Shimmer vs. Glimmer

by JusSonic

Chapter 1

Shimmer VS. Glimmer

Before the story begins, we take a sneak peek at something going on? Within a cavern cave, Starlight Glimmer was seen having things she packed, but as she was about ready to go, three Dark Mystics appeared from her sides & back while the front was left open: it was Amon, Crimson Skull & Seekcurse. The mare looks ready to leave & they seem to be watching her set off from her...

"Are you ready to depart?" Amon asked off if the mare was ready.

"I am, for now, this is were we part from each other...a simple goodbye of our company." Starlight Glimmer issued off to say this in what she will do when she leaves, she will not see those here ever again.

"Goodbye? We've trained you since you came to us seeking aid after you became exile from that village and you dare to..." Crimson Skull exclaimed off in having heard this to think this mare was taking things too lightly as she spoke to them.

"Patience, Starlight Glimmer is not a mere weakling, but she can be something...even greater." Amon issued off to say this in what the mare here can be.

"A great destiny awaits you, Starlight Glimmer. And you will willingly embrace it. The time is upon us." Seekcurse exclaimed forth in what will be a moment that through this pony, things will finally be brought for their great assistance.

"I thank you all, no one, not even the Princesses or the Mystics will stop what it is I will achieve." Starlight Glimmer issued off that she thanks those here & that she will insure that what she plans will not be stopped by anyone, Equestrian or Mystic, etc.

With that, Starlight Glimmer leaves the room as Amon, Crimson Skull & Seekcurse watch the mare leave the cave to exit outside. Once the mare was furtherest away from the Dark Mystics to travel through a forest known as the Everfree Forest, she begins to state her own two-cents in everything.

"And what I will achieve will make sure six little ponies won't interfere with what I want all along...where all are equal. I don't care about the war with the Three Lords, let someone else deal with it, it's not like Princess Twilight & her group are the key to everything." Starlight Glimmer silently mutters off under her breath that what she wants is what she cares the most, apparently leading on the Dark Mystics to assist her while what she has plans will take care of those that ruin her life; it's not like an ultimate side-effect will happen if she does this. With that, everything goes dark with Starlight Glimmer's thoughts in motion.


The scene opens around the inside of Rainbow Castle as we see that the Sparkle Family were getting some things together. Apparently, they are getting ready to go somewhere & there were two the ponies that came into the room, Flash Sentry & Sunset Shimmer. Currently as the baby Dragons got the last things done, Twilight was just going over some things with the two other ponies.

“Now are you sure that you both will be okay?” Twilight asked this off in being sure those here know what to do.

“Well, you left us a list to check through things in what to do while you’re away.” Sunset Shimmer stated to levitate a scroll with information on it.

“I just hope I didn’t miss anything.” Twilight stated off to say this in being concern about forgetting something.

“Relax Twilight, everything’s gonna be fine. Besides, you need to attend this meeting.” Ben pats Twilight on the back to not be so nervous.

“I just can’t believe it, that Spell Nexus wrote and asked that you come for a conference at Celestia’s School For Gifted Unicorns!” Flash Sentry exclaimed in being surprised about what was happening & where the Sparkle Family is heading.

“Neither can we, wonder what it was about.” Ben shakes his head in not knowing what they will find once they get there.

“Oh no, what if I failed to answer on one of my test & I have to retake a class?” Twilight yelps in suddenly having a very bad feeling this visit has something to do with her missing an answer.

“Easy mommy, I’m sure it’s nothing like that.” Nyx smiled off to have her mother not get so wrapped up over something.

“Really, cause I think some teachers from long ago would call up to give a former student the bad news that they didn’t graduate, & that without school diploma, their other degrees are taken & such & such?” Phobos ponders off to ask this off in knowing what happens that one loses somethings if they did not pass before having left school in such an unfinished way.

“Eheheheh…..right, that can’t be it. Right?” Twilight was suddenly shown sweating & looking like she went from being worried to looking as pale as a ghost.

“Now see what you done.” Spike lectures off to Phobos in having made Twilight more concern about this trip.

“What? Just saying.” Phobos shrug off to state what he said was true.

