Yu-Gi-Oh! Friendship is Magic

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 13: Coming Together

This chapter's featured card: Daigusto Sphreeze

Synchro Monster Level: 6 ATK: 2000 DEF: 1300 Attribute: WIND Type: Psychic

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner "Gusto" monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can add 1 "Gusto" card from your Graveyard to your hand. Your opponent takes all Battle Damage you would take from battles involving "Gusto" monsters you control. This card cannot be destroyed by battle.

It was very early in the morning the next day, and all of the humans plus Orion were up and ready to begin registration. Before they could do anything, they registered themselves and their pony friends ahead of time, using a little more than half of the coins Princess Celestia gave them. Once they were finished, they saw a pony waiting at the train station. They walked up and saw that it was Applejack. “Oh, mornin’ y’all,” said Applejack. “Mornin’,” yawned Scott. “What are you waiting for?” Applejack responded, “I’ve got a relative coming in to register.” There was a light shining towards them from the west. “In fact, that’s him now.” Minutes later, a train pulled up and stopped at the station. The first pony to walk out of it was a yellow colored pony with an orange mane wearing a brown leather vest and a brown cowboy hat carrying 2 bags of luggage on his back. Upon seeing Applejack, he beamed brightly. “Hey cousin,” he said. “Hey, Braeburn,” said Applejack. “Are these those human fellers you’ve been talking about?” asked Braeburn. “Yes,” replied Scott. “I’m Scott, and this Alex, Sammy, Maddie, Lucas, Charley, and this other one here is Orion.” “Well, I’m really glad to finally meet all y’all. I come all the way from AaAaAaApploosa,” said Braeburn as he stood on his hind legs and thrashed his arms around, “and I’m going to win this tournament for the honor of my humble town.” Alex intervened, “Well, registration starts whenever, so let’s get you your stuff.”

All of the ponies formed a line at the six tables circled around the pavilion in the town square used to register the ponies for inclusion into the tournament. Braeburn went to Maddie’s table. “What kind of deck would you like to play with?” asked Maddie. “I reckon I’d like something earthy,” said Braeburn. Maddie pulled out an electronic tablet showing the different decks she had in store. He looked through the decks and different cards he could choose from. “I think I’ll make a deck out of that machine set and some other cards to help me summon this one.” He was pointing at a powerful looking xyz monster. “Alright,” said Maddie. “Would you like your duel disk in any particular color?” “Silver would be nice,” replied Braeburn. “Coming right up,” said Maddie. She walked into the pavilion and sought Orion. She told him the deck and duel disk that Braeburn wanted. Orion used his wand to quickly construct a deck to Braeburn’s liking. He then took a single duel disk and placed a spell on it causing it to duplicate into a silver colored duel disk. She then inserted the deck into the deck slot and put the disk on a scooter and wheeled it out to Braeburn. “Here you are,” she said. Braeburn quickly fanned through the deck to see if it was good. “Perfect,” he said. He then took a mouthful of coins out of his vest pocket and handed them to Maddie. There were ten coins, just enough to register. Maddie typed up his name, deck, and a series of characters on her tablet and gave Braeburn a slip of paper with the set of characters on it. “You must enter this code on your duel disk to activate your disk, and this will also serve as an ID for the remainder of the tournament. You can duel anybody you please who’s also activated their disks once you do so, and wins and losses will not be counted on your record until the competition begins. Please arrive tomorrow with a partner to complete registration. Thank you, and you are all set today.” Braeburn whinnied in delight and ran off.

