//------------------------------// // Epilogue... // Story: Sunset Shimmer & The Mysterious Stranger... // by StrangeBehavior //------------------------------// Colored Texts Who's who... Sora Ryoko Ziarre Yoshiyuki Sunset Shimmer Supreme Being It has been nearly a month since Sunset was visited by an angel? An Archangel? A God? A Divine Being? Whichever it was, she still couldn't believe she spoke to 'Him', she only knew of her visitor from a Japanese entertainment franchise... The day after that fateful day, Sunset Shimmer told her friends all about her otherworldly experience, which Pinkie and Applejack believed, but Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity met it with skepticism, not buying her story at all, but being really nice about it. Later, when they all returned to school, Sunset confronted them again "Why do you not believe me...? I'm telling you the honest truth. You really think I'd make something like this up?", Sunset demanded her skeptic friends. "It's not like we don't believe you..." Rarity responded, "It's just, it sounds too...oh, what's the word I'm looking for..." "Unbelievable...?" Fluttershy asked, to which the fashionista added, "Yes, that was the word I was looking for, unbelievable. I mean we do believe you, honest, it's just..." She looked at the others, wanting them to pitch in, which made Applejack say, "It sounds too unbelievable, I mean, hearing that some character from a video game is actually real is a mighty hard pill to swallow." Pinkie bluntly added in a chipper voice, "Yeah, some folks will think you've gone crazy and would send you to the loony bin, where all the other crazy people go..." "Don't get us wrong, Sunset..." Rainbow Dash interrupted, "You definitely don't sound like someone whose making that all up. But..." "But I sound like someone who...lost their mind and has no concept of reality..." Sunset looked down to the ground, feeling a little depressed that her friends don't seem to be taking her truthful words very seriously. But, in retrospect, Sunset did think that anyone saying they helped a homeless person into their home out of a storm, then the person turned out to be a deity of some kind, she sounded insane just thinking about it. "Maybe..." she began, "Maybe you girls are right...I do sound...well...crazy..." "Hm-mm-mm-mm-mm...Yes, you would sound crazy under those circumstances, my dear child..." Everyone gasped in surprise at the new voice, but Sunset gasped with glee as she knew who the voice belonged to. The voice seemed to be coming from behind the statue, so when they looked over one side, they were greeted by an aged man smiling warmly at the seven friends. Sunset was beside herself with joy as she hugged her friend, "Yoshiyuki-sama...I'm so glad to see you again...and you look...uh look..." Sunset saw that her friend wasn't wearing rags and tattered clothes anymore. She saw that he was dressed in a grayish-white clothing that was distinctly or obviously a Japanese tourist wearing his formal attire. He looked much better off than when Sunset first met him a month ago. 'Yoshiyuki' finished, "Look best in my Sunday best, correct?" Rarity said, "Absolutely sir...I must ask where did you get that outfit, I must ask your tailor what kind of fabric he or she used..." The angel in disguise answered, "If you have heard Ms. Shimmer's story, I'm terribly afraid that it is unobtainable anywhere in the world..." Rarity pouted, "Oh phooey..." "But..." he began, "I do have something for all of you for trying to believe your friend's words, even if they sound a little...insane...as you put it..." Twilight chuckled nervously as the living proof of otherworldly beings with god-like powers, reached for a suitcase that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, and opened it up. Pinkie jumped excitedly as she continually asked over and over, "What'd you bring me! What'd you bring me! WHAT'D YOU BRING ME!!!" 'Yoshiyuki' gave all six of Sunset's friends a neat gift that seemed to have been privileged to the unimaginably wealthy, or a divine being that can, 'bend', a few rules. Rarity received a beautiful, authentic red and gold yukata that was worn by a princess from Japan over 600 years ago, but was kept in such good condition, that it looked brand-new. Fluttershy was given a white furred Akita puppy with a red ribbon on its head, and a collar that said 'Hachiko' on it. Pinkie Pie got a recipe for a type of delicious, mouth-watering cake she hasn't heard of before, and was eager to bake it immediately. Rainbow Dash got a new electric guitar that was colored in blue lightning bolts and had been marked with her name on the neck of the electric guitar. Applejack got seeds of rare fruit-bearing tree species thought to have been extinct. Twilight was given a special book that had pictures of the cosmos moving at accelerated rates, she was beyond ecstatic at her gift. 