If they did the rich ponies would host a party for all to come and enjoy. So the ponies built the city, and when the city was the ponies from far and wide came to attend the party. But when they got to the party, they were shunned out. It was from that day forward that all of the ponies in Canterlot were despised. But the major reason Nightwing hated the gala was because it was the birthplace of the Order. The gala showed everyone that only the rich and powerful should rule the world, and the others were nothing more than dirt stuck to their shoe. The history of the gala angered Nightwing so much that his crystal began to glow red and the ground he stood on began to slightly crack. "Ah, there you are dear Student." Luna's voice came behind Nightwing. Turning around Nightwing saw that his Teach had gone wayyyy overboard on her look. She was dressed in a hot pink dress that had some stars in it to make look like it matched a cotten candy version of the night sky along with matching sky-replicating high heels. Her mane no longer flowed like it was alive, now it had been tied into a ponytail. Her fur had been washed and soaked in flower shampoo. And she pretty much reeked with perfume, in fact it was to much Nightwing had to cover his nose. "For crying outloud Teach, what the buck?!" Nightwing said plugging his nose. "What's wrong, do I stink?!" She asked worriedly. "You couldn't be more wrong Teach." Nightwing coughed. "Seriously, did you dunk yourself in perfume or something?" "Well..." "Oh come on!" Nightwing threw his forelegs in the air but then quickly covered his nose. "Why did you even do that to yourself? Are you trying to impress someone or are you trying to go on a date?" Luna became wide eyed when the question escaped her students mouth. "W-what?! Of course not...why would you think something so...unlikely?" Luna asked treading carefully. "Oh, don't say it like that. there are plenty of others who would want to be with you." NIghtwing reassured his Teacher. "You think so?" She asked. "I know so, now let's get this party over with. I have work to do." Nightwing said. As Nightwing was leaving, and Luna was following behind him, the Silhouette watched from above. Smiling deviously that he had begun his plan. "Bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Love him down, down I shot my baby with a bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Love him down, down I shot my baby with a bang, bang, Shot him with a bang, Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang." Cheese sang the final lyrics to the song and putting the mic back on its stand. the crowd in front of him cheered wildly as Cheese took a bow. But suddenly when he looked up he heard the sound of someone who was slowly clapping. Right next to him. Turning to his left Cheese came face to face with a mare with a red dress, pink fur, pink eyes, a mask that left the mares eyes and mouth covered her face. She stood there staring deeply into Cheese's eyes, until she began to dance. But it was no ordinary dance, it was not a dance that represented joy or fun or playful. No, the dance that the mare was doing meant one thing and one thing only. A challenge. The mare finished her dance with a dramatic flare as she took a pose. The crowd oohed and some clapped at the mares performance. Clearly their attention was caught. Cheese closed his eyes and let his face look towards the ground. "Very well." Cheese had made up his mind as he rose his head to face the mare. A cocky grin was plastered across his face. "If it is a dance battle you wish. Then I will dance battle you, to the death." Cheese said with matching drama. "DJ, play track nine please." Cheese asked. The DJ nodded her head and pressed a button on her machine. Instantly a Spanish themed song began to play. [youtube=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zCq3CMbqYNo] The ponies on the dance floor cleared out when both Cheese and the mare jumped onto the dance floor. Cheese began his dance a little slow then began to increase the dance's speed until finishing it with a flip. The crowd gave off a little applause, but it never reached Cheese's ears. The only thing Cheese cared about hearing was the slow clap from the mare. Despite the mare's mask Cheese knew that she was unimpressed, it was almost as if she knew that Cheese was capable of so much more. The mare ceased her clapping and began a dance of her own, one where she began fast and slightly dropped it until finishing it with the splits. Both the mare and Cheese began dancing in a circle, neither of them faced away from the other as they mimicked each