The process was very similar to everyone else, and because it was early in the morning, there weren’t many ponies registering, making the process calm and tranquil. However around 8 o’clock in the morning, when most of the town’s population was awaking and the trains became more and more frequent with ponies looking to enter, it became much more hectic. Twilight and her friends came over to register, but as they were pre-registered by Alex and his friends, they were only given their identification numbers, and they were ready to go. Trixie and Gilda arrived in Ponyville looking at the chaos ensuing. “When the great and powerful Trixie is finished with this town,” said Trixie, “they’ll rue the day they decided to mock me.” “Same goes for me,” said Gilda. They both made their way to separate registration tables. Gilda went to Sammy’s table. “Hello, welcome to the Equestrian Friendship Dueling Competition here in Ponyville. Would you like to choose your deck?” she asked. “Yeah, yeah,” Gilda responded rudely. “Just give me something cool.” Sammy coldly ignored her remark. She showed her a set of Ally of Justice cards. “Alright, that’s what I’m talking about,” she said. “Would you like to add some more cards?” Sammy suggested. “How about these Meklords? They look really powerful,” said Gilda. “Any particular color you want your duel disk?” Sammy asked. “Black,” Gilda quickly demanded. “Sounds good. I’ll get those for you in a jiff,” said Sammy. After 30 seconds, she had her deck and duel disk ready for her. “Took you long enough,” scoffed Gilda. Sammy was beginning to lose her patience when Pinkie Pie arrived at Sammy’s side. She gasped and said in a scared voice, “You can’t let her enter! She’s the biggest meany meanie head ever.” She then addressed you, the reader. “Don’t you remember what she did to Fluttershy?” Sammy looking confused asked, “Pinkie? Who are you talking to?” Pinkie then refocused her attention at Sammy. “Listen, you just can’t let her enter!” Sammy then matter-of-factly told her, “It doesn’t matter what she may have done in the past, but she is just as legal to enter this competition as anyone, so my hands are tied.” She then typed in Gilda’s information and printed her ID, and gave her the same set of instructions Maddie gave to Braeburn, and set her on her way. Gilda, who wasn’t used to people sticking up for her in anyway like that before, ceased her menacing behavior. “Thanks,” she said in a casual tone before she went off.

Trixie went to register at Scott’s table. “I’ll have the best deck you have in store,” said Trixie in a haughty tone. Scott responded, “Well, all of our decks are probably just as good as any other, so you’ll have to-” “I don’t like to be kept waiting,” interrupted Trixie. “Okay, okay.” said Scott trying to break up the tension. “Here are some of our best decks in my opinion.” He showed her a small set on his tablet. She browsed them before looking at an Arcana Force set. “Oooh, divinations. I’ll take that one.” “Alrighty,” said Scott. “Any particular color you want your disk?” “Something purple and sparkly,” said Trixie. “Sparkles,” said Scott. “That’s a new one. I’ll see what I can do.” He went back and within a minute, he came back with her deck, duel disk, and scooter. He then typed in her information, gave her an ID, gave her the usual disclaimer and bid her good day. She left with a huff.

Rainbow Dash was looking around looking for someone to challenge. Unfortunately, everyone was either unregistered or dueling other people. “Come on,” complained Rainbow Dash. “Won’t anybody duel me?!?” “I will,” said a familiar voice. Rainbow turned around, and behind her was her erstwhile friend, Gilda the Griffon. “You?” said Rainbow Dash in an enraged tone. “Hey, whoa, Rainbow Dash,” said Gilda. “I know we may have some bad blood between us…” “You got THAT right,” steamed Rainbow Dash. Gilda continued, “But I’m only here to compete in the tournament, nothing more. I don’t want to start more troubles.” “I don’t believe you!” yelled Rainbow Dash. “After what you did here, I won’t believe you. Not for one second!” Gilda finally fed up with her former friend’s accusations, bowed her head and reverted to her cold and ruthless self. “Fine,” she said, “be that way. Then let this be a duel between two former friends turned rivals!” “Okay then,” said Rainbow Dash in a confident tone. Both of their duel disks unsheathed and they drew 5 cards from their decks. “DUEL!” they both yelled.

Gilda vs. Rainbow Dash

Gilda’s Turn: Gilda summons Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher (ATK: 1200 DEF: 800).

Gilda places 2 cards face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-3 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

Rainbow Dash’s Turn: Rainbow Dash activates Painful Choice, selecting 5 cards from her deck and has Gilda pick one of them to go to her hand. She chooses Kamui, Hope of Gusto. Rainbow Dash discards the others. Next, she summons Gusto Skwirl in defense mode (ATK: 0 DEF: 1800).

Rainbow Dash places 1 card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-4 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Gilda’s Turn: Gilda activates her trap DNA Transplant, making all monsters on the field become the attribute she declares, and she chooses LIGHT. Next, she summons Ally of Justice Nullifier (ATK: 1600 DEF: 1200). She equips it with Big Bang Shot, increasing its ATK by 400 and giving it the effect of piercing damage (ATK: 1600 -> 2000). Ally of Justice Nullifier attacks Gusto Skwirl.

Rainbow Dash’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3800

Next, Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher attacks Rainbow Dash directly, but Rainbow Dash activates Gusto Whirlwind, sending 2 Gusto monsters from her graveyard to her deck to special summon a Gusto monster with 1000 or less DEF from her deck, and she chooses Windaar, Sage of Gusto (ATK: 2000 DEF: 1000). Windaar, Sage of Gusto’s ATK is higher than Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher’s.