'Yoshiyuki' looked at Sunset and said to her, "You know, I got to meet your foster parents and told them what you had done for me...they were extraordinarily proud of you...same goes to your birth parents..." Sunset Shimmer froze at the mention of her birth parents, her mom and dad she left behind in Equestria, she started to tear up a little as she tried very hard not to cry. The archangel placed a hand on her shoulder, and said, "I have a very special gift for you...from myself and my master, Sunset Shimmer..." He gave her a plain, white box that looked tattered and torn, it confused Sunset Shimmer as she began to ask, "N-no offense sir, but...what's so special about an ordinary box...?" 'Yoshiyuki' answered after chuckling warmly, "It is what that is inside that counts. Though seeming unimportant, even ordinary, from the outside, inside is what truly matters...even something as hideous-looking as this box, contains something beautiful, and magnificent from within...something that also applies to humans, animals, and plants..." Sunset jokingly quipped, "I'm willing to guess your gift is a metaphor, and that you've done this plenty of times before, haven't you..." The man thought about it, then replied, "I suppose technically speaking, you would be the 14,621,016th child I've given wisdom to in the past 150 million years...give or take a couple hundred millenia..." Sunset Shimmer laughed at the joke/fact her friend was trying to convey, which prompted the others to laugh as well... Until a completely unfamiliar, feminine voice said, "Jeez you old man...are you trying to spoil my students...?" The girls turned to their left and saw a truly gorgeous young woman in a professional work suit, tall and curvaceous, she was a foot shorter than 'Yoshiyuki', but had a large chest that glued the eyes of men and jealous girls. She had very long, beautifully shining, black hair that reached below her knees, and yellow irises that were hypnotic, beautiful, and creepy all at the same time. Her ears were hidden behind her thick locks of hair, but she was clearly the type who doesn't like wearing piercings or jewelry. What made some of the girls jealous was that she clearly wasn't wearing make up, but her skin was flawless. She easily made supermodels look very plain, as the wolf-whistles by various infatuated men that were captivated by her unnatural beauty, weren't obvious enough. 'Yoshiyuki' chuckled as he walked up to her, saying, "You know as well as I do, how much your old man couldn't help but give them something for trying something they are not comfortable with socially..." The woman scoffed as she said, "Yeah...you have a point...but, did you really have to follow me here...?" The girls thought 'Yoshiyuki' was trying to flirt with the beautiful woman, but listened on, expecting the direction this was going. "Aww come on, my dear...Who says I cannot come to my 'eldest' daughter's first day of work as a substitute teacher..." If there was any kind of sound that can best convey how the people surrounding the seven girls reacted, it would be the sound of over ten cars screeching to a halt, then crashing loudly. Rarity uttered in disbelief, "She's...she's your DAUGHTER?!?!" 'Yoshiyuki' chirped happily, "Of course she's my daughter. She's my precious, cute, little dragon goddess...DAWWWW!!! KAWAII!!!" The archangel tightly hugged the young girl and rubbed his cheek against her's, causing the girl to blush brightly with embarrassment and try to squirm out of her father's surprisingly strong grip. "P-P-P-PAPA!!! Stop it!" the grown woman whined, like a teenager, "Not in front of the students and the staff! Q-QUIT IT!!! それを終了します!" She swiftly elbowed him in the face and held her father in a tight armhold, clearly agitated that her dad had done something like that to her with a furious expression. She scolded him as she pulled his arm, "Papa...I'm not a little girl, haven't been one in a long time! I don't need you to humiliate me like that, because if I am going to be humiliated, it will be on MY terms, and I'M the only one allowed to humiliate myself. Got that!" 