A New World, An Old God

by Northern Desert

Celestial Transcripts - The Beginning

In the beginning, there was nothing...at least, this is what we have come to believe.  Both our science and magic researchers constantly find new outlooks on the beginning of the universe and, while we are able to constantly learn about its workings, we will probably never truly comprehend it.  Right now, we have come to the conclusion of a powerful entity that sparked the light to lead to all life.  Through both history and what magical readings we have come up with, we estimate that this powerful being had a massive impact with the creation and development of our world.

        One of our oldest chroniclers of both magical and historical workings of the world, Star Swirl the Bearded, came to the shocking discovery of the major cooperation between this divine being and her first creations: The Draconequui and Alicorns.  With barely any of these creatures alive around this time, Star Swirl set out to the Kingdom of Forgotten Souls, old ruins of an ancient kingdom.

It was there that he met the first Draconequus sighted in centuries.  This Draconequus went by the name of Discord.  While he never answered questions on how many of his race were left, Discord was able to provide very reliable material on the story of a ‘Goddess’ who lead to the creation of our world and its further existence.

Discord told of the darkness that was the universe, how it and only it existed.  But suddenly, something new sprouted from the nothingness, that something came to be known simply as ‘God’ or ‘Goddess’ since the draconequus was sure that this divine being was female.  Once she came to this empty void, she sparked light and life that spread all across the universe.  Planet after planet was created, how many is unsure, and when ours came to be is unclear.  But we do know that once she had finished with the celestial bodies and worlds, she went to work on one particular planet.


Discord went into detail at the brilliance of this creator, how she chose to use the world we live on now as an experiment, one that still runs to this day.  She set to work terrascaping Equus.  After she saw her masterpiece complete, she quickly became bored and moved onto filling the empty world with all kinds of life.  The first two being the Alicorns and Draconequui.

Under her, these two powerful races set out to shape the world in her image.  They modified areas to hold certain types of life and where many different kinds of animals could live, grow, and die.  It was after this that the two species started to create more sentient creatures.  The Alicorns brought about the three pony tribes, minotaurs, donkeys, camels, and many other four legged mammals.

While these new creatures worked with each other in an orderly manner, the Draconequui took a more...chaotic approach to their own creations.  Dragons, Griffons, Gargoyles, and other strange species.  All of this took place in a relatively close time period, so the quick pace in which this went lead to certain conflicts.  Who would go where, what land would they have.

This was when the unity of both the Alicorns and Draconequui began to slip.  Unfortunately for Equus, even Goddess and Gods have their own flaws and faults.  The one who guarded the peace was no different, and her mistake was more dangerous to all of the races.  This mistake would lead to a temporary alliance of all races and the death of thousands.

The creation of Tartarus.

It was originally set to stow away all of the mistakes and failures that the Goddess had created when exploring other planets.  One planet in particular held some of the most vile creations that she had ever created.  On a desert-like world known as ‘Hell’s Gate’, the divine being had miscalculated how much the environment who affect those she placed on it.  When she created a portal to both worlds she and Equus were not met with the docile inhabitants of the other planet, but demonic creatures that attacked the surrounding area.

Now, Star Swirl noted that the young draconequus went into something of a rant about these monster.  Calling them “mistakes”, and how “they should never have survived the conditions of that planet”.

When Star Swirl was interviewing him, he was shocked to see the mood of the cheery Draconequus change into one of terror.  He had asked Discord on how the planet had done such a thing to these creatures.

All he got in response was this, “It was the water...no, what dwelled in the water.  That was what took their freedom...their sanity.”

Exactly what this ‘it’ was that dwelled in the water was never explained by the Draconequus, but Star Swirl later got a clear idea on what ‘it’ may be.

Discord went on to explain the terrible war between the Goddess, Alicorns, Draconequui, and all other races of Equus and these invaders.  Land was reshaped and twisted, dark trees sprung up until it created a massive forest, and the oceans below became riddled with volcanos and cracks.  Finally, the Goddess and her forces were able to drive the demons back to Tartarus, the gate she had made, and as to never allow the monsters to return, she created an elaborate prison that would entrap monsters that saw to enter that way.

        After the horrible event had ended, this left scars upon all life on Equus.  They had fought with each other, and this war was probably the only reason that they themselves had not fought amongst each other.  This fear of war would last for countless centuries, leaving them in a state of peace...but also a state of absolute dread.

        However, old feelings of unity soon died out as kingdoms began to form.  With the Goddess of Equus withdrawn from her people, for she feared what her power had done, the many species of the planet looked for leaders.  Naturally, the Alicorns whom had formed a powerful monarchy and the Draconequui who had constructed a democracy of sorts where the two choices.

The Draconequus had expressed to the old unicorn that while their people had been at odds with each other for countless millennium, both sides had agreed on a avoiding a full out world war.  It was not until the destruction of an entire species that this agreement was shattered.  While the exact nature of this dead race is unknown to Discord, he does say that their sudden end came under skeptical circumstances and when the Draconequui and Alicorns performed a joint investigations, the Draconequui revealed to the public that the species came to an end by a strange poison that had contaminated their crops.

        However, on who was responsible for the poisoning became clear to both the Draconequui and Alicorns.  Star Swirl does not mention exactly who Discord said caused the extinction, but he went into great detail on how this tore apart what little harmony the Alicorns and Draconequui had.  New hatred for each other lead to an age out event, one that had rattled the very soul of the world since its first arrival.


