//------------------------------// // Shielding from Nova, a New Recruit, and a Soul-Binding Deal // Story: The Final Wars of Equestria // by Final fantasy forever //------------------------------// The Final Wars of Equestria CH 8 Shielding from Nova, a New Recruit, and a Soul-Binding Deal Journal Entry Five Official Journal of Twilight Sparkle of the United Equestrian Alliance Return if Found It’s been five weeks since we liberated Canterlot from the Union. During that time they have made several attempts to recapture but our strength, courage, and morale have stood strong and defiant to their treads and tank shells. The town is now back on its hooves. The grateful Gryphon King sent many supplies, troops and tanks to reinforce our grip here and repair the city. The Union vandalized my old home. The one wall that remained intact had the words ‘WHORES DIE!!!’ written in red paint on it. Though we may not be in immediate danger we’ve enemies on both sides of us. Ponyville to the east and Cloudsdale to the west have been the source of the recent assaults on Canterlot. Ponyville is like a second home to me; but I can’t ignore the strategic value of Cloudsdale. It has great use as a staging ground for air strikes and training Pegasus warriors. The Union has developed some heretical weather control device that has been creating lightning storms over our bases and cities. We must retake it NO MATTER WHAT THE COST. I’m preparing a strike force immediately. I’m hoping we aren’t underestimating the Union or overestimating ourselves. These divisions that have been selected to overcome the Union should be enough to overpower the forces occupying the city; however, their skill in combat and numbers are not what worry me. I’m concerned of the Union tricks. They’ve been very crafty in their latest attacks, using techniques that can only be call genius; and profane. Their hellfire missiles have been armed with that horrid Nova Prospect nerve gas; making every bang go out with a cloud of death. Our casualties have been ever increasing and we’ve found no way to cure the afflicted. Those that get direct exposure to the gas in a moderate amount to the body or the lungs are sure to die. Many chose to be shot by their brothers in arms rather than be left to suffer. Some brave souls instead stuck through the pain of dissection hoping that their suffering would bring some way to save others from this fate. It pains me to say their suffering was all in vain. Casimir’s biohazard suits can protect from the gas but they are easily compromised and we just don’t have enough for all the soldiers to wear. As Twilight wrote the last words in her journal Shining Armor slowly opened the door to her room. “Twily. The troops are ready. Think they could use some motivational speech?” “I suppose they could,” Twilight replied, leaving the room with her brother. As she trotted onto the balcony she remembered back when this sort of thing made her nervous. She laughed slightly knowing she had seen no horror back then. Twilight now knew all the nightmarish things war could bring. Death wasn’t even the worst of it. All the brutality, hate, cruelty and imprisonment she witnessed. She knew there was just as much blood on her hooves as Peryite’s but that only motivated her to end this as soon as possible. As Twilight walked up to the podium she cleared her throat to speak. “Brothers. Sisters. Fellow Ponies in arms. We have suffered much at the hooves of the Union. When this war began we were on the run on all sides. We hid from the Union like rats scurrying into a wheat field to escape a bird of prey. Yet we would not bow to our aggressors. We forged weapons, we forged an Alliance, and above all we forged hope that the free world would live on. Since then we’ve made major strides. We’ve evicted the Union from most of the major foreign lands. Across the sea the nations of Saddle Arabia and Stalliongrad now back us; grateful for their liberation from tyranny. They keep our seas safe; patrolling those waters and keeping our shipments of oil and fuel safe. To our north the Gryphon Kingdom has leant us many of its fine soldiers, tanks, and weapons. Not to long ago their lands too were plagued by the Union opportunistic greed and hunger for control of Equis. But just as we have in Canterlot and on other continents we drove them from those lands. Many said Equestria knew little of the war. The Magitech barrier that once walled off Eastern Equestria from Western Equestria has crumbled leaving the rotten cancer of the Global Union free to ravish our land like a plague. Yet even after the loss of our capital and central Equestria we held strong. We’ve retaken the initiative and our great city of Canterlot. Soon we will retake central Equestria and then we will begin the march into the dreaded east; the heart of the Union. The time for hiding behind walls is OVER. We have shown the Union we will not stand by and get trampled beneath its treads. NO. When we take Central Equestria we will at last take the fight to them. We will cleanse our land of the Union ONCE AND FOR ALL. And when we at last do that we will make Peryite answer for his crimes against equine kind. We begin our long final stretch in this terrible war by retaking Cloudsdale. GO NOW MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Let’s show the Union that the tide of this war is now on our side!!!” The crowd cheered at this as they began to march to their units to begin preparation for the pending invasion. “You’re getting better at those every time I hear you speak,” Shining Armor said with a slight smile. “Thanks,” Twilight said returning the smile. “When this is all over we should take a vacation to the Crystal Empire. The crystal mud from the spa should be just the thing to get the stress off after this war.” Shining Armor smiled. “You said it Twily. Though once this war is over we’re going to have to run Equis.” “R…run Equis!” Twilight said a little taken back. “Well of course each nation will still have some pony ruling it yes but to make sure this doesn’t happen again the Alliance will still exist. When the Union is gone we will have to take charge of Equis; especially the lands that sided with the Union. The leaders might all have control over their own lands; but they’ll all swear fealty to you.” “I’m going to run Equis?” Twilight said feeling dizzy. “Easy now Twily. Let’s worry about the here and now first. We’ve got to secure our own nation before we take charge of the world.” “Right,” Twilight said regaining her balance. “Continent by continent, country by country, city by city, building by building, room by room. Step by step no matter how big or small we will win this war.” “Marshal Voroshilov! Marshal Voroshilov,” a Union Pegasus yelled out panting. “Yes boy I’m aware war is among us.” The Union soldier looked up at his superior. He seemed to tower over him and while his perspective was on the ground collapsed from exhaustion it made it no less awe striking. His long gray wings were unfurled giving him the posture of an angelic paladin. His yellow eyes showed no fear or worry in this dire time. “Sir. Our forces here aren’t prepared for a fight like this. We’ve been cut off from good reinforcements ever since Canterlot was lost. Sir what are we going to do?!” “First of all YOU’RE going to stop beating on my eardrums! Second we’ll find a way. One of the reasons I became a Marshal of the Global Union and Commander of the Union Air Fleet was because I didn’t panic when facing the odds. Hmm. Perhaps. Yes desperate times do call for profane measures,” Voroshilov said with a face almost completely void of expression. “Boy, go down to the Cloud manufacturing wing and tell the workers that today’s forecast shows a high percentage of ‘clouds of death’. They’ll know what it means.” “Sir cloud production has been at an all time low today. Several of the Pegasi got sick and, the propeller blade of a Hummingbird injured two.” “Confound it all. FINE. Tell some of those idiots down in the Rainbow Factory to help. Rat bastards have a job with importance equivalent to that of running a candy store.” “Sir yes sir,” the Union trooper said taking his leave. “Commander Giles sir. We’re approaching Cloudsdale.” “Good. Let’s take back our city.” The Alliance commander turned on the intercom of the flagship. “Ready yourselves boys. These Union dogs have nowhere to run or call out to. I plan to have this city back and you all home in time for dinner.” The soldiers cheered as the barges departed from the airships and made their way toward the city. As they did Cloudsdale’s Flak defenses roared to life began firing on the air fleet. “Get some self guided missiles on those antiaircraft defenses ASAP!” The zeppelins let lose their payload of remote guided missiles on the Flak cannons positioned around the city. While most were shot down every zeppelin got three to five missiles to their targets. “Come out and face us Union scum. You’ve got nothing left to keep your floating fortress safe.” As the Alliance soldiers neared the city green clouds began to form around it creating a shell of vaporized poison. The soldiers caught in it died instantly. The zeppelins and barges stopped in haste as it became clear they couldn’t make a proper landing on the city. However they were soon in retreat as the poison began drawing near as well as several Union craft and airships. “Fall back. We’re pulling out. Fall back but do not turn you’re backs to the enemy.” The Equestrian air force began their retreat back to Canterlot turning every now and then to face the relentless Union air fleet. After a half hour of this the Union had given up the chase and regrouped at Cloudsdale. “I think they’re finally off us sir.” “Sweet Celestia that was a nightmare.” “How many of our boys did we loss in this fight?” “You mean this massacre. The 3rd 12th and 28th Aerial divisions have been heavily wounded. The 45th Gryphon division was at ground zero when the gas was administered so they’re completely dead. Because of the Union pursuing us as we fled a few of our ships were lost as well as two-dozen barges. Over all we’ve got ourselves somewhere around 30-38 thousand casualties.” Giles sighed. “In all my time as an officer I never knew so much life could be taken so quickly. We’ve already lost too much. Though I fear we’re about to lose so much more. Come on boy. We’ve got to give our report to her highness.” “Just… oneeee…morrrrre…stonnnneeee. Ugh.” Twilight groaned as she levitated the last pile of rubble out of the way. “Thanks for the assist highness. Most of these Unicorns are either soldiers, or too pampered to try and clear their homes on their own. Lazy bastards.” “Yeah well as of now I’ve got nothing but time on my hooves. Until I get a report or some official business that is.” “That looks like now,” the carpenter said pointing to the Alliance zeppelins hovering over the city. Twilight felt her stomach churn at the sight of the torn up air ships and how few there were. “I…I need to check up on this,” Twilight said taking flight up to the flagship. She could see blood on the trails leading off where a bleeding pony crawled or was dragged. Twilight rushed into the cockpit where she found the commander wearing a grief-stricken expression “Commander Giles. What happened here? Where are the other ships?” “The Union shielded Cloudsdale in poison. They breathed clouds of death onto us like the harbingers of the end-times. So many dead highness; I’ve failed you.” “None of us could have seen this coming. Though I should have. Get your wounded some medical attention and…” “Highness! Your excellence we have a problem.” Twilight turned her attention to the Pegasus warrior who barged into the room. “What. What’s going on?” “The sky highness. It’s as if hell itself is brewing in the clouds above. It’s just like before.” Twilight rushed out to the zeppelin’s main deck to see the entire sky filled with roaring nimbus clouds charged with lightning. “Sweet Celestia. Sound the bombardment alarms; they’re about to launch another lightning storm.” As if on cue lightning came down from above and set fire to a building. “GO!!” Twilight screamed at the soldier. As Twilight flew down to the Canterlot palace the lightning storm went into full swing raining down its wrath every quarter of a second. She could hear the citizens of Canterlot screaming in terror as they were subjected the sky’s cruel fury. When Twilight reached the palace the Royal guards quickly came to her side and ‘escorted’ her to the bunker. When she arrived her friends as well as Spike, Shining Armor and Cadence were already there. Applejack sighed. “I had hoped that we wouldn’t be seeing any more of these lightning storms.” “Those cowards hide up in their flying fortress and launch their attacks from the safe confines of their barracks and command centers,” Shining armor hissed. “Just the idea of a weather control device sickens me but the fact they’re using weather clouds to destroy our towns is just wrong,” Rainbow Dash said in disgust. “What are we going to do?” Fluttershy whimpered. “All we can do is hide. That’s all any of us can do,” Cadence said saddened. The nine of them waited for thirty minutes until the thunderous noise from above quieted down. Two Royal guards came down into the bunker and confirmed the lightning was over. Twilight surveyed the scene of destruction of the city. Blast marks studded the ground where the lightning hit. Fires grew and consumed buildings while the Equestrian and Gryphon troops tried to put them out. Rescue teams were removing rubble that had buried some unfortunate pony. Twilight cringed and screamed in frustration. “Damn it. Damn it all.” “Twilight there was nothing we could do,” Shining Armor said trying to comfort his little sister. “Is that supposed to make me feel better? Well all it’s doing is make me feel helpless.” “Twily.” “You said we need to run Equis when this is over. We can’t even stop a city from being decimated.” “We should go and figure out how much damage and death toll there is.” Twilight sighed and walked with her brother out to the burning city. Journal Entry Six Official Journal of Twilight Sparkle of the United Equestrian Alliance Return if Found It’s been five weeks since the invasion of Cloudsdale failed and we angered the Union’s Marshal of the ‘Ponies Air Force.’ Voroshilov since then has launched three other lightning storms on Canterlot. We build, they break; we create, they destroy. We’ve managed to keep the city alive and standing but the morale of both the townsfolk and soldiers is at an all time low. We’ve been reinforced to help defend Canterlot but Cloudsdale still poses a threat. The Gryphon King did not hold any objections when we begged for further reinforcements but he made it clear what he wanted. If we can’t retake Cloudsdale then we must destroy it. I felt that was a vulgar and unethical proclamation but I know he’s only thinking about his troops. My generals say the same thing, that Cloudsdale is now a liability and must be destroyed. I never thought in my entire life I would put a city to the torch. It’s unthinkable. Still. I have to think about the common good. If that means some must die so that others can live… so be it. Twilight finished writing the last words in her journal before turning her attention to one of her commanding generals. “Dusk, please. I don’t think we’ve given enough time to this.” The tinted dark stallion Pegasus sighed. “We’ve given it weeks highness. We’ve sacrificed too much to buy that time. We need to end this now.” “There must be some way to do this without total destruction.” “Maybe there is. But the fact remains we don’t have time. The boys are sick of dying and not being able to fight back.” “Look. There must be a way to keep them safe for the landing so our troops can besiege the city. Please, how can you find this so easy to…” “Uh, I hope I’m not interrupting anything important.” Twilight and Dusk turned their heads to the Union Pegasus. “I know you. You’re that Pegasus Nevski watches after.” “I have a name you know. It’s Alexi. But yes you’re correct.” “What did you need?” “We need more rations for the refugees.” “Don’t you have anypony else you can look to for that?” “No one else I haven’t asked already that cared.” Twilight sighed. “Very well. I’ll see it done.” “Thank you highness. May I take my leave then?” “You may.” Alexi dusted off his uniform and left the room. “Back to our main point highness. M.A.D. Bombing Cloudsdale.” “There must be some way around the poison clouds.” “There is,” Alexi said interrupting the two. Twilight and Dusk turned their heads once more to the Union Pegasus. “Sorry. I know you said I was dismissed but I do know a way around the poison.” “How?” Twilight pleaded. “If I tell you how I don’t want anymore talk about that horrid bomb or other atrocities.” “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” “Very well. There’s a spell that shields against the poison. Do note that you can’t go eating nightshade and taking a bath in liquid cyanogens chloride. You wouldn’t die immediately but rest assured direct exposure should be avoided.” “Will they be able to survive in poison mist?” “For eighteen hours or so. It’s still best to not spend more than twelve in it though.” “Do you know how to cast it?” “No but I know somepony who does.” “Good. Can you bring said pony to us?” “With utmost haste.” With that Alexi galloped off. “Well Dusk, I guess we found another way.” “I don’t much feel like putting our boys’ lives in the hands of Union trash.” “They’re not all bad.” “Weren’t you the one who spent about a year in one of their labor camps?” “And I survived with some of their help.” “And so you put your faith in any who aren’t shooting at you?” “I have no reason to doubt them now.” “And why is that?” “It’s in their best interest to be honest with us.” “Some of them don’t care for their best interest. In their eyes they might feel better leading us into a deathtrap knowing it would help their brothers.” “Well then… I suppose we could test it.” Dusk sighed. “I suppose that’s the best I’m getting.” “Yep.” “Stargazer. Stargazer. Stargazer,” Alexi called out as he walked through the refugee cafeteria. “Stargazer you mudak where the hell are you?” “Alexi what’s troubling you?” Alexi turned to the direction of the voice. “Nevski, her royal Highness needs some way to shield the Equestrian soldiers from the Nova prospect. Since we have no ichor I’m looking for Stargazer for his spell.” “I saw him working the soup stand; try there.” “Thank you comrade.” “Before you go I must ask. How did you get roped into this errand?” Alexi sighed. “I overheard talk of use of weapons of mass destruction on Cloudsdale. I had to give an alternative… right.” “In my eyes… yes.” “Thank you comrade Nevski.” “Go along now,” Nevski said giving the young Pegasus a light nudge. Alexi gave him a small smile before heading to the serving stands. “Here take your soup and go. Here take your soup and go. Here take your soup and go,” the Union unicorn repeated in a lifeless tone paying no heed to the refugees. “Please sir may I have another?” “What?” “Please sir I gave my soup to my little brother last night. He’s been getting a cold so I thought some extra soup would help him. I went to bed hungry last night. Please sir may I have another?” The Unicorn looked down at the small purple colt and sighed. “Here take this and go eat,” he said giving the colt a second bowl of porridge. “Thank you sir; may Celestia bless your kind heart.” “Celestia can go die in a fire,” the Union soldier growled. “Err sorry… praise Peryite,” the colt said sheepishly. “Just go.” The Union solider watched the colt return to his family and then continued serving. “Here take your soup and go. Here take your soup and go. Here take your soup and go.” “Excuse me.” “If you want soup go to the end of the line.” “No comrade I need you.” The Union troop turned to the voice. “Stargazer. I have need of your services.” “Comrade… eh.” “Alexi Borodin Zubov.” “Good to make your acquaintance comrade Alexi,” Stargazer said shaking Alexi’s hoof. “We’ve met before.” “Where?” “Back in that village; you and your sis.” “Oh…you were the short one.” “How nice…you still remember me as the short one,” Alexi said with a bit of irritation. “When you say it like that it makes me sound like an ungrateful svoloch. In reality I’m in your debt for what you and your brother did for me and more importantly what you did for her. So how’s your brother?” “Dead.” “Lieutenant Zubov is dead! One of the finest we had. But never mind that; I’m sorry Alexi.” “His legacy is in all of us Stargazer. You included.” “That’s a lovely thought. By the way what did you need?” “I’ve been tasked by her royal highness to find a way to shield her forces from Nova Prospect. Since his eminence is not here I thought of you.” “Hmm. You want me to cast the spell on them then.” “Yes comrade.” “I don’t much care to help the Alliance comrade. I know you’re only doing as you’re told but I joined the Union because I believe in the struggle.” “I know you hate them but please listen to reason on this.” “There is no reason.” “By the way. In one of his last letters my brother talked of some ‘atrocity’ of brutality with you in Saddle Arabia.” “I’d rather not talk about that.” Alexi sighed. “Well then can you at least come with me and tell Twilight that you won’t yourself.” “Sure comrade; but I’ll need someone to take over the soup stand.” “I’ll find someone.” Alexi galloped toward a royal guard. “Excuse me sir.” “What do you want?” “Princess Twilight requested I bring her a unicorn that knew a certain spell. I’m relieving him of his position at the soup stand so somepony must take over.” The royal guard sighed. “Very well. I’ll take the position at the soup stand.” “Thank you,” Alexi said following the guard, back to the soup stand. “Stargazer; come.” “Very well comrade. Let’s get going.” With that the unicorn joined Alexi. “Princess Twilight. This is Stargazer.” “You’re the one who knows the spell that protects against the poison?” “Indeed I am.” “It’s good to have you with us.” “I don’t mean to push but it would be best if you get started right away.” “Get started with what?” “With casting the protective spell on our soldiers.” “Our soldiers?” Stargazer scoffed. “Very well the Equestrian soldiers.” “Oh. Well then no.” “Excuse me!” “I will not give YOUR troops protection that will put my brothers in peril. I promised Alexi I would come but I have no intention of helping your cause directly.” “Why you little rat. You’d better cast that spell if you know what’s good for you,” Dusk threatened. “My good is a selfish thing now, isn’t it. I shouldn’t expect you to understand, Equestrian.” “Well then. If you don’t want to then we can go with my idea. Ready the Bomb highness… or I will.” “Stargazer if you don’t help them they’ll blow Cloudsdale out of the sky.” Stargazer looked from Alexi to Twilight to Dusk and back to Alexi. “I can’t decide if you’re tyrannical or just desperate.” Stargazer sighed. “Well I suppose I must then. Very well. I’ll help.” “Thank you,” Twilight said with a sigh of relief. “If you follow me I’ll show you…” “Hold on highness. I said I’d help not that I’d cast the spell on your troops.” “T…then what will you do?” “I’ll show you how to perform the spell and then you can do it yourself.” “We don’t have time for that. Please just cast it yourself.” “Those are my conditions highness. Take my offer or don’t.” Twilight sighed. “Very well.” “Excellent now how about we find some test subjects.” “Test subjects,” Twilight repeated much to Stargazer’s frustration. “Yes test subjects. We’ll need to see if it works,” added Dusk. “How about we head to the guard barracks,” Stargazer snickered. “Oh I’m sure your troops will be overjoyed at the idea of being experiment fodder for a Union mage.” “How is it you manage to make something that’s supposed to save lives sound so grim?” “Because you’re saving lives by taking lives.” “No argument there.” With that Twilight and Stargazer left to the to the guard barracks. “Remind me again why I’m doing this,” an Alliance soldier whimpered. “Because you’ll die if you don’t,” Stargazer snapped. “That and you drew the shortest straw. Sucker. I assure you this won’t be painful.” “Just get it over with.” “Alright just hold still,” Stargazer said prepping a spell. He then cast it on the soldier; bathing him in magic. “There we go. Beautiful.” Twilight and the soldier both observed Stargazer’s work. The mane of the Equestrian trooper was now a dull gray but beyond that nothing looked out of place. “That’s it? All that did was turn my mane gray,” the soldier complained. “You’re also now very resistant to poison.” “How do you know that?” “BECAUSE I’M THE ONE WHO CAST THE BUCKING SPELL. I think I should know what it does. Now that I know you’re so untrusting I guess I’ll just have to prove it.” “How do you plan to do that?” Twilight asked. “Let’s get some poison. You have some here don’t you?” “The other day some bombs dropped as duds and we recovered some of the Nova Prospect from them for research.” “Excellent. Send it down here and you’ll have your proof.” “Very well, though I’d rather do it in a contained area.” “Any ideas?” “The Equestrian science ministry has some labs under the palace. I’m sure Casimir won’t have any complaints about us using his labs.” “Well I guess we’re off… again. I wonder where else I’m going to be dragged to this day,” Stargazer complained. “Oh quit your griping at least you’re the experimenter and not the test fodder,” the Equestrian soldier retorted. “Come on you two,” Twilight said moving the two along. “How far down are we going?” Stargazed asked. “Shouldn’t be much farther,” Twilight replied. “When was this all made?” The Equestrian trooper asked. “Some time after the war first began,” Twilight answered. “What’s studied down here?” “Science of war. Casimir’s passion.” “Is this where all the magitech weapons come from?” “No those come from Casimir’s Lightspeed facilities.” “Why are these built so far underground?” “Just the design I guess. Maybe Casimir feels at home a few dozen feet below the surface.” “Why?” “Eh where he was born.” “Where is that?” “In a mystical land where there’s tranquility and PEACE AND QUIET,” Stargazer said sarcastically and with a bit of agitation. The elevator came to a stop and the three departed. They were promptly greeted by one of the science team. “Highness uh what brings you down to the labs today?” the scientist said in a jumpy tone. “I need to do some tests.” “You…test!” “Yes. I need to see if this protective spell will shield from the Nova Prospect poison.” “Oh…uh, sure. I mean…what? Why would you want to experiment with that?” “It’s not experimenting its proving my point,” Stargazer said. “Who’s this?” “This is Stargazer. He has a spell that protects from poison.” “You mean claims to protect from poison,” the Equestrian soldier retorted. “Well we’re here to prove my point now aren’t we,” Stargazer replied. “Well come along now I’ll take you to a test chamber,” the scientist said leading them lower into the facility. After ten minutes they reached a small room with a series of computers and switches. Several other science team members noticed the arrival of Twilight and company and quickly put down their pastries and coffee and presented themselves more formally. The scientist chuckled. “Boys I’m sure you know who this is; if not you had better learn fast. Now her highness here wants to run a few tests on some spell she thinks will protect against the Nova Prospect.” The science team stood silent. “Well what are you standing around for prep the test chamber!” The science team scattered around the room configuring the various pieces of machinery. “Alright how is everything running?” “All technology is running smoothly.” “Quickly what chambers aren’t in use?” “Test-chambers eight, nine, and thirteen are in use with Motorized Equine training; test-chambers 1-5 are in maintenance and chamber six is contaminated.” “Chamber seven?” “Chamber seven has been given the green light sir.” “Good. Get the Nova prospect in the ventilation system so we may begin the test.” “ON IT,” one of the science team members said jumping on the job.” “Good. How are the failsafe procedures looking?” “We’re ready for just about anything going wrong sir.” “Good. Now what’s our motto?” “SCIENCE RHYMES WITH COMPLIANCE,” all said in unison. “What doesn’t rhyme with compliance?” “FAILURE,” all answered in unison. “Great Peryite, who whipped you all into obedience?” Stargazer asked in amazement. “Chief Scientist Casimir has a very strict policy about how we perform in our jobs.” “Sounds like he could teach generals how to bark orders,” Stargazer replied. “He takes science very seriously and has no place for buck ups in Lightspeed Research. Anyhow the test-chamber is ready for usage. When you’re ready we will begin.” “Highness.” “Alright. Let’s get this done.” Two scientist escorted the Equestrian trooper to the test-chamber and the rest escorted Twilight and Stargazer to an observation room. Twilight looked down onto the test-chamber through the glass window of the observation room. The Equestrian soldier stood in the center of the test-chamber waiting for the test to begin. “Alright now we’ll be administering the Nova Prospect. We’ll be monitoring your vital signs at all times to make sure nothing bad is happening; should you feel the effects of the poison use the communicator provided to you to let us know you’re in distress. How about we give that communicator a test?” “I’m gonna die in here,” the Equestrian soldier said in a solemn voice. “Perfect…not the idea of you dying; the communicator…is working perfectly…and functioning well. Uh we’ll begin in three…two…one.” With that the ventilation units began pumping the toxic gas into the test-chamber. “Is he still alive?” “He’s perfectly healthy. No degeneration from the gas and his vital signs are clear.” “Is…is everything alright down there?” “NO. I’m in a room filled with toxic gas. I’d hardly call that alright!” “Well you aren’t dead. How do you feel?” “Honestly? A bit short of breath.” “That’s understandable,” Stargazer replied. “You can survive in the poison but that doesn’t mean you can breathe it; you still need oxygen. Get him an oxygen mask.” “Are you sure that won’t interfere with the test results?” “He’s already received direct exposure. More won’t hurt him.” “Alright we’re sending down an oxygen mask via delivery lift. Make your way over to the right side of the test-chamber and pick it up.” The Equestrian soldier moved to the wall and felt his way to the lift. He found the mask and quickly put it on. “Got it. You know, this makes risking your life for science rather comfy.” “For the last time you were never in danger. Have a little faith in someone who would naturally want you dead,” Stargazer said in an irritated and sarcastic tone. After five minutes all had their proof of the spell’s effectiveness and the test was over. “Well Stargazer; I suppose I owe you some thanks.” “Save your thanks for after your battle. Better yet save your thanks all together. I never wanted to help you; I’m only doing this because I know what will happen if I don’t.” “Regardless of your reasons you have my thanks.” “Well keep it. Besides I haven’t taught you the spell yet so we should get to work on that.” “Hold on now,” one of the science team said. Twilight and Stargazer turned to him. “There’s one test we haven’t found many candidates for that you two might be perfect for.” “What test would that be?” Twilight asked. “It’s an augmentation…well I suppose there’s a better word for it somewhere but that’s not what’s important. It’s sort of a brain scan…well OK not a brain scan; more we delve deep into you personal memories; copy some; and then paste them in someone else’s mind.” “I’m sorry… WHAT!” Twilight yelled. “All we’re going to do is take a double helix sample from Stargazer here and see if we can…awaken the memories of learning or casting the spell.” “Whoa, whoa, whoa. I don’t cater to the idea of an Alicorn or anyone for that matter being shown my memories,” Stargazer retorted. “Relax Mr. Stargazer. We’ll only be fishing out a single memory we promise.” Stargazer and Twilight exchanged skeptical glances. “Look, chances are we won’t even be able to pull out a single memory. This experiment is based on a theory. Come on can you two just flatter us; please?” Twilight sighed. “Well Stargazer. You up for it?” “I