All Hail Megatron! Ruler of the Crystal Empire!

by General Grievous Hero

1-The Search for the Mini-Cons

On Earth's moon, the Mini-Con fallen starship, Exodus, was the Decepticons' headquarters. Megatron was in his throne as Starscream was talking to him.

"We need to find more Mini-Cons!" Megatron told Starscream.

"I know, my liege. We just need to find another energy source," his subordinate told him.

"Starscream, scout the area for the Mini-Cons."

"Um. Right away Megatron," Starscream responded.

Then Starscream left the moon and transformed into his jet mode. He headed towards Earth.

When Starscream arrived on Earth, he went to the city of Canterlot. He saw many cars and buses. But he also noticed something weird about the humans' skin colors. Why do the humans have weird colors on their skins? Starscream thought in his head. Hmm...

Starscream flew down by Canterlot High School. He looked at the school.

"Hmm. No Autobot activity?" Starscream thought aloud. "Time for me to investigate. TRANSFORM!"

Starscream transformed from his jet mode into his robot mode. He looked at the Crystal Mirror.


Starscream touched the Crystal Mirror and his hand went through the mirror. "What?" He turned away from the mirror to contact Megatron. "Starscream to Megatron. I've found a weird portal. It's something special. I think you should come,"

"Are you sure it's safe?" Megatron asked on the comlink.

"Yes. We need to go through it. Maybe Mini-Cons could be on the other side."

"Very well, Starscream. Don't lead me into something I don't want," Megatron explained. "Megatron OUT!"

Then the comlink turned off.

Megatron left the throne of the Exodus and headed towards the warp drive. He went inside the drive and showed up where Starscream was. He looked at the 2nd-In-Command of the Decepticons.

"Are you ready, Starscream?" Megatron asked.


Then the 2 Decepticons went into the Crystal Mirror. When the Decepticons arrived from the other side of Crystal Mirror at Equestria, Megatron looked at the inside of the Castle of Friendship.

"This is where you brought us, Starscream?" Megatron questioned the 2nd-In-Command.

"Um. Yes, Megatron. I thought it would have Mini-Cons," Starscream responded.

Megatron looked angry. "You have failed again, Starscream. You're terminated!" Megatron told Starscream before slapping him to the ground.

Megatron's slap caused the entire Castle to shake.

Upstairs in the throne room of the Castle of Friendship, the Mane 6 and Starlight Glimmer shook.

"What was that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Sounds like it came from downstairs! Come on, y'all!" Applejack commanded.

The Mane 6 and Starlight Glimmer ran downstairs to the library of the Castle. As they were running, they heard another crash.

"Whoever is down there is making a whole bunch of noise!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Indeed. How did they get into the Castle?" Rarity asked.

"I have no idea," Pinkie Pie responded. "But we need to get them out of there before they destroy the entire Castle,"

Then the Mane 6 and Starlight ran towards to the library as they heard another slap.

Starscream held his chest. He was wounded. "I was only trying to follow your orders sir."

"You failed me again, Starscream. I'll kill you for your failures!" Megatron yelled.

He then pulled out the Requiem Blaster and prepared to fire at Starscream. But just as Megatron was going to fire, the Mane 6 and Glimmer entered the room.

"WHOA!" the Mane 6 and Glimmer gasped.

Megatron stopped. He looked at Starscream and then at the ponies. "Are you the local lifeforms here?" Megatron asked.

"Yes!" Twilight yelled. "Who are you?!"

Megatron looked at the Mane 6. "I'm Megatron, Emperor of Destruction of the Decepticons. Who are you?" he demanded as Starscream got back up and stood by his side.

"I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, ruler of Ponyville. What do you want, Megatron?" Twilight asked.

"I didn't mean to alarm you. My subordinate told me they were Mini-Cons here. I believed him until I ended up here. We'd best be heading back," Megatron told the Mane 6.

"Thank you for leaving," Fluttershy said nicely.

"Um. You're welcome," the Emperor responded.

"Come along, girls. We'd better get ready to go to the Crystal Empire so we can meet Cadance and the others," Rainbow told everyone.

Megatron and Starscream stopped. Empire? Megatron thought. I didn't know that these ponies had an empire. I could take their empire and conquer their planet instead Cybertron. This does interest me.

"Did you just say 'Crystal Empire'?" Megatron asked.

"Yeah. It's just a normal kingdom. Acts more like one than an empire," Pinkie Pie explained.

"Where is this...Crystal Empire you speak of?" Megatron asked Pinkie Pie.

"It's pretty far from here. You have to take the Friendship Express."

"Thank you, pink one, but we don't need to take no train. We are Decepticons. We can fly on our own. Starscream, fallout!" Megatron commanded.

"Umm...yes Megatron," the Seeker responded.

Megatron and Starscream took off into the sky and destroyed the ceiling. Starscream transformed into his jet mode and followed his Emperor.

"Should we stop them?" Starlight Glimmer.

"Yeah. We'd better follow them. I have no idea what the Decepticons could be up to," Twilight explained.

"Personally, I liked Megatron's design," Rarity told the Mane 6.

"Rarity, nopony cares about fashion right now!" Applejack stated. "Megatron's on his way to the Crystal Empire with who knows what?"

"Come on girls. Let's find out what the Decepticons are going to to do," Twilight commanded.

Then the Mane and Starlight left the Castle of Friendship and headed towards the Friendship Express.

Megatron and Starscream arrived at the Crystal Empire seeing the Crystal Ponies.

"Does everything have to be happy here?" Starscream asked Megatron.