“I called in the others to join us in heading to Canterlot, but while we’re away, I thought maybe since you both were shopping in Ponyville that you hold down the fort.” Ben explained how more of them are gonna be in Canterlot while he wanted to make sure things in the Rainbow Kingdom was watched over by reliable ponies here that were just in the neck of the woods.

“Don’t worry Ben, your home is in good hooves.” Flash Sentry issued off to say this with an honest to good smile.

“Thanks, that’s what I’m counting on from my best pal. Think you can do it?” Ben replied off to say this to his best friend in wondering if he can handle it.

“Now why would I lie about that?” Flash Sentry rolled his eyes to say this old sentence he uses from time to time.

“Right, silly of me to say, well, enjoy.” Ben shrug off to say this with a happy expression as he gets ready to go while wishing his bud good luck.

“Come on you guys, help me push mommy!” Nyx stated to say as she, Spike & Phobos were pushing a stiff & unmoving Twilight that was worried about going.

“Brother, she’s as stiff as a stone.” Phobos rolled his eyes in seeing how much trouble Twilight is giving them.

“Might not have happened if you mentioned that fail to graduate thing earlier.” Spike pointed off that this mess was Phobos's fault for making Twilight feel tense.

“It’s okay, I’m good…I’m not freaking…I’m not freaking.” Twilight made a sheepish smile in stating that she is perfect fine, when in truth, she isn’t.

“This is gonna be a long ride.” Ben rolled his eyes to say this in knowing how this is gonna go for him.

Soon the Sparkle Family was slowly heading out the door, well most of them willing while they tried to help get a stiff Twilight moving. Sunset & Flash watched this before seeing the double doors close afterwards. Course the real focus was them now turning to walk around to view the castle itself.

“Wow, to think this whole castle belongs to Princess Twilight & her whole family.” Sunset Shimmer stated from marveling at the sight of this castle.

“It’s almost like the Crystal Empire, only different & with a few other things.” Flash Sentry pointed out the difference this castle has.

“Well mister Royal Guard & knowing all castle stallion, care to show a mare around?” Sunset smiled off in asking for a little guided tour here.

“I’m not really knowing much about the castle, but I heard Ben tell me of the spots to check out.” Flash shrug off to say this while showing a confident smile of his.

While Flash & Sunset were busy doing their own thing, near the top window of the castle was someone sneaking around in using a hovering spell to levitate themselves. It was none other than Starlight Glimmer, apparently come to the area of where those that did her wrong reside in.

“At last, I’ve arrived, now I must find what I came here to get….and while I’m at it, wreak havoc on the lives of those that ruined my life.” Starlight Glimmer said with an evil grin on her face.

Soon she was donning on a familiar outfit to even press a special device that form a familiar helmet; Starlight Glimmer was now shown as the known & feared, Equalizer.

“It is time the Equalizer paid a house call, and that time…is now!” The Equalizer spoke off with the voice changer in how the pony shall be making a stop within the Sparkle home.

Now the so-called Equalizer begins to turn around in preparing to make a move for vengeance….all while not knowing that the targets have long since left. But what will happen in the long process of this event is left to be seen…


Hours later have pass that we see Canterlot’s Train Station as we see the Mane Six & the Sparkle Family getting off. They were able to marvel at the sights before them, never getting tired of the view of scenery. However, Twilight seem to still be looking nervous, her teeth were chattering, she seem like a nervous train-wreck than being all calm.

“Is she gonna be stiff the whole way?” Rainbow Dash asked off i seeing how hard Twilight was making this for them in not moving a muscle.

“Now sugar-cube, ye gotta calm yer self down a notch?” Applejack asked off for their friend to not be so tense about this.

“That’s right darling, just count to ten to do your breathing exercises.” Rarity explained off calmly to help Twilight relax a bit & not let worry take control.

“Oh yes, that should like it would help you very much.” Fluttershy nods off to meekly say that was a good idea that can help out a lot.

“Look, there’s Spell Nexus!” Pinkie Pie pointed off in who was coming to meet & greet with the gang that got off the train.

“My friends, thank you for coming here.” Spell Nexus spoke forth in being glad to see many are here. “Is something wrong with Twilight?” He asked in noticing the girl was looking somewhat…tense.

“She’s a little nervous about what the meeting is all about.” Ben pointed this out in what was wrong with Twilight here.