suppose this can bring no harm…wait this isn’t going to hurt is it?” “We’ll be using an obnoxiously large needle to get the samples but no more painful than getting blood drawn.” “I suppose that’s alright. Whenever you’re ready I suppose.” “Excellent. If you two would follow me to the procedure room, we can begin.” With that Twilight and Stargazer followed the scientist to the procedure room. “Uh…a…are you certain about all this ‘cause I’m having second thoughts,” Stargazer whimpered. “Yeah I mean…if all we have to do is get poked by a needle why do we need to be lying down for this?” Twilight said feeling somewhat uncomfortable. Both she and Stargazer were in beds next to each other. They lay face up in a tilted position looking at a series of maddeningly bright screens. In between them was a table topped with an assortment of needles. The two periodically eyeballed the table as though they expected it to disappear. “We get a better shot at the vertebrae when you’re in this position. The beds are only for comfort. Now are you ready to begin?” “I’m not so sure anymore,” Twilight said. “Me neither,” Stargazer added. “Oh come now. Like I said, chances are we won’t get the results we want.” Stargazer sighed. “Oh fine. Just get it over with,” “Alright. Now if you don’t feel a thing then something’s wrong.” The scientist proceeded to inject a moderate size needle into Stargazer’s back. He cringed and cursed at the scientist. “There. That wasn’t so bad now was it Mr. Stargazer?” “Easy for you to say you dirty svoloch. You were the one holding the needle.” “Yes, yes I know it hurt but you may have helped science greatly. Please stay in the labs until we give you our results…or lack of.” With that the scientist left the two to process the helix. “You alright?” Twilight asked. “What do you care?” Stargazer said coldly. “You’re a living being in my eyes.” “Yeah. A living being clad in green.” “I don’t care what you wear; you’re not taking arms against us.” “I should have died with a rifle in my hooves.” “You wouldn’t have taken a single soul with you.” “I never said I would have.” “So you think it’s better to die for nothing than to live. I’ve never heard of more foolish pride.” “I lived and would have died to serve the Union. Now I live to kiss your arse.” Twilight didn’t respond. Stargazer chewed on a silver necklace of a heart filling the room with the sound of metal on teeth. “What are you doing?” “I do this when I’m troubled.” “There are better ways of relieving stress.” “I know. But I can’t really kill right now can I.” “Well there are certainly more oral friendly ways.” “This reminds me of why I fight…well fought.” “Why?” “Let’s not talk about it.” The room was quiet for a good ten minutes before Stargazer’s patience ran out. “OK that’s it I’m sick of waiting for that lab coat wearing mudak to come back; svoloch probably forgot about us.” Twilight sighed getting up from the bed. “Come on, let’s head back.” As if on cue the scientist from before rushed in, panting. “Highness. Mr. Stargazer. The DNA we extracted was cracked and we managed to pull several decent memories from it.” “Oh how delightful. You rats get to view events of my life no matter how personal they are to me. What in Peryite’s name made me think this was even a minorly a good idea?” “Relax Mr. Stargazer. We only kept the memories we were looking for. The rest were marked in our lab files as successes and destroyed.” Stargazer sighed. “Fine. What is it we do now?” “Your job here is pretty much over Mr. Stargazer. We found the sample we were looking for. I’ll see to it personally when we put this achievement in science books everywhere; your name will be on the front page.” “Thank you I suppose. I never craved glory; only peace and equality.” “A humble stallion to the end Mr. Stargazer. We’ve arranged for some escorts to bring you back to the Union POW quarters here in Canterlot.” “As for you Highness…well I’d like to say your job is done here. In fact I’d really appreciate it if you’d say your job is done and go about your day. However I suppose I am required to tell you that now that we have the memories of Stargazer learning the spell we could in theory add that memory to your limbic system making the memory part of yours, ergo making casting the spell simple as one two three.” “You say it as though you’re worried.” “Well we’ve never tested this kind of thing before. Uh…we have literally no idea what could happen. We do have some technology that could work. We tried to reawaken memories in other animals and that seemed to work with them. So in theory all we have to do is make this DNA sample compatible with you and embed it in your genetic structure.” “You make it sound so simple.” “I was at Lightspeed Research Facility before it got shut down. I was splicing DNA while you were learning how to walk.” “Did you even do any experiments with living beings’ DNA?” The scientist was given pause. “We did have some DNA and gene experiments. They didn’t produce the results we expected. We knew mutation was a possible outcome but what we got was nothing we could have dared to imagine. In the end they lost their bodies, their minds, their nature, hell maybe even their soul.” “Poor animals” “Yeah…animals.” “So will this be that risky?” “Unlikely. That was different species splicing. Your body will be fine; what I’m worried about is your mind. Since these aren’t your memories I’m worried it might send you into shock seeing memories of another. Your brain might not handle it well.” Twilight paused considering the risks. She then remembered the times she visited the past via memories of the dreamstride.” “I’ll take the procedure.” “Your majesty please. I don’t want to have your blood on my hooves. Even if you do agree to this if you die in the labs I’ll be sent to the gallows. Hell we might all get sent to the gallows.” “Will the procedure damage my brain?” “No but the memories might have a negative impact on you.” “Then believe me I should be able to handle it.” “Alright,” the scientist said retrieving a small device. “Then say it.” “Excuse me?” “This is a VOX audio diary. A small recoding device we use around the labs to record results. I want you to say on recording that you want to do this and that you’re aware of the danger.” “Very well,” Twilight said as the scientist started recording. “Are you Twilight Sparkle, princess of Equestria?” “I am.” “You are aware of the dangers of this test including but not limited to brain damage, memory loss, loss of mind, and death.” “I am.” “You also confirm that you have not informed anyone other than me that you have chosen to take this test.” “That is correct.” The scientist clicked a button on the side of the recorder and ended it. “Very well then. Come with me and we can begin the procedure.” With that Twilight and the scientist left to the cerebral research wing. Twilight lay down on a surgery table with a heart monitor on her hoof, and a twenty equine emergency crew on standby; all of which tried their best to dissuade her from the experiment. “I’ll ask again are you sure you want to go through with this?” “The answer hasn’t changed from the last fifteen seconds ago when you asked it.” “Even if this experiment is a complete success with no side effects and you’re completely fine we’re still going to lose our hides if Casimir finds out we used you and we’re required to give him all test results.” “I thought he’d be happy to see science conducted.” “Not when it jeopardizes Lightspeed Research.” “You all know what you’re doing.” “Maybe so but we don’t know what will happen. We haven’t even been able to test it on animals yet. We refrain from pony testing until we have a decent survival rating.” “So long as the procedure is safe I’m confident my head can handle it after what I’ve been through.” “Alright,” the scientist sighed putting a mask over Twilight’s muzzle. “We’ll begin in a few moments. Administering anesthesia now.” Twilight’s vision began to blur and fade as she lost consciousness. “Alright now that she’s asleep how about we just damage the technology and tell her we couldn’t complete the procedure because the tech blew a fuse,” one of the science team suggested. “You have my vote.” “Mine as well.” “No nay saying from me.” “Best idea I’ve heard all day.” “Finally something we can all agree on.” “Why can’t we come to such quick conclusions when it comes to coffee and pastries for the lounge.” “Good no objections let’s get to it so we can…” “Hold on now,” a voice said as a tall stallion entered the room. “I believe this is a perfectly appropriate experiment; and I for one want to see its effects.” All stared dumbstruck at the black unicorn stallion with gleaming red eyes. “Who the Tartarus are you; and what makes you think you can come in here and bark orders?!” “My name is none of you’re concern but if you want to address me call me Ghast. As for my reasoning for ordering you around; you’re precious Chief Scientist Casimir has a contract with me. One he knows he can’t weasel out of. I won’t bore you with the details but the important part is I can use Lightspeed Research and staff for whatever I please (science related of course.)” “I sure hope you don’t think you can just spin a tale and expect us to believe it without proof.” “Of course not,” Ghast said pulling out a small form and ID badge. “I believe all is in order.” The scientist looked over the papers and ID badge. “He’s got level A clearance and a ‘patron’ permit.” “So we have no real say here…do we.” “Nope. What he says goes just like Mr. Casimir.” The scientist sighed. “Come on boys.” He turned to Ghast. I swear. If she dies from this I’ll see to it your neck is stretched right along side ours.” “Fear not simple one. We all dance our part in life’s great tune. She still has quite some dancing left to do…she will not perish here.” “Don’t give me any of that prophet bullshit. We make our fate.” “You believe you have a say in this?” Ghast laughed. “You all follow the conductors lead; even if you don’t know it. Trying to stray from your destiny will only lead to your own pain and misery. Your boss Casimir could tell you his tale and how he learned it the hard way. He thought he had a choice. So I…corrected him. I assume you won’t need any correcting now will you?” Ghast asked staring hard into the stallion’s eyes. The scientist looked back somewhat intimidated by Ghast. He turned his attention to Twilight and the science team. “Alright boys lets get started. Is the DNA strand compatible?” “Ready to be embedded sir.” “Alright take a cell sample and then implant it. Should all things go right then the genetic code should be accepted and the memory awakened.” The scientist drew a blood sample from Twilight and placed it in a small Petri dish. “It’s been some time since we used the DNA splicer; are you sure you remember how to use it correctly?” The head scientist looked to the stallion. “I used this thing dozens of times. I ruined the lives of countless souls with this wretched device.” “That doesn’t make me feel at ease.” “Don’t worry it’s been sanitized and thoroughly scrubbed so not a single trace of DNA sample 119 was left in it.” The scientist placed the dish in a tall rectangular device and the sample of Stargazer’s DNA in a compartment at the top. “Here we go.” The machine clicked and hummed to life. “Cell nucleus compromised. Foreign DNA administered,” the device said in an AI voice. The machine hummed and clicked once more before presenting the blood in a small test tube on the other side. The scientist picked up the small tube and looked at it hard. “This is either going to make our names in textbooks; or strip our names from this world forever.” He put the DNA sample in a syringe and walked over to Twilight. “For science.” “For science.” “For science.” “For science.” “For science.” “For science.” “Someone kill me now I can’t watch.” The scientist hesitantly injected the blood into Twilight. “There…it’s done.” “Is she still alive?” One of the science team said in a panic. “She only got the DNA two seconds ago! It will take some time before we know if any damage was done. When she wakes up we’ll conduct our report. “You mean IF she wakes up.” “NO. I mean WHEN !!!” “Alright so what do we do now?” “Let’s take her somewhere more comfy.” “Comfort. Really.” “That’s pretty much all we can do for her.” “I’ve always been willing to take life for the sake of science; yet here I am so concerned about one life.” “Don’t forget it’s our lives on the line as well.” “We’ve been doing things like this for the longest time. We’ve been risking out lives since we started working for Casimir.” “But never as much risk as now.” “Hey guys. MAYBE we SHOULDN’T talk about this next to her.” “She can’t hear us.” “WE don’t know that.” “Good point.” “Enough. Let’s just take her to the infirmary ward.” “Yes sir,” two science team members said carrying Twilight out of the room. “Alright. Now Mr. Ghast you’re going to stay here until…” The scientist scanned the room looking for the black unicorn. “Mr. Ghast. Mr. Ghast. You two where did he go!?” “I don’t know,” the science team members said in unison.” “WELL DON’T JUST STAND THERE FIND HIM!!!” The two scientists rushed out the room trying to find Ghast. Twilight lay in an infirmary bed with two science team members watching over her. “How long do have to vulture over her?” “Until she wakes up.” “This is bad you know. I say we turn tail and bail before we’re sent to the gallows.” “You can’t run; Casimir will find you.” “Buck Casimir.” “You don’t buck Casimir. CASIMIR BUCKS YOU!!!” The two argued on until they were interrupted by the black stallion. “Your boss said he needs you.” “Who, Casimir?” “No, no the scientist that oversaw the experiment.” “Thank you. Mr. Ghast, wasn’t it?” “Correct. Now be on your way.” The two scientists left the room to return to the experiment room. Ghast chuckled and approached Twilight. “Three thousand years I’ve waited for this; and now my time is dawning and your world is dying. You have no idea how patient I can be…so long as I have my way in the end. And so when the Pantheon rejected me I descended down to the realm of mortals and took up residence in the land free of light; in my Empire of the Eclipsed Sun,” Ghast said slowly stroking her mane. “You and he know my pain. To watch what you love be stolen from you; to be denied what you’ve earned. I watched for a millennium as the two nations clashed. And when they tired of war I tired of them. As I will with you. But until that day comes I’ll play with you and Peryite like toys; and just like toys when you break I’ll throw you away.” Ghast smiled at the unconscious mare. He whispered in her ear. “ Dream your dream of Goodbye. Bloody seas; burning skies. Dream your dream of Goodbye. No more tears when you die. “So this is your trump card huh Mother? You’ve become so desperate you now trust foals like her to carry the weight of two worlds? It might be safer to smother her here and now; but as much as I hate to say it I need her to stick around. I will tire of the U.G.E.R eventually; and when I do I’ll show that boy all he was meant to be.” Ghast illuminated his hoof with dark magic and placed it on Twilight’s forehead. The truest leaders rise up; go to extremes. Pony innocence and morality is but a dream. Now I want you to remember these words: ‘An Iron Hoof Forged in Rage Cooled by Blood.’ With that Ghast slowly got up and left Twilight to her sleep. “Alright Mr. Stargazer thank you for your services.” “Yeah whatever. Can I get some rest or something?” “Of course. You may retire for the day. We’ve taken the liberty of filling out your service cards for rest of the week. You can relax for a good long while Mr. Stargazer.” “Thanks,” Stargazer said indifferently walking away to the POW barracks. He lay down in a poorly supported cot that sagged down when weight was applied. He spent some five or so minutes staring at the bland beige ceiling until he felt it maddening. Apart from him there were only three other troops in the room a pair of whom were gambling ration tokens in a game of poker. He took the opportunity to use the old gramophone in the room hoping to avoid a dispute over what music was played or music being played at all. He levitated a record he had his eyes on for some time over and looked at it. The vinyl seemed smooth to the touch; the record case had the name of some studio he hadn’t heard of but a white unicorn mare seemed to be advertising the records. He set it in the Gramophone and placed the needle on it. He looked to the other soldiers to see if any held objections. None seemed to care enough to raise a complaint. Stargazer sat with his eyes closed as the music captivated him and shrouded his mind in a veil of nostalgia. The memories of home came flowing to him like the ocean of time had repeated one of her smoothest most pleasant and bountiful tides just for him. His joy was cut short as he felt cold metal rub against his foreleg. He grabbed the silver necklace and looked at it with sadness. He held it close to his heart and rolled to his side. “I’ll never forget you,” he whispered. “Or the events of the infamous day. In the one place I called home. “Stargazer. Stargazer. Stargazer will you stop daydreaming and pay attention.” Stargazer turned to the stallion looking hard at him. “Yes master. I’m sorry…just lost in thought is all.” “No excuses my pupil. We will begin. If you’re going to serve the Union then you’ll need to know how to shield yourself and your comrades from poison.” “But sir. Won’t we all be receiving protection from his Eminence?” “Is that your excuse not to learn?” The stallion said slapping Stargazer’s hoof. “No master. Forgive my insolence.” “Forgiveness will be given when you succeed in casting the spell. NOW AGAIN.” Stargazer struggled to cast the spell. He strained and cringed as he fell to the floor from exhaustion. “UP PUPIL!” “Yes master,” Stargazer said as he rose to his hooves, panting. “You need to get yourself straightened up Stargazer. I’ve seen you use magic. This is just a different type of spell.” “Those were all combat spells sir.” “You need to learn how to protect life; not just take it.” “Taking life can save life.” “So will saving it boy. NOW UP.” Stargazer continued trying to cast the spell for what seemed like an hour. “That’s enough. I grow tired young Stargazer.” “Master. I can cast this. I know I can.” “As do I; but not now; not here. You have the skill and the magic but I’m not the motive that you need. You started down this path when your father was killed during an Equestrian bombing run. After that day you gained the will and rage to take life. When the time comes you will be faced not with a loved one’s death but a loved one in need. You will either rise to the challenge or be consumed by complete and absolute loss. Until then Stargazer your training with me is over. Return to your home.” “Yes sir. Glory to the Union.” Stargazer walked through the streets of the town passing through several Union checkpoints. The soldiers greeted and saluted the trainee before sending him on his way. Stargazer walked on for fifteen more minutes until he reached a small schoolhouse. He approached a small blue filly coloring on the pavement with chalk. The filly turned her head to him with a smile. “Come on Petals. Sorry for making you wait.” “That’s okay. I know you’re training to be a soldier so mostly that consumes your time. I wish I could talk you out of this,” she said glumly.” “Petals you know those slime balls are the ones that took our father.” “I know but killing them won’t bring him back.” “I never said it would. But I don’t want any others to suffer. That’s why I’m training.” “If you do go I’ll suffer,” Petals said with saddened eyes. She grabbed at a necklace of a heart she wore and began chewing on it. “Isn’t that the necklace I bought for you on your fifth birthday?” “Yeah. It helps to chew on it when I’m stressed.” “You could lose a tooth that way. Not a good habit.” “You could lose a limb out there.” Stargazer wrapped his foreleg around his little sister and pulled her close. “I’m only going to be sent as part of an occupation force. I won’t be going out into battle; I promise.” “Brother.” “Enough. Let’s not dwell on this grim subject. Come on lets go.” Stargazer levitated the small filly and gently placed her on his back before heading into the living districts of the town. As they walked Petals hummed a tune while viewing the town. “You know there are lyrics to that melody.” “I know. Mother taught me how to sing it.” “Well now it’s been a while since I’ve heard it. Care to sing?” “Sure brother. Hmm … let’s see here. How did it go?” Des yeux qui font baisser les miens, Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche, Voilà le portrait sans retouche De l'homme auquel j'appartiens Quand il me prend dans ses bras Il me parle tout bas, Je vois la vie en rose. Il me dit des mots d'amour, Des mots de tous les jours, Et ça me fait quelque chose. Il est entré dans mon cœur Une part de bonheur Dont je connais la cause. C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vie, Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie. Et dès que je l'aperçois Alors je sens en moi Mon cœur qui bat Des nuits d'amour à ne plus en finir Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place Des ennuis, des chagrins, s'effacent Heureux, heureux à en mourir. Quand il me prend dans ses bras Il me parle tout bas, Je vois la vie en rose. Il me dit des mots d'amour, Des mots “You’re going to grow into a proper songbird at this rate Petals.” “You think so?” “You’ll be in the Union choir before you know it.” “Wow,” Petals said wide eyed.” Stargazer smiled and sniffed the air. “Smells like mother has dinner ready.” “And a pie,” Petals said wrapping her front legs around her brother’s neck.” Stargazer pushed open the door and placed Petals back on the ground. He took off his Trainee uniform and put it on the robe rack by the front door before heading into the dining room. A pot of stew sat patiently on a slab of marble in the center of the table. Silverware and bowls adorned the table placed neatly under snowy white napkins. A tan mare with a golden mane stood in the kitchen pulling a rhubarb pie out of the oven. She turned to Stargazer and Petals. “Good to see you’re home sweeties,” she said with a light smile. Stargazer took the pie with his magic. “Allow me Mother. You’ve earned a break.” “That coming from the stallion going through the Union’s training program.” “Yes but you keep this family going. You think I could cook? Or give enough attention to Petals? Sure I make the money but you’re the one who does about everything else.” The mare smiled at him before serving him and Petals stew. The three ate and watched as the sun dipped into the horizon and vanished from view. When they were done Stargazer took the dishes and silverware to the kitchen sink. “Thank you sweetie. Your father would be proud of you.” “I’ll believe that when I start killing those tyrants clad in white.” “Stargazer this conflict isn’t ours. I know not if it’s on the shoulders of ideology or the shoulders of greed but I know it’s not on ours.” “That didn’t stop those Equestrian dogs from bringing us into it.” “We’re just civilians in their eyes. They never had anything personal held against us.” “EXACTLY. We’re nothing in their eyes. They don’t care if their bombs scorch our earth or their actions take our lives. Might as well side with those that haven’t made us mourn.” “Stargazer please; I’ve already lost your father; I don’t want to lose more. What’s more important to you? Your loved ones that have passed; or those that are still alive?” Stargazer was silent. “I…I…You know I want revenge but you know the answer to that.” “Revenge is only worth chasing if your gain outweighs what you have to lose. Are your sister and I not important enough to you that you wouldn’t live for us?” Stargazer sighed. “What would you have me do? I’ve already started down the path of no return. You know now that I’ve pledged my allegiance; there ain’t no going back.” “Just find some other service for them other than putting your neck on the line on a battlefield. Please Stargazer.” Stargazer sighed once more. “I’ll see what can be done but it’s late now. Let me stoke the fire then we should get some sleep.” “Very well. I trust you’ll see it through. Goodnight sweetie. I love you.” Stargazer watched his mother climb up the stairs (the last time he’d ever see her). He put fresh kindling on the pyre before heading up to his room. The house only came with two bedrooms so he and Petals shared the room. She was already asleep on her bed in the left side of the room. Stargazer climbed into his bed and slowly drifted off to sleep. “Wake up. Wake up brother!” “Petals it’s got to be three in the morning; let me sleep,” Stargazer moaned. “Brother the Equestrians are here!” “Huh…w…what!” Stargazer slurred as his adrenaline forced him wide-awake. Alarms and warning bells were heard from outside as well as the high pitched whistle of mortars. “Come on Petals, just like I talked to you about, we go to the bunker. I’ll get mother; you head out.” Stargazer darted up the stairs trying not to trip over himself. He could hear air barges overhead and the bombing runs being commenced. He turned into the hall in time to see a wall of fire engulf the area. He turned back into the stairway trying not to lose control. He hacked and gasped and sobbed into his foreleg before pulling himself up remembering his sister needed him. He rushed to the bottom floor and swiftly threw on his uniform for identity, then grabbed Petals and threw her on his back. “Where’s Mom?!” “She had gone out for some extra pyre during the night. She’s probably at the bunker by now.” “Let’s hurry brother. I don’t want to worry her.” “Hold on,” Stargazer said as he picked up the pace. He was thankful that Petals was still blissfully naïve. He knew he had to keep her from the truth until she could stomach the pain. Mortars and bombs continued to tear into the city, spreading fire and rubble into the streets. Union troops were trying to get the citizens to safety while holding out for antiaircraft reinforcements. Stargazer galloped through the streets trying to reach the shelter as quickly as possible. Alliance barges began descending on the town dropping off troops. “Hold on Petals, we’re almost there; just another block and we’ll be in the clear.” Stargazer turned the corner and galloped down the final stretch to the bunker. As he did mortars landed in the streets. Stargazer’s vision blurred, and his ears rang with shellshock as he got back on his hooves and tried to regain his balance. As he did several Equestrian soldiers leapt off a barge to the ground below. They quickly turned their guns to him and Petals. “Whoa, whoa easy now. I…I’m unarmed see,” Stargazer said putting his front legs up. “Send the foal over here,” one demanded. “Petals do what they say.” “No brother!” Petals cried. “GO!” Stargazer yelled embracing his sister. Petals slowly walked over to the Equestrian soldiers. The soldier configured an earpiece communicator. “Captain. I’ve got a Union rookie here not even an official soldier; he’s unarmed how should I proceed? …But sir…he has his little sister here with him…looks no more than six. …Yes sir.” The Equestrian soldier readied his rifle and pointed it to Stargazer. “Come on…please you don’t have to go through with this,” Stargazer begged. “For what its worth I’m sorry.” “NO!!! Don’t hurt him,” Petals wailed as she grabbed at the soldier’s foreleg knocking his rifle to the ground. “Get off me kid,” the soldier said pulling hard away from the foal clinging to his hoof. He tried to push her off and she started to budge. As Petals struggled against the soldier she grabbed at anything for traction on his hoof ware. The stallion continued to push until he heard the ominous sound of spring-lock mechanisms closing, followed swiftly by the sound of metal cutting through bone. Petals cried and screamed as she fell to the ground with a large gash in her chest. The Equestrian soldier stared disoriented at the blood soaked hoof blade and the crying delirious foal huddled in a ball bleeding out. “I…I didn’t open the blade, sweet Celestia I…” “YOU GODS DAMN ANIMAL!!!” Stargazer yelled in absolute fury as he tackled the soldier to the ground. He grabbed the still shocked soldier’s hoof blade and stabbed him through the gullet repeatedly. The other soldier quickly drew his shot gauntlet and opened fire on Stargazer. Stargazer sprawled to the ground grasping his wound. As the soldier approached him to finish the job Stargazer grabbed a piece of debris with his magic and threw it at the soldier’s head. Summoning all his strength and will Stargazer got to his hooves and limped toward the soldier. He fell to his knees before him before bashing his head in with the piece of debris from before. Stargazer lay down on the hard concrete absolutely exhausted. The sounds of war, hard ground, and shards of glass that dug into his skin and utter pain from his wound went unnoticed to him as he dragged himself to his sister’s side. He wrapped his almost limp foreleg around her lifeless body and pulled it close. “Sis. Please, you can’t leave me too.” Stargazer forced himself on his back and then his upper body into an upright position. He held the filly in his lap cradling her light body. Gently he took her necklace off and held it with his magic. He placed the point up towards his throat and shut his eyes. “Don’t leave me,” a soft faint voice pleaded. Stargazer looked down at his little sister struggling to raise a hoof to stop his actions. He cradled her tighter gently rocking her ever so slowly. His tears began pouring down on her leaving patches in her fur where the salty liquid landed. “We’ve got survivors.” Two Union soldiers approached Stargazer and Petals. “Damn he’s badly wounded.” “Just take her; leave me,” Stargazer said in desperation. “No comrade left behind. Alexi, get the foal. I’ll take our comrade here.” “Yes brother.” Alexi approached Stargazer who still clung to his sister. “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of her.” Stargazer hesitantly gave him his sister before being thrown on the back of the other pony. Stargazer cringed at the sudden pain of being moved. “Chyort,” Stargazer hissed. “You’ll be OK.” “What is your name?” “Alexi.” “I thought the short one was Alexi.” “Oh how nice. I’m the short one,” Alexi griped. “He’s Private Alexi Borodin Zubov. I’m Lieutenant Alexi Zubov.” “Brothers in arms huh?” “Yeah.” “Partners are only good for getting you killed.” “Sometimes you put the lives of others before yours. Wouldn’t you know; you just told me to bring your sis to safety and not worry about you.” “While we’re on that GET MOVING!!” Stargazer hacked. The two galloped down the streets of the village to the bunker. Several more barges descended and dropped their payloads of troops. “Commissar Petrenko. We’ve got pigs in need of butchering. Call in the mortars.” “Yes comrade Lieutenant. Give us some smoke and we’ll send the package.” Lieutenant Zubov threw a smoke grenade to signal the strike. Seconds later the warheads landed taking out the Equestrian troops. “Come on brother we need to go before something else goes wron…” The three watched as the pods opened and began flooding the streets with poison. “What the hell! Comrade Petrenko we asked for mortars not Cyanogen bombs!” “We’re short on mortars we had to use these. What’s the problem exactly; you’re immune to the poison, remember.” “Comrade we’re escorting citizens!” “Peryite almighty. Well now that complicates things. Run!” “Fine. Alexi come on and…” “Brother, there are Equestrians behind us!” “What! Damn it. DAMN IT!!” “Hold on,” Stargazer choked. “I…I have one other solution. Bring me Petals.” Alexi placed the limp filly at Stargazer’s side. He illuminated his horn and placed it to her head and dispersed the magic. Her body turned a light nimbus cloud gray and her face grew a pale complexion. “Guess you were right master,” Stargazer chuckled. “You knew how to cast that magic,” Alexi said in disbelief. “Guess you got a lucky break.” “I’m bleeding out, can’t walk, and my sister is in critical condition. DON’T BUCKING TELL ME I’VE GOT LUCK!!!” “Come on. We’ll lose them in the poison,” Lieutenant Zubov said galloping on followed by Alexi. The two galloped down an ally and opened the bunker door. “Damn,” Lieutenant Zubov huffed. “I though for sure our hides were