'Yoshiyuki' didn't seem phased at all, despite the uncomfortable position he's in, responding to her lecture, "I understand, my sweet little girl, but I can't help loving you and your siblings, nieces, and nephews so much...Plus, you're not holding me in a proper position..." He swiftly and seamlessly broke from his daughter's grasp and held her tightly as a policeman would hold a criminal, as he continued, "You left my other arm free to trip you and for me to unleash my counterattack...Be wary, my little princess, or you are making yourself vulnerable...and, you lose common sense when you lose your temper like that..." 'Yoshiyuki' brushed her bangs out of her face and sweetly patted the top of her head, as his daughter responded, "H-hai...Otosan...thank you for teaching me..." 'Yoshiyuki' kissed his young daughter on the forehead as Principle Celestia walked out and said, "What's going on here? I've heard there was fighting..." The archangel interrupted, "Oh nothing...my beloved daughter got upset that I was treating her like a child and wouldn't let her go, so she tried to scold me while using a Judo technique to hold me down. She left herself wide open, so I broke out of her hold then told her how she should've held me more securely, if I was some perverted ingrate..." Celestia sighed and said, "All right, Mr. Fujimoto...Though it is great to meet you at last, don't cause a commotion on school grounds, we've got enough...problems to deal with..." "Like magic from another world causing problems here and you need a team of magic girls to fix the problem...?" he replied seriously... Everyone, minus the deity's daughter, looked visibly shocked at his statement, but he then laughed as he said, "I'm kidding...I'm pulling your leg...only a really insane person can really come up with that conclusion..." The others chuckled nervously as 'Yoshiyuki' started to leave, "Listen honey, you be good at work...I don't want to hear you were giving trouble. Or you'll be in big trouble from me and your siblings, okay...?" The girl blushed profusely as she responded in a shy, yet defiant tone, "O-okay papa...just...please stop...you're babying me again...just wh-when you promised you wouldn't...I'll see you later, papa, I love you..." The young woman kissed her father's cheek as he walked to Sunset Shimmer, saying to his daughter, then to Sunset, "I love you too, sweetie...Sunset..." The unicorn-turned-human looked at her friend as he said, "Two things...First, remember what I talked about last time, with two of my sons fighting and my daughter who had to fight them? Sunset Shimmer nodded as he continued, "Your substitute teacher is that same girl I mentioned before...And second, try not to open your gift until your curiosity cannot hold out any longer..." "Why...?" she asked, only getting the answer, "You'll see..." 'Yoshiyuki' left for the bus stop, as Principle Celestia said to them, "Alright, girls, this is your substitute history teacher while Mr. Discord is on vacation. Her name is...uh...darn...I'm sorry miss, what was your name again?" The young woman chuckled lightly, she thought that her chosen name was pretty hard for others to remember. Sunset Shimmer outstretched a hand and said to the sub, Well, I'm Sunset Shimmer, and they are my friends; Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy..." The young woman (hesitantly) shook Sunset's hand, trying hard not to both be offended at the friendly gesture, and laughing at all the names, reminding her of some friends of her own that had "eerily-familiar names" themselves. "My name is Sora no Ryoko Ziarre, you may call me Sora...But, you better call me Ms. Ryoko or Ms. Ziarre girls..." the young woman said in a manner that sounded like she was speaking a bit like a teenager herself. The school bell rung as Celestia said, "You girls better get to your classes, and Ms. Ryoko, you better get to your classroom and begin teaching..." Sora responded, "You got it, Mam!" About 2 minutes later, Ms. Sora Ryoko introduced herself and had already made even the jokers of the history class afraid to cross her, as she already busted six students with detention and making it clear she's no ordinary teacher... Sunset Shimmer still had beads of sweat when Ms. Ziarre blocked all the spit-wads the freshman shot at her, even more terrifying was with one particularly troublesome student, she broke his desk with her bare hands. She was quick, and strong, both of which didn't even look like she was really trying, more like a reflex similar to blinking or swallowing food. Sunset returned to her train of thought when she heard Ms. Ryoko