"Why, yes, Starscream. The ponies seem to be made out of crystal..." Megatron said as he looked at the ponies.

The 2 Decepticons headed towards the Crystal Castle. When they got inside the throne room, they saw Princess Cadance and Shinning Armor.

"Hello there. I'm Megatron, Emperor of Destruction," Megatron introduced.

"I'm Princess Cadance, ruler of the Crystal Empire. This is my husband, Shinning Armor," Cadance introduced, motioning to herself and then Shining Armor. "What do you want Megatron?" she asked.

"I want to take over this Empire so I can attack your capital and rule Equestria!" Megatron explained his sinister plan to the Princess.

"What?! You can't do that, Megatron. The Crystal Empire isn't like a regular empire!" Shining Armor told Megatron.

"Then why is it still named the Crystal Empire?' Megatron asked,

"Because-" Cadance started, only to pause.

"See? You don't know what to say!" Megatron told Cadance. "From now on, I will enslave your people. You are no longer in charge of the Crystal Empire. Starscream, get them!"

Starscream walked over to Cadance and Shinning Armor. He grabbed them and then faced the Emperor.

"Now what, Megatron?" Starscream asked.

"Throw them into a cell. I like my new throne room," Megatron said.

Starscream took Cadance and Shinning Armor to the cell bays. Megatron sat down in his new throne.

"Now all I have to do is figure out how to enslave the people. I didn't bring Demolishor or Cyclonus with me. I wish I did. Who should I use?!" Megatron thought aloud.

When the Friendship Express arrived, the Mane 6 and Starlight got out and ran towards the Crystal Castle.

"Come on! Megatron's already inside!" Twilight yelled.

"I'll stop him!" Rainbow yelled as she flew towards the Castle.

"Rainbow Dash, wait!" Rarity yelled.

Rainbow Dash ignored Rarity and went inside the Crystal Castle. Inside the the throne room, Megatron and Starscream were talking.

"We need to go back and get Demolishor and Cyclonus. We can't enslave an entire Empire without their help," Starscream told Megatron.

"I know, Starscream. Right now, we need to use..." Megatron started before seeing an angry Rainbow Dash headed his way. He smiled. "Them."

Rainbow Dash tried to charge at Megatron but Swindle, Starscream's Mini-Con, transformed from his drag car mode and grabbed Rainbow by her waist.

"<<Got you!>>" Swindle spoke in his Mini-Con speaking.

"Let me go, Megatron!" Rainbow yelled.

"Look, Megatron! Swindle captured one of those ponies!" Starscream yelled.

"You're the Rainbow one we met at the other Castle. How many cities do you have here?" Megatron asked the rainbow-maned pony.

"Why do you wanna know?" Rainbow asked Megatron.

"So I can use it for helping other cities," Megatron lied.

"Yeah. I've heard that one before!" Rainbow yelled.

"Believe me, pony. I'm telling the truth," Megatron lied again.

"Look, I've got a name! The name's Rainbow Dash, okay?!" Rainbow introduced. "I'm one of the fastest flying things on Equestria."

"The fastest?"

"The fastest," Rainbow responded.

"Actually, I'm the fastest thing on Equestira!" Starscream yelled.

"You're fast?! HAHAHAAHAHAH!" Rainbow mockingly laughed. "I saw you transform into some sort of vehicle or what, but I can totally crush you in a race!"

"Oh yeah?!" Starscream yelled. "I can beat you in anything!"

"Prove it. Tomorrow, we'll have a race to settle things. If I win the race, you and Megatron return back to your world. If you win, you can stay and do whatever you want in the Crystal Empire. Deal?"

Starscream looked at Megatron. "Deal! I'll crush you in the race!" the Seeker yelled.

The rest of the Mane 6 and Starlight Glimmer walked over to Megatron, Starscream, Swindle, and RD.

"Let her go, Megatron!" Twilight yelled.

"I will," the Emperor of Destruction told Twilight. "I've just accepted Rainbow Dash's challenge."

"Rainbow Dash's challenge?" Pinkie Pie asked Megatron. "What kind of challenge? A cake-eating challenge?! A box-eating challenge?! Or a cupcake-eating challenge?! Huh? Huh? Huh?" Pinkie asked various times.

Megatron looked at Pinkie Pie, confused.

"Why would you even eat a box? So weird! Anyway, Rainbow Dash's challenge is challenging my subordinate, Starscream, to a race! If Starscream wins, we'll stay and rule the Crystal Empire. If Rainbow Dash wins, we'll leave the Crystal Empire alone and return to Earth. What do you think of that, Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

"You sure you can beat him, Rainbow?" AJ asked.

"Of course I can. I can beat anypony in Equestria," Rainbow bragged.

"But you're not going against a pony, Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy warned. "You're going up against a robot!"

"Yeah, I can still beat him," Rainbow snorted.

"Where will the race take place?" Megatron asked.

"The race will be up in Cloudsdale! Just be there in the morning!" Rainbow told everyone.

Then the Mane 6 and Glimmer walked out of "Megatron's" throne room. Megatron looked at Starscream.

"Do you think you're up to the challenge, Starscream?" Megatron asked.

"Yes. I want to show her the Decepticons can beat ponies!" Starscream told Megatron.

"I hope so Starscream. For your sake..." Megatron said.

"Um. Sir?"

"If you fail, I will terminate you, soldier!" Megatron yelled. "I don't want to lose the Crystal Empire to the ponies again!"

"Yes sir. I'll begin practicing!" the Seeker yelled.

Then Starscream walked out of throne room to practice for the race.

The End of Chapter 1.