other's moves. Their hooves clapped against the floor as the two danced in total sync. It seemed almost impossible, how could this mare be able to mimic any move Cheese did? As the two danced they got closer and closer to each other, until both of their faces were inches away from each other. The two slapped each other in the face causing the two to spin around. The two quickly caught out of their spin and ran towards separate walls. Almost like magic, the two walked up their walls and towards each other. The two ran across the ceiling and towards each other, when the two reached one another they jumped downward from the ceiling, and began dancing on the others hooves. The crowd gasped in amazement as Cheese used the mares hooves to be a solid ground for him to dance on, as well as the mare. The two were still caught in a free fall, but their dance was able to slow it down. Once the two were at a secure distance from the ground they launched off the other continuing their mirror dance. Then the mare did something impossible, or rather, unexpected. The mare stopped the mirror dance and began a new dance of her own. She began by tapping her hooves against the floor, then held her entire body on her foreleg and spun like a top, then stopped bounced off her foreleg and did a quadruple flip, only to finish the dance with a swan pose. Cheese stood there stunned, he couldn't believe that the mare had done the dance known as the 'Soaring Swan'. However he knew all to well that the mask that the mare wore no longer hid the identity of the mare. Cheese ran up to the mare and wrapped a foreleg around the mares waist pulling her down to were she was just inches away from the floor. Cheese then closed in on the mare. And kissed her. On the lips. The crowd oohed as the two kissed, Cheese gently removed his lips from the mare. His eyes were half opened as well as the mares, Cheese moved his hoof to the mares mask, taking it off Cheese revealed who the mare was. "Always wanted to do that." Cheese smiled as he stared at the mare. "Hello Pinkie pie." The mare was indeed Pinkie, a smug grin had grown on her face as she sighed in happiness. "Hello Cheese." She finally spoke. "Are you impressed? I think I out-danced you once or twice back there." "I am touched Love." Cheese said, pulling Pinkie up and setting her back on her four hooves. "But why?" Cheese asked, in the name of curiosity he was really excited to see his friend but was interested in why she was here. "What?" Pinkie asked innocently. "I had to say hello somehow, and just walking up to you and saying hi is just so...bland. I dance off was more my style." "If you say so." Cheese chuckled, he'd never admit it but he really did enjoy the dance off that Pinkie gave him. "You wanna get something to eat?" Cheese asked, aware of the crowd they had attracted. Pinkie smiled at Cheese. "I'd love to." She answered as the two walked away from the dance floor and towards the buffet. "Salutations dear ponies!" Luna shouted as she shoved open the large double door through the party. "Your princess of the night is here!" As Luna cheered Nightwing walked behind her with both a shocked and mortified look on his face. What the hay was wrong with his Teach, she was never this joyful during parties. Sure she might seem happy from time to time but she would always try to avoid parties if she could. So the question was, why the buck was she acting so cheerful?! "Dear Student, we are most happy that you had decided to accompany us to the Gala. It is most pleasing." Luna said happily. "Okay, stop that." Nightwing said firmly. "Hm?" Luna tilted her head. "Stop what Dear student?" "Stop that, this, whatever it is your doing, just stop it." Nightwing said. "I'm afraid I do not understand Dear student." Luna said, crouching down to Nightwing's level. "Is something the matter?" "Of course somethings the matter! Why in the name of buck would nothing be the matter?!" Nightwing shouted. "Dear student, there's no need to shout." Luna said calmly, almost like she was talking to a small foal. "Please calmly tell us what is the matter Dear student." "For crying out, stop calling me Dear student. You know I hate it when you call me that, so cut it out!" Nightwing yelled. Nightwing began to rant off multiple things that were wrong with his Teach. He was so focused on his ranting he didn't notice that his Teach's eyes flashed golden. Her joyful expression vanished, instead it was replaced with a half lidded eyes and grin. "And not to mention the fact-" Nightwing was cut off when Luna swiftly locked lips with Nightwing. His eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his