“Well worry not, this assembly is for something I’m sure Twilight Sparkle will not feel worry about.” Spell Nexus issued off to calmly state this to have those not feel so worried about the subject as it’s all good.

“Wait…I won’t? Why?” Twilight snaps herself back to reality from her worried phase to ask in wonderment, what did Spell Nexus mean?

“Because it’s a meeting to discuss with you, as a new acting princess, to see if you will accept being a special guest speaker at your old school.” Spell Nexus smiled forth in trying to bring a more positive statement claim of what was going on recently.

“A special guest speaker? What’s the subject?” Twilight asked off surprised, she didn’t know she was going to give a speech.

“You will find out once we arrive, come.” Spell Nexus issues forth that all will be revealed at the meeting; now the stallion moves ahead of the ground towards where the Sparkle Family will need to meet up.

“Wow Twilight, looks like you’re not in trouble with your grades after all.” Spike smiled off in seeing that Twilight got worried over nothing it seems.

“So, what kind of speech do you think they will ask mommy to give?” Nyx asked off the question that has her intrigue to find out.

“How to be a boring bookworm that spends more time studying than having a good time.” Phobos shrug offs to say in having heard what Twilight did most of her time, books first, friends…ehh…

“Phobos!” Nyx scolds her pet pal for thinking that was all her mother did.

“What? Isn’t that what she did?” Phobos exclaimed to say this in having recalled what happen during the Moon Dancer event.

“Well, it’s something to inspire young pony minds, so…that’s what I’m going to do!” Twilight stated off to say this in thinking that if she was giving a speech for other ponies to learn, then she be foolish not to try.

“Alright then, let’s go off & see it for ourselves.” Ben insisted that they go & see how things would be.

“Hey there guys!” Then entering the scene was Goldie & his group that saw the rest.

“Golden Heart, what are you all doing here?” Ben asked off in being curious of this surprise group showing up from out of the blue.

“We were just visiting the place after its recent adventure.” Goldie pointed off that they came to see Canterlot after what happened from before.

“Namely, when Chaotix tried to use this mountain to flatten Ponyville.” Jack Zen stated how the last time Canterlot was endangered was from an even more crazy & evil version of Discord at work.

“It was fortunate that it was stopped but we have been making sure the structure is secure.” Omega stated to say this that the mountain is stable from being removed from its hold.

“Yes, one wrong crack & the whole mountain may topple.” Autumn Gem nods off to say this in fearing if the mountain may come apart if they don’t check.

“To think Canterlot was almost close to be shattered from such an event.” Sombra shook his head off in knowing what this kingdom almost experienced.

“Well actually, that’s not true, last time…Twilight & the gang had to stop Boris when he became a gigantic rampaging Black Devil creature that was mindlessly coming to wreck the place.” Pinkamena pointed off in recalling Lorcan’s Brotherhood of Tadaka when the former Scarred Ruler turn Boris into a rampaging mindless giant size Black Devil Pony & the gang here had to stop the guy from bringing down Canterlot’s mountain.

“That was a side of Boris I rather NOT wanna encounter anytime soon, or ever.” Ben sighs to say this in hoping that they never have another encounter with such a thing, stopping something that large was NO joke.

“Me neither.” Nyx exclaimed off in agreeing with her father.

“US Too!” Spike & Phobos declared in also agreeing on the subject.

“Alright, alright, let’s not keep debating about the past of what we did, let’s just hurry up. I have an old school to see!” Twilight cuts in to change the subject from bad memory moments to looking forward to something else.

“You can handle that Twilight, I’m checking out the Wonderbolts' Derby!” Rainbow Dash issued off in where she’ll be at this time.

“And I like to check out my Canterlot Boutique, would anyone else like to aid me?” Rarity issued forth in where she will be during this time since she’s in Canterlot.

“Oh, I’ll help out! Me-me!” Pinkie Pie stated to bounce around in wanting to be helpful.

“I love to help out, oh, if you don’t mind.” Fluttershy meekly spoke in a shy tone that she like to help too.

“Well, got nothin’ better ta do.” Applejack shrug off to say this that she may as well help out with Rarity’s case.

“Alright, guess while she work on some parts, we’ll all meet up by the train station by the end of the day, sounds good?” Goldie nods off that while most members go with Rarity & others with Twilight & Rainbow on her own, they can meet up when they are all done to head home together.