cooked.” “Same here. Lets get these two some medical treatment.” “You hear that Mr. Stargazer. You made it.” Stargazer groaned unable to respond properly from blood loss as he faded into unconsciousness. “Mr. Stargazer. Mr. Stargazer. Mr. Stargazer are you still with us?” Stargazer groaned and forced his eyes partly open and looked at the stallion in a doctor’s uniform. “Ah good you’re awake. Let’s make sure you’re completely with us.” He grabbed a flashlight with his magic and held it above Stargazer’s head. “Please look at the light.” Stargazer tilted his head and looked at the blinding light. “Good. Come on now…if you can walk that is.” Stargazer slowly got off the surgery table and fell to the floor. The doctor gave him a leg up and helped him walk. Apart from an immense pain from the surgery he felt fine. After a few minutes of walking the doc broke the silence. “You should consider yourself lucky. Not many can say they’ve lived to get surgery for a magitech weapon wound.” “I’ll consider myself lucky when someone shoots at me and misses. Where are we going by the way?” “Lieutenant Zubov (against my advice) instructed me to take you to your sister once you were out of surgery.” “Petals! How is she?” “Stable but I wouldn’t say good. She’s in no danger mind you. But I wouldn’t call that condition good.” The doctor grabbed his ID key and slid it through the scanner and the door clicked open. “Petals!” The small filly turned her head to the direction of the voice. “Brother,” she coughed slightly with a smile. The doctor let Stargazer down by his sister’s bed. She reached out to him and he placed his hoof on hers. “How do you feel?” “Like there’s a bed of nails pushing down on me. They stitched my ribcage back together. It hurts but I’m still here.” Stargazer embraced his sister with tears in his eyes. She gently removed her necklace with her magic and placed it in Stargazer’s hoof. “Wh…what’s this.” “You might get lonely when you get sent off. I want you to have this and if you ever miss me you’ll have something to help you remember.” “P…Petals I’m not going anywhere I promise.” “Mr. Zubov said all soldiers and conscripts were being taken away to fight within the week. I know you wanted to fight to avenge father; now you really have the chance.” “I won’t leave you here alone.” “Alone?! Won’t mother be here too?” “I…y…yes of course I mean…” Stargazer saw the look in his sister’s eyes and knew she saw past his lies. Tears formed in both their eyes and they embraced each other once more. Twilight awoke with an agonizing headache. She steadied her senses and slowly got up from bed. She staggered out the door falling more than once. Twilight continued down the hall until she came upon two science team members. The two stallions hurried to her and held her up. “You alright? Please don’t answer just don’t say anything and we’ll take it as a yes.” “I…I think I’m fine, just dazed.” “Come with us; the procedure likely left you drained. We’ll give you some nutrients and adrenaline.” “T…thanks,” Twilight said as she wrapped her foreleg around one of their necks. The two escorted her to an infirmary ward and got her back to a decent condition. After a few minutes the head scientist entered the room. “Is she in good condition?” “Yes sir. She seems fine now.” “Good. Now I’d say we should run a few tests to make sure your brain is still working properly but I know this couldn’t have done any cognitive damage, only psychological damage. Are you still feeling like yourself? Still just as Twilight Sparkle now as you were before?” “I feel fine honestly. How will I know if this worked?” “I’m not sure. Try that spell you wanted to cast and if you can’t try ‘remembering’ how. Honestly I don’t know what will trigger the memories. You’ll have to do some field tests.” “Anything else?” “You’ll just have to see for yourself. Should you experience any cognitive abnormalities, return for further treatment. Stay safe; let’s never do this again.” “Is there still someone up for testing the spell?” “I’m sure we can scrounge up some viable subjects. Bit of advice; should I fetch Stargazer once more?” “I question if he’d help anymore but in the event he would he might be able to tell me if I did the spell correctly.” “I’ll have him down here in the briefest of delays.” “Thank you.” With that Twilight left to train with the spell. “No visible effect.” “I know that,” Twilight said in frustration “Keep at it. I’m sure we can get some fruit out of this work.” Twilight prepped the spell again and released the magic. “Buck it all, this isn’t going to work.” “Ha. Royal Highness if I had that attitude my master would have beat me senseless with a stick.” Twilight turned to the voice. “Surprised you came, Stargazer.” “I told you I would teach you the spell. So since these halfwit scientists couldn’t teach it to you like at a whim I suppose I have to carry you to that goalpost.” “Very well then. How did you learn it?” “I was taught like this. Now let’s Begin.” Stargazer demonstrated the spell to Twilight. “Now you try it.” Twilight attempted the spell once more. “Eh. I’d be a hypocrite if I were utterly disappointed. It took several times myself to get a grasp on the spell; even more to be able to cast it correctly. Try again Highness.” Twilight continued trying to cast the spell for thirty minutes before exhaustion made her collapse. “Up pupil.” “Yes master,” Twilight said rising to her hooves. “What did you call me?” Twilight fell to her knees and clinched her head with her front hooves. She breathed deeply and shut her eyes tight reacting to the pain. Two science team members rushed to her side as well as Stargazer. “Highness, are you alright?” Twilight didn’t respond. “We’d better get her to the infirmary.” The two scientists lifted Twilight onto their backs before heading out. “Wait,” Twilight snapped before getting to her hooves. “That girl has a death wish,” one of the scientists snarled. “Stargazer you didn’t master it this way did you.” “Excuse me?” “I see you. I see you clearly. You never completed this training. How did you master this spell?” “What the hell are you talking about?” “You stopped training with your mentor because he felt you didn’t have the motive or inspiration to do it. What was your trigger?” “How do you know this?” “I don’t know but I can see you whenever, wherever it was when you trained.” Stargazer sighed. “You’re right. I did quit training that day. I don’t much care to go through how I mastered the spell.” “This wasn’t a request Stargazer. THIS IS AN ORDER.” Stargazer cringed. “Fine. But how is this supposed to help you learn.” “Maybe I can remember with you.” “What the hell does that mean?” “She has a theory,” the scientist interrupted. “If certain things related to the past triggered the memories then she just needs to reenact whatever it was to trigger the memory. Hmm. I’d say it merits further study. Wouldn’t you agree Highness.” “So long as I get the results I’ll see it done.” “I don’t want you or anypony diving around my memories like they’re candy in a bowl.” Suddenly the female-voiced PA system came to life. “An Iron Hoof Forged in Rage, Cooled by Blood.” Twilight clamped her hooves around her head once more. “Find out whoever is using the PA system,” one of the scientists ordered. “It’s not important. You’ll stay here; and you Stargazer. What happened in the memory?” “I’m not talking about it.” “Really Stargazer. You feel you’re in any position to be giving orders? Remember I only need to clap my hooves and you’d swing.” “A true tyrant to the end, aren’t you?” “Call me what you want. I’m starting to think saving that city isn’t worth all this effort.” “Spoken like a monster.” “Believe me I can show you what a real monster looks like Stargazer.” “Uh Highness,” One of the scientists choked. “Are you feeling alright? M…maybe we should get you looked at in the infirmary.” “AND YOU!” Twilight snapped causing the two scientists to jump back. “Don’t think I can take care of myself now; huh?” “I never said any of that Highness. Please calm down.” “Enough. I have no need of you two. You though Stargazer; I will give you my last chance as my patience has almost completely waned. You will tell me about the memory or else.” Stargazer cringed. “FINE! I hope his eminence puts your gods-damned head on a pike. The first ever time I performed the spell was when my little sister, the only family I had left, was dying and we were trying to escape from your damn wicked solders. The only way my comrades could escape was by hiding in the thick of the Cyanogen gas. I performed the spell on her and she survived. ARE YOU HAPPY!?” Twilight paused. “No. No I’m not because I couldn’t care less about your damn past and it didn’t trigger the memory.” “Well I don’ give a shit about you or your troops.” “Well we’re almost halfway on the same page then. But now that we’re on that question what DO you care about Stargazer?” Twilight said, spreading her wings and taking flight partway up the room.” Stargazer didn’t respond. He grabbed his necklace with his magic and chewed on it not taking his eyes off Twilight. “I’ve had it with that irritating sound,” Twilight snapped yanking away the necklace from Stargazer.” “Give that back!” Stargazer wailed. “What, this little thing?” Twilight mocked. “Aw. It’s like taking a toy from a foal.” “For Celestia’s sake open the door!” One of the scientists wailed. “You up there what is the meaning of this.” Twilight looked to the observation room to her right. A black stallion watched her though the window. She brushed it off and slowly descended to the floor where the scientists were trying leave. “Aw what’s the matter? You aren’t afraid are you?” she asked glumly. “That breaks my heart you know. But that’s okay, all I really ask is that you do what I say. I just have simple requests and one simple rule. ‘No failure.’” The scientists stared into the mare’s blank eyes. They looked like they were half asleep and the pupils looked dull. “Simplicity itself right,” Twilight said closing her eyes and smiling. She looked her normal self with that sweet smile. “Uh Highness.” Twilight opened her eyes and put on a much more sinister smile. “BUT SHOULD YOU BREAK IT I WILL HAVE TO BREAK YOU LIKE YOU BROKE MY HEART.” The scientists jumped back once more. “Now you wouldn’t want that; and frankly neither would I. But sometimes to do some good you’ve got to be the bad guy!” Stargazer charged at Twilight trying to retake his necklace. Twilight illuminated her hoof with magic and swung at Stargazer sending him flying eight feet. “Still at it for your necklace huh? How sad,” Twilight said swinging the necklace in a teasing manner. She looked at the back of the necklace. “Aw what’s this? ‘Petals’ … and who would that be?” Twilight chuckled. Twilight’s eyes dilated as she clamped her front hooves around her head. She opened her eyes and breathed heavily trying to regain her senses. “Huh. W…what happened? I…I’m sorry I. Twilight turned to Stargazer. “D…did she die?” Twilight asked, not sure she wanted an answer. “WHAT THE BUCK DO YOU CARE YOU GODS DAMN HARLOT!” Stargazer retorted with anger and tears in his eyes. “I…Stargazer I never meant any of that I…I don’t know what came over me.” “Maybe it’s your true nature.” “NO. Please Stargazer, here.” Twilight returned the Stargazer’s necklace. The Unicorn grabbed the necklace from the mare angrily and held it close before backing away. “I don’t know what happened. I just lost control.” “Highness. Stargazer. I want the both of you to stay here in the facility. We’re going to run a brain scan on Twilight.” “Leave me out of it,” Stargazer snapped. “Stargazer because it was your helix that likely did this we need to know of any violent acts you committed.” “I’m a soldier. It’s what I do.” “More than that. Anyhow you’re coming with us Mr. Stargazer.” “Fine,” Stargazer replied agitatedly. With that each of the scientists took Stargazer and Twilight separately. Twilight sat on a metallic table tilted at an angle and with her legs restrained. “Are those bindings necessary?” Twilight asked with a bit of discomfort. “Forgive me highness but I’d like them to stay.” “What I said back there; that wasn’t me.” “I know. That’s why I’m worried. If we somehow bring…whatever that was back you might go berserk. You threatened to break us if we failed you. Not sure what that sounds like in your ears but it sounds like a tyrant in mine.” “Is the siphon necessary?” “More than the bindings. We’ll begin the scan in a few moments.” Twilight watched as the scanners rotated around her in a circle at a somewhat nauseating rate. After a few minutes they slowed to a halt. “Alright lets see what we’ve got,” the scientist said looking over the results. “Hmm.” He shuffled though the papers looking carefully over them. After five minutes he laid them down on a desk. “Well how do they look?” “Perfect. And that’s what concerns me. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad you’re in good health but we’re still in the dark as to what set you off like that.” “So what now?” “Until we know more I’d like to keep you here in the labs. Oh officials are going to be hammering me with questions until Casimir comes back and then he’ll hammer me with scolding.” “I can’t stay here I need to cast that spell.” “You mean the spell you never learned?” “I think I’ve got a grip on it now. I need to get the air force suited up so we can besiege Cloudsdale.” “Highness I doubt that’s wise, we should…” “Highness,” a scientist huffed barging in interrupting the two. “We’ve received word that Cloudsdale is prepping another lightning storm. Commander Dusk will authorize a M.A.D bomb launch soon.” Twilight rose to her hooves. “I need to stop this.” “Highness please.” “NO!” Show me the way out of here now. “I…yes highness.” With that the scientist led Twilight out of the labs. “Is this necessary?” “Yes Mr. Stargazer. “What is it you wanted to hear again?” “Have you ever had any brutal acts?” “Such as?” “Any unnecessary violence or acts of cruelty.” “Why again?” “We’re trying to find out what made Twilight snap like that.” “Humph. Maybe it’s just her nature.” “STARGAZER! “Fine. I suppose there is one thing but I’m not talking about it. “Either tell us or we’ll sedate you and pull it out of your memory.” “I…I…will you tell officials about this?” “Any war crimes you tell us here will stay in here.” Stargazer sighed. “Very well. I’ll tell you.” “I’m all ears.” “GET MOVING -- command says we’re pulling out. Go on boys. I’ll keep you covered, you too Lieutenant.” “Stargazer I’m not letting you fight off the Equestrians on your own.” “Why do you care so much? And what happened to your brother?” “He got sent to a different division. And I want you to live to see your sister again; besides you stayed back to kill the Equestrians three times already..” “Don’t worry; I can handle myself; you have family to return to as well.” Lieutenant Zubov hesitated before leaving the Unicorn to hold down the hall. Stargazer loaded his gun and readied himself. He listened as the sound of metal hoof-ware grew louder. He pulled out a smoke grenade and tossed it down the hall. Thick smoke filled the hall; blinding the Equestrian troops. Stargazer opened fire on them before leaping to the floor. Their fire soared over his head before he fired back in his prone position. The smoke had almost cleared and Stargazer surveyed the death. Among fifteen bodies a young Equestrian soldier crawled back down the corridor clinging to his last threads of life. Stargazer approached the soldier as he tried to escape. He noticed a pistol and kicked it over to the soldier in a teasing manner. The soldier placed his hoof on the pistol as Stargazer stepped on the hoof. The soldier cringed in pain as he tried to free his hoof. Eventually he freed it and grasped it in pain. Stargazer levitated the pistol with his magic and placed it to the young soldier’s head. He looked down at the bleeding pony before firing. Stargazer fitted the pistol in his holster before galloping down the hall to the evac point. He leapt onto an air-barge as the automated transport hovered back to its flagship. “Stargazer. I’m glad to see you’re okay.” “Yeah I’m fine Lieutenant and…” “Zubov!” Lieutenant Zubov turned to the voice and bowed. “Yes