Discord went into great detail on how both sides had committed horrible acts.  The monsters they created, the dark and forbidden powers they unleashed, and the death that followed their struggle.  Population numbers dropped drastically, leaders on both side had changed so much that all knowledge on the exact reason for the war faded into mystery.  Nothing could break the struggle; the Draconequui would obliterate an invading army of the Alicorns and their allies with their superior magic, only to enter the Alicorn’s kingdom to be outmatched by their superior magic.  This endless cycle seemed unstoppable.

        Chaos magic sprung various independent environments, ones that did not rely on the magic of order or harmony, but by thriving solely on time itself.  All things lived, died, and evolved at random intervals.  These areas would become the bane of future pony efforts to bring everything under one order.  To counter the creeping chaos that infected their lands, the Alicorns created a tree.  A tree of great power, one that radiated with magic.  This tree would strike the land around it, keeping the Draconequui’s magic at bay.

Star Swirl also mentions the various conversations he and Discord had on the matter, but what matters is what officially ended the conflict.  For while these species had been lead under the two ‘Alphas’, their regard for the great creator existed above all others.  When the Goddess made her sudden return, she quickly diffused the terrible conflict.

With a strong leadership once again returning to the world, the once fractured and warlike states that had strung up across the continent dissipated.  Incredibly, the unity that had died and was torn asunder had been healed.  Some speculate that the Goddess had used her power to calm or even warp the mind of her creations.  While neither of these hypotheses can be confirmed, the creator of Equus went to work creating a new, stable, government.

Taking the position of a Queen, she employed a multitude of races to take part in the governing of all life.  This was decided through the candidates’ purity and knowledge, and only those worthy of the position were chosen, no matter the race.

With a new government created, the Goddess went to work on repairing the world that was torn apart during the great war.  While it is unknown on the certain destruction that came with the battle, with both Discord’s information and what we’ve gathered from geological research, we can put into perspective that the island of the Griffon Kingdoms had been severed from the continent of Equus.

As time passed by, so did the dark feelings the Draconequui felt for one another.  Now seeking to further the sense of unity among her people, this Goddess gathered together an army of unimaginable numbers and power.  With this army, she sought to finally end the threat that Tartarus posed upon her world.  Leading an expedition through the prison, the Goddess and her army laid waste to the hoards of demons that stood in their way.

But this attack was not as simple as the first assumed it would be.  For these demons had somehow expanded from simple ravaging monsters into a society.  The monsters themselves had become united under the rulership of ‘The Red King’.  He himself would be considered a fellow God by the creator of Equus, commanding vast numbers of demons and his own set of hellish power.  He would provide a great challenge to our Goddess, and in the end his rule would still exist even after defeat.

Slowly but surely, Equus had become the ravaging invaders.  Ironic since this role had once been held by the demons, and even more so when they seemingly fled in terror from the forces of harmony.  These successful campaigns only furthered a group mentality that had been rekindled.  But the demons had a secret weapon that they had unleashed during the ‘Hot War’ as it is called.  This weapon was magic: blood magic.

While he was famous for his magical research, Star Swirl was never able to solve the secrets of demonic magic, as he so profusely explains in his journal.  He attempted to convince Discord to help him out with such foul magic, but the draconequus denied assistance in such matters.

But getting back on track with the ‘Hot War’, it is later detailed that the forces of the Goddess seemed to make their way to the capital of the demonic people.  While it would seem unwise to make such a bold move, it seemed to shatter the demons’ moral.  The battle for the demons’ home lasted 12 days and 12 nights, eventually ending with the breach of the king’s citadel.

It had been many years since the people of the planet had seen their creator, and still remembered her leaving them there.  Maybe the conflict had been born out of jealousy for the care the Goddess had put into the people of Equus or it was their need  to be free from their hellish home, but what had become clear to the Goddess was that with this defeat came a new era.

In this new era, this Goddess chose the path of peace and forgiveness.  In the defeat of the demonic kingdom, the creator of both those of Equus and those of the newly conquered set out to restore the demons and bring them under a rule that focused on peace.  It is unknown how exactly she did this or if she succeeded.

What had become clear was the stage that this Goddess had created.  She had taken more direct interaction with her creations, applying roles like they were actors in a play…

Even to me, this concept seems unbelievable.  That such a being existed. That my home had such a past.  And yet here I am, taking the knowledge of my mentor and parents and bringing it to this book.  Whoever is reading this will one day come and look for guidance, and I hope this can provided the information needed to conquer such challenges.

There is still more to what my parents, ancestors, and mentor has spoken of the past...there is a much darker evil that lurks below us, watching our every action.  I have seen it first hand...it is the reason I believe the tales, the stories meant to frighten children of the Alicorns and Draconequui.  While I was able to succeed, to momentarily drive him back, I could feel that his return was...premature.  And when he does finally return, I fear that I will not be able to stop him.

I urge you...no, beg you to finish this story.  If you are reading this, than I have released this because I have been left with no choice.  I wish to keep such secrets like these to keep them from panicking...but I know that one day I will have no choice but to inform the world of probably our greatest threat.

        -Celestia Transcript, written by Princess Celestia, ruler and patron to Equestria.