Everyone was in agreement in what they were gonna be doing while they are here in Canterlot, so without further ado, they all went their separate ways for now. The scene grows dark around here, as this story progresses on its own, another is set to start elsewhere now…


The scene returns to Rainbow Castle, where we see Flash & Sunset were now in the library made portion of the castle. Pretty much, there were a lot of books around this place, many were from when Twilight had any books she had that survived the destruction of Golden Oak’s Library brought here & new books from Canterlot Castle’s Library. So yep, this place has its theme for having lots of books.

“So this is the library section, hugh?” Sunset stated off in seeing where they were at, the library spot of the castle.

“Right, knowing Twilight, she wanted a place for her books.” Flash nods his head in seeing that this was the spot that Twilight set up her ‘book shop’ area.

“Even spell type books?” Sunset asked if Twilight also lets this section hold onto her spell books.

“Right, I think there might be some here.” Flash stated to say this in thinking that somewhere around here, spell books can be found.

Suddenly without warning, a strange breeze came from an open window that made Flash Sentry feel like…he heard something. While to some, it might have been the wind, but it sounded like the wind was alerting him of…something & there was some noise in the castle that there was another presence unknown to the two ponies.

“Wait a second Sunset, I don’t think we’re alone.” Flash stated off from feeling that they are not alone here.

“Well, maybe it’s one of the Royal Guards.” Sunset ponders in thinking that maybe what the guy felt is one of the Royal Guards.

“Ben told me that Fred & Barney along with a few others are doing a round check outside Ponyville borders.” Flash shook his head in stating that the guards are elsewhere at this time.

“Then who…” Sunset was asking in being curious about things now.

At that moment when they were beginning to wonder what was going on, something flew in on rocket hooves. That caught everyone’s attention for hovering above Sunset & Flash was a mysterious pony with a cloak that had a hood over their face; someone had appeared before the ponies, but who?

“Greetings & salutations….” The mysterious cloak figure spoke before pulling back the hood to reveal a familiar metal helmet. “I am the Equalizer, the bringing to all those that wish to seek…equality!” He issued forth in his voice changer from his mouth visor in stating who he is & such…

“The Equalizer, hmm….I think we heard about this one.” Sunset hums a bit in recalling this familiar name of someone that the others once told them about.

“From the reports, this guy somehow used a strange Staff of Sameness Version 2 to not only remove cutie marks, but take control of them.” Flash Sentry stated off in having heard about this guy too & none of it were good about the Equalizer.

“Well now, I come here to seek an audience with the Rulers of Friendship & what do I find…Flash Sentry & Sunset Shimmer.” Equalizer stated forth in having come here to seek an audience with others, but instead it’s with these two.

“What? How do you know about us?” Sunset yelps in having heard this, how does this unknown foe they met know about them.

“Oh, we met before, but under different circumstances.” Equalizer stated forth that they have met before, but that was all under a different time & place.

“What do you mean, who are you?” Flash asked off in demand of who this guy was that it sounds like they know each other, but one hits behind a metal mask.

“Enough, tell me where Twilight Sparkle & her family & council members are!” Equalizer snaps off in demanding to know the whereabouts of those he truly seeks.

“Your already too late, they are not at home!” Sunset issued off that the ones this villain was thinking of hurting, are not in.

“Well then, if they are not present for the time being, then perhaps I will wait for them. Perhaps I’ll take up….reading.” Equalizer states this out slowly in deciding to wait for those he wants to seek revenge on by reading a book to pass the time.

“Sunset, he must be up to something, whatever it is….we can’t let him do it.” Flash whispers this off to the mare near him to not let this guy have them think they will allow that.

“But what can he do if he’s going to read books?” Sunset asked off that there shouldn’t be any problems if the enemy was gonna just wait around to read books.

“Remember, there are also Spell Books here, but there is one other book here that is most important to never fall into any enemy’s clutches.” Flash issued off to say this in concern that in this library, there are other things in here that they can’t let the Equalizer have, including a book that is dangerous.