Marshal Nikita, what can I do for you?” “There are POW’s that we are trying to interrogate. They’ve yet to share their secrets.” “I’m on it sir.” “Lieutenant Zubov would you mind if I joined you?” Stargazer asked. “Actually you’re being rewarded,” Nikita said. Zubov and Stargazer and turned to Nikita. “According to the soldiers you held back the Alliance troops so our boys could escape. Those actions have earned you a medal of the green banner.” Stargazer bowed to the Marshal of the Global Union. “Thank you sir it is an honor.” “Indeed. Come along now.” Stargazer followed Nikita through the halls to the bridge. “There’s a ceremony for this but I’ve never been one for such things.” Nikita pinned the medal on Stargazer’s jacket and gave a light smile. “I heard what happened to your sister Stargazer.” Stargazer looked down and cringed. “You know what those animals do first hoof Mr. Stargazer. Don’t let them go unpunished. I know Zubov might be loyal to the end but he doesn’t realize something I do and I think you can as well. The fact that brutality is the only way to end a war; to cut down a weed is fruitless work. They’d just grow back later. The only way is to pull them up from the roots and to show no mercy and expect none from the enemy. Do you understand Stargazer?” Stargazer stared at Nikita for what seemed like hours. “Yes. They have no right to mercy.” Nikita smiled. “I want to see how you handle this.” Nikita pulled down a monitor that viewed interrogation room five. “I’m giving you the task of getting information out of the POW’s. All regulations and cruelty checks will be down. Make them beg for their worthless lives.” “Yes sir.” Stargazer bowed to his superior and left to the interrogation room. “Why do you make this so hard? Simply tell us what you know and we’ll keep you from the gallows.” One of the Equestrian officers laughed at Zubov. “We’ll bring our knowledge to the grave with us. Go ahead you collective buck.” “Your defiance will only land you in front of a firing squad. If you want this fate then I’ll see you…” “In my hooves.” All turned to the voice of the pony that barged into the room. “Stargazer. What are doing here?” “I’ve been charged with interrogation of POW’s” “By who’s order?!” “Marshal Nikita.” “Nikita! But...very well but I still want to oversee this.” “Very well just don’t interrupt the interrogation.” “You think this little buck has what it takes to get us to crack,” one of the officers mocked. Stargazer approached the stallion and looked hard at him. “What do you want cully?” Stargazer pulled out his pistol and shot the stallion through the head. The pony's limp head hung to Stargazer’s right dripping blood onto the steel floor. The two young POW officers hacked at the death of their superior. “Stargazer what the hell was that!?” “Just backing up your threats with actions.” “Stargazer this is wrong you know this could get you court marshaled.” “I’d like to leave my career and return to my sis but that ain’t happening. Nikita authorized complete brutality and I’m doing as I was told. NOW YOU THREE! I don’t want to take up my day trying to get info out of you. Now tell me what you know or I’ll personally stick your limbs in the propeller blades of the zeppelin.” “I…I don’twanttodie,” one of the young officers slurred rapidly.” “Talk and you might get to live.” “Alright,” the young officer said swallowing hard. “I know that her royal highness will be visiting Saddle Arabia soon to make them an official part of the U.E.A.” “Hmm ... so we’ll be able to capture her if we take the capital. This should be fun. You what do you know?” “Soon the new settled lands in southern Equis will be frontiers for war funds.” “Those lands belong to the Union as all others! You what do you know.” “Buck off!” Stargazer pulled his pistol and placed it to the forehead of the stallion. “FINE! The ministry of science has been working on some weapon of mass destruction. It will be completed in a year or so.” “Where is it being tested and worked on?” “The Gryphon Kingdom.” “That’s a lot of ground to cover.” “That’s all I know.” “I suppose that will have to do.” “So we get to live,” the young officer said squeamishly. “NO. For your defiance one more of you must die. You have ten seconds to choose or I’ll kill all of you!” “STARGAZER THAT’S ENOUGH!!!” “I will do what I must. THIS IS WAR ZUBOV!” Stargazer said with a wicked smile. “THIS IS NOT WAR. THIS IS MURDER!!!” “This is how you end a war. Now you three chose.” “Please I don’t want to die here I have family to return to,” the youngest whimpered. “I’ve got a brother back at the base I can’t leave him to this war alone.” “I’ve got two foals back home in Canterlot. I can’t…” “Tick tock tick tock tick tock.” “BUCK!!! Fine, me you son of a bitch.” Stargazer approached the stallion and smiled. What are you waiting for you sadistic buck? KILL ME. If you don’t I swear if I get out I’ll kill you and everyone in you Celestia damn family.” Stargazer placed the pistol to the stallion’s left hind kneecap and fired. He cringed in misery hacking delirious from the pain. Stargazer moved the pistol to his right hind kneecap and repeated the process. He watched the stallion in agony for a few moments before taking his necklace with his magic. He gently kissed the silver heart before jamming the point into the stallion’s throat and swiftly cutting down the neck. Stargazer looked hard at the bleeding out corpse with an emotionless face. He took a badge of office off his armor and placed it in his jacket pocket. “I honestly didn’t want it to be you. I hoped you would have clung to life. But I guess these runts are like children in your eyes huh. If I find whomever you called family I’ll give them some closure. Innocence is the first victim of war. Mine died long ago.” “Stargazer none of that was necessary.” “You either form a sheet of stone around your heart or it will be stabbed Zubov. This was necessary.” “Don’t turn into Nikita. I know he’s watching and listening but I don’t care. DON’T BECOME HIS SHADOW. If you do your sister will have lost everything.” Stargazer turned to him with an angry look. “If you become like him believe me when I say it's better if you die on the battlefield; that way Petals will remember her brother as a kind protective figure and not a bloodthirsty monster.” Stargazer’s anger dissipated and was replaced with a stomach-churning fear. “Think about it kid. If I ever killed when I could have shown mercy I could never even look Alexi in the eye again. What do you think she’d say if she saw you right now.” “Please.” “Huh?” “Please let us bury this. Don’t put this on my record.” “I can’t let you forget this Stargazer!” “Lieutenant Zubov please!” “But I feel there’s no need. You know where this road will lead you and that your sister won’t follow.” Stargazer fell to his knees and wept. “Know that war may kill innocence but it does not always kill morality. You’re better than this Stargazer. There is only one way to really die in a war. And that’s to cover yourself and your name in so much blood nopony can recognize you.” Lieutenant Zubov knelt before the unicorn and wrapped his foreleg around him pulling him close. “Damn.” “I try and ignore the past but Lieutenant Zubov was right. It will never leave me. I still have the badge with me.” “Stargazer blood soaks your hooves. Perhaps Twilight was only having a reaction to that anger.” “How are my actions supposed to justify that again?” “Your DNA is embedded in her, remember?” “No matter how many times you eggheads explain that to me I won’t get it.” “Still I think this has helped thank you Mr. Stargazer and…” “You two,” a scientist shouted bursting into the room. “I hope you made some kind of breakthrough because her highness has relieved herself of the care of the science team.” “What! Why?” “Something about needing to besiege Cloudsdale before a general launched a bomb or something but if you have some way to make her stay you need to say it now!” “We don’t have anything yet.” “Take me to her,” Stargazer interrupted. “Why?” “I doubt she will have perfected the spell yet and if she hasn’t then the duration of its effects will be drastically reduced.” “Why do you care?” “Because then they’ll use the bomb. Either way my comrades will be put in peril -- might as well give them a chance.” “Very well Mr. Stargazer come along and we’ll get going.” With that Stargazer left with the scientists for the surface. “There’s another one. And another. And another. And another. I need a break.” Twilight breathed deep and rested before casting the spell again. “Still a few thousand more to go Highness.” “I know. Soon we can begin retaking Cloudsdale.” Twilight spent the next several hours casting the spell. The sun had begun to dip into the horizon above when all the troops stood ready. “My fellow soldiers. The last time we stood here before this moment I talked of retaking Cloudsdale. Many of you still remember the final cries of your brothers and sisters in arms at the Cloudsdale massacre. Yet now we stand ready to face the Nova Prospect. The Union feels itself safe behind its toxic shield; let's show them that they are sadly mistaken!” The crown cheered as they boarded the zeppelins and air-barges. “Quite the speech there highness.” Twilight turned to the voice. “Stargazer! What are you doing here? I’m surprised you had anything further to speak to me about.” “I wanted to make sure you got your preparations right. I see you didn’t complete the spell correctly.” “Are you saying it won’t work?!” “Not at all. It simply will wear off in mere hours. Your troops will have to come back to you to replenish it.” “What are you trying to tell me?” “You’ll need to go with your troops and join the fight. You need not engage in battle just stand relatively close by and keep their protection lasting. Also you can’t cast it on yourself.” “Thank you for the heads up Stargazer.” “Uh highness.” “Yes?” “Uh…I…here.” Stargazer levitated the badge out of his jacket pocket and placed it in her hoof. “What’s this?” “The badge of an officer I…slew. Butchered would be more appropriate but one butchers animals…one slays a soldier. He said he lived in Canterlot. I want his family to have some closure.” “This is honorable Stargazer.” “I’m anything but. Try not to die…I suppose.” Stargazer stared at Twilight, silent, thinking what else he should say. He felt more should be said he just couldn’t find anything else to say. Twilight watched the unicorn walk away to the POW barracks before heading onto the Vessel of the elements. Explaining her situation was complicated and she spent five minutes convincing the inner circle of commanders to authorize her going on this mission. Twilight looked out the cockpit window and saw Cloudsdale floating proudly in the sky. The view slowly faded; choked by a cloud of poison. “Marshal Voroshilov!” “Yes what is it?” “It’s the Equestrian forces sir they…” “Should be dead if you did as I said.” “They’re still coming sir! The poison isn’t affecting them at all!” Voroshilov cringed trying to hide his hint of fear. He smiled slightly and shut his eyes. “Very well then. I guess we’ll just have to do this the old fashioned way.” “Without guns sir?!” “OF COURSE WE USE GUNS YOU BUCKING IDIOT! That is the old fashioned way.” “Not that old sir. We’ve grown strong enough to hold our own.” “Neither are you so try not to die.” “Y…yes sir.” The Union Pegasus took a deep breath before galloping off. “Fire on those flak cannons! Clear the way; our boys want blood for the massacre last time. Give them hell!” Equestrian Pegasi and Gryphon troops began descending on the floating city. “Take this city back from them.” The zeppelins fired upon the Union reinforcements coming to aid in the fight, as best they could. After forty-five minutes the docking bays were under Equestrian control. “Disperse into the city and hunt down the enemy wherever they may hide.” The soldiers cheered before heading deeper into the city. “The weather center will soon be ours again, Highness.” “Yes,” Twilight said turning to the commander. “You may use the air fleet to aid the battle in any manner you wish. The boys will do what they will but the zeppelins and attack barges are yours to command. Pick a target and command the strike. When you're not recasting that spell of course.” “Right.” Twilight looked onto the city. “There, Pegasi guard barracks.” “On it!” The zeppelins targeted the barracks and bombarded it. “Target destroyed awaiting next command.” “Hummingbirds 4 o’clock.” “Knock those birds out of the sky.” Several flak troopers boarded air-barges and engaged the hummingbirds. “Not bad. Good calls and good eyes. Keep it up.” Twilight commanded the air fleet and recast the spell for five hours. “This battle is almost done highness. We’ve almost claimed the weather control center. Though they’ve reinforced it with nimbus clouds we’ll break through it.” “Glad to hear it.” “Incoming barges!” Union attack barges fired upon the fleet before fleeing. Barges and Pegasi gave chase to the barges. “Wait you idiots!” The commander scolded. “We need to have some protection from attacks. Get back here and…” The rocking of the zeppelin cut off the commander. Union Pegasi gathered clouds and released another bolt of lightning at the flagship. The vessel of the Elements emergency alarms roared to life as the ship caught fire and descended towards Cloudsdale. Twilight and the crew hung on for their lives as the zeppelin spun out of control and crashed into the Weather Control Center. “Look at them,” Peryite sighed in disgust. “Fighting each other like ants. Its truly a tragedy, isn’t it mother Celestia.” Celestia remained silent and looked on saddened at the battle. “I need more experienced commanders; or maybe just somepony who will crack the whip. Hmm perhaps; yes I hear your sister has been awake for some time now. Perhaps its time I give aunt Luna a visit, wouldn’t you say mother.” “Peryite what are you planning.” Peryite snickered. “Peryite!” “You’ll see soon enough. For now though sit tight dear mother,” Peryite said walking out the door.” “Peryite wait!” Celestia cried as he shut the door. “You two watch over the throne room, no one gets in without my permission. We’ve had a spy in our midst and I aim to make an example of whoever for betraying the ponies army of the future.” “Sir yes sir,” the guards said saluting Peryite. Peryite strolled down the halls of his palace to the lunar tower. The guards next to the door saluted their king and moved aside. Peryite stuck his horn in the keyhole and opened the magic lock. He took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Luna immediately noticed the disturbance and turned to see who entered. Her eyes went cross and she gritted her teeth at the sight of the demon. She spread he wings and charged at the lampire. Peryite quickly raised his hooves in defense and blocked Luna’s attack; and threw the blue alicorn back against the wall. “That wasn’t very nice,” Peryite said pulling the mare up from the floor with his magic. A stream of ash slowly flowed out of his pocket and formed his blade. “I assume you remember this blade,” Peryite said placing it under Luna’s neck. I’d really rather not hurt you. SO. Here’s what we’ll do. We’ll start this over.” Luna steadied her breathing before responding. “What doth thou what thy wretched beast!?” “That’s…not much better; but it’s acceptable. Now as I for what I wanted; I hoped to bargain with you. Make a deal.” “Is that so. Well the only deal I care to make with a fiend such as you is your surrender!” “Harsh but expectable. Though I will do my best to change your mind. Surely spending your long, long, life in a tower alone isn’t your idea of fun is it? Even so do know I can get you much worse accommodations here?” Luna sighed trying not to let Peryite get to her. “I suppose I might as well hear you out.” “Excellent. As of late the scales of war have been rather even. Dare I say the great chain is pulling away from me. I felt it was time to give it a tug. An Alicorn would be instrumental in that.” “You want me to fight in your war! Against my own sister?!” “Didn’t stop you before did it…Nightmare Moon.” “That was different. I didn’t have a grasp on my senses. But you…you're just insane if