skull as he remained motionless. Luna's eyes were closed as she kissed Nightwing, the seconds were the only thing Nightwing could tell as the kiss continued. After forty-nine seconds the kiss ended when Luna pulled away. A smug grin was plastered on her face. "Feel better?" She cooed. Nightwing still remained motionless, desperately trying to cling to the tiny thread of reality. "I'll take that as a yes." Luna giggled. "Let us not keep our guests waiting." She smiled as she walked away. "........... WHO ARE YOU?!?!?!" Nightwing screamed as he chased after Luna. Above the two the silhouette stood there with his jaw wide open after the display he just say. "Oh everything that happens from this point forward is just gravy." He smiled. The talks between Flash and Twilight had become less awkward as time passed. The two had talked and laughed and even danced with one another. But as the fun went on a horrible thought occurred to Twilight. "Flash?" She asked, a tinge of sadness in her voice. "Yeah?" Flash responded, sensing Twilight's sadness. "I have to ask, did you forgive me for what I did to you?" Twilight asked. "Of course I did, I forgave you when we were trapped in that dream-" "No." Twilight stepped in front of Flash, placing a hoof on his chest Twilight made him stop. "I mean the real you. Did the real you forgive me for what I did?" Flash raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean the real me? I am the real Flash, who else would I be?" "No Flash, you're not the real Flash. You're a Flash I created, I took away you're memories and replaced them with flash ones just so you would like me. But...when I told you what I did to you, you forgave me. Which is why I need to know, was it the real Flash that forgave me? Or the Flash I created?" "Twilight." Flash placed his hoof under Twilight's chin and lifted her head up. "I'm afraid I can't answer that question." Flash said sadly. "I can't because I'm not the real Flash or the Flash you created. You see after you altered my memories some of my old ones began to come back, eventually I had both my old memories and the ones you gave me. But even with both memories I was no longer the Flash you made nor am I the real Flash. I'm just...me Flash." Flash said. "So the truth is I can't answer your question, all I can say is that I forgive you. And nothing will make me say anything different. "T-thank you me Flash." Twilight chuckled weakly. "Now come on, let's have a good time huh?" Flash asked, walking past Twilight. "That's what a party's all about right-oof!" Flash grunted as he bumped into something knocking both him and the somethings down. "Uggh." Flash groaned as he sat up. 'I need to start looking where I'm going.' Flash groaned in his head. Taking a moment to see what he had bumped into he saw that said 'something' was actually Princess Luna, as well as a golden apple next to her. "Oh buck, I really need to start looking where I'm going!' Flash said in a panic. "Flash, are you alright?" Twilight rushed to his side. "I'm fine." Flash reassuring Twilight, why was she so worked up over Flash getting knocked down? "Forgive me Princess. I wasn't looking where I was going." Flash apologized to the down alicorn. "Uggh, huggg, wha-huh...where am I?" Luna asked as if she had awoken from a trance. "You're at the gala your highness." Twilight answered. "Are you alright?" "I think so...let me just..." Luna paused as she looked at the dress she was now wearing. "WHAT IN THE CRYSTAL BUCK AM I WEARING?!?!?!" Luna shouted with her Royal Canterlot voice. "Teach!" Nightwing shouted, running towards Princess Luna. "You and I need to have a serious talk right now." "Nightwing." Luna faced her student with a calm and fraud kind mask. "Can you please direct me to the worm eating, dirt living, gut retching, worthless piece of turd on the planet...please?" Twilight and Flash stared at Luna with shocked looks on their faces. But Nightwing smiled when he heard his Teach say those words. "Good to have you back Teach, hey what's this?" Nightwing asked, turning his attention away from Luna and towards the golden apple on the ground, it's bright gleam seemed to be drawing Nightwing closer and closer towards the apple. But then his common sense kicked in and remembered what happened the last time he touched something without thinking it through. And so, thanks to the power of common sense, Nightwing slid the apple underneath a tray and put it inside his vault for later examination. Until then it would remain safely inside his vault, but little did he know that that was the silhouette's plan all along.