The two ponies look around the library before their eyes set unto a book case that was carefully sealed up tight. Many that known about it, it was none other than the famous Book Of Forbidden Spells that holds a record of knowledge of spells too powerful & too dangerous should one seek to know what an enemy used or if an enemy learns to use such a spell. And the case's security locks were being opened by, you guess it, the Equalizer, the others felt concern, bad enough the guy tried to turn everyone into zombie equal soldiers, but acquiring powerful spells would make the pony even MORE dangerous.

“Let’s take a look here at this very intriguing little book.” Equalizer stated off in using levitation magic to about to make the case with the Forbidden Book of Spells open up, only for something to slam the case's door shut to keep it lock. “What?” He looks at the other ponies that were trying to get in the way here.

“Sorry, that book is not for the public!” Flash issued off that the book this enemy was wanting to read is not for the public of enemy eyes.

“You will pay for that! Hruuaarughhh!” Equalizer stated off in anger as he was preparing himself to go into battle.

At the sudden turn, Equalizer was letting off electric bolts from the horn to rain down around the targets. Flash pushed Sunset out of the way while taking to the skies as he acted like the bait for the foe to target him. As this played out, Sunset used her horn to cast a spell to fire it off on the distracted foe, a blast impacted the Equalizer to slightly knock his hover feature a bit, but not enough that he continued to fire more bolt spells. Flash took whatever weapons of suits of armor of knight statures to block & defend as well as repel for counterattacks he could, Sunset went to different spots to cast other spells since the opponent was unfamiliar with limited space while the two ponies know this castle better than he does.

“From before & even now, you two will not get in the way of my work!” Equalizer issued off in having had enough of this, those here will not get in the way.

“What do you mean, your work & before? Just who are you?” Sunset demanded off in just who in Equestria was this pony.

“Maybe THIS will help!” Flash yelled out from flying above & behind the foe in preparing something.

Soon Flash throws from what he had in his hoof, a spear that Equalizer didn’t dodge, but knocked his metal helmet off & caused the pony to crash against a shelf of books. As Sunset & Flash stood ready, the enemy removed the books that were buried on top of him, only to see that with the helmet removed, the stallion in question was instead…a mare! And not just any mare, the truth was revealed of who the Equalizer REALLY was, Starlight Glimmer.

“Starlight Glimmer!” Flash exclaimed in surprise in seeing who the enemy was that they recall having seen before.

“You’re….the Equalizer?” Sunset asked off in shock that the Equalizer was this mare that wanted to seek equality by any means.

“But that can’t be, the reports said that the Equalizer was helped by someone that uses dark magic.” Flash protest to say this in last recalling what some reports said that the Equalizer got assistance from someone that could use strong dark magic.

“That pony as you know, Seekcurse, who took an Immortal Pill to live a thousand years, works with the Dark Mystics, he & I were working under a contract, but now I’m doing things on my own.” Starlight Glimmer issued off to say things here in what she was doing now compared to getting help from Dark Mystics. “I have at last decided that the needed aid of one of the Three Lords is over, now….cease resisting & ‘Hand’ over what I want!” She issued forth in stating these things while demanding that the ponies stop the resistance & let her take what she wants here.

“Letting you obtain the Book of Forbidden Spells is the last thing we will do.” Sunset protest in seeing what the foe here was trying to say & they will not stand for it. “Whatever you’re after, you have to go through us! So bring it on!” Sunset declared off in making a brave frontier over the case of not backing down.

“Very well then…” Starlight Glimmer slowly responded to press her helmet’s little device to start retracting onto her. “You asked for it…time we got started” The voice modifier was speaking as now the mare donning her Equalizer appearance in about to go into another round.

“Flash, can you distract her in one spot, there’s a spell I want to try.” Sunset whispered this out to the stallion in having a plan to help them out.

“Alright, I trust you.” Flash nods off to whisper back in hearing Sunset say such things.

Now the next even happened that Flash was using his speed & flight & used any Royal Guard weapons to attack, but the Equalizer used a shield spell to block all physical attacks to make them useless. Flash was not giving up while he dodge more magic shots from the foe, while Sunset was focusing her horn’s magic to unleash something to catch the enemy off guard. But even after distracting the opponent as long as he could, Equalizer disarm Flash’s shield & sword, which left the stallion defenseless against the one who has a magic horn glowing to fire another strong spell again.

“Hah! Even without my staff, you cannot defeat my magic!” Equalizer taunted the Pegasus flier for not being able to best her in terms of magic that is superior to one’s physical feats.

