Devil's Due

by All American

Chapter 27

“I do to.” She said as she casually walked over to me “Come on soldier colt.”

Dash walked past me and intentionally brushed her tail against my leg. It was almost like an unnatural attraction. She walked down the hallway to her room and stepped off to the right, just out of view. I strolled right in behind her. The door slammed closed behind me and the noise made me spin round. Dash stood at the door with bedroom eyes locked onto me like I was stuck in a sniper’s crosshairs. I smiled as I tossed the rifle aside and removed my pistol from my pocket.

“Bring it.” I said as I flicked my fingers at her.

She only grinned as she tucked an orange tuft of hair into her headband. She shot at me like a bolt of lightning before she connected with my chest and knocked me over to her bed. She didn’t even give me time to react before she assaulted me with a kiss. She darted forward and locked lips with me as she yanked the glasses from my face at tossed them next to my guns. I opened my mouth to her and let the electricity flow between us like Morse code. She moaned into my mouth as I felt a bead of sweat hit our lips. She sent out a breath from her nostrils that hit me like a train. No more letting her run the show. I placed my hands on her sides and flipped her to the soft cloud back. She landed on her back and gave off a squeak of approval. I tossed off my jacket and let it hit the floor. She yanked me right back down and shoved her tongue back into me.

As the code traveled between us, she started to move her hip suggestively. I felt her hooves travel to my belt buckle and begin to fumble with it. I wasn’t going to help her this time as I moved my hands over to her neck and mane. Hormones hung in the air like fog on a chilly winter’s morning. It wasn’t long before she figured out the belt buckle and opened it up. She broke away from our tongue war and stared at me for a moment. She could only smile up at me as I placed a hand next to her as a pillar of support. My tie dangled in front of me as my fingers gracefully danced across her midriff.

While I was distracted, she yanked my pants open.

“Naughty gal.” I mumbled as she looked up at me with a halfcocked smiled and begging eyes.

She was already raring to go and there was no use beating around the bush. I stood at attention before she grasped my tie and yanked me close.

“Don’t keep me waiting.” She said with the smell of her lust hanging heavily around me.

With a stealthful hoof, she directed my little friend towards her treasure and yanked my tie. I liked it when she was like this. She yelped as I made contact and didn’t stop. I pushed forward and she thrust her hips up reflexively. I held steady for a moment as she moved and flex around me. She gave suggestive moans and incomprehensible pleas before I pulled back and took up a rhythm. She gave little cry and I slid back and little ‘ahhs’ as I pushed forward. She clenched around me subconsciously as I worked away at her. I brought a hand to the side of her face and another to her hips for support. I continued work away before I felt her tense up out of nowhere and felt a heavy dose of warm fluid rush over my dick.

“GGAAAAH!” she cried as she dug her front hooves into my chest and wrapped her hind ones around my legs.

She contracted around me and I could feel every movement before she finally died down and fell limp to the bed. I pulled out and kicked my pants off. I still wasn’t done. I waited for a moment before Dash flew up and yanked me by my tie right back onto the bed. I spun round and fell flat on my back. She climbed onto me and looked into my eyes.

“I…have an idea.” She said coyly before spinning around.

This position left her rump in my face for a moment before I saw her tail hike up and saw her head decent. I felt her lips wrap around me and brush against my rod. I returned the favor as I as I lifted my fingers to position and pushed forward as she shot down. I could feel her apply a vacuum on me that made me tense up before she let go. Game on. I lifted my head and used my tongue to play with her nub for a moment before I found a rhythm with my fingers. She moaned and I had to fight back the sensation.

“Dash…” I muttered.

She knew what I meant but didn’t stop. I just threw my head back and let it happen. I let out a grunt as my lower body pulsed and didn’t even feel Dash move. We held this position for a moment before I let my head fall back to the bed and Dash release her grasp on my member and hand. I retracted and just panted.

“You-you’re too good at this.” I stuttered out.

She only let out a coy giggle before flipping around and pecked my cheek. We looked eyes for a little while before she rolled off of me and into my arms.


After an hour, Dash was out like a light and it was time for me to harass the guards again. I moved Dash over and climbed out of bed. Dash mumbled something before curling up with a blanket. I walked over to my pile of stuff and figured it was time to get resituated.