//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Deadly Silence // by snowolfgirl //------------------------------// I am somepony not known to anypony. I am quiet, shy, and scared to talk to other ponies. that's probably why I am not known or cared about. i am a white coated pony with an alternating white and black mane and tail. When i get my cutiemark it's a skull with headphones. It's supposed to mean that I create deadly silence. I walk into a room and the moment I'm spotted its a tidal wave of silence throughout the room. My eyes are purple, the center is a skull as well, its normal whenever I'm happy. I'm also a unicorn but that doesn't matter I guess. Well that's everything except my name Deadly Silence. My parents didn't name me that... I don't even remember their faces. I gave that name to myself. I don't remember anything before the pink walls of the hospital room, which i find kind of sad because i wish i knew my family. It might give me some clue as to why I'm the way I am but i don't and that's ok.