“Good thing I have my own way of countering your spells.” Flash smiled off to say this with confidence.

“Hugh?” Equalizer was puzzled, but then looks across to notice what Sunset Shimmer was doing. “That spell…” She gasped in seeing Sunset’s horn sparkling a bit, as she was preparing a concentrated spell to be used.

“Something Twilight & Nyx showed me, gonna give this all I got, here goes.” Sunset stated off in having learned this spell from those that can perform it, as she takes aim. “Unicorn Burst!” She yelled out the name of this spell that won’t be so easily blocked.

“Powfruvhmm…Sizizizvhmm…” Now a spiraling beam drill was shot off from Sunset’s horn aimed directly at the target. “Uh-oh...GWUUUAAAGHHHH!” Equalizer was seen yelling & screaming while making her horn glow to try something before this hits.

Outside the castle, everything appeared fine that everyone went about their day, but…. “Kaboomfruvhmmm…” Soon an explosion along with a drill beam was shot off that it vanished from sight. The town’s folks were wondering what was going on & if maybe Twilight misfired a spell. While back inside, more books were scattered around the ground, dust was blocking & causing some coughs from Flash & Sunset that tried to find each other.

“Cough-cough, maybe that was a little too much.” Flash coughs a bit from the smoke falling around that what was done, might have been a little too much to try.

“Sorry, what about Starlight Glimmer?” Sunset sheepishly apologize as she was helping Flash up from the mess he was buried under some books.

“This seems to be all that remains.” Flash stated to say in approaching where the foe was, and it looks like all that remain was the Equalizer outfit with a hole through the chest area. “A rip through the clothing, but no body….she must have teleported out of harm’s way.” What the guy said was true, Starlight Glimmer was not in the outfit, she must have escape while making it look like the Equalizer took a hit.

“That may seem so, I’m sorry, I guess that spell needs more time to be worked on that she had time to escape.” Sunset stated off to say this in feeling that she was still needing more practice with spells since she was from the Human World & from her lack of using such a strong spell let Starlight Glimmer escape.

“Hey, at least we kept her from taking the Forbidden Book of Spells, right?” Flash smiled off to say this in looking o the brighter side of things.

“Right, for now, we better clean up as much as possible…the hole in the wall, well…that we’ll have to be explained later.” Sunset nods off to say in seeing they got a lot of work to clean up, well…some more than others.

As Sunset & Flash were gonna get started on clean up duty, outside the castle from a bush a few feet away, someone was moving out of it. And that someone was Starlight Glimmer, she had survived & teleported to land in a bush to avoid that Unicorn Burst from piercing her flesh, but of course in the process, she had to leave her getup & metal helmet of the Equalizer to do it. But the protection of that suit was a small price to pay, considering that a piercer spell that could break through a mountain shows that suit would not withstand it & she might have been seriously injured or finished. For now, the task & use of the Equalizer is now apparently over with, once word gets out, they’ll know the truth.

“Ugh….that was too close, I didn’t expect her to use such a strong spell. But….” Starlight Glimmer groans to say that she escape by the skin of her teeth from that spell Sunset tried to pierce through her defense; however… “My opportunity was not a complete waste.” She made a sly smile in having not let all things go to waste.

Soon Starlight Glimmer pulled up a strange scroll that seem quite old, but had words written on it; the mare seem please by her gain of this at the time being.

“That fallen book area had what I wanted, a scroll from Star Swirl the Bearded. And it’s just the one I need!” Starlight Glimmer smiled forth in having obtain that which she wanted, a spell from Star Swirl himself. “Hmmm, looks like this spell needs some work, luckily, I know how to do so. Just you wait, Princess Twilight, you will soon meet an end…from the beginning.” She stated from seeing this spell needed some work, but she can easily figure out how to get by it & then afterwards…the Mane Six will not know what happens until…it happens.

Afterwards, Starlight Glimmer uses her magic to teleport out of sight with her own plans to begin in motion….in due time…For now it seems like the acts of the Equalizer maybe no more, but what Starlight Glimmer may have obtain is worth the sacrifice to now do things….as herself then under the allies disguise.

Soon Hours Later….