shout, "DETENTION, MR. PRANKS STAR! Are you really certain you want to challenge me boy? Because let me tell you something..." She saw the student in question trembling with fear as Ms. Ryoko drill holes in his desk with her bare fingers, and said to him, "I happened to have worked in the government and military before, more times than I can count...I was the person they called when the drill sergeants needed lecturing. I got into some shouting matches with the sergeants, and I broke them as they have broken soldiers. Government spies and interrogators dared not to get on my bad side, and those that do...well...let's just say I embarrassed them enough to make them never want to be seen again..." The freshman shuddered and gulped as Ms. Ryoko placed two fingers curved like claws over his temples, asking again, "So...you jokester....I ask again...ARE you absolutely CERTAIN you want to challenge me...? 'Cause if you do, I'll make Hell look like Disneyland for you..." Pranks Star was so intimidated by the beautiful substitute teacher, he swore he saw her eyes go black, and that he wet his pants, he shook his head no, as well as all the other trouble-making freshmen in the class. Sora responded in a chipper voice, "Good to hear that..." she then said in a serious tone, "...now, we will read Chapter 16 in your textbooks and discuss about one of the worst acts in human history; The Nazi Genocide of the Jewish, and all Non-Aryan People..." As she lectured while a historical documentary series talks about the act during World War II, Sunset's curiosity over the gift her sub's daddy gave her finally gave in, she had to know what was inside. But, her sub's gaze and subtle warnings kept her from opening it, even though she was getting a vibe that Ms. Ryoko really wants her to open the gift as much as she does. Eventually, because it was an extended class day, the History class was allowed a ten-minute break in the middle of class to get a snack, draw, play videogames, use their phones, or go to the bathroom. Sunset Shimmer held the messed up box, Ms. Ryoko walked up behind her and told her she can open it. Sunset asked her, "You and Him are clearly true father-daughter from your interactions...but, given who he really is...what's your real identity, Ms. Ryoko...?" She replied in a bored tone while twisting her envious locks, "Hmm...you would know me as the Emerald Dragon who lives in the clouds...I know you know who I am referring to..." Sunset thought about it for a moment, then wore a face that was greater in shock when 'Yoshiyuki' told her who HE really was. She began to stutter quietly, "Y-you're!? But...but...I th-thought?!" Sora Ryoko interrupted with a quiet threat, with her face showing the signs of suppressed rage, "Finish what you're saying, and you'll be in serious s***ty trouble from me, the school, my family, and your foster parents. You'll wish you were in Hell when I'm through with you, got it?" Sunset reeled back, sweating profusely and feeling lumps in her throat as she silently nodded in understanding. Sora Ryoko replied in a comforting way, "Real sorry about that, I am not the only one who has issues of being thought of as the opposite of who I really was. Me and papa will be around to lend you and your friends a hand whenever we can..." She hugged Sunset Shimmer and went to Discord's desk, annoyed that apparently, the teacher she's subbing for has a huge crush on her (when he got it is a mystery, since she never met the guy). Sunset stared at the gift as the archangel's words echoed in her head. "It is what that is inside that counts. Though seeming unimportant, even ordinary, from the outside, inside is what truly matters...even something as hideous-looking as this box, contains something beautiful, and magnificent from within..." Sunset opened the box and had a surprised look at what she saw inside, she had a thankful face as she pulled the gift from within out of the box... It was a silvery, metal brooch that had her cutie mark at the center, with two angelic wings on either side of the brooch, it was beautiful. She then noticed the brooch glowed faintly in an almost heavenly light. As she placed it over her heart, she heard both her friend, and a completely new voice say directly to her... "The universe is much bigger than you or your friends realize...Know that you and your friends are never alone, that there are others like you who face personal problems...Seek out assistance from loved ones, friends and family, and know that we will be watching over you, as we do for everyone..."