
by pet249

Dreams of Fanfiction

I can't see anything...

Twilight tried walking in the blank, completely black endless expanse of nothingness. Suddenly, a bright blue orb appeared directly in front of Twilight.

Twilight however, was too busy looking around to see anything in front of her. So she walked straight into the blue orb.

She was transported into the same black expanse. Except in a different area. There were several orbs. Some were connected by pink strings of light, others with blue strings of light. In each one different situations were happening to her friends. In one, Pinkie Pie went all crazy and did weird things. In another one, Nightmare Moon had returned to Equestria and was wreaking havoc in Ponyville.

"Wha - what... I don't even..." Twilight thought out loud. She couldn't comprehend what was going on at all.

Everything has a logical explanation...Everything. Well except that Pinkie sense. That doesn't have one. Twilight was confused and she didn't know what was going on.


A light female voice called. She sounded calm and controlling, like Princess Celestia, except lighter and slightly child-like.

"Who's there? Who are you? Tell me now... or else." Twilight tried to sound strong, but she knew she didn't sound strong at all. She sounded scared, weak and unstable. Just like a little filly who was being taken away from her mother.

"If you want an explanation, I'll give one to you." replied the voice with same composed manner.

Twilight nodded her head because she didn't know how to respond.

"These are what I call 'Fan fictions.' They are written by people who are fans of you and your friends. Some even are about Discord, or some made up ponies which you don't know. In fact, you're in a Fan Fiction right now." the voice explained to Twilight.

"Why aren't there any happy ones here?" asked Twilight. All of the stories she saw had very dark and sometimes gruesome plots.

"Because, you're in the 'Dark' section. I can take you to a one with happier stories though." The voice said, not wanting to make Twilight feel too uncomfortable. Otherwise, she would run away and wander aimlessly around the site.

"Please do." Twilight said. She couldn't bear the sight of any more of these stories.

"Very well..."

As the voice faded, a yellow portal appeared in front of Twilight. Twilight stepped through it and found herself in the comedy section. There were silly stories that didn't make sense. Some even depicted her friends in crazy ways.

"These stories make me laugh so hard!" Twilight was so busy looking at all the fan fictions, she hadn't noticed that Pinkie Pie had appeared right beside her.

Twilight looked up to see who had said the words.

"Pinkie Pie? How did you get here!?" asked Twilight, confused.

"I don't know! I just woke up and eventually ended up beside you," Pinkie Pie replied cheerfully. "But it doesn't matter now because we can have so much fun!"

Time to add something else to my mind that can't be explained logically... thought Twilight. First the Pinkie Sense, and now this.

"How exactly?" asked Twilight. She liked having fun with Pinkie Pie.... as long as Pinkie Pie didn't get too crazy.

"I can do some awesome stuff here Twilight," Pinkie Pie giggled. "Watch and look at me!" Pinkie closed her eyes and focused hard on one location. Suddenly, a bright, red portal appeared.

Where does this one lead to? Twilight wondered.

As if reading her mind, Pinkie Pie said exactly where it was going.

"To the 'Romance' section," Pinkie Pie smiled. "I like the stories here. They tell of love between two ponies. Some parts might be a little sad sometimes though."

"Well Pinkie, le-" Twilight got cut off in the middle of her sentence.

"But if I wanted a real tear jerker, I would just go go to the 'sad' section."

"Hey Pinkie," Twilight wanted to know something. "Were you the voice talking to me earlier?"

"Voice? What voice? I don't hear any ponies voice except for you, and me." Pinkie looked confused.

"Oh. It's nothing anymore." Twilight still didn't know who or where that voice was coming from.

"Hello again Twilight...and Pinkie Pie." The voice greeted the two ponies.

Twilight looked up, but instead of being speechless, she said something.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Twilight was not going to back down. Not this time. She was going to ask straight out to whoever this was.

"I am the writer of this fan fiction, pet249. Pinkie is not me. I just gave her the power to open portals."

"Do you mind telling me why?" Twilight was going to get every answer. She was not going to be left hanging this time.

"No, not at all. I gave her that power to be your guide. Without her, you would be lost. You don't trust me, so I brought her here to be your guide instead of me."

"Hey Twilight!" Pinkie yelled. Twilight didn't hear her. She was too busy focusing on asking the voice questions.

"How do I know she's not just a physical form taken on by you?" Twilight persisted. "She might not be here at all. Just something you can control to do anything you want to.

"Twilight!" Pinkie yelled louder.

"You don't know."

"What d-" Twilight was cut off by Pinkie Pie again.

"TWILIGHT!" Pinkie Pie yelled at the top of her lungs.

"What, Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked, annoyed by Pinkie's constant yelling of her name.

Twilight looked around and her eyes widened in panic. The black expanse around her, and everywhere else was fading. The blackness was disappearing and being replaced with pure white. Not white with a tinge of blue, pure white, without any other colours mixed in. She wanted to run, but she didn't know where to go.

"What's going on? Please stop it!" Twilight cried desperately. She waited for what seemed to be an eternity for the answer.

"Morning dawns. You are waking up and I can't do anything about it."" The voice was still calm even now, while Twilight was disappearing.

"There must be something you can do so I can stay here longer." Twilight questioned. She wanted more information and more explanations. She was not going to be left hanging.

"Sorry, but I can't help you with that. You need to wake up to do what you need to do."

"Can't I sleep in or something?" Twilight wanted more information.

"You can, but I can't contact you. That is because I have a busy day and can't talk to you, bye!"

"No wait!" It was no use, Twilight began fading into the whiteness as well.

Everything including Twilight and Pinkie Pie disappeared into the expanse of whiteness.


Those were the last words Twilight heard from the fan fiction writer.

Twilight woke up. She looked around and thought of what just happened. It's just a dream. she thought. She couldn't believe that.She realized that it was something that couldn't be explained, like Pinkie's special sense. So she left it as that. "Something that happened, but wasn't explainable." Time went by and she thought of the things that happened as a normal dream. Slowly, without much pressure, she faded back into the canon of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic."

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed. This is my first fan fiction so constructive criticism is welcome. There may be a few grammar mistakes. I apologize for that. Again, I hoped you enjoyed and liked this fan fiction. By the way, the text in plain italics without quotation marks are what Twilight is thinking. With quotation marks is what the fan fiction writer is saying. I live in Canada color is spelled colour here.