Gilda’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3200

When Windaar, Sage of Gusto’s ATK destroys a monster in battle, Rainbow Dash can special summon a level 3 or lower Gusto monster from her graveyard in defense position, and she chooses Gusto Gulldo (ATK: 500 DEF: 500). When a LIGHT monster battles with Ally of Justice Unknown Crusher, it is removed from play at the end of damage calculation.

Gilda ends her turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-3200 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Rainbow Dash’s Turn: Rainbow Dash activates Card Destruction, having her and Gilda send their hands to her graveyard and drawing cards equal to the amount they discarded. Rainbow Dash summons Musto, Priest of Gusto (ATK: 1800 DEF: 900). Next, she activates its effect, returning 1 Gusto monster from her graveyard to her deck to negate the effect of a monster on the field, and she chooses Ally of Justice Nullifier. Rainbow Dash tunes Musto, Priest of Gusto with Gusto Gulldo to synchro summon Daigusto Eguls (ATK: 2600 DEF: 1800). Next, she activates the effect of Gusto Gulldo. When it was sent from the field to the graveyard, Rainbow Dash can special summon a level 2 or lower Gusto monster from her deck, choosing Kamui, Hope of Gusto (ATK: 200 DEF: 1000). Next, she plays Double Summon, summoning Wynnda, Priestess of Gusto (ATK: 1000 DEF: 400). Rainbow Dash overlays Kamui, Hope of Gusto and Wynnda, Priestess of Gusto to xyz summon Daigusto Phoenix in defense mode (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1100). Daigusto Eguls attacks Ally of Justice Nullifier, but Gilda activates Destruct Potion, destroying Ally of Justice Nullifier to gain life points equal to its ATK.

Gilda’s Life Points: 3200 -> 5200

Gilda activates the effect of Meklord Emperor Wisel. When a monster of hers is destroyed by a card effect, she can special summon it to the field (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2500).

Rainbow Dash places 1 card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3800 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

Gilda’s Turn: Gilda uses the effect of Meklord Emperor Wisel to equip a synchro monster onto it and gain ATK equal to the synchro monster’s ATK, choosing Daigusto Eguls (ATK: 2500 -> 5100). Gilda then activates Stop Defense, switching Daigusto Phoenix into attack position. Gilda attacks Daigusto Phoenix.

Rainbow Dash’s Life Points: 3800 -> 200

Rainbow Dash activates Card of Last Will, drawing 5 cards when a monster she controls is destroyed or loses ATK.

Gilda places 1 card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-5200 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Rainbow Dash’s Turn: Rainbow Dash tries to activate Graceful Charity, but Gilda activates the effect of Meklord Emperor Wisel to negate and destroy the activation of a spell card. Next, Rainbow Dash plays Monster Reborn, special summoning Gusto Gulldo from the graveyard. Next, she summons Gusto Codor (ATK: 1000 DEF: 400). Rainbow Dash tunes Gusto Codor with Gusto Gulldo to synchro summon Daigusto Sphreeze (ATK: 2000 -> 1300). Next, she activates the effect of Gusto Gulldo. When it was sent from the field to the graveyard, Rainbow Dash can special summon a level 2 or lower Gusto monster from her deck, choosing Gusto Falco (ATK: 600 DEF: 1400). Then, Rainbow Dash plays Contact with Gusto, sending 2 Gusto monsters from her graveyard to her deck to destroy 1 spell or trap card on the field, choosing Gilda’s face down card. Next, Rainbow Dash attacks Meklord Emperor Wisel with Gusto Falco. With Daigusto Sphreeze’s effect, any battle damage that Rainbow Dash would receive from a battle involving a Gusto monster that she controls is redirected towards her opponent instead.

Gilda’s Life Points: 5200 -> 700

Daigusto Sphreeze attacks Meklord Emperor Wisel next.

Gilda’s Life Points: 700 -> 0

Rainbow Dash wins.

Gilda wearily and angrily got up after that final attack. “You’ll never change, Gilda,” said Rainbow Dash. “I thought I saw a friend in you, but you threw it all away and became a cruel hearted creature. I have real friends now, friends who support me and don’t treat others poorly. Goodbye.” She then flew away. Trixie approached her from behind. “What are you doing?” she asked angrily. “We agreed that we wouldn’t duel until the competition started. Do you want your opponents to know how to be able to defeat you? Do you want our plan to be all for naught? Then get your act together!” She walked away. Gilda was still standing there, fuming.