//------------------------------// // A Life Not Forgotten // Story: The Other Button // by One of the Crowd //------------------------------// Chapter 46: A Life Not Forgotten "Lucky, wake up. I think today is the day!" The monster said in an overly cheery voice. I looked up into her bright golden eyes before spitting in one of them. "Go to hell you fucking bitch." I said calmly. She wiped the spit from her eye while keeping that same damned smile. "That was very rude, Lucky. It's no matter though; you're being punished soon anyway." She said as he damn horn ignited. "I'm going to make you regret pulling me here when I get out." I said as my skull began to feel as if it had been crushed by an elephant. ***8 months ago*** "Chance? Chance, are you alright?" The horse in front of me asked with concern in her voice. I just nodded my head while looking out the window. The street below was filled with even more of these magical horse things and almost all of them had horns. A chill ran up my spine just thinking about them. Why did I have to be the one pulled into this god damn place; why did it have to be me instead of someone else? A horse with wings flew by the window which interrupted my train of thought. "This place is so weird." I commented which seemed to get the horses attention. "What's so weird about it Luc- I mean Chance?" "For starters horses don't talk where I'm from." The horse started writing something down on the clipboard in front of her after I said that. They all act so weird around me for some reason. "Why wouldn't they talk?" She asked in a rather gentle tone. Why do they act as if I'm made of fucking glass? I may have been tortured, but she didn't do any lasting damage to me. "They're not, what's the word? sapient? sentient? Whatever, they can't think in a way to form a language. People are the only things that talk so you are kind of freaking me out." I said calmly while brushing everything off. In all honesty I was freaking out on the inside since I wasn't allowed to roam around without one of these horses with me. They think that the horse thing will come for me if they're not, but I still can't shake the feeling something is wrong here. ***Inside Chance's mind*** "That's not the right one. Grr, where is it!" Jungle growled as she stomped around inside my skull. I wish I could just kick her out, but I have absolutely no way of throwing her ass out. Every time she pulls at a memory pain explodes throughout my body and I'm powerless to stop it. "Please, just stop and I'll find what you're looking for." I tried pleading, but she decided to yank out another memory instead of listening. ***6 months ago*** "I'M HOME!" I yelled throughout the country styled house that I was currently living in. "You here, ms. Jubilee?" "Home already?" Ms. Jubilee said before sticking her head outside of the kitchen door. "I didn't realize it was four yet." "School let him out early today. How are you by the way, Cherry?" Arrow asked as I ran up and gave Ms. Jubilee a hug. She returned the hug before picking me up in her hooves and putting me on her back. "I'm good. Chance has been a real help with sorting the cherries. He's the perfect little helper." She said happily while reaching up the pat me on the side. I crawled away from her hoof and made my way to the top of her head and where I snuggled into her hair. "I reject your hoof and claim your mane as my own!" I said while hiding inside the red ball of fur. Both Arrow and Ms. Jubilee gave a small chuckle while Arrow pulled me out of her mane. I flailed my hooves around wildly in an attempt to free myself. "Put me down, pony! I must claim that mane for the mother land!" "I don't understand half the things you do, but you're just adorable, Chance." Ms. Jubilee said as Arrow carefully set me down on the ground. "I'm not adorable! I'm handsome." I said as I strutted into kitchen to help make supper. ***Back to Chance*** "Hmph, I see you were able to trick so many ponies, but I know what kind of a monster you are." Jungle said as she tossed the memory aside and proceeded to search around my mind. The complete lack of respect from her infuriated me, but I couldn't use my legs let alone anything else to force her out. "You keep saying I'm a monster, but who's the one invading someone else's mind? Who's the one with a complete lack of empathy for another ponies life? I believe you're the monster here." I said which caused her to yank out a random memory and toss it aside just to hurt me. "Not nearly as much of one as you. Ruining my life is one thing, but defiling my son's body is a whole other situation." She said with disdain as she pulled up another memory for her sadistic pleasure. *** 5 months earlier*** "I did it!" I cried happily as I threw my hooves into the air while a small fireball danced around me. "Fuck you science, I have magic now!" "Will you stop swearing in ever sentence?" Arrow asked with a deadpan expression. "I'm doing better than when we first met. Besides, I think finally being able to control my magic should give me free reign to say something." I replied to Arrow as Ms. Jubilee walked up to us. "It's time to head inside, Chance. Thank you for watching him for me, Arrow." she said as I began walking back towards my home...heh, it's kind of weird thinking of this as my home when I'm still trying to find a way back. Maybe I don't need to get home as soon as I thought I should. ***Back again*** "Making yourself at home in my son's body, aren't you?" Jungle said with disdain as we were back in my mind. "You're a fucking psychopath," I simply said as she pulled up a more recent memory. ***1 month ago*** I sat silently in Button's room while he played his game. He's gotten really good at this game in only a day when it took me at least two to beat that damn taurus demon. I grinned to myself as he kept on playing the game without a care in the world. I really wish he didn't have to deal with me though, he doesn't deserve it. "Button?Chance? Are you to ready to go on the picnic?" Loving called from the bottom of the stairwell. Button put down the controller and happily skipped along to the door with me still sitting down. "Aren't you coming, Chance?" He asked which caused me to snap out of my stupor. "Hm, yeah." I said while faking a smile. I was thinking about everything that happened since I came to Equestria and how much I screwed up. I got up from my seat and proceeded to follow Button down the stairs where everybody else was waiting in nice clothing by pony standards. "What's with the get-up?" "It's time for a new family photo, and we were going to take it before we started our picnic." Loving said with a smile on her face.I kept my smile up while I had an internal battle in my head over acting happy for them. They were nice ponies so I couldn't drag them into my problems when they didn't need to be so I kept my mouth shut as we left for a nice plain just outside of town. When we arrived, Seas set up the picnic blanket while I just sat in the field looking off into the blank distance. I still don't see why they were so adamant about me coming along for this picnic when I'm still new to them. After another moment I felt a gentle hoof lay on my shoulder. "Come on, Chance. It's time to take the photo," Loving said while nudging me to get up. I gave her a questioning look before asking, "Isn't this a family photo? I don't think you want me in it." "Nonsense, you are part of the family, Chance." She said while nudging me again, "now come along." Arrow showed up soon after and after a small confrontation and some pleading on my part, Open allowed Arrow to take part in the picnic. I even convinced them to let Arrow be in the photo! ***Back to now*** "It's disgusting how you've twisted the truth to make you seem like a victim!" Jungle said as she tossed that memory aside like it was nothing. That was one of the only memories I wanted to keep! "Get out of my head, NOW!" I yelled which caused her to look towards me with an unamused look. "Why should I listen to a monster like-" An unseen force began pushing against Jungle until she was thrown outside of my head. "AND STAY OUT BITCH!"