Pokémon: The CHS Journeys

by Shadow Hero

Rival and a flash back (unedited)

"It can't be him," Klhan said

"Do you know him then" Twilight asked.

"Yes. I meet him as I traveling my home region, the Johto region" Klhan said as he leaned on the tree.

"So you are friends then. YA" Pinkie said as she throw confetti.

"Not exactly. He was my rival, he always wanted to one-up me from the first time I meet him"

5 Years ago- Johto, Route 42

As I was walking I heard someone yelling. As I got closer I saw who it was.

"Come on Chikarita one more time Razer Leaf" The boy with red hair shouted. As told the Chikorita shot leaves out of it head right at a tree. "Come on with more force."

As I watched from a bush I saw he kept yelling at his Pokemon to work harder and harder, I could not take anymore so I decided to step in.

"Excuse me I don't think that's the way to train your Pokemon," I said to him as I came out behind the bush.

"Oh. What do you know are the champ or a gym leader" he asked me as he pointed his.

"Well no but..."

"Then back off. I know what I am doing. Now use it one more time." The Chikorita shot leaf's again at the tree. this time the tree fell over.

"That's good work," the boy said as he throw an Oran berry at Chikorita

"Look you pushed your Pokemon to go far. By the looks of it any more attacks and it would have fainted from exhausting" Klhan said pointing at the Pokemon in questions.

"Look I have my own ways of training and you have yours," He said as he lay down under the tree.

"Arrg. You are so arrogant."

"Look. I have one more Pokemon, so why don't we have a little one on one battle."

"You are on," Klhan said a he got ready for a pokemon battle.

" Wait you said what he was doing was worng" Fluttershy asked

"Well ya but"

"let him get back to the story" raindow said

As I was saying we both got ready for battle.

"Go Flaafy," I said as I throw my Pokeball and Flaafy came out.

"Let's show them how weak there, go Sneazel," He said as he throw his Pokeball.

"Wow never say that one before. Let's be careful. Now Flaafy use Thunder Shook." Flaafy shot a small bolt of electricity at Snezel.

"Sneasel ground the attack with Metal Claw." Sneazel's claws turned sliver as it but its claws into the ground making the Thunder Shook useless. "Now attack back with Slash." Sneazel rushed forward.

"Cotten guard." Flaafy wool swollen up, and Sneazels when flying on impact. "Now attack with Iron Tail." Flaaffy tail turned silver and hit Sneazle towards the ground knocking it out.

"That way just beginners luck. Next time I will win" He said as he returned his Sneazel and walked away.

I meet him later, and that's when I got his name

A few days later- Goldenrod City, Johto

There were was a big tournament being held there, the regions champion Lance was going to be there.

"Welcome everyone to Goldenrod city's tournament. The Pokemon trainer that wins all his or her match wins this trophy" the mayor of Goldenrod announced as the crowd cheered. "Now let's begin."

I and my team made it the semi-final's were I met him again.

"Our second semi-final match would be Klhan vs Silver. And remember this match each Pokemon trainer can use two pokemon. Let the match begin" the announcer said.

"Well, we meet again. Let's see how lucky you can be now. Go Sneazel" Silver said as he throw his Pokeball.

"In that case go Flaafy show him what you are made of," I said as I throw my Pokeball.

"Sneazel use Icebeam." Sneazel shot a beam of ice out.

"Flaafy use thunderbolt to intercepted it." Flaafy shot a bolt of electricity out. The two attacks collided.

"Sneazel use slash." Sneazel rushed forward.

"Flaafy use Iron Tail." Flaafy,s tail turned silver and both attacks collided.

"Sneazel use our other claw and use Metal Claw." Sneaze's claw turned silver hitting Flaafy in the back. "Now finish this with Icebeam." Sneazel shot a beam out hitting Flaafy knocking it out.

"That good come back and rest" Klhan sad as he returned Flaafy."Now it's up to you. Go Totodile" Klhan said as he throw a Pokeball.

"Toto," it said.

"Now Totodile use Watergun." Totodile shot water out of its mouth hitting Sneazel in the face.

"Sneazel use Slash." Sneazel rushed forward.

"Totodile use Bite." Totodile rushed biting hard on Sneazel's claw.

"Totodile Water Pulse." Totodile let go and formed a ball of water right in front of him and he sent it flying towards Sneazel knocking it out.

Silver returned Sneazel. "Go Chikorita show him what we're made of," he said as he throw his Pokeball. "Chika."

"We may be at a disadvantage but we can do this. Now use Aqua Jet." Totodile shot water at the floor rocket him towards Chikortia.

"Intercepted with Magical Leaf." Glowing leafs shot out of Chikoritas head hitting Totodile, stoping his Aqua Jet. "Now use Solar Beam." Chikorits leaf started to glow.

"While its charging use Water Pulse." Totodile shot a ball of water at Chikorita, but it was too late she shot a beam out of her leaf hitting Totodile sending him flying into the wall.

"Totodile is unable to battle. So the winner is Silver" the announcers said getting the crowd to cheer.

Silver just walked away. I did encounter him a couple of times, but one major one was...

A few months later- Lake of Rage, Johto.

There was a fishing tournament that was being held at the Lake of Rage a Pokemon made a lake.

"A Pokemon made lake"Twilght asked.

Well, it was made by a rampaging Gyarados and the rain that followed filled it in.


Anyway as I got there I saw Silver battling Lance Kanto and Johto's Champion..... And before you ask he is counted as the strongest trainer in those regions.

"Goldbat use Steel Wing," Siver said as his Goldbat's wings became silver and flew towards a Dragonite.

"Dragonite use Thunder." Dragonite shot bolts of electricity at Goldbat knocking it out.

"What that can't be," Silver said as he fell to the floor.

"The reason you lost is that you and your Pokemon are not fighting in sync. I and my Pokemon have this bond that goes beyond being just fighting partners we are friends. As long as you have that bond you can go anywhere" Lance said as he walked off.

I walked up to him "Are you alright" I asked. He said nothing. He just got up and left. That was the last time I saw him.

Present- Sweet Apple Acre's

"Wow. He must have been devastated" Rarity said as everyone nodded there heads in agreement.

"Ya. I wish I was there to throw him a feel better party like the one we had for Sunny" Pinkie said with her hairless poofy.

"Why did you have to do that" Klhan asked.

"It's a long story. we will tell you later" Sunset said looking down.

"Well, he does sound like Silver. I did knot know of this" Cadance said.

"I think he wants to keep it a secret," Klhan said.

"Then I won't say anything."