you think I’d betray her to serve you.” “Come now Luna don’t you feel it was even a little bit unjustified; how you were punished? Didn’t you even feel Celestia failed you by sealing you away? You were saved by complete strangers while all you sister did was lock you away for a thousand years.” “There was no other choice she had.” “Really,” Peryite snorted. “If friendship is so powerful then shouldn’t love be just as strong? You’ve seen first hoof, or so I’ve heard,” Peryite said rolling his eyes. “If Celestia truly cared about you she could have saved you.” “ENOUGH!” Luna hollered clamping her hooves over her ears. “I won’t help you and that’s final.” Peryite snickered. “You really are an emotional punching bag aren’t you? I suppose I shouldn’t poke fun at you for your instability. We share that, you know. We were failed by her when we should have be able to trust her.” Luna wiped a tear from her eyes. “I told you once and I’ll say it again I will not help you, you horrid abomination.” Peryite stared at Luna indifferently. “Perhaps you need to be reminded of all the pain you suffered.” He illuminated his horn and engulfed the room in blinding light. Luna removed her hooves from her face and gazed horrified at the surroundings. “Look familiar princess? I bet it does.” Luna gazed around the white desolate rock that was the foundation of her torment for years. She looked at the sun and the world in front of her. “H…how are we…” “My teleportation spell works a bit differently than the one Equestria knows. Remember the solitude, the pain, the loneliness.” “Yes. I do. But don’t think for a second it means I’d turn on my sister.” Peryite sighed. “I see. Well then I suppose I can’t change your mind.” Peryite walked a few meters from Luna. “Remember when I said there were worse accommodations for you? Well here it is. Farewell Luna,” Peryite said illuminating his horn. Luna’s eyes widened. “Wait. Please,” she wailed as she tried to tackle Peryite. Luna fell onto the cold surface of the moon with her front legs wrapped around herself. She looked around franticly for Peryite. “No. nonononononono,” Luna said in a panic. “Please! You can’t just leave me here!” Luna listened to the sickening silence of the void. She picked herself up into a sitting up position and stared at Equis before burying her face in her foreleg. Peryite snickered as he opened the door to his bedchambers. “Poor little fool. Those illusion spells Dimento taught me have been invaluable when it comes to manipulation. If she won’t join then let her wallow and drown in a lake of her own tears.” “So you locked your aunt away on an illusion of the moon. That’s pretty cold blooded; even for me.” Peryite turned to the voice and jumped when he faced the source. “Oh…its you. How the hell do you do that you REALLY have to teach me your stealth you little f…well you're little at all; you're just a freak.” “Surprised to see me boy?” “Not really. A little taken back but not really surprised. I only acted the way I did because you’re so…hideous!” The figure frowned at him with its countless mismatched mouths. Peryite stared long at the wall of shadow with eyes and mouths placed seemingly in no order at all. “I’m not offended. I simply find it irritating, how much of an ingrate you are.” “Ingrate! HA. You’re a demon that’s stalked me the minute I walked into that accursed room at Canterlot palace.” “I’ve been helping you since, have I not.” “No I’d rather say you haven’t.” “I was told to watch over and guide you.” “Well then you’ve done a terrible job. You try and lure me with dark magic, and then you sit by and do nothing while I’m experiment fodder, then you let me be crowned a malefic god. Not a very good watch in my books.” “Sounds like a success in mine. And look at you now. You’re a usurper king!” “What do you want you nameless buck!” “I have a name; you just never remembered it.” “You called yourself Foreman? I always thought that was just your job or something.” “It is the name I’ve know since birth, boy, ‘Foreman 371’ your personal watch assigned to you to keep you on track.” “I don’t take orders from you! And you can tell whatever the buck you take orders from to shove a brick up its ass!” “We all take our orders boy. You remember what I told you when we first met Your world is gone yet to life you cling. Events repeat for eternity like a ring. You came to this land to wish your past away. But fate’s the cruelest ruler that we all obey.’ “I make my own fate,” Peryite cringed. “Oh child; that’s where your wrong.” “Enough! Get out!” “I didn’t come here to bother you Peryite. I have a bit of a message; some advice for the foreseeable future.” “Take your advice and stick it up whichever one of your mouths is your ass!” “Just hear me out boy. I’ll tell you how to stop the sky city from falling into your enemies hooves.” Peryite stared Foreman down for some time before listening to his advice. The sound of alarm bells rung in Twilight’s head as she rose to her hooves. The husk of the Vessel of the Elements lay lodged in the foundation and roof of the Cloudsdale Weather Control Center. The extra-condensed clouds seemed strong enough to hold up the wreckage of the ship. “Alright Twilight; think. You have two options run or hide. If I run then I’ll be running pretty much into an air battle and chances are I’ll get shot down. If I hide then I have to pray the Union doesn’t find me; in their headquarters in this city. Nothing's really a good option here. Anyhow I need to move; the Union’s going investigate the crash site.” Twilight listened if any Union soldiers were coming before leaving the room. She walked down the hall not at all sure where she was going. She passed down into the next corridor with fifteen doors. Twilight continued down the hall until she heard the conversation of approaching soldiers. She quickly opened a door and hid. “The munitions storage is down this next hall. We need to bring some up to help keep flak cannons supplied.” “Those Nimbus defenses seem more than capable on their own. Must have fried an entire division by now.” “Still no reason to not take precautions.” Twilight locked the door and looked around the room she was in. It had shells along with fuel and other ammunition. “What the hell isn’t this door supposed to be unlocked?” Chills shot down Twilight’s back. “You're probably not doing it right; move over.” Twilight looked franticly around the room for a way out while the soldiers pounded on the door. “Piece of shit, let’s knock it down together you and me.” Twilight ran to the opposite corner of the room and hid inside a large box. The door finally gave way and the Union soldiers came in huffing. “Damn thing. I’m in no mood to carry ammunition down to the launching bay.” “That’s what the transport system here is for.” The soldiers opened up a small elevator system and loaded boxes of shells into it. “Careful; these are armed with Nova prospect. Don’t want to set it off. “Damn this one sure is heavy.” “I’ll say; anyhow it’s the last one. Send it down.” The other Union soldier hit the button and sent the cargo down. “I suppose we should get back to Voroshilov.” Twilight felt claustrophobic in the small container moving nauseatingly in the shaky elevator. She illuminated her horn and saw that the missiles had containers of Nova Prospect attached to them. She lay as still as she could, knowing full well if she didn’t the phial would burst. The elevator slowed to a halt and the sound of a shutter opening caught Twilight’s ear. She felt the box move and be placed on the floor. The box slowly opened and Twilight stared back at a Pegasus. “WHAT THE HELL!!” The pegasus jumped back. Twilight struggled out of the box trying to find a place to run. “Hold on, I’m not a soldier.” Twilight looked to the Pegasus who held a badge. “I’m with the weather team. Highness what are you doing here?” “The ship crashed.” “Oh so that’s what all that ruckus up there was. Listen you need to get out of here.” “How? There are so many soldiers?” “First let me get you a hazard suit.” Twilight followed the Pegasus over to a small closet and put on the suit and mask. “Excellent. Now, you need to get out of here as quick as possible. The Union should see you as one of their own with this; so long as you don’t do anything stupid like using your magic. They will fire on you if you look like a deserter though. The hangers are bustling with activity; your best bet is to head into Voroshilov’s private zeppelin and take a rapid barge from it. Here, take the blueprints of the facility and get going.” Twilight took the blueprints from the Pegasus. “Thank you. I suppose I should get going and…” “Hey Airgrabber a hazard suits’ been checked out you wouldn’t happen to be abandoning the populace would you?” “No. No not at all uh…just getting a soldier suited up.” “Oh really. Now who’s this?” “Uh…” “I really don’t care actually just come on.” “M…me,” Twilight replied “Yeah you, ya little MAC.” “MAC?” “Mare’s army core. Look we need every able body that’s not enrolled in the weather team to take up arms. Come on and I’ll get you a gun.” “Uh I…I…” “Come on,” the soldier repeated irritated. Twilight hesitantly followed the soldier to the armory and got armed with a rifle. “Come now we’re going to a barge.” “For what?” “What do you think? We’re being besieged; we need to fight.” “I…I…” “If you’re so scared of dying you shouldn’t have picked this job.” “I didn’t,” Twilight, whispered. Twilight hopped onto the barge with a small squad of Union troops. “For Mother Equestria,” the pilot hollered. The others cheered in response; all save Twilight. The barge hummed to life and sped off to the battle. The clouds of poison now surrounded Twilight and the troops with her. “Incoming pigs.” The Union troops readied their guns and fired on an Equestrian barge. “You get up!” The pilot yelled at Twilight. Twilight didn’t respond and continued to cower under cover. “If you don’t get up I’ll shoot you myself!” Twilight took a deep breath before rising to her hooves and firing on the Equestrian soldiers. The Union barge rammed into the Equestrian barge making a close combat fight. Twilight hid behind the armored railing as bursts of magic soared over her head. The mere idea of killing her own troops was sickening but she knew it had to be done. There was no way she could prove her identity in this poison; it was either fight, or be killed. Twilight raised her rifle up from cover and shot. The Union soldier next to her dropped dead. She grabbed his SMG and rose from cover to fire. The Equestrian soldiers lay dead and the barge slowly spun out of control into the ground below. “Not bad accuracy. Where’d you learn to shoot?” “Uh…just lucky I guess,” Twilight said sheepishly. In truth she used her magic; she was only luck they didn’t see. “Come on we need to get going,” the pilot said, steering the barge over Cloudsdale. The troops fired upon the Equestrian troops while the barge dropped bombs. “This is madness. How are you planning on holding this city?” Twilight yelled at the conductor. “We aren’t. We’re just waiting holding out long enough for the weather device to be evacuated and for the charges to be set.” “Charges! Are you saying we’re planning to blow Cloudsdale out of the sky? And shouldn’t we…” Twilight was cut off as flak troopers shot down the barge. Alarms sounded as the aircraft descended to the city. Twilight opened her eyes slightly as the sounds of war stirred her from her unconsciousness. She forced them all the way open and looked around. She was moving ever so slightly. “Huh…w…what’s going on?” “Finally awake huh? Your suit said you were still alive so I brought you along.” Twilight looked to the stallion dragging her along. “Thanks, I think I can still walk,” she said getting to her hooves. “Good on you lass. Come on, I don’t much feel like dying in the sky today.” “If you don’t want to die up here then why don’t we head somewhere safer.” “You mean desert our comrades.” “We aren’t fighting to save Cloudsdale we’re fighting to save the weather control device.” “What’s your point?” “Do you really think that weapon is worth fighting for? The battle here is lost. Shouldn’t we run…you know live to fight another day?” “Kid we sign up ready to die. We’re soldiers what are you?” “A survivor.” “Well good luck with that. I suppose this is goodbye then. A partner’s only good for getting you killed. Here though.” The soldier opened his satchel and gave Twilight some medical kits. “Keep yourself alive.” “Farewell then.” Twilight watched the soldier gallop off to the battlefield. Twilight felt she should do something to try and keep that soldier alive. She pushed the idea aside and galloped along. “He wouldn’t have helped had he knew who I was; if anything he would have put a bullet in my head. Yet to him I was just another pony in arms, nopony he knew; he didn’t even have a face to know me by. I was just another life…one deemed worth saving.” The idea of being contemptuous about dying out here bothered her. Being nothing more than a statistic was just sickening. She tried to push the thought aside and move on. She flew through the city remembering her best way out was a zeppelin back at the Weather Control Center. The sounds of war echoed through the floating city. Twilight turned a corner and found herself caught in a skirmish between Union and Equestrian forces. She looked around for any route to avoid conflict; none presented itelsf. Twilight knew her only option was to fight. She fell into the ranks of the Union soldiers and fought. After eight minutes the skirmish was over. “An actual victory once. Well good job,” the platoon leader said. “Comrade Gradenko we can’t keep this up much longer.” “What the hell are we supposed to do? I called for a retreat request but we haven’t heard back and Voroshilov won’t give me the clear.” “Comrade what are we to do then?” “Fight.” “I’d rather hide.” “Well we don’t get that luxury and…” “Sergeant Gradenko this is Field Marshal Lamb do you read!” “Loud and clear Field Marshal.” “Forget about this city we’re cutting our losses and pulling out; I repeat we are pulling out!” “Yes Field Marshal ma’am. You heard her let’s get moving.” Twilight galloped along with the soldiers. “Where are we going?” Twilight asked. “The Weather Control Center. Evacuation barges are waiting for us.” The platoon continued down through the Cloudsdale training area and to the Weather Control Center. “Damn they’re already breaking through and started the siege.” “Do we help?” “You heard Field Marshall Lamb’s order. We make our way out of here” “How?” “Don’t ask how. We have wings you simple imbecile.” “You want us to fly over a battlefield and not get knocked out of the sky!” “Well you could just sit here until you die.” “I guess we have no choice then.” “Just spread your wings and never look back.” The platoon took flight soaring over the battlefield. Bursts of magic were fired at them as they made their way to the green army’s side of the field. One of the soldiers got nicked in the wing and came crashing down to the city. Twilight turned to the wounded stallion. “You need to get up!” “They got my leg too. I can’t walk or fly; just go it’s not like I could be anymore use as a soldier.” “WILL YOU SHUT UP!!!” Twilight screamed throwing the soldier on her back. She galloped off avoiding the bursts of magic. After five minutes of carrying someone 1.5 times her weight she collapsed in exhaustion. Two soldiers quickly came and helped them to their hooves. “Thanks kid. Thanks.” “Come on, we need to get out of here.” Twilight thought about joining them on the barge but decided against it. “I’m staying.” “I said get on the barge!” “I have things I need to do here go!” The Union troops watched her gallop off to the Weather Control Center. “Bucking idiot. Come on I suppose she’ll handle herself” Twilight galloped through the private docking bay to Voroshilov’s private zeppelin. She quickly made her way to the cockpit and took the helm before setting the course for somewhere near Canterlot. “I swear if I get shot out of the sky again today I’m going to lose it.” The zeppelin roared to life and sped off leaving the poison filled mass that was Cloudsdale. Twilight watched the clouds go by as the zeppelin made more