The scene begins to open around the Mane Six & Sparkle Family getting back to find Rainbow Castle; recently Twilight learn about her chance to give a speech about cutie marks in Celestia’s Gifted School For Unicorns & she wanted to get inside quick to get ready. Course when they saw the inside of the castle, things were a little more, messy as they saw Sunset & Flash cleaning the floors of the library area which also had a hole in the walls. Those that saw the others knew that they have a lot of explaining to do about now…

“My word, what happened here?” Rarity gasped off in seeing this, what happened here.

“It looks like some bull came crashing through here.” Applejack stated off in what she can image hit this place.

“Like a bull in a China Shop.” Pinkie Pie pointed off in having a good idea in what this place could be like.

“Believe me, if only it was that simple.” Flash Sentry shook his head off that the matter of what came here was not just a simple bull.

“Flash, what did happen here?” Ben raised an eyebrow in wondering what even happened to this place.

“We can show you.” Sunset insisted off to say this; then she levitates what was the outfit & the helmet of…a familiar foe.

“The Equalizer! That guy was here?” Rainbow Dash yelps in seeing who was the culprit but why was the outfit left behind?

“She was here…” Flash Sentry stated off to correct the term of who it was that cause trouble.

“She….do you mean, you saw what was behind the pony wearing this iron helmet?” Fluttershy asked off in being curious from having heard this.

“It turns out it was actually Starlight Glimmer.” Sunset Shimmer stated forth in revealing who the culprit, the known Equalizer was the whole time.

“Starlight Glimmer!” The gang responded off in surprise, Starlight Glimmer was the one that don the Equalizer outfit that they saw before.

"I knew it! I knew the Equalizer was her!" Ben exclaims in triumph. "The desire to make things equal, the cutie mark I drew, the piece of hair that was in that helmet, which we later gave to Detective Dan for investigation...I knew it was Starlight Glimmer!"

"So the puzzle has been completed." Pinkie said in amazement.

“What was she doing here?” Twilight asked off in wanting to know why such a pony was here now.

“She apparently was looking to settle things with you, but learn you were out, so she seem to think about looking around for any spells that you have that could help her out.” Flash Sentry shrug off to say this about what occurred here that caused the mess that was seen.

“Uh oh! Did she go after the Forbidden Book of Spells?” Spike yelps in fearing that a certain book that they have was targeted.

“No, thankfully we kept it out of her reach. But during the last stand of when I attack her, all that was left was the outfit & this helmet.” Sunset shook her head in stating that the Book of Forbidden Spells was safe, but that when she attack, Starlight Glimmer was nowhere to be seen while leaving behind the allies outfit.

“So she got nothing left & lost in the end, well at least I get a cool trophy for us to display now. After it was stolen.” Phobos shrugs off to say this while looking at the brighter side of things.

“Phobos? Is this really the time for trophies?” Nyx raised an eyebrow in hearing her pet pal think about such things.

“Eh, it’s to show off how we beat certain enemies, I kinda got a hankering to collect some.” Phobos shrugs off to say this in liking to display what they achieve over their adventures.

“Oh brother!” Spike sighs to roll his eyes, why is he not surprised?

“So then in the end, nothing was stolen?” Ben asked in making sure nothing was taken from this place.

“Right, everything is in place, but we’ll help clean the mess up.” Flash insisted that they will help clean up the place since they were in charge.

“I’m sorry you had such a harder task than we thought.” Twilight apologized to those that they left here to handle things, she was not expecting this sort of thing.

“It’s okay, it’s what friends are for, right?” Sunset smiled off to simply say this to Twilight that they don’t mind cause they are friends.

“Right.” Twilight nods off to show a smile, happy to hear that.

“Hey Ben, wanna see which of us can get done faster to treat our special mares out afterwards?” Flash stated this off with a sly smile in giving his best bud a challenge to impress their lovers.

“Oh, you are so on! Bring it!” Ben issued off to say this in taking that deal & planning to win it.

Soon the stallions look to the other before they quickly got to work, the mare lovers to both watch them compete, which made many build up some happy laughter to fill the air. As the scene grows dark, many will wonder what the future might bring in what Starlight Glimmer was up to & that she failed, or did she? For now, the story is at an end, as the next telling of what will take place will be at…some other time the heroes will encounter…

The End?