Deadly Silence

by snowolfgirl

Waking up

I woke up in a bed somewhere that wasn't familiar to me. I sit up and look around kind of confused. There are a few beds around the pink walled room. I definitely don't like the room already, i hate pink, I hear hoof steps and young filly voices down the white hallway. They're getting closer so i quickly lay back down and cover my head with the blanket on the bed I'm in. There is another, older voice behind the filly's.

"she scares me. Why are we going into that room with her?" One of the fillies were whining because she didn't want to be in this room and from what i saw when i peek up from my blanket there were no other ponies in the room with me,so i have already repelled a pony without even trying.

"i needed to check up on her," this was the older pony talking. "You two know why shes here don't you?" They were outside the room door now just standing and talking.

"But Nurse Redheart..." that was the other filly who was then cut off by the older pony.
"her parents died in the accident and now shes all alone...we need to be kind to her. When she was found she wasn't responsive and couldn't even open her eyes. So now shes here with us and i have the job of checking up on her until shes responsive." The nurse's voice went flat when she said this, like she didn't want to be near me either.

"okay, but why did you have to bring us to?" This time both of the fillies said this in unison.

"I thought you two would want to walk with me, you two looked kind of bored in the lobby."All three ponies entered the room. From the sound of the hoofsteps, the fillies both retreated to a bed on the far side of the room away from me.

I felt gentle tugs on the thin blanket i had hidden in. She nurse pulled the blanket from me and was now using moving around and pressing buttons on machines around me. i started to quiver in a fear for the unknown. She put her hooves on my sides to sit me up and i jerked my eyes open and stared straight into her eyes. We held eye contact like that for what felt like forever. She dropped me back on the bed and backs up to the wall with her hoof over her mouth. "You...your..eyes" her words were almost silent and barely above whispers.

I could tell she was in shock so i looked around for the fillies who had came with her to visit me. One was a grey pony with a lighter grey braided mane and slightly wavy tail with a spoon cutiemark. She wore blue glasses and a pearl necklace. The other was a light pink pony with a wavy light purple and white mane and tail. She had a tiara cutiemark and wore a tiara. They were too busy talking and giggling to have seen me. I slowly laid back down and covered myself up again. "girls time to go" she sounded calm enough at this moment. "Girls time to leave now. I'm done here" Nurse Redheart leaves the room quickly with the fillies following closely behind her.

"How did you finish that fast?" One asks "I did't even see you do anything"
As the hoofsteps retreated I realized they had forgotten to shut the door, so i slowly crawled out of the bed. The bed was too high off the ground for my hooves to touch automatically because i was still just a filly myself, yep still a blank flank, so i kinda slipped off the bed and plopped on the ground. This is when i noticed how knotted up my mane and tail were. Although i was pretty shaky on my feet, I slowly walked to towards the door, gaining balance with each step. I had only taken a few short steps when i realized there was something attached to me. I look down and there were wires attached to my legs, stomach, neck, and back. I pulled each and every wire off by walking till they wouldn't reach anymore and fell over. The machine that held all the wires went nuts! It was beeping and saying random alerts and stuff so i looked at it and stared, then the machine was silent and all the lights on the machines went out. After the intense staring i laid down on the cool linoleum flooring in the pastel room of pink, drifting in and out of consciousness. Before everything went completely dark i saw a figure of another foal coming down the hallway then i blacked out.