distance between her and the warzone. She removed her helmet and took a much deserved sigh of relief. “This isn’t right, this zeppelin is my personal flagship. nopony should have access to it but me. Whoever has taken it is a traitor, coward or thief.” Twilight heard the door to the cockpit opening and put her helmet back on. “You there; what are you doing with my ship? Answer me!” Voroshilov said in a fury. “Uh…I…” Twilight watched the Marshal of the Global Union approach and push her away from the wheel and control panel. “Where are these coordinates?! Deserting AND theft of Union property! Give me one reason I shouldn’t kill you right now!” Twilight watched as he set the coordinates for what she could assume to be somewhere deep within Union command. “Wait!” “Enough. Take her down to the detention center,” Voroshilov said taking the wheel. The two Union bodyguards that accompanied Voroshilov approached Twilight preparing to apprehend her. She quickly pulled out the SMG and fired on the soldiers. The two collapsed to the floor riddled with holes. She turned to apprehend Voroshilov but was greeted by an armored hoof being swung at her. It was too late to react; Twilight sprawled to the floor only lightly injured but stunned and unable to respond. Voroshilov pinned her to the metallic floor and removed her helmet. His eyes widened as he was brought face to face with the lavender Alicorn. “Princess Twilight! I’m surprised you survived this long in our coat. When I felt it was time to retreat from this battle I was worried how my liege would react when I told him I failed; but now that I have you King Peryite will laugh at the loss of Cloudsdale.” Twilight focused her magic and tried to release a magic beam. She panted, too exhausted and out of magic from casting the protective spell so many times. “Aw I can’t have that now can I,” Voroshilov laughed clipping a siphon to Twilight’s horn. He forced Twilight to her hooves and held her at gunpoint with a shot gauntlet. “Now be a good girl and come with me, would you kindly.” Twilight knew she couldn’t get away or fight back properly. She sighed and submitted and was escorted to the holding cells of the zeppelin. “I understand you’re a pony of power Voroshilov. Believe me I know how it feels to have power. But if you buck her you’re effectively bucking me. AND I REFUSE TO BE BUCKED!!! You may be able to handle a mare but not one of my puppets. “Enjoy your stay highness,” Voroshilov said securing the shackles around Twilights front hooves. “Stay comfy we’ll be at the heart of the U.G.E.R soon enough. Twilight remained silent gazing at the Marshal of the Global Union. “Aw, cat got your tongue?” Voroshilov said placing his hoof under Twilight’s muzzle. He smiled lightly before heading to the door. As he did the PA system came to life. “An iron hoof forged in rage cooled by blood!” “Another intruder!” Voroshilov hissed. He made his way to the door ignoring Twilight’s cries of agony. He opened the door but stopped at the bone chilling sound of magic. He turned to see Twilight’s horn illuminating a blinding amount of light as it burned through the siphon. “T…that shouldn’t be possible!” Twilight snapped the chains with her magic and turned to Voroshilov. “Think it's fine to just put a mare in chains huh Voroshilov!? And you didn’t even give me a rose or take me to dinner either,” Twilight said with a smug and sinister smile. “I suppose I’ll just have to teach you some manners now, won’t I.” Voroshilov turned to the mare and charged. Twilight released a burst of magic sending Voroshilov into the wall. He got to his hooves but was knocked down again by a beam of magic. He tried the several times but she just toyed with him mocking at his attempts. “Come now I’m using nowhere near lethal force; you should be able to withstand it,” Twilight said slyly. Voroshilov stayed on the floor contemplating how he should approach this. He waited a little longer before spreading his wings and zipping to the other side. Twilight fired at the Pegasus but missed several times before Voroshilov flew out the door and sealed the hatch. Voroshilov breathed a sigh of relief but that was short lived as Twilight blew out the door. “Come now that really can’t be all you can do, can it? If so I guess I’ll just end this now.” Twilight’s hooves illuminated with magic as she flew at the Pegasus knocking him back. The two were now on the wing of the ship; the sounds of the propeller blades filling the air. Twilight smiled and slowly got herself into position. Voroshilov didn’t want to let her out of his sight for even a split second so he positioned himself to be facing her as she revolved around him. “You’re a real pest you know that. I’ve been shot down twice and I had to get my hooves dirty and kill my own troops just to survive, did you know that. After fighting my way through a city all for a zeppelin I felt I deserved a break but no. YOU had to come along and make relaxation a fantasy dream. Well Voroshilov you’re a Pegasus so I think the best possible punishment is this. YOUR GROUNDED!” Twilight charged the Pegasus pushing him back. He held his ground trying not to be pushed into the propeller blade at his back. Twilight smiled and illuminated her horn. Voroshilov expected to be fired at but instead he felt his wings expand. They were outstretched and glowing with a purple aura. Twilight exerted more force on him while keeping his wings stretched out. He looked at the lavender mare with an expression of absolute terror. He struggled and pushed back as hard as he could but to no avail. With one final push Twilight sent Voroshilov far enough back to the end she wanted. Voroshilov wailed in agony as the propeller blades of the zeppelin mangled his wings. Blood splattered across Twilight’s face like paint on a canvas. Her eyes dilated and her head pounded with pain. Twilight looked down at the wailing stallion with torn apart wings. Tissue hung lacerated and fiber like. What was left of the bone was jagged and brittle. Twilight told herself whatever she did was necessary; overkill but necessary. Voroshilov crawled away from the mare and got to his hooves barely able to stand from the pain. “Give up Voroshilov. Its over.” Voroshilov stared at the lavender mare. “You're right…it is over. I’ll never soar through the skies again highness. You’ve bestowed upon me the worst punishment a Pegasus can have. I will not live without my wings.” Voroshilov walked to the edge of the zeppelin wing. “You don’t have to die here.” “I’m a soldier. We’re always ready to die.” With that Voroshilov fell backwards off the zeppelin. Twilight watched the stallion descend through the clouds and vanish. She stayed at the edge of the wing for some time before remembering she had to reset the zeppelin’s coordinates and heading back to the zeppelin cockpit. “This is Soyuz Launch facility please state your business.” “Good evening Soyuz this is Prof. Nicola do you copy.” “Loud and clear professor how can we assist?” “Its time for a bombing.” “Roger that; what kind of bomb?” “The Vacuum Imploder.” “…Could you repeat that.” “The Vacuum Imploder.” “Uh…very well where do you want this launched?” “Coordinates are 1034 latitude, 563 longitude, 15,000 feet altitude.” “Altitude!?” “Correct.” “Uh…copy that. Launching in three…two…one” Twilight trotted into the main chamber of Canterlot palace her mind a blur and her senses disoriented. Her friends as well as brother turned to her wide eyed as they rushed to her side. “Twily! What in Equestria…are you alright?” “I’m fine just…tired surprisingly.” “Tired! Sugarcube your covered in blood!” “Huh…oh yeah that. It's nothing.” “Nothing! Twilight you're out of it. Come, we need to get you checked at the infirmary.” “Its not my blood. Believe me I just want this day to be over. It's been bad all around. I just want to take a bath and then get some sleep.” “Twilight we need to get you looked at anyway and…” “Excuse me,” Casimir said interrupting the two. “I just wanted to check in and say I’m back in Canterlot and OH MOTHER ON HIGH,” Casimir said gawking at Twilight’s condition. “Great Mother of the Pantheon what the hell happened to you girl?!” “Casimir,” Shining armor hissed. “Trust me when I say…” “Not a good time, I understand. I’ll be in the labs if you need me…though you probably don’t need me you might need a doctor. Uh bye.” With that Casimir headed down to the labs of the palace. “Anyhow I’m fine I just need some rest.” “Twilight please,” Shining armor begged. “I’ll be fine.” With that Twilight headed off to clean the blood off her mane. “Ah Chief Scientist Casimir how are you today sir?” “I just got here from a LOOOONNNNGGGG zeppelin ride. My legs are achy and my neck is sore.” “I’m sorry to hear that sir.” “Don’t be; it’s not really a concern. Now give me some results on today’s experiments.” “Well sir we got some good results from project helix.” “Which one? Helix splice or helix memory.” “The latter sir.” “Oh thank the gods. After the DNA disaster with sample 119 and the atrocities with ‘The Changed’ I think its safe to say DNA splicing was our second worst idea next to bring your daughter to work day. Who pioneered this experiment?” “Well I conducted it along with some scientists but I didn’t want to go through with the end phase due to our subject but we were ordered to by one of your patrons.” “Who was this patron?” “Someone named Mr. Ghast.” Casimir stopped as a chill ran down his spine. “Ghast. Sweet Mother, tell me you did what he said!” “Y…yes we did the experiment.” “Good. That’s all that really matters. Just out of curiosity who was this subject?” “P…princess Twilight.” “WHAT!! Are you insane? Why would you do that?! Is that why she’s covered in blood?!” “No. We didn’t do any cognitive damage. And we told Ghast we didn’t want to but he insisted.” “I believe you. Look just go back to your duties I need some time to think.” “Very well sir.” With that the scientists left Casimir. Casimir took the elevator up to his office and sat down at his desk. He pulled out his private reserve of whiskey and poured a shot glass. He downed the drink before resting his head on his hooves. “Relax Casimir just get a hold of yourself. He got what he wanted; everything’s okay. Everything’s okay.” “Its good you see that. When I have my way everything’s okay.” Casimir’s head shot up and turned rapidly to the terrifyingly familiar voice. “G…Ghast! What the buck you son of a bitch how did you get in here?!” “I’m more than meets the eye; you know this Casimir.” “Ghast why did you experiment on her!” “It’s not your job to know why I do what I do but it does no harm. So if you must know I felt she had too much independence in my grand play called life so I put a leash on her. I guess you share that in common,” Ghast snickered. Casimir cringed. “Buck you, you godless bastard.” “I am a god. I don’t see why you care so much. The safety of one princess for another; only difference is that she’s not your family. I know you don’t wish any harm to come to your only remaining family so wouldn’t you say Twilight’s worth it. You’ve already hurt so many; destroyed so many other families what’s one more life?” Casimir slammed his hoof down on the desk in anger. “You’re mocking me you horrid mother bucker!” “I hope nothing happens to your precious Prim.” Ghast pulled off Casimir’s lab coat with his magic. “Do you still have that scar on your stomach where I stabbed you,” Ghast snickered. “Get out. You said you only need my obedience well you have it. SO GET OUT YOU SON OF A BITCH. You stole my life just like you did with that colt.” “Don’t you remember YOU did that to Peryite. I only asked you to do the experiment; but it was your hoof and science facility that turned him into what he is. You put his leash on for me remember. I’ve been understanding. I understood your predicament when Lightspeed facility was shut down. I knew it was out of your power and didn’t punish you for being unable to fulfill your duties.” “You’re a monster. Now get out.” “I trust you’ll stay on the right path Casimir. Until we meet again.” With that Ghast left Casimir alone. Casimir poured himself another shot of whiskey and downed it. He waited catching his breath before drinking out of the bottle until it was 1/3 empty. Casimir rested his head on his hooves and slowly drifted off to sleep. “Can’t believe how much it took to get this city back from the Union.” “Yeah I know. I hope this was worth it.” “Well we rule the skies again and this place should prove its worth. The weather team is returning here in about a half hour. We should clean up and…” “Hold on. There appears to be some kind object approaching us rapidly.” “Look there, missile at two o’clock.” The missile hit Cloudsdale dead center. The city began to slowly implode as it was vacuumed and compacted. The airships and barges around it were also caught in the suction. The implosion lasted for about eight minutes before reversing and sending everything flying. “Spike can you fetch me a towel.” “Sure thing.” Spike ran down the hall and got a towel from the linen closet. As he turned around he came face to face with a familiar while Pegasus. He muffled Spike's mouth until he saw he was calmed down. “Where is the pink one?” “Huh. You mean Pinkie?” “No the Alicorn.” “Cadence. Why do you want her?” “You don’t need to know now. I’m here to help and you should know that.” “Alright. She’s in the next floor up she’s asleep…why do you want to…” “Thank you, now go about your business.” Spike watched the white stallion climb the flight of stairs. He remembered him and felt uneasy but decided on trusting him. “Remind me again why we’re bringing her into this?” William asked. “We all have parts to play. Even her,” the Mother replied. “I thought we decided against further use of the Dreamstride.” “This is something else. Just a dream.” “Very well.” William illuminated his hoof and placed it on Cadence’s head. “We should go.” “Agreed.” With that William quietly left the room. Cadence awoke in the Canterlot palace during the Grand Galloping Gala. She walked through the banquet halls greeting the guests as she went along. Everything seemed so pleasant and calming. The room was filled with the smells of perfume and food. As she trotted out to a balcony she came across a small white unicorn foal reaching for a red balloon. “Need any help with that?” she asked in a calming voice. The colt turned to her with a smile and stared into her with his blue eyes. She couldn’t speak or even breathe. She reached out to touch him to see if he was real. As she did the balloon floated away and the colt followed it. “W…wait,” Cadence wailed chasing the colt. She galloped as fast as she could but was somehow still out of reach. “Please stop!” The colt galloped down a staircase and turned the corner. Cadence soon followed but as she did she arrived at a door where the red balloon sat deflated. She opened the door to a small empty room. She looked around desperately for the colt but to no avail. Cadence turned back to the door and saw him standing on the other side with tears in his eyes. “Why did you leave me?” Cadence reached for him but the door slammed shut. She quickly galloped to the door and swung it open. She galloped onto a long pathway suspended over a void of stormy violet clouds. At the end a black stallion held the colt in his foreleg as the colt struggled against him. “Let him go! He isn’t yours!” Cadence wailed. “Ghast laughed at the alicorn. “Oh my dear that’s where your wrong. You see you’re all mine, all of you. A seed of darkness shall sit the throne. Bring the world to prosper or to moan. With a heart of gold or one stone. He stands with friends; or all alone.” A large temple sprouted seemingly out of nowhere and elevated Ghast and the foal. Cadence readied herself to fly but was pushed down. Familiar wicked laughter filled her ears as she turned to her aggressor. Peryite stood towering over her holding his blade to her neck. You had your fun. You laughed and played. But every tyrant has her day. "Looks like today’s yours.” “No wait,” Cadence wailed as Peryite thrust his blade through her throat. Cadence awoke in a sweat, crying. She buried her face in her foreleg. “I’m sorry! I never